Turn the Page

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Turn the Page Page 18

by Logan, Sydney

  She smiled. “Sounds perfect.”

  Once Karin left, Jolie took Corbin by the hand and led him to the bedroom.

  “Are you tired?” he asked. “We could get in a nap before dinner.”

  “I’m not tired.”

  Not tired.

  Corbin watched as she started slipping out of her clothes. As much as he wanted her, he had no idea what to do. She’d just gone through something traumatic. Was this okay? Would she close her eyes and think of that asshole?

  Jolie stood before him, naked and beautiful.

  And he was paralyzed with fear.

  Sensing he needed her to take the lead, Jolie walked toward him and reached for the hem of his T-shirt. Within moments, the shirt, along with his jeans, joined her discarded clothes on the carpet. She reached for his hand and brought it to her lips. Corbin felt his body come to life as she leaned close and nuzzled her face against his neck.

  “It’s okay,” she whispered. “I want this. I want you.”

  Corbin closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her.

  “Are you sure?” he murmured.

  She didn’t answer. She simply pulled him over to the bed, pushing him back against the mattress. Corbin groaned softly as she crawled over him and straddled his waist. Leaning down, she brushed her lips against his, feather light and soft, until they both were trembling with need.

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything. I love you, Corbin James.”

  “I love you, too. I’ve missed you so much, baby.”

  She smiled and shifted against him. “I still love that name.”

  Corbin gently placed his hands on her hips, guiding her . . . until they both cried out in passion. In relief.

  In love.

  “Amazing, isn’t it?” Karin said.

  All Jolie could do was nod. Electricity crackled in the air, causing goosebumps to erupt on her skin. From their spot backstage, she and Karin could see everything. The stars. The fans. The crew. The band.

  “I’ve never seen so many people in my life!”

  “And they’re all here to see your man.”

  “Corbin doesn’t think so. He says he’s just the opening act.”

  Suddenly, the crowd began chanting Corbin’s name.

  Karin grinned and nudged her shoulder. “Whatever. I’ve managed a lot of clients and been to a lot of concerts. I’ve never heard them scream for an opening act like they do for Corbin James. He’s a rock star, and he doesn’t even know it. But Callum Records knows it. And they’re going to do everything in their power to make him stay.”

  Jolie didn’t have the chance to ask for details, because Corbin and the band walked out on stage, and the crowd went insane. The soft blue lights surrounded him as he sat down on the stool, and Jolie’s breath caught in her throat when he began to sing.

  She’d heard him sing before, of course, but there was something different about his music tonight. Maybe it was the crowd. Maybe it was the band.

  No. It’s his voice.

  Jolie opened her eyes and gazed at the man she loved so much. As he sat there, strumming his guitar and singing for his fans, she realized that it was Corbin’s voice that was different. Confident. Strong. Humbled. No matter how hard he tried to fight it, Corbin James was meant for the stage.

  Karin was right. Callum Records would do everything in their power to make him stay.

  Would he be tempted to say yes?

  Jolie knew she had to prepare herself for the possibility that he might.

  After the show, Corbin and Jolie headed for the car that would take them back to the hotel. His security team and Karin were right on their heels.

  “Okay, listen up,” Karin said as they walked. “I’m headed back to Nashville, but I’ll meet you in Cincinnati. The bus leaves at noon on Monday. Zeke probably wouldn’t leave without you, but please don’t chance it.”

  Corbin grinned. “Got it. Anything else?”

  “Nope. It was good to see you, Jolie.”

  “You, too. Thanks for hanging out with me backstage.”

  “My pleasure.” Karin grinned at them as they climbed inside the car. “Wow . . . two days off. Whatever will you guys do with yourselves?”

  She gave them a wink before closing the door. The driver had barely shifted the car into drive before Corbin was pulling Jolie into his lap and peppering her face with kisses.

  “Wow, are you always this excited after a show?”

  “I’m only excited because you’re here.” He smiled and played with a strand of her hair. “So, love of my life, what would you like to do for the next two days?”

