My Mobster

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My Mobster Page 91

by J. L. Drake

  She turned onto 5th Avenue. People bustled—everyone going in and out of stores and scrambling to get to their next destination. At any one time, she could count twenty taxis lined on the road pushing and honking their way through the maze of cars. This was life. This was what was so thrilling about living in New York City.

  Not unlike many other days, Kate found herself standing at 350 5th Avenue. She stared up at the enormous structure known as the Empire State Building. The structure was considered a pillar of the city; it could be seen from just about anywhere. What was it about this building that made Tony want to visit it so much? Why not the Freedom Tower or the Statue of Liberty? Most days, she continued walking but today was different. It was Tony’s birthday and something was pulling her to enter the building; it was like a force she wasn’t going to resist. She looked down at the heart-shaped ring on her finger and rotated it back and forth with her thumb. She hadn’t taken it off since the green-eyed monster last took it from her. Kate was relieved when she found it on her finger. She wasn’t sure when he slipped it back on. She must’ve been unconscious.

  Kate went inside and walked through the marble entryway that led to the gold replica image of the building on the wall. It certainly was a beautiful tribute to an amazing architectural feat. She’d seen pictures of men standing on top of the structure constructing it. The job seemed dangerous, and they had no safety harnesses on. In today’s day and age, the unions would have a field day with that.

  Kate continued walking until she found the short line that was waiting for the elevators. This was great; there would be virtually no wait to get up. April was typically a slower month for tourists, and she was there a little early for the people who flocked up to the top at sunset.

  Within a few minutes, she was riding the elevator to the top. When Kate exited the rickety metal enclosure, she was stunned by the panoramic view. It didn’t matter how many times she’d been on the top of the Empire State building, the view was always as magnificent and breathtaking as the first time.

  She walked to the edge of the building and peered through the fence that stood protecting the people from falling or jumping off the side of the building. She located several well-known spots throughout the city; Central Park, Rockefeller Center, and the Statue of Liberty, which was known for welcoming immigrants to the States. Lady Liberty stood proudly, weathering the test of time and continuing to welcome people from all over the world. Tony would’ve enjoyed this.

  The breeze kicked in sending a chill through the air. Winter hadn’t completely left and it continued to provide a cold bite in the afternoons. Her overcoat couldn’t compete with the breeze that decided to linger. Goosebumps covered her flesh and a chill raced down her spine.

  She pulled her coat closed and took one last look at the city before heading back down the elevator. As she turned, she bumped into a dark-haired gentleman. He was tall with a beard.

  “Excuse me. I’m so sorry.” Kate smiled politely as she looked up at the man. Her breath caught inside her chest. Had it not been for the glowing emeralds staring back at her, she may not have recognized him. A surge of emotions flooded through her: anger, happiness, surprise, and excitement. She couldn’t tell which was strongest.

  “Oh my God. Tony! What are you doing here? Where have you been? What happened to you?”

  He covered her lips with a finger as he pulled her close. The emeralds pierced her eyes and mesmerized her into a silent trance. That man could have anything he wanted from her at that very moment. As he leaned in and placed his mouth on hers, she closed her eyes, savoring the warmth and softness of his lips and the smell of his skin. His facial hair brushed against her skin, tickling it. She forgot how his kisses could make her knees weak and her body swoon.

  He moved his arms down her sides and behind her back. She melted into his embrace as he deepened the kiss. Tony parted her mouth with his tongue, diving softly inside and dancing with hers. They were in unison…harmonious, as if they had been doing this every day for their entire lives.

  Kate pulled him in deeper. Her desire to take hold of him and never let go controlled every part of her body. She let him go once; she wasn’t about to let him leave again. She wanted to devour him and bathe in his touch. Time stood still; there was no one else in the world except the two of them in this very moment.

  Tony took a handful of her hair and gently pulled it, causing her to moan in his mouth. She pulled him tighter and scraped her nails along his back trying to claw her way into him. The heat from his body warmed her heart and soul. She no longer needed to run from the breeze that chilled her to the core only moments before. She was now possessed by an inferno of heat, and her desire for Tony outweighed any fear of getting burned.

  He pulled back slowly, his eyes never leaving hers. The connection never severed. “God, you’re beautiful.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Mi amore…Don’t you remember? This was our destiny. The Empire State Building on April sixteenth at four-sixteen in the afternoon. This is our time.”

