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Daredevil Page 3

by Fiona Davenport

  I take a quick shower and dress in another pair of loose track pants and a fitted, black tee. When I walk back out into the main area of the trailer, Ainsley is still perched on the couch with the notepad, chewing on the end of the pen and staring out the window. My eyes zero in on her mouth, and I find myself irrationally jealous of that writing utensil.

  My eyes sweep over her, and I hold back a growl of approval. I fucking love the way she looks in my clothes and if they weren’t so big on her, I’d insist she stay in them when we go to the hotel. It’s also impractical for her to wear them while we flesh out some of her stunt work.

  “Done with the list, baby?” I ask as I approach her.

  She stops nibbling the pen and glances down at the paper. “Uh, yeah. I guess.” Our fingers brush when she hands it to me, and an electric spark zings across my skin. Ainsley stares at her fingers and then looks up at me. “Is it always like this?”

  “Is what like this?” I ask as I sit next to her and unfold her legs, setting her feet in my lap.

  “Attraction. So tangible and overwhelming?”

  I shake my head and run a digit down her arm, smiling at the shiver it elicits. “I’ve never felt anything like this before,” I admit. “But I have no doubt it will always be like this with us.”

  She doesn’t say anything, but her full lips tip up at the corners and her eyes are bright with pleasure. I lift the pad and see that she’s written six or seven items on it. “You can add to this later,” I tell her before ripping the top piece off and folding it in half. Lifting my hips, I stick it in my pocket, then gently push her legs down and stand. Grabbing her hand, I pull her to her feet and kiss her nose, then mouth. I want to deepen it, but I don’t think I have the control right now. Besides, we have work to do.

  We stop at Ainsley’s dressing room first so she can change into a pair of spandex shorts and a tight tank top. It shows off her tits more than I like, but it will only be us in the practice room and her outfit makes the most sense for working on stunts.

  For the next several hours, we collaborate on her choreography for several scenes. I’m completely blown away by her creativity and abilities. I love watching her, but it does nothing to help with my constant state of arousal.

  Finally, I call a halt to the session, making sure we have time to hit her trailer before heading over to The Lennox. “I’ll talk to Jackie about adding aerial ribbons to the practice room,” I tell her as we walk. We came up with the idea of her tying up a long piece of fabric that she could dangle on once she gets into the vault. She’d use some of her aerial skills to maneuver through the room without touching the floor. I wasn’t sure what she’d attach it to, but the set designer and I would come up with something.

  “It’s going to be so much fun.” She rubs her hands together in excited anticipation, making me laugh at how adorable she looks.

  While she showers, I take the opportunity to look for a bag so I can pack up some of her things. I find a duffle in her closet and use the task to keep my mind off of the fact that she’s naked and wet with just a thin wall between us.

  An idea has been forming in my head, so I pick items with this in mind. When I pull open a drawer full of lace and silk, I can’t help but grin. My innocent girl has a naughty side. I scoop up several things, making sure to grab a white panty and bra set.

  Once I have everything, I mosey out to the front and sit at the kitchen table. Then I grab my cell from my pocket and make a quick call.

  Just as I’m hanging up, the bathroom door opens and Ainsley steps out looking so fresh and beautiful without any makeup and her long, red hair hanging in soft waves. She glances down at the bag in my hand and then at my face, raising an eyebrow.

  I shrug and place my hand on her lower back, guiding her to the trailer door. “You never know what you might need.”

  “Might need?” she echoes, giving me a curious glance at I help her down the few steps outside.

  When we’re both on the ground, I pull her close and steal a deep, passionate kiss. After a few minutes, I pull back and am satisfied to see the dazed look on her face. Taking her hand, I begin to walk towards the parking lot and since she remains silent, I assume her attention has been sufficiently diverted.

  Cannon’s foot misses my face by millimeters as he delivers a fake roundhouse. At just the right moment, I jerk back and allow myself to stumble before shoving off with enough force to fall over the railing of the bridge and into the massive hotel fountain below it.