  “Honestly, I just want to spend every single second with you. Other than that, I couldn’t care less what we do. I’d be perfectly content to never leave the room.”

  “Really? You don’t want to see the city?”

  “I just want you.”

  Corbin leaned down and kissed her softly. Before long, they were making out like teenagers. When they finally came up for air, they were surprised to see that they were already at the hotel. The driver smirked at them in the rearview mirror.

  “Mr. James, your security team is waiting at the back entrance. Should I keep driving around or are you two ready for some privacy?”

  Completely embarrassed, Jolie buried her face against Corbin’s chest. He grinned at the driver.

  “Sorry about that. Yes, we’re ready to go inside.”

  “Don’t apologize. It’s good to see two people in love. I’ll just get your door.”

  Corbin and Jolie thanked the man, and he wished them a good night as the security team swarmed them once again. The guards led them to a service elevator that took them to the suite. As soon as they reached the room, Corbin stuck the Do Not Disturb sign on the knob and told the security guards he’d see them in two days before slamming the door behind them.

  Jolie laughed. “Rude?”

  Corbin twisted the locks.

  “Not at all. Come here.”

  “Hmm.” Jolie pretended to ponder before running toward him and leaping into his arms. Corbin chuckled as she wrapped her legs around his waist, but his laughter faded when she pressed her forehead to his, gazing at him with so much love it nearly caused his legs to buckle beneath him.

  “I have a surprise for you,” she said softly. “Carry me to the bathroom?”

  Corbin chuckled at the strange request, but he did as she asked. As he stepped into the room, they were immediately welcomed by the scent of lavender and the glow of flickering candles. A bubble bath awaited them.

  “Karin arranged it,” Jolie said.

  They slowly undressed each other before stepping into the bath. Corbin settled behind her, and she leaned against his chest.

  Jolie sighed happily. “Best manager ever.”

  “She takes very good care of me. She also knows how much I’ve missed you. How much I’ve needed you. Tonight was our best show yet, and that’s because you were there. I was finally whole again.”

  The sadness in his voice nearly brought her to tears.

  “Has it been bad? The loneliness, I mean.”

  “At times. Talking to you every day helps. So does the journal.”

  “What about the band?”

  “Liam and Jay are great. Randall . . . it’s hard for me to be around him for too long. He reminds me so much of the old me, you know? And he has a wife at home. I just find it ridiculous that he’d risk his marriage for a groupie that he’ll never see again.”

  “That’s so sad.”

  “It’s not unusual, though.” Corbin pulled her hair aside and placed a soft kiss against her neck. “The life of a musician can be very lonely. I know that sounds crazy since you just saw us play in front of thousands of screaming fans, but it’s the truth. At the end of the show, those bright lights fade, and you find yourself wired on adrenaline and all by yourself. You need something—and sometimes someone—to make the loneliness go away.”

  Jolie was almost afraid to ask her next
question, but she asked it, anyway.

  “Have you felt that way?”

  “Lonely? Absolutely. Why do you think I text or call you every single day? Sometimes I miss you so much it hurts. I think about what’s happening at home. What I’m missing with my family. Sometimes it can get overwhelming.”

  “But you haven’t fallen off the wagon.”

  “No. I haven’t cheated, either.”

  “Corbin, I never thought—”

  “I know. But I wanted to tell you, anyway.”

  Jolie snuggled closer to his chest. “I’ve been lonely, too. Nights seem to be the hardest. I guess because I’m focused on the store during the day. But at night . . . when I’m wrapped in your T-shirt and your body wash . . .”

  Corbin kissed her shoulder. “I know, baby. I know.”

  “I’ve journaled a lot,” she said, laughing softly. “You’re gonna have so much to read when you get home.”

  “I can’t wait to read every single word. On our front porch.”

  Jolie smiled. “That sounds nice. Our front porch.”

  “Our front porch. Our house.”

  “I still can’t believe that land belongs to my dad.”

