Dear Bella: A Family Justice Novella

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Dear Bella: A Family Justice Novella Page 6

by Suzanne Halliday

  “A snort roll you willful brat is that derisive sound and the accompanying eye roll you ladies make. It’s… impolite. And insulting considering who the fuck y’all are dealing with.”

  There was only one way she could react and just one thing to say. “I love you, Parker. And our reaction is no insult my love. That’s how alpha women keep their alpha men honest.”

  “By laughing at us?” he drawled jokingly but she heard the sweet tenderness in his voice.

  “Absolutely. Isn’t it enough that everyone around you bows and scrapes? Seriously, Parker. You guys are like some comic book hero squad.” She chuckled merrily and went for an audacious snuggle. “The good, the brave, the wise, the clever. All for one blah blah blah. Team Justice!”

  He pulled her onto his lap and took control of the snuggle. The firmness of the ridge she sat on made her insides liquefy.

  “Well,” he growled. “When you put it like that I suppose we can agree on some leeway.”

  She smiled and wiggled, enjoying the way her body responded to every move. It did not suck in the least that he was big and solid and warm. And smelled so damn good.

  Giving him an impudent pout that Angie knew would get a reaction, she toyed with the top button on his shirt and softly murmured, “Thank you for the leeway. Now about the discipline fuck…”

  His head rolled back when he laughed. The sound was sexy and low. “I’m never going to win with you, am I?”

  “What?” she cheekily replied. “I’m just coloring in some blank spots on the wife contract.” She air-quoted the word wife for shits and grins.

  The look of comical exasperation and sexual frustration on his face pretty much summed up their entire relationship.

  “Fine,” he grunted. “Ask for all the clarification you need but shit like discipline fucks are discussions best left for their proper place.”

  Innocently, she asked, “Like the playroom?”

  “Yes. Like laying out a hot wax scene, discipline discussions need the right ambiance.”

  He was being Parker but she also heard the tells in his delivery. It had taken her all of a hot minute after their first time in the playroom to recognize just what had been unleashed. She was learning fast the difference between sexy times and kinkified off-the-charts fuckery. Each had a time and place.

  “So tell me about the fishnet stocking.”

  His mocking smile turned warm and tender. “As I started to say, the guys and I were talking about holiday traditions. Alex and I have a shitload because of our families and it dawned on me that the same is true for us. We have all these shared traditions but I think we need to start making new ones. For us and the family we’re making.”

  “Oh,” she exclaimed softly. “Like everyone else.”

  “Yeah. I think it’s crazy to wait for kids on stuff like that. We’ve known each other forever, angel. Our family’s traditions remain. The stocking? It’s for a new tradition I’m starting. This one’s just for us though. Private.”

  Her curiosity was piqued. “I like what I’m hearing. Please tell me more.”

  His smile went from sweet to bald lechery in a heartbeat.

  “So, here in the house we have the tree and our stockings hung on the mantle—yeah, yeah, yeah. Standard issue stuff. I’m presuming we’ll do the Christmas Eve stocking spree.”

  She enthusiastically nodded and hopped a bit on his big lap when she clapped gleefully. “Christmas jammies first and then hot cocoa and cookies while we explore our stocking goodies.”

  “Yes to the jammies. Yes to the cocoa and cookies. Christmas Eve stockings is practically my favorite thing. But I have a new tradition. A playroom tradition.”

  Angie almost toppled off his lap when she jolted to attention. Did he say playroom tradition?

  “We each get a playroom stocking. The fishnet leg is yours.”

  “What about for you?”

  His eyes sparkled with mischief. “I think the way it should work is I chose yours so you should find something for me.”

  Hmmm. Interesting. “Okay.”

  “On Christmas Eve we leave the stockings in the playroom. I’m thinking this part should be private.” The smirky eye wink made her giggle. “Keep the surprises for Christmas day.”

  “You’ve given this considerable thought.”

  His answering gaze was bold. Slowly and seductively his eyes dipped to her shoulders and then to her breasts.

  “It’s what I do.” His voice was thick with meaning.