  Thoughts from the basement flashed through her mind. He mentioned four sixteen several times, but she never gave a moment's thought about it. Yes, it was his birthday and his parents’ anniversary, but never in a million years did she think he would be here waiting. Now, all the pieces were coming together. He knew he was going to get out and she would be here waiting.

  “How? How did you know?”

  Tony kissed the tip of her nose before lighting her up with his eyes. “I didn’t know. I hoped. I hoped you would figure out the clues I was providing. I hoped that I would make it out of there alive. Most of all, I knew the connection between us was so strong. Nothing could keep me away from you. Nothing. I would’ve moved heaven and earth to get to you.” He brushed his lips against her.

  “How did you get out?”

  He put his finger to her lips. “Shhh. My beautiful Kate. We have all the time in the world to talk about the past. Right now, I want to get you some place private and make up for lost time.” Tony rubbed the back of his hand against her cheek before pressing his lips softly to hers.

  She succumbed to the passion in his words, the heat from his body, and the electricity of his touch. Her body turned into Jello-O as her knees grew weak, threatening to give out. Without hesitation, she surrendered herself to him.

  Tony pulled his lips from her, releasing the emotional vise grip he had on her. “Shall we go?” He extended a hand.

  Kate grasped his hand without hesitation. “Where are we going?”

  “Have you forgotten everything so quickly?” He chuckled. “The Waldorf, of course.” He led her to the elevators. Kate took a deep breath and prepared for the ride as the doors closed behind them.

  The End

  About the Author

  JG Sumner was born and raised in Southern California, and went to Nursing School in San Diego, where she earned her RN. She then began working as an ICU nurse. While working full-time, she went back to school to earn her bachelor’s degree in Nursing as well as her master’s degree in Nursing at Cal State Dominguez Hills. Most recently, she worked as a supervisor in a major trauma center in the San Diego area. JG made the decision to leave her position at the end of 2012 to be at home with her three boys, dogs, and to pursue her writing career—a dream that was born long before she ever thought about being a nurse.

  She loves snowboarding, traveling, reading, hiking, kickboxing, spending time with her family and her dogs, and pretty much anything outdoors.

  JG has a very dry sense of humor, and should never be taken too seriously. She loves to hear from her fans and even those who aren't and would love to hear your opinion on her books.

  She is also the author of A Shot in the Dark the prequel to Into the Light, and the Surrender Trilogy coming this summer.

  I love to hear from my readers.

  Please check me out at:







  [email protected]


  Not intended for readers younger than 18.

  This book contains dark—and sometimes violent—depictions of the world of organized crime, sexual assault, and suicide, and some events might be triggers for some readers.



  “We’ve got a problem,” a harsh voice said through the phone. It was my second in command.

  “I’m coming,” I told him. I didn’t like his tone. I could tell it was something really bad. His nervousness made me nervous. Viktor was a crazy bastard, and if something had him this riled up, then it was something big. Something I really wouldn’t like.

  I walked out of my office and found a few of my men standing in the hallway, lined up and on guard. They bowed their heads in respect as I walked by.

  As I stepped into the dark hallway that led to the soundproof basement, my body tensed. The air around me was stale and my steps were hard against the silence as I prepared myself for the worst.

  When I opened the door, I saw Viktor leaning against the wall, his head cast down in defeat. My entrance didn’t even faze him, he was so lost in his own thoughts. I cleared my throat and he glanced up.

  His expression conveyed horror and disgust. “It’s bad,” Viktor said, pointing toward the room. I nodded, then walked farther inside, leading the way while Viktor fell into step behind me.

  Stomping forward, I found a bloodied man strapped to a chair. The basement room was empty except for the chair in the middle and a table at the back. Four of my men stood around him. They were my right-hand men.

  I didn’t recognize the captive, but when he looked up at me, his eyes were filled with terror. As I got closer, his already pale face twisted in pain. He pushed back against the chair when I stopped in front of him.

  “What the fuck is going on?” My voice boomed around the room. I didn’t take my eyes off the man, but when I saw him flinch, satisfaction coursed through my body. The fucker better be petrified.

  Viktor walked around me to stand behind the man. He grabbed the captive’s hair and pulled hard until his neck snapped back painfully. The man screamed and thrashed.

  I lifted my eyes from the battered captive to meet Viktor’s disgusted gaze.

  “The fucker betrayed us. I heard him talking. The fucking Italians. He’s working for them,” Viktor growled.

  I looked down at the man and his eyes were closed. He refused to look at me. The anger that took over my body was indescribable. He fucking betrayed me. Me. The. Fucking. King. The person who owned his life.