  “I know. He won’t sell it to me, but he’ll give it to us. I guess that means you’ll have to marry me.” Corbin chuckled. “That’s what we could do while we’re here in St. Louis. Find a chapel and a preacher and just do it.”

  Jolie frowned. “Just do it?”


  “As in . . . get married?”

  “Why not?”

  “Our families would kill us.”

  “It’d be our secret,” he murmured against her ear.

  Jolie trembled as his lips ghosted along her neck.

  Did he really just propose?

  Suddenly, it was all too much. The bubble bath. The gorgeous man.

  The sweet conversation that had just turned very, very serious.

  With a heavy sigh, Jolie quickly climbed out of the tub and reached for a towel.


  She wrapped a robe around her and blew out the candles before heading toward the bedroom. Pulling back the curtains, she gazed at the St. Louis skyline and tried to make sense of her jumbled thoughts. Of course, she assumed they’d talk about marriage someday. After the tour. When Corbin was sure that days on the road were behind him. Why was he bringing it up now?

  “Okay, what just happened?” Corbin asked quietly from the doorway.

  She didn’t know what to say, so she didn’t say anything at all. She just stood there, looking out at the beautiful city until she felt his arms wrap around her waist.

  “Jolie, what’s wrong?”

  She took a deep breath and turned to face him.

  “Don’t propose to me just because you’ve been lonely.”

  Corbin blinked. “Is that what you think?”

  “I don’t know what to think.”

  “Jolie, it can’t come as a surprise that I want to marry you someday.”

  “Someday. Not at some chapel in some strange city without our family around us.”

  Corbin grinned and kissed her forehead.

  “I was just kidding about getting married this weekend . . . although, you could very easily talk me into it if that plan interests you at all.”

  “It doesn’t. Do you know why?”


  “Because that was like the least romantic proposal ever.”

  “Good thing it wasn’t the real proposal then.”

  Jolie frowned. Now that she knew he was joking she felt foolish. And a little disappointed. Which made no sense at all.

  “I love you, Jolie, and I do want to marry you. But you deserve the wedding of your dreams, and I won’t deny your father the chance to walk you down the aisle. And I’m pretty sure my mom would kill me. I’m curious, though . . .”

  “About what?”

  “If I had been serious—”

  “But you weren’t.”

  “What if I had been? What if I’d really proposed tonight? A real, truly romantic proposal?”

  Jolie sighed softly.

  “I would’ve said yes. So please don’t ask.”

  With a soft smile, Corbin lifted her hand to his lips.

  “I won’t. Not tonight. But soon, Jolie. Very, very soon.”

  Corbin trailed his fingers along her bare back, loving that she was close enough to touch. It was the middle of the night, but he was too happy to sleep. The woman he loved was in his arms. In his bed. And he didn’t want to sleep through a single second of it.

  He’d have to eventually. He knew that.

  But in that moment, with the satin sheet wrapped around her naked body, he couldn’t force his eyes to close.

  The peaceful serenity of the night was suddenly shattered by a loud pounding on the door. Both of them bolted up in bed.

  “What the hell?” Jolie wrapped the blanket tighter around her.

  Corbin leapt out of bed and pulled on a pair of jeans before racing to the door. He’d barely unlocked it before Karin rushed in, her face filled with panic.

  “Why is your phone off? Where’s Jolie?”

  “She’s in bed. What’s wrong?”

  Karin raced toward the room and stopped abruptly when she saw Jolie sitting up in bed, eyes wide and frantic.

  “Karin?” she asked softly. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “Your dad’s been trying to reach you for hours. He finally called Corbin’s dad who called me.”

  Jolie was totally freaked out now. “Is Dad okay?”

  “He’s fine.”

  “Then what?”

  Karin turned to Corbin. “You’re going home. First thing in the morning. Your flight leaves at six. You have to be in Cincinnati on Thursday, but I knew you wouldn’t let her go home by herself.”

