Execution (2020 Ed)

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Execution (2020 Ed) Page 13

by Lucia Franco

  "Ahhh," Kova moaned huskily, his head tilting back. "I like this," he said, looking back down at me.

  His fingers stayed on my little patch of bare skin, rubbing back and forth over my flesh, and building a craving between my legs. He didn't go further, even though I wanted him to. There was a pounding in my ears that increased with each stroke of his finger. My hips pushed forward, tilting up. Our gazes didn't waver, and I was falling into an abyss I never wanted to crawl out of. He had a powerful hold on me. I begged in silence for him to give me what I wanted. He knew I wouldn't utter the words.

  Snarling, Kova bit down on my bottom lip and tugged it into his mouth like the savage that he was. He kissed me roughly, then pulled back, taking my lip with him before he let go with a pop. "This right here is lethal." His fingers became aggressive as he rubbed harder, pinching the skin together until I'd almost reached that pinnacle high. His fingers slid over my throbbing clit, just enough to tease me, then he was gone. I moaned, and he stifled the sound with his mouth again.

  We could be so good together, and so bad.

  "Kova," I whispered against his lips. I tugged the back of his head.

  "I want to get on my knees and devour you right now like this." He kissed the fuck out of my mouth like I imagined he wanted to do between my thighs.

  "Please…" My head hazy, body filling with pure bliss from the stroke of his expert fingers. My hips undulated while my tongue licked across his lips and the roof of his mouth.

  "Fuck," Kova growled, breaking the kiss abruptly. He pushed me away and stepped back. I panted, catching myself against the wall. I looked between his hips and caught sight of the raging erection he sported. I grinned. The depraved part of me loving that I could undo him like that. Adjusting my dress, I pulled the hem down and squeezed my thighs together to quell the ache he caused.

  I looked around, momentarily forgetting where I was. "Just go," rolled off my lips nervously. "I'll follow in a few minutes. That way it doesn't look like we were together."

  Always. It would always be like this with Kova.

  We both stepped inside my room. Kova walked toward the door and I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up. When I came out only a few minutes later, he was standing by my dresser. I stalked over to him.

  "What are you doing?" My eyes were huge. "You need to—"

  He cut me off by swiftly maneuvering himself behind me with his hand over my mouth and his other hand on my stomach securing me to him. My heart flew into my throat. I instantly reached to pull his hand away, but he gave me a little shake and jerked his head in the direction of my bedroom door.

  "Listen," he breathed into my ear. His chest rose and fell with rapid breaths. I nodded. He slipped his hand from my mouth and ducked his head into my neck.

  Male voices carried in the hallway that I immediately identified as Michael and Conner, followed by Xavier. I couldn't make out exactly what they were saying, but I picked up some words. Pussy. Gator. Blue and black. I didn't know what any of it meant and I didn't care to. I swear those guys had their own language. All I cared about was the fact that we could've been caught.

  When the voices drifted further down the hall, my head relaxed against Kova’s chest and I exhaled a sigh of relief. His hand on my stomach loosened.

  "Thank you," I said quietly.

  Kova stepped out from behind me, his hand trailing along my lower back to rest on my hip. He faced me. Without saying a word, he leaned down and pressed a light kiss to my cheek, his lips lingering for a few seconds. My eyes rolled shut. I didn't like the feeling of this kiss. It felt too much like goodbye.

  He lowered his head and jammed his hands into his pockets. "Another time, another life… You look absolutely breathtaking tonight, malysh."

  He turned and left without another word, softly closing the door behind him, and rendering me speechless.

  Once outside, I made my way back to the tent. I spotted my parents with Kova and Katja, each with freshly filled tumblers and their laughter filling the air. Dad saw me and lifted his crystal, and smiled. Both Mom and Kova turned my way. My stomach contracted with anxiety but I kept my face neutral. Mom turned her head the other way while Kova looked at me for a split second before returning his attention to Katja.

  His entire demeanor changed and my stomach revolted against it. His vibrant emerald eyes flashed with excitement and lust. I swallowed hard and looked to find my friends, who stood an arm length away.