  Nobody betrayed me and got away with it. I trusted all my men. They were my family, but when one of my own betrayed me, they paid the ultimate price. Death. Very painful death.

  Taking a deep breath and schooling my features, I stepped away from the strapped man.

  “Bring me a chair,” I yelled. I saw one of my men scrambling back, doing as I commanded.

  “Here you go, Boss,” Phoenix said a minute later. He placed the chair behind me and slowly stepped away.

  I sat down and faced the motherfucker. He opened his eyes and stared directly at me. My temper flared. Leaning forward, I snarled into his face. “Why?”

  His body shook in fear but he refused to answer. I looked up and signaled Viktor. He let the man go and walked toward the table at the back of the room, only to come back with a cutter in his hand.

  I smiled almost maliciously and leaned back against the chair, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Enjoy,” I said, nodding at Viktor.

  As he got to work, the man’s screams filled the room. Blood dripped all over the floor, but I kept my gaze fixed on him the whole time. When he started to lose consciousness, I raised my hand. Viktor instantly stopped his torturous ministrations.

  Leaning forward again, I asked, “Why and who?”

  I laughed when he glared at me. Viktor leaned forward and punched him. “Show respect.”

  “I will ask one last time. Why and who?” I said menacingly as I took his face in my hand. My fingers pressed hard into his cheek until blood oozed badly from his wounds.

  When he still wouldn’t answer, I let his face go and stood up, pushing my chair away. I wasn’t going to get my hands dirty this time. But the man strapped against the chair in front of me forced my hand. The rest of my men needed to see me kill. They needed to see the consequences of betraying me.

  They needed to see the worst of me. How brutal I could be. It appeared they had forgotten.

  I was feared by all and nobody fucking betrayed me.

  Walking toward the table, I picked up the pliers. As I turned, all the men took a step back. Viktor smiled sadistically and shook his head. “Fuck, yeah. Now you’re talking.”

  Viktor held the captive’s head against the chair. I stood in front of him and roughly grabbed his chin, not caring if I hurt him. I forced his mouth open and held the pliers to his teeth.

  The man tried to scream, but I never gave him a chance. It took me hours to be satisfied.

  And when I was done, he was no longer breathing.

  May this be a lesson learned.



  Run, keep running, I told myself.

  Escaping wasn’t easy. I had planned it for years but never found the courage to actually do it.

  But tonight I had to escape from the nightmare I’d been born into.

  My father never cared. It didn’t matter that I begged him to listen. He always turned a blind eye. My father only cared about his profits. After all, he was the Boss. The Italians, the Famiglia respected him. He was the feared leader.

  And I was just a pawn in the cruel game.

  I had no choice, no will. No respect. No love.

  I had nothing.

  My engagement to my father’s second in command hadn’t been my choice either. After all, what choice did I have at sixteen?

  At twenty-three, after all the years of torture I went through by Alberto’s hands, I decided to escape. For years, I wished my father would put a stop to the violence against me, but it never happened. Alberto did whatever he wanted with me.

  I was just a toy for pleasure and for pain.

  After he left me bloodied and beaten up from yet another torturous night, I crawled out of the bed and climbed out the window. No matter how much I thought of it and planned for my escape, it wasn’t easy. Nothing was ever easy.

  But I still ran for my life.

  Whatever was left of my sanity depended on it.


  I heard yelling behind me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

  “No. No. No,” I gasped, panting. I was almost off the property, my legs burning as I ran.

  Run, keep running.

  I just needed time, but the men were closing in on me.

  “Miss Ayla. Stop. Stop,” I heard one of them yelling behind me.

  Shuffling deeper into the forest, I forced myself to move quicker. I pushed hard, running until my body felt like it was breaking. I was already bleeding badly.

  Everything hurt, but I kept going. Only my escape mattered.

  I kept running into the darkness until the screams of the men faded away. When I couldn’t hear them anymore, I stopped and leaned against a tree.

  My safety wasn’t guaranteed yet, but I had to rest. My heart was pounding and my legs were shaking too hard for me to continue.

  But when I heard a noise to my left, my eyes widened and I pushed myself from the tree, taking a few steps away. The sounds got louder.

  Without sparing another glance in that direction, I turned away and started running again, praying
that I would find someone who could help me. There must be a good person left in this cruel world.

  When dawn approached, I was too tired to keep going. I was no longer in the forest, but at the side of a deserted road. I knew my father’s estate was on the outskirts of New York