To Madden a Marquess

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To Madden a Marquess Page 11

by Tamara Gill

  The drink held the temptation of numbness, a place where he’d no longer hurt. For the pain of losing Cecilia was enough to rip him in two. With a bellowing shout, he threw the glass into the fire, shattering it into a million pieces before swiping the decanter off the table and removing the temptation to fall back into that pit of hell.

  He’d fought hard to step away from losing himself in that way, and the loss of Cecilia, while it hurt now, and would hurt for many months to come, their hard work to get him well would not be in vain.

  He would not fail in that as well, nor would he allow her to think she was only good enough to be his mistress. The last week had been torture, he’d missed her, dreadfully so and would not allow his error, his rank to determine whom he wanted to be his wife.

  There was only one real choice as to who that should be. Hunter stood, starting for the door. No time like the present in winning back the woman he loved and would only ever love.

  Cecilia sat on her bed in the small room at the Spitalfields orphanage and thumbed through papers regarding the charity’s latest pupil who’d only arrived yesterday after being dropped off by her mother, a very sickly woman who stated she could no longer look after her four year old child.

  Cecilia had ensured she’d been placed near her room and with some of the older girls who promised to take care of her when she wasn’t about. The past week had been horrible, her mind muddled and hurt over Lord Aaron’s proposal to her.

  Not that she would ever consider being his mistress, but the fact that all the time she had been falling in love with his lordship, he’d been merely thinking of a way to make her his mistress. Never had she been so mortified, not even now when all of London found out she’d called off the understanding with Mr. White or that she was now living in reduced circumstances. None of that seemed important when the man one loved found you wanting and unworthy.

  A light knock sounded on the door and placing her papers on the small wooden desk that sat before a window, a chair, fireplace and bed the only furnishings the room beheld. It was a small space, but it suited her well enough.

  “Come in,” she said, picking up her shawl and placing it about her shoulders as her visitor stood within the threshold.

  “May I really come in?” Lord Aaron asked, working the gloves in his hand, so they twisted back and forth.

  Her body tingled at the sound of his voice. How she’d longed to hear it again, foolish as that thought was. “No, you may leave.” Cecilia sat at her desk, fussing with her papers. She had nothing to say to him, nothing she wished to import. His lordship had made his opinions and stance very clear last week, and they did not need to repeat the conversation.

  She heard him step into the room, the door closing behind him. “I’m sorry, Cecilia.”

  Cecilia stared out the window, the anger and pain that she’d been pushing down deep into her soul erupting like a volcano. “You’re sorry? I think not. Had you ever cared for me at all, even in the slightest way, you could never have asked me to be your mistress. I may not have your rank, but I have a family, my reputation. How could you ask such a thing from me?”

  He took the three steps that separated them and kneeled at her feet, clasping her hands. His piercing blue gaze earnest. “Because I’m a fool who didn’t know that the feelings I had for you were not merely lust, but so much more than that. This past week, knowing that I hurt you, insulted you in such a way has broken me. I don’t pretend to be a perfect man, by God you know more than anyone that I’m not, but I kneel before you, this very day saying that I do not wish for you to be my mistress, but my wife. Nothing less will do.”

  Cecilia blinked away her tears and fought to control her emotions. “I’m penniless and as you can see, a woman who no longer has a family. How would the marquess stomach such a woman as your wife? You’ll come to regret your choice, and I do not want such a marriage. I will not be anyone’s disappointment.”

  He shook his head, clasping her hands tighter. “I cannot prove to you today that what I say is the absolute truth, that I shall love, care and worship the ground you walk on for the rest of our lives. All I ask is you allow me to prove it in time. I promise I shall not fail you again. I shall never insult your person ever again. You saved me from myself, and for that alone, I owe you my life, but that is not the only reason I love you. Your compassion, care, unfailing determination to make others’ lives better shames me. I’ve been the most selfish being all my life, a family trait I think and one I no longer wish to be. I cannot live without you, and I do not wish to. Please accept my proposal and marry me. You are the love of my life, Miss Smith. My one and only love.”

  Cecilia sniffed her body shaking with happiness. Could this be true? Did he really mean all that he said?

  Hunter reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of parchment, handing it to her. “What is this,” she asked, opening it slowly.

  “Read it.” He smiled, waiting.

  Cecilia quickly scanned the document, refolding it once she’d read it entirely. “Are you trying to buy my love, my lord?”

  “I will do anything, will try anything to hear you say yes to my proposal.”

  “I thought you said you’d never give me the building on Pilgrim Street.”

  Hunter stood, and picking her up and depositing her on his lap. “It seems I was wrong. Consider it an early wedding gift, if I may be so bold.”

  She couldn’t hide the grin that tweaked her lips. “I’m open to these types of gifts. And I’m in mind to accept your proposal. If you truly mean it.”

  “Yes, I mean it more than anything.”

  She clasped his cheek, catching his gaze. “Then yes, so do I.”