  Hayden saw me first and met me halfway, followed by Avery and Holly.

  "Where did you go? I looked for you," he said, his voice low but concerned. He placed his hand on the small of my back and drew me closer to him.

  Naturally, I lied. I relaxed my face and slid on a peachy smile, though shame ate away at my insides. I knew without a doubt, he'd been waiting on me when the ball dropped.

  "Oh, ah, I heard one of the servers saying they couldn't locate the champagne glasses."

  "And did you pour all of them and serve them too?" Avery asked jokingly. She looked tipsy.

  I laughed. "They needed help, so I offered." I eyed Avery, hoping she'd get the hint to shut the hell up and cover my lie. Eighty-seven years later, understanding finally dawned in her glossy eyes. She knew I was lying.

  "I was looking for you when the countdown started," Hayden said, staring into my eyes, but there was another pair of eyes I could feel even stronger on me.

  "I'm sorry I wasn't back in time," I said, feigning remorse.

  Hayden's eyes softened. "If I'd known we would've missed our kiss, I would've found you sooner." I blushed, and averted my gaze to the grass. "Or at least made our earlier kiss more worth it."

  "Adrianna," Kova called my name firmly. I looked over at him. His eyes were as hard as the grip he had on his glass of clear liquid. "I was just telling Frank, even though you are not competing in the meet that you should still come and watch. You can see what you are up against." He took a drink, his eyes hard. Telling.

  He heard what Hayden had said about our kiss.

  The last thing I wanted was to go to the meet as a spectator, not to mention, it was an asinine thing to suggest. Typical Kova.

  "I don't think it's necessary to tag along. I've been to plenty of meets and know what to expect. I'd rather stay back and train."

  Kova eyed me, downing the contents of his glass in one gulp.

  "Would you like another vodka?" Katja asked him.

  He looked at her. "Yes. Get one for yourself as well."

  "I actually think it’s a fabulous idea that Ana tags along," Dad agreed. He sipped from the tumbler plastered to his hand.

  "You might learn and a thing or two," Mom added in a snide tone. "Everything is already paid for anyway, so why not?"

  With my chin up, I said, "I'd rather train."

  "You can room with me!" Holly said, her innocent blue eyes huge with excitement. If she wasn't in the dark about everything, I would be furious with her for suggesting that.

  "Then it's settled. Ana will still go and support her teammates," Mom said, then excused herself. She always had to get the last word in.

  I glared at Kova, pretending I had the power to drill holes into his head for proposing the idea. But he wasn't looking at me, he was staring affectionately at Katja.

  He leaned in and whispered something in her ear. Her giggle was soft and feminine, her iridescent blue eyes glittered with delight. The way they were looking at one another didn't allude to infidelity. Not even close. They looked at each other as if no other soul in the world mattered. Like they were deeply in love and connected by an imaginary string that forever bound them together. It nauseated me. I turned my head, unable to take any more. Kova's concern over Katja pulling away was just his guilty complex rearing its ugly, deceitful little head and nothing more.

  I couldn't comprehend how he could go from being with me, touching me, kissing me, and saying what he did, to acting this way with Katja. I had to wonder what lies he told himself to make it all okay in his he
ad…and what lies he fed her.


  "All right, ladies, the Parkettes meet is in five days, which means we have four days to make sure your routines are solid and tight and there is no room for error. Yes?"

  I nodded to myself, staring at my chalk covered fingers as I tightened my wristbands.

  "Prepare to be pushed this week. Prepare to be disciplined and meet the demands your coaches ask of you. Suffer now and tomorrow you will reap what others cannot. It puts you one step closer to your goal, and goals should never be easy to obtain."

  As much as I didn't want to agree with him, Kova was right. He was always right. He had a sixth sense about gymnastics that made me forget every strife in my life that could set me back. It's what made him a better coach above the rest. His words hit right where I needed them—in my gut—and lit a fire in my veins. They gave me hope and inspiration and changed my entire outlook. I glanced at each one of my teammates. Eyes glued to him as they soaked in his motivational speech. They felt it like I did.