  The pool is fairly shallow, but it’s deep enough to keep me from breaking anything when my back hits the water. I let myself sink for a few minutes, then pop up out of the water.

  I wipe the moisture from my eyes and grin as Jackie and Donovan, the actor I’m doubling for, wade out to me. “Looks good, Rem,” Donovan says with a matching smile.

  “Sure it does,” I tease. “Cause you’re not the one doing it.”

  Donovan laughs and claps me on the shoulder. “Better your bones than mine, Remington.”

  Jackie rolls her eyes at our banter then gives Donovan some instruction before heading back to dry land. We discuss the stunt for a few minutes, and then I leave him to submerge himself so they can tape him coming up out of the water for the film transition.

  Ainsley is standing just off to the side when I climb out of the fountain, and she hands me a towel. “Thanks, baby.” I lean in to give her a kiss, and she jumps back making me frown and growl. “Get your ass back over here and kiss me, Ainsley.”

  She shakes her and laughs. “You’re all wet, Rem!”

  I look down at myself and then chuckle and give her a sheepish grin. “I forgot. I just want to kiss you whenever I see you.”

  Ainsley’s face lights up, and she tilts her head to the side, giving me a sweet smile. “Me too.”

  I decide she’ll just have to deal with it because I need her lips on mine. Lunging forward, I snake my hand around her waist and tug her body right up against my soaking wet one. Then I bend and drown her yelp of protest in a drugging kiss. It’s starting to get really hot when we’re interrupted by a deep, dry voice.

  “Well, well. And here I thought Beatrice didn’t have a love interest in the movie.”

  I lift my head and glare at Andrew Lennox, the owner of the hotel. “She doesn’t,” I grunt with annoyance.

  “Then what’s she doing practicing her kissing skills with a punk like you?” He eyes me up and down dramatically. “After all this time, Tyson figured those parts of you were broken.”

  Before I can address his smartass remark, a very pregnant, dark-haired woman waddles up beside him and smacks him on the chest. “Isn’t that what they said about you before we met?”

  Drew grins proudly and gestures to her protruding belly. “Clearly, they were wrong.”

  “Give me a few months, and I’ll prove you’re wrong too,” I drawl. Ainsley gasps, but I move the conversation along by introducing everyone. “Ainsley, this is Drew Lennox, owner of The Lennox Hotel and Casino. And, Autumn, the woman he obviously tricked into marrying him.”

  Drew pulls Autumn close and shrugs. “Doesn’t matter how it happened. She’s mine forever.”

  I glance at Ainsley and find myself a little envious of him, but then remember the plan. I’ll have that soon enough. My eyes fall to Autumn’s stomach again, and I picture Ainsley in the same condition. She’d look fucking gorgeous with a round belly. While I hope to put my kid in her as soon as possible, I know I should make sure that she’s ready for it, since it will put her career on hold. My hypothetical fingers are crossed, but I’ll wait. As long as I have her.

  When I’m drawn out of my thoughts, Drew is about to shake Ainsley’s hand and instinctively, I snatch it back before they can touch. That’s when I realize Ainsley’s T-shirt is clinging to her from being pressed up against me. It’s also become a little see-through, showing off her pink bra. I take the towel from around my shoulders and drape it over her, closing it tightly over her tits.

sp; Drew laughs heartily, and I scowl at him. “Don’t you have money to count? Or do more gossiping with your girlfriend, Ty?” I know Drew had a very frank and in-depth conversation with Tyson and Jackie before he would allow me to be signed on for a film in his hotel. I hadn’t figured they’d discussed my love-life though, or lack thereof. I honestly don’t give a shit, but it gives me good fodder for busting his balls.

  Drew rolls his eyes and changes the subject. We talk for a few minutes about upcoming scenes, what I’ll need from his staff, and other details. Then we shake hands, and I guide Ainsley towards where the crew is set up.

  “Oh,” Autumn says, bringing us to a halt and turning back to her. “I saw that you booked a room. I changed it to a suite, and it’s on the house. Just check in with the front desk, and they’ll give you a key.”