  With a shaky voice she asked softly, “And what goes in these stockings?”

  “Whatever kitten’s dirty mind and hungry pussy wants. Use your imagination and don’t hold back.”

  “Oh my,” she sighed.

  “Is this tradition,” he asked hesitantly, “pleasing to you, angel?”

  She picked up on the specific way he drew the line between kitten and angel. Angel might call the day-to-day shots but in the playroom, it was kitten who answered his voracious needs.

  “I love it,” she gushed with genuine pleasure. “When do we do playroom stockings? Christmas morning?”

  A sexy tableau was firing up in her imagination that he quickly dashed.

  “No. We’ll have a schedule to keep. My folks and yours. Sophie. Alex. The way I figure it, we’ll have breakfast to ourselves and then we have to start making the rounds. You know how much I enjoy binding you.” His teasing snicker brought a fevered rush of heat to her cheeks. “And the best form of bondage is anticipation.”

  She gasped lightly. Angie loved that he was so wicked because she knew exactly where he was going with his logic.

  Snaking a hand between her legs, he made straight for her warm, damp center sliding fingers, palm up, under her ass until his whole hand cupped her mound.

  “Don’t worry,” he growled passionately. “Part of your presents will be Christmas lingerie. I’ll stuff my pockets with panties because I know how you are.”

  Tearing the tiny scrap of silk aside, Parker teased her wet slit to make his point.

  “Knowing you’re thinking about a Christmas scene and what naughty things you’ll find in your stocking will keep you wet and aching all day…hence the extra panties.”

  She moaned and shifted her hips, clinging to his shoulders when one thick, sturdy finger started moving with deliberate slowness. Circling the sensitive ring of nerves at her opening made her quiver and when he slid his finger in deep she released a flood of creamy heat.

  “When the day is over and all our obligations met, you’ll go to the playroom.”

  He was enthusiastically fingering her as she moaned and wiggled on his lap needing more.

  “Santa told me he’ll leave Christmas panties for the occasion.”

  Desperation moved swiftly inside her. She covered the hand in her crotch with her own and encouraged his insistent fingers.

  “I’ll wait for you by the door,” she grunted automatically. It didn’t matter one whit what anyone would make of their behavior. She fucking loved where Parker’s natural dominance took them. Just thinking about waiting for him on her knees wearing nothing but panties and maybe some fuck-me-harder heels made her wet.

  “Good girl.” He was doing wicked things with his fingers and at his expression of praise she started melting down. Touching her neck with his free hand, he caressed the long column as she shuddered and moved eagerly into his commanding touch.

  “Maybe Santa will bring you a pretty collar to wear when we play.”

  Yeah. Whatever. Santa shmanta. She was done talking. Swiftly and gracefully she swung around and straddled his lap with his fingers staying buried in her heat.

  Angie didn’t even try to dial it back. Why should she when making her come with his fingers was what he wanted?

  Grinding against his hand she rocked her hips with exaggerated thrusts. Grabbing the back of the sofa, she snickered and leaned down to lick and then bite his earlobe. “Is this what you meant by great leverage?”

  She used her g
rip on the furniture to help her move.

  “Yes,” he growled. “And don’t stop. Fuck my fingers, angel baby. Make a huge goddamn mess. I’ll buy a new sofa if I have to,” he said with a hearty grunt.

  Losing control with him was crazy easy. Rocking her hips she clenched her pussy muscles and buried her face in his shoulder. With her mouth sucking wildly on his neck she came with a rush, crying out against his skin.

  Her body jerked and shook from a ferocious orgasm. His magic touch made her gush like a fountain. The first time it happened she’d been mortified but his pleasure overwhelmed her embarrassment. Now when it happened, she rode the spine tingling sensation like a pro on the surfing circuit as wave after wave took her under until spent and quaking she lay exhausted on the shore.

  When she finished, he sweetly patted her mound and slid her soaked panties into place. You’d think she’d be satisfied for longer than ninety seconds but such was not the case.

  “I like how fiercely you come, Angie.”