  "If you cannot feel your muscles screaming in pain, then you are not working hard enough. Your mind will tell you to stop, that you had enough. Only then should you push harder and give it more than you thought possible. Trust me. You will surprise yourself."

  This practice was the first one since returning from the holidays, and I knew it was going to be grueling. Any practice before and after any break was usually the hardest, yet I was eager for the workout today. I needed the release, the conditioning only an asshole of a coach could give my body. While I'd exercised back home, a regular workout at the gym didn't cut it.

  "Your only limit is yourself."

  I took a deep breath and inhaled the dusty powder into my lungs. It revived me. It gave me life. God, I loved being at practice and I couldn't wait to start. His words were an elixir. They smoothly poured through my veins as I flexed and pointed my toes, rolling my ankles around.

  "Okay, let us break." Just as I turned to walk way, Kova said, "Adrianna?"

  I glanced over my shoulder. "Yes?"

  "You have tutoring today and then therapy on your Achilles, correct?"

  "Yes," I confirmed. "I have a full schedule today."

  "Tonight, after practice is over, we will continue with your stretching therapy for an hour before you leave."

  I groaned in the back of my throat and walked over to floor with the rest of the girls. That I was not looking forward to.

  "Not sure why you're practicing with us today since you're not going to the meet, Ana," Reagan said with her nose stuck up in the air as classical floor music began to play in the background.

  "I still have to practice regardless, Reagan. And, I am going to the meet."

  Her brows shot up. "Since when?"

  I grinned from ear to ear, happy the news threw her off. "Since Kova suggested it at my dad's New Year's Eve party. Ask Holly, she was there. Even Hayden. I'll be there cheering you on."

  Reagan's nose scrunched up. She scowled and rolled her toes to crack them, then snapped her neck from side to side, all while glaring at me.

  "Ladies, get moving!" Kova yelled.

  We formed a straight line and walked along the edge of the floor. I stood behind Holly, swinging my arms up and around and front to back to loosen my joints. I lightly jogged with my knees high to my chest before transitioning into sashays. I shot a quick glance at Kova, I was curious to see the mood he was in, but he paid me no attention.

  With enough space between each gymnast and my arms out to my sides, I stepped into a front kick—leg straight in the forward kick—until my leg came down and I shifted into back kicks—this time with my knee bent and head thrown back. We completed a variation of different warm-up skills, numerous ballet inspired ones, which went on for thirty minutes. Static stretching was important and helped prevent pulled muscles. And in my case, sprained Achilles.

  "Ladies, drag the folded mats out. One on each. Jump on, jump off, legs straight and toes pointed. Kick up to a handstand on the mat, then snap back down into a back tuck."

  Sounded easy enough, but executing it was another story.

  "Whip those toes down!"


  "Tighter. Lock those knees and set!"

  My abs were tight, blazing with burning heat. I knew my body—I needed more spring in my jump and for my knees not to wobble. I had to be tight, so I worked on all three at the same time. I took steady, measured breaths, and tried to be fast, but I knew if I wasn't breathing correctly that I'd wear myself out a lot faster than I should. Everything had to be timed and properly executed—even when conditioning and warming up. Otherwise I'd only be working against myself. Luckily, I made the change quickly. Gymnastics wasn't just physical, it was mental too.

  After a set of twenty, Kova said, "Now start on to the mat. Punch down to a front tuck, then turn around and punch to another front tuck to land back on the mat."

  This drill was difficult. It required me to keep my body in a tight form and steady my balance, hips raised and not dropped low. If not, the mat would slide, and I'd slip and fall.

  "Adrianna, do not drop those hips. Any lower and they will be kissing the floor."

  I often wondered if his choice of words were due to English not being his native language. Maybe he could teach me Russian and I could teach him how to use correct words…and contractions.

  "Same for you, Reagan."