  I glance back and give her a grateful smile, “Thanks. I wasn’t looking forward to taking my girl out to dinner still smelling like chlorine and dirty fountain water.”

  “No problem,” Autumn says with a wave. “Ainsley, I’d love to get together sometime while you’re still in Vegas.” Then she smiles a little wickedly and wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. “We can eat at The Lennox, then go watch Griffith Thorne rehearse.” My eyes narrow and my arm tightens around Ainsley at the thought of her meeting the rock god so many women swoon over. I imagine my expression matches the one on Drew’s face when he leans down and mutters something about a spanking.

  Can’t say I wouldn’t do the same.

  I grab our stuff and give Ainsley a jacket I dig out of my bag to replace the towel. Then we make our way to the hotel. After picking up the room key and two packages I’d had delivered, we take the elevator to the thirtieth floor and head down the hall to a pair of French doors that lead to our corner suite. I unlock it and when we step inside, Ainsley gasps and sprints over to the windows that overlook The Strip. I’d felt tension radiating from her the whole way here, but it seems to be forgotten as she takes in the view.

  She looks gorgeous standing there in the light of the moon. Even in jeans and my jacket that is practically dwarfing her.

  Silently, I pad over to the bigger of the two bedrooms and drop our bags on the bed. I rummage through Ainsley’s until I find what I’m looking for, then take it, and the bigger of the two packages, to the other room and leave it on the bathroom counter. Returning to the living room, my legs swiftly eat up the distance between us and I stand behind her. I brush her thick hair over one shoulder and kiss her bared neck and smile when she shivers. I’m hard as a fucking baseball bat, but I’m determined to keep myself in check until the right moment. After taking a deep breath, I murmur, “I’m going to grab a shower in the master bath, baby, why don’t you use the other one and get out of these wet clothes. I left a surprise for you.”

  Ainsley turns to face me and lean up on her tiptoes to place a sweet kiss on my lips. “Okay,” she agrees then saunters over to the door, the natural sway of her hips keeping my eyes glued to her flawless ass.

  In less than ten minutes, I’m showered and dressed in black slacks and a white dress shirt, with a green tie that perfectly matches Ainsley’s eyes. I stick the smaller item in my pocket and return to the front room where I settle on the couch to wait. However, it isn’t more than another five minutes before she’s sauntering out of the other bedroom.

  I stand and when I get a good look at her, my breath gets caught in my lungs, and I feel as though the world stops spinning. She looks incredible.

  On an impulse, back in Ainsley’s trailer, I’d called in a favor from a friend and had them pick up a white sundress in Ainsley’s size and send it to the hotel along with the surprise burning a hole in my pocket. It’s amazing what money and favors can do.

  The bodice is fitted, with thick straps on either shoulder, and the knee-length skirt flares out at her hips, swirling around her legs as she walks. My eyes drop to the tall, silver heels on her feet and desire slams into me when I picture them digging into my ass while I pound in and out of her hot little pussy.

  My cock is already hard and aching, but knowing she’s wearing the lacy lingerie I picked out underneath it is truly testing my ability to keep from ripping it off and burying myself deep inside her.



  “When you told me I was coming with you to the shoot tonight, I wasn’t expecting to change into a new dress in a swanky hotel suite at the best hotel in town after you were done.” For an impromptu date—one I didn’t even know we were having and my first date ever—it seems Remington went all out. I’m not sure how he pulled it off since he didn’t have much time to plan. “What else do you have up your sleeve?”

  My voice wavers at the end when I finally notice how he’s dressed. In athletic pants and a tee, Rem is hotter than any guy I’ve ever met. But, he takes it to a whole other level when he’s dressed up. Add in a tie that makes his eyes look even more green, and my white lace panties are at serious risk of spontaneously combusting. “Wow.”

  He prowls towards me, his intense gaze raking me from head to toe. “You stole my line.”

  I run a trembling hand down the front of my dress, smoothing out the flared skirt. When he gets close, he wraps his fingers around my wrist and lifts my arm. Then he brushes his lips against my knuckles, making me shiver. “It’s a good thing I’m only doing stunts with you and not any scenes with lines. Jackie would quickly come to regret her decision to hire me to play Beatrice because I’d never be able to remember what I’m supposed to say.”