  Corbin finally lost his patience. “I swear Karin, if you don’t tell us—”

  “It’s the bookstore.”

  Jolie shook her head. “I don’t understand . . .”

  “It’s gone.”


  Karin nodded slowly.

  “Burned to the ground.”

  Jolie stood in the middle of the rubble, her face turned toward the sky as the gentle rain continued to fall. Strong and quiet, she’d ignored her dad’s offer of an umbrella, content to walk through the rain and debris all by herself. From time to time, she’d pull a book from the ruins and reverently dust off the ash before tossing it back onto the ground.

  Corbin found it morbidly ironic. The rain came about twelve hours too late.

  They’d been inhaling the lingering smoke for hours, but Jolie refused to leave. She’d finally asked the men to stop hovering, so Corbin and Jolie’s dad had both headed to the truck. They sat in silence, staring through the rain-splattered windshield and watching the girl they love wander through what was left of her lifelong dream.

  “Your brother suspects arson,” Thomas said.

  Corbin nodded. Ben had told him the same thing. The question was . . . who? Who would do something so cruel?

  Only one name came to mind.

  Thomas sighed. “Ben and the boys tried to save it. By the time they arrived, there was nothing they could do except keep it contained so that it didn’t spread to the business next door.”

  Corbin glanced at the flower shop, grateful to see that it had been spared.

  “Fire marshal should be here tomorrow,” Thomas said. “Once the investigation is complete, the insurance money should help her rebuild.”

  Corbin nodded numbly. He was supposed to be in Cincinnati by Thursday, but there was no way he was leaving her to face an arson investigation all by herself. Karin, sensing his turmoil, had been texting him nonstop. Callum Records would just have to get over it, he’d told her, and he meant it. Sure, he’d be in breach of contract, and maybe they’d sue him, but Jolie needed him.

  Of course, if I’m in prison, the tour won’t matter at all.

sp; “I know what you’re thinking,” Thomas said quietly.

  “What am I thinking?”

  “Same thing I’m thinking, but we can’t kill him.”

  “You don’t honestly think I’m going to let him get away with this, do you? First, he dared to put his hands on her. And now this?” Corbin chuckled darkly. “Gavin Massey’s a dead man.”

  “He’s still in jail, as far as I know. He couldn’t have set the fire himself.”

  “I’m sure he didn’t light the match, but I don’t doubt for a second that he was the mastermind behind it.”

  “Then we’ll let the police handle it. Between the assault charge and now this, Gavin should stay in jail for a long time.”

  “Not good enough.”

  Thomas sighed heavily. “Son, listen to me. I understand how you feel. Don’t you think I want to shoot the bastard for touching my daughter?”

  “Good. Then you understand.”

  “Of course I understand. But I also understand that my daughter loves you. She needs you. She just lost her bookstore. She can’t lose you, too.”

  Corbin closed his eyes. “He has to pay for this. For everything.”

  “Agreed. And he will.” Thomas nodded and turned on the truck’s wipers. “The rain’s really picking up. You should probably go get her.”

  Corbin nodded and climbed out of the truck. Walking slowly, he stepped carefully through the charred remains as he made his way over to Jolie. He wrapped his arm around her.

  “Let’s go home, sweetheart.”

  The rain mingled with the tears on her cheeks. The sight of her so sad and broken nearly tore his heart to pieces.

  “I’m going to take care of this,” he whispered against her cheek. “And I’m going to take care of you.”

  Jolie looked up at him with her deep green eyes.

  “Let’s go home,” she whispered.

  Taking each other’s hand, the two of them walked slowly out of the rubble.

  “Corbin, as your manager, I have to advise you not to do this.”

  “I’m not leaving her, Karin.”

  She sighed from the other end of the phone. “I understand that, I truly do. But if you want to keep the label happy—and keep yourself out of legal trouble—you must fulfill the rest of your contract, and that means finishing the tour. I can probably get you out of a few dates. We’ll say it’s a family emergency. That’s the truth.”


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