  Hunter kissed her gently, wanting to linger, but there was more to be said. “I shall purchase and remodel any and all the buildings you want. I shall throw all the money I have, which is more than we’ll ever spend on the children you so love if only you’ll forgive me for hurting you so.”

  She kissed him back, and for a moment Hunter lost all thought as she wrapped her arms about his neck, kissing him with as much passion as he’d ever felt.

  The touch of her hands against his chest, clasping his shoulders, the little mewling gasps and moans shot heat to his core, and his cock hardened. He’d denied himself everything the last week, drink, food, personal grooming, but right now none of that mattered, he would feed off her.

  Clasping under her legs, he lifted her and sat her on the small desk, never breaking their kiss. Her gown was heavy and made for manual labour, and reaching down, he slid the garment slowly up her leg, taking the opportunity to feel her stockinged soft flesh on her legs.

  “Here, Lord Aaron? Is that wise?” she asked, grinning up at him, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

  “No, but we’re going to in any case.” He fumbled with his breeches, just freeing himself enough to have her. He needed to be with her again, to know that she was his and he was hers.

  The soft, tentative touch of Lia’s made him groan, and as much as he wanted to claim her, he allowed her to stroke him, feel and learn his body. Damn, it felt good. Too damn good and when her thumb wiped over the top of his cock he groaned.

  “I need you, my love,” he whispered, aching for her.

  She shuffled closer to him on the desk, guiding him within her all the while keeping her eyes locked on his. To see her close the window to her soul at the pleasure of their joining ignited a fire Hunter doubted would ever be doused.

  He wanted nothing but to make the woman in his arms happy, loved and cherished and from tonight onwards that’s exactly what he would do.

  Cecilia wrapped her legs about Hunter’s back and held him close. She clutched to him as he took her, a feral edge to their lovemaking. His hands gripped her hips and bottom hard, holding her in place, relentlessly taking her hard and fast on the desk. It was the most exhilarating, and naughty thing she’d ever done in her life.

  And she loved it.

  Her whole centre zeroed in on t
he place of their joining, the growing pleasure, the tension that increased with every stroke, every gasped breath against her ear, each wet and desperate kiss.

  “Hunter,” she moaned, clasping his face to kiss him. “I’m-”

  “So am I,” he gasped.

  His strokes became frantic, deeper before unable to deny herself the release she craved, the tension coiled to a point of no return and she tumbled into waves of pleasure, endless delectable loveliness that she’d never tire of.

  Hunter groaned her name, sending shivers down her spine as he too found his release, seizing her tight against him as they both regained their breaths.

  “I know it has been seven days, but those seven days were the worst of my life. I thought I’d lost you by my own stupidity, my own pretentiousness.”

  Cecilia laughed, kissing him. “I am not blameless in this. I judged your Society without really knowing them. I too have faults that I shall work on redeeming.”

  He tilted her chin up to catch her gaze. “I’m going to spoil you and all the children who enter your charities, and God willing our own. I love you,” he said, wiping away her tears that would not stop, no matter how wonderful his words. She was a veritable watering pot.

  “And I love you, Hunter Always.” And forever…


  Six months later…

  Cecilia sat on the floor in a circle of children at the new orphanage and school on Pilgrim Street. With Hunter having gifted her the building that had thrown them together all those months ago, and her purchase of the second one before their marriage, the buildings had been joined, renovated and now was one of the cleanest, structured learning and loving environments that these children had ever known.

  Today she was teaching the youngest in their school geography and what wonderful natural things in the world one could see and explore. The bell rang, and all the children looked at her expectantly as it was time for their mid-morning break. “Remember to clean your hands before you eat and play safely and fairly. I shall see you tomorrow.”

  They waved her goodbye and Cecilia made her way down to the foyer where she was to meet Hunter. They were going out for lunch today, but he wouldn’t tell her where the vexing rogue. Not that she minded, she’d allow him anything, especially after all that he’d given her, lavished her charity with money and anything and everything to make the school and orphanage functional.

  The bell on the door chimed and in walked her husband. They had been married for six months now, and even after all this time, her parents refused to meet with her. It was the only shadow on their love, but Hunter had been caring and understanding of her pain, and so that made up for a lot of the hurt she hid from the world.

  “Coming darling?” he held out his hand, helping her toward the carriage.

  “Have I told you today how much I love you?”

  He chuckled, holding her hand as she stepped up the carriage steps. “You may love me more after the surprise I have in store for you.”

  Excitement bubbled up within her, and she could hardly sit still as they made their way through the London streets before stopping at the front of Gunther’s Ice Cream parlor. “Is this where you’re taking me?”

  “This is the first stop, I have another for you, but that journey will take some hours.”

  He was mysterious and wonderful and the past six months had been the happiest of her life. Exiting the carriage, she took his arm, and they walked into the store. Other women sat about the store eating ices with their friends, and most cast warm smiles of welcome their way, but Cecilia’s gaze was locked on who sat at a table near the back of the shop on his own.

  They came to stand before the couple, and they stood, a small smile playing about her mother’s lips. “Daughter, you look lovely today.”