  She bit her lip and looked away. Suddenly self conscious about straddling his lap now that she’d soaked his pants and probably the sofa cushions, the shockingly wanton passion he triggered made her fight for composure.

  He was so good at reading her. With a finger to her chin, he tilted her head until she was forced to look at him. “What?”

  The way her emotions ricocheted all over the damn place shook her up but he’d taught her not to hide her desires from him. With a whimper of pure desperation she whined, “Fuck me Parker. I need you. Inside me. Please.”

  He started to move, shifting her sideways off his lap and onto the sofa. He took control and used his big, strong hands to flip her onto her belly. She felt him stand and whimpered a second time when he lifted her by the waist as if she was a ragdoll.

  “Ass up angel.”

  Arching her back she sighed lustfully when he pushed her dress up and snapped the elastic on her panties while shredding them into several pieces.

  Kicking off his shoes and socks, his pants hit the floor next. Followed by his briefs. She saw his tie drift onto the coffee table and heard the buttons on his shirt give way as he tore it off.

  She tried to look back at him. Mostly she wanted to see his cock. See if he was hard and throbbing with need for her. But he was already leaning on one knee down by her ass and she couldn’t see him.

  His hand sweeping her ass cheeks made Angie’s insides quiver. Two fingers plunged into her from behind and drew a glob of arousal from her body that he spread around her pussy lips.

  “Say it again, baby.”

  Moaning, she wiggled her ass. “Fuck me Parker. Put your cock inside me.”

  She half expected him to take her without much finesse but she was wrong. The slow slide that ended with him filling her until his balls got soaked from her juices left her panting and nearly delirious.

  He used the same tortuously slow withdrawal and grunted when his cock slid out.

  Arching deeper, she begged with her body and backed up her need with some lusty groans.

  Another slow, deep slide sent her eyes rolling back. The lewd sounds her body made when he ground against her and delivered a dozen short, strong thrusts guaranteed her primal response. Growling like a desperate animal, she rocked back onto his hard cock and wildly ground against him as he filled and stretched her body.

  His hand swatted her ass and a flood of sweet, hot arousal flooded her pussy. “I thought you wanted to be fucked,” he growled.

  “Parker,” she groaned.

  “Be still.”

  She whimpered but managed to hold still. Feeling his mighty cock inside her body was more pleasure than usual.

  When he was satisfied that she’d behave, he grabbed her by the hips and delivered a series of punishing strokes that took her breath away first and then doubled back for her sanity.

  “This is how we do it, baby.”

  His almost brutish hold of her hips held her in place as he slammed home.

  “We fuck,” he grunted on a powerful thrust, withdrew and then hammered home again, “and fuck.”

  She could only drool and whimper lustfully.

  “And fuck,” he growled with a thrust so deep and powerful she cried out. “Is this what you wanted, Angelina?”

  She heard his earthy grunts and surrendered to the strength of her desire and the overpowering pleasure he was giving her.

  When she tightened he growled like an animal. And then he half stood, with his cock buried impossibly deep. The motion effectively left her impaled and hanging off his dick. He pulsed up and down, jiggling her body.

  The climax he triggered split her in two. There was something beautifully filthy about what he was doing. At the mercy of his ferocious sexuality and completely dominated by his physicality, dangling on her man’s thick erection made her orgasm so intense she experienced a tingling in her legs that shot up her spine and exploded in her head until nothing existed but bliss and love.

  She was crying softly when her senses returned. His harsh grip held her still while he jerked and pulsed inside her releasing a flood of come.

  Sated and boneless, she collapsed, unable to move. His sweet caring in the aftermath did things to her emotions. He knew she went somewhere at the end that scared her a little. It felt like what she imagined an out-of-body experience would.

  Soothing her frayed emotions, he gathered her close and carried her quite solemnly into the bedroom. He lay with her on the bed, covering them with a big fluffy throw blanket.

  She made out some of what he was saying but her mind was having a hard time staying focused.

  “It’s okay to fly my angel. You already have wings, baby. And I’ll always be here when you come back.”