  He slides his free hand around to my lower back. “You think I’d be a distraction for you, baby?”

  “Definitely,” I breathe when he pulls me close. “I’ve worked with plenty of guys at Cirque, and I’ve never had any problem focusing on my routines. But my reaction to you is completely different.”

  His eyes fill with a possessive gleam as he presses my body flush against his. “You’d better not react to any other guys at all.”

  “That’s not what I—”

  He doesn’t give me the chance to finish my sentence. He clasps my face between his hands before claiming my lips in a deep kiss. Then he tilts my head back to get a better angle, and his tongue sweeps inside my mouth to tangle with mine. He kisses the heck out of me, and it clouds my brain to the point that I can’t think clearly. I barely notice when he leads me over to the couch, pressing me against the cushions, and lowering his body over mine.

  I’m not sure how long we stay clasped together, kissing. All I know is that it feels so good. My hands roam over his lean muscles, stroking down his back as my nails dig into his skin. My breasts are crushed against his chest, my nipples hard pebbles poking against the bodice of my dress.

  Rem’s shaft is hard against my core. It’s so hot, I swear it almost burns through the layers of material separating us. Knowing I’m the reason he’s turned on is a heady thing, and a sense of feminine triumph surges through me. It makes everything I’m feeling more intense, and all I want is to get closer to Rem. I raise my knees to cradle his hips. My dress hikes up, and I moan as the bare skin of my inner thighs rubs against the material of Rem’s slacks.

  “Fuck, baby. I can feel exactly how hot you are for me.” He lifts up a little and slides his hand between us to cup my pussy. “And wet,” he groans.

  I’m a little shocked at first because nobody has ever touched me there. But then his palm brushes against my clit, and a burst of sheer pleasure rolls over my body. I instinctively press against his hand, unsure of exactly what I want him to do. Press harder, maybe. Or to rub against me. Whatever makes it feel even better. “Please.”

  “It’s okay, baby,” he soothes. “I’m only going to do some light petting over the clothes. I know you aren’t ready for anything more yet. I’m not going to push it too far.”

  My moan is a mixture of disappointment and need, but he doesn’t know that and it just urges Rem on. His hand doesn’t budge, no matter how much I wiggle against him, as he kisses down my
neck, nipping at the skin where my pulse flutters wildly. I glide my fingers up his back and neck to dig them into his scalp when he trails his mouth down one of the straps on my dress to the top swell of my breast. He kisses along the neckline, and I arc my back to give him better access.

  When he finally lifts his head, his green eyes are filled with a fierce need that matches my own. I’m surprised when he pulls his hand away from my pussy instead of sliding it into my panties. Then he shocks me more by nudging my legs off his hips and sitting up.

  "We’d better stop, baby.” His fingers dig into my sides as he sets me away, and I whimper in protest.

  I twine my arms around his neck and climb onto his lap, grinding against him. “No stopping. Not yet.”

  “We’ve got to, before we go too far.” He rests his forehead against mine. “My control is already hanging by a thread here, Ainsley.”

  “I have a better idea.” I slide my nose against his and whisper, “How about we forget about controlling ourselves and keep going until we lose it all? It’s Vegas. Nobody worries about the rules while they’re here.”

  He shakes his head with regret. “Sorry, baby. That rule is too important to you for me to help you break it.”

  “Gah! That just makes me want to have sex with you even more because you’re putting me first.” I slump against him, panting in need. Squeezing my eyes shut, I try to pull myself together, until an idea pops into my head. “There are other things we can do that’ll leave me a virgin but still give both of us a lot of pleasure, right?”

  “I want to say yes more than you can possibly know.” He grinds his hard length against me. “But we’re not going to keep your promise by a technicality. All these years, you didn’t let anyone touch you. That’d make me a complete asshole. As hard as it is to stop now, you deserve better from me. You can be damn sure I’ll always do what it takes to do right by you, no matter what it costs me.”


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