  A rush of emotion swamped her, a common occurrence the doctor had said would happen to women in her condition, not because both her parents were here. Parents she’d thought lost forever.

  “What are you doing here, mama, papa? I didn’t think you wished to see me any longer.” They’d been so terribly hurt and angry after she’d married Hunter, marquess or not, the scandal that broke across London that she’d had the banns read regarding one man, and then turned about and married another did cause some salacious talk and no doubt hurt her father’s firm, but she would not apologize for the trouble. For that would mean she regretted Hunter and marrying him, which she did not nor ever would.

  “We were wrong, Cecilia dear and with your husband’s support, he promised us a fair hearing with you to try and make amends. We’re sorry for hurting you so, my dear. I truly do not think we were thinking right, nor clear in the least. We wronged you, and I cannot tell you how happy I am that you followed your heart, remained strong under a great deal of pressure that we had no right to bestow on you in the first place. We love you, and want you back in our lives if you’ll have us.”

  Cecilia walked into her father’s embrace and hugged him fiercely, swiping at the tears that fell unheeded. “Of course I forgive you both. All I wish from this day on is to forget about our past troubles and start afresh. What say you?”

  “We say yes,” her father said, kissing her on the cheek and helping her to sit.

  “I suppose now is a good time to tell your parents our news, Lia,” Hunter said, ordering ices for the four of them.

  “What news is this?” her mother asked.

  Lia smiled at Hunter, before turning to her parents. “I’m going to have a baby. You’re going to be grandparents.”

  He father laughed, shaking Hunter’s hand and leaning over to kiss Lia again on the cheek. Her mother wiped at tears and clasped her hand across the small table. “I am very happy for you both. You will be the best mother in the world. With your kind nature and nurturing ways the child will want for nothing,” her father said, smiling.

  “I do hope so,” Lia said, dipping into her ices with a spoon. “But I believe we shall be.”

  Their outing soon came to an end, and her parents departed, but not willing to leave, Hunter ordered tea for them instead. “I was going to wait until tomorrow when we travelled to my other surprise, but I find I wish to tell you now.”

  “Really?” she said, taking his hand. “Tell me. What is it, I cannot wait.”

  “I was listening to your conversation the other week with the duchess and the trouble that’s been taking place in Bath and the surrounding district with children and inadequate facilities to deal with the issues that face that town. And so tomorrow you shall inspect a large warehouse that we can convert to help amend this shortfall.”

  “In Bath?” Cecilia asked, unsure if it were possible to be as happy as she was right at this moment. She’d thought her wedding day had been the best day of her life, but Hunter with his gifts to those in need over the last few months, he kept surprising her, helping her that she was no longer sure what her favourite gift was. “You are too good, darling. I do not deserve you.”

  “You do deserve me, never say that. I love you, and I adore how you helped me and so many more who have not had the privilege of such an upbringing that we both had by pure chance. I was such a selfish fop for so many years, turned my back not only on myself but the suffering around me. I will not be that person any longer. I do not want that to be my legacy. You inspire me every day, and it is I who hopes to deserve you.”

  Cecilia moved and sat on Hunter’s lap, ignoring the gasped shocks that sounded about them. “You do deserve me, never doubt that my love,” she said, kissing him. “Shall we go home, my lord. I wish to be alone with you.”

  “It seems that I have corrupted my beautiful, honorable wife as well. Whatever shall I do with you.”

  Cecilia leaned down against his ear and whispered, “Whatever you like.”

  Introducing… To Bedevil a Duke

  Lords of London, Book 1

  A Duke of many rules. A Lady of independence.

  * * *

  Since her cheating husband created a scanda
l by dying beneath his whore, Darcy de Wolfe is determined to enjoy widowhood, and refuses to mourn a man she grew to loathe. Setting the ton ablaze, Darcy holds a ball to re-launch herself into Society on the anniversary of his death.

  * * *

  Cameron, the Duke of Athelby plays by the rules. Always. He’s lived through the terrible consequences of what revelry, carelessness, and lack of respect for one’s social position can have on a family. So, when he sees Darcy de Wolfe skirting the boundaries of respectability, it is only right that he should remind her of the proper etiquette that she should adhere to.

  * * *

  Darcy refuses to allow another man to tell her what to do. When the Duke of Athelby chastises her at every turn, reminding her of her social failures, well, there is only one thing to be done about it…seduce the duke and show him there is more to life than the proper conventions set by the ton.

  * * *

  A battle of wills ensues where all bets are off, numerous rules are broken and love becomes the ultimate reward.

  Introducing… To Tempt an Earl

  Lords of London, Book 3

  Hamish Doherty, Earl Leighton is having a terrible Season. A portion of his home burned to the ground, he was attacked outside a gaming hell, and a debutante he cannot stomach is determined they’ll wed. It’s enough to make any lord head for the hills, but his luck turns worse in the country. A large unpaid bill at an inn and a missing purse later, he’s ready to concede defeat to the fickle Fates – until rescue unexpectedly comes from an intoxicatingly beautiful stranger.

  * * *


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