  What did he mean by flying? Is that what she did? Angie couldn’t care. Not when the sound of his heart beneath the ear lying on his chest matched the beating of her own. Their hearts had been beating as one for a very long time.

  Snuggling closer, she sighed contentedly and closed her eyes.

  Her thought before an exhausted sleep claimed her was simply that love is easy when you find your true mate and tomorrow she was going to start a gratitude journal.

  MEGHAN CREPT QUIETLY to the spot where she could observe Alex through the glass windows of his tech cave without being seen. She liked to watch when he was engrossed in something. It kind of reminded her of finding a rare creature in their natural habitat.

  Zeus picked up on Meghan’s presence, got up from her spot near a ratty old sofa, and trotted from the room. Luckily, Alex was so caught up in whatever he was doing that he barely noticed the dog’s leaving.

  Sitting obediently by her side, Meghan reached down and patted the dog’s head. They looked at each other briefly. Zeus licked her hand as if to ask, “You got this?”

  She smiled and nodded then gestured with her thumb to the labyrinth of hallways and walkways leading from Alex’s private tech retreat back into the house. Knowing her cues, the faithful black lab slowly lumbered away, her tail swaying back and forth like a hand waving bye.

  The sound of a chair scraping the floor caught her attention. Her absent-minded husband was rolling between computers completely oblivious to anything else except what had him in a geek-thrall.

  Goddamn but he was cute!

  A frown of instant concern spread across her face when he reached behind his back and kneaded a spot near his waist. The concern shot off the charts when he followed up with a neck rub.

  Moving from her hiding spot, she swept into his space and started to announce her presence when Santa’s booming “Ho-Ho-Ho” reverberated off the walls and she nearly tripped over her own feet in stunned surprise.

  “Meghan!” Alex’s cry was excited and had all the exuberance of a twelve-year-old boy. “Check this out!”

  Wheeling between the two computer stations, he tapped away and did lord knows what. Calling her to him, he patted his lap and chuckled. “Have a seat madam and prepare to be blown the mother fuck a

  After she got comfy, he pushed off and wheeled them across the floor to a darkened corner. She hung an arm around his neck and laughed at the absurdity of riding her husband’s lap while he rode an office chair.

  “Watch,” he exclaimed with bright eyes. Pointing a remote control at the dark space she waited a second or two and then gasped loud and long when right in front of her eyes a fancy red and gilt sleigh, eight prancing reindeer and a portly bearded Santa appeared.

  Next thing she knew, the jolly old elf winked and put a finger on the side of his nose. The sleigh raised silently, the reindeer hooved the air and before she knew it, the magic vehicle was airborne. It circled twice, and then zoomed off into the darkness.

  “No sound yet. Trying to sync up some Ho-Ho-Hos but I really don’t think sound effects are necessary. The visual is enough.”

  “Oh my god, honey.” She was wiggling from bouncy excitement. “How did you do that?”

  “It’s a hologram. Pretty cool, huh? Brody and Heather’s dilemma with Bella got me thinking and before long,” he chuckled, “Santa and his sleigh.”

  “How do you do it?”

  “Aw, it’s so simple an eighth grader could probably make one. See that little hockey puck looking thing on the floor?”

  She looked where he pointed and saw the small, round device.

  “Well, in Brody’s case, he’ll plant the projector out back of the house and then with Bella as witness, he’ll use the remote control to trigger the hologram. Santa and his magic reindeer will take to the sky and shoot off in a shower of glittering sparks.”

  “Alex,” she exclaimed with wonder.

  His boyish grin made her heart flutter. She imagined their son with the same spirited expression. Or maybe daughters with their father’s remarkable intellect and physical prowess.

  “I’m making three. One for each family with kids so Drae and Cam can get their Ho-Ho-Ho freak on too!”

  His animated delight was infectious. Almost every day of her life held moments just like this when he did or said something that reaffirmed and turbo-charged her love and faith.

  She detected quite a lot of puffed up pride when he kept on rambling as he balanced her on his lap. Alex, when he was in his element and having a real moment, was a joy to witness.


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