  Laying on my back with my arms extended above my head, it was ab time. Breathing in through my rib cage, I lifted my chest and raised my straightened legs so they met halfway and were flat to my body. I tapped my toes, then lowered my legs to a straddle position and balanced on my butt. Then back to tap my toes again, never once touching the floor. If I wasn't firm, I'd fall over. It sounded easier than it was. Ten of these drills were completed in a row before I laid back and rolled onto my stomach, then back to my back to complete another set of ten.

  No one spoke during this time—not that we could. It was focus, focus, focus.

  "Do not stop until I say," Kova ordered, standing off to the side with his arms crossed in front of his chest speaking with Madeline. They spoke behind their hands as they took turns looking in our direction. Madeline nodded her head, agreeing to whatever Kova suggested, then they split up.

  "Keep going," he ordered. I shot a glance in his direction. His sleeves were three sizes too small compared to the rest of his shirt, but they hugged his biceps nicely.

  Kova walked toward us. He looked at every one of my teammates, purposely skimming over me.

  "Line up along the edge of the floor. Front aerials, back handsprings, pirouettes. Five minutes. Go."

  When it came to conditioning, five minutes never felt like five minutes. It felt like fifteen minutes, even twenty minutes, like it was never actually timed and ran longer. Once finished and warmed up well, I tightened my ponytail and got in line behind Reagan. It was tumbling time, my absolute favorite.

  "Why was Kova at your house?" Reagan asked right as Holly took off tumbling.

  "My dad and Kova are friends, you already know this. He invited Kova and Katja to our New Year's Eve party."

  "And Holly and Hayden were there too," she stated more than questioned. The resentment in her voice evident. I should've felt bad about not inviting her, but she'd treated me like garbage this past year, so it was only fair I felt nothing for her.

  "Yes, I invited them."

  Reagan huffed under her breath before it was her turn. Within seconds, she finished her pass and I was going. Taking only a few steps, because it was a deduction if I ran too far, I hurdled long and low to build speed into a round-off back handspring, whip back, right into a double back tuck.

  "A little lower on that whip back, Adrianna," Kova said. I glanced at him, but he was already looking in another direction.

  "I bet you guys had loads of fun," Reagan said sarcastically once we were back in line.

  "You know, if you weren't such a bitch, maybe I would've invited you too.
" Her back straightened and I kept going. "Maybe not."

  I completed one more tumbling pass before it was time to begin the next phase – seven hours of back-breaking practice.

  "Why are you making me go to the meet with you?" I asked, lying down on a therapy table in the back room. Today kicked my ass. I was past the brink of exhaustion. "I know what happens at them, I've been to plenty."

  "You kissed Hayden." He seethed. Kova's mood took a drastic turn. We hadn't spoken about what happened at the New Year’s Eve party.

  Kova walked over and lifted my ankle. Pressing my knee down to my chest with his hand on my upper thigh, he got close to my face. Déjà vu hit, and I catapulted back to when we first started private lessons and how our relationship began. I grunted, feeling a pull in my hip. Only his touch could push my body to the extreme.

  "First you pull me from the meet because of Hayden, then you tell me it's actually because of you and the ravenous desire you have for me, now you're making me go because of him? You make no sense, Kova. None at all. You're more frustrating to figure out than a female."

  Kova pulled back, a smirk tipping his lips. "Ravenous desire? No."

  "Then what is it?"

  He shrugged. "I want you to see it through my eyes. What you are up against. I thought it would be a good idea, truthfully."

  "But I know what I'm up against," I retorted. It seemed pointless to go to the meet.

  "Have you ever been just a spectator and not a competitor?"

  I shook my head. "No, I actually haven't."

  He dipped his chin and pressed deeper into me. His fingers gripped me with strength and professionalism.

  "I want you to sit with me and listen to what I have to say. Listen to my critique." His inflection caused certain words to have more emphasis. "Watch the other athletes around you, focus on them. Remember, Ria, they are going to have the advantage of being much younger than you and with a lot more vigor. You are talented, and while I have faith in you, you need to see firsthand what you are up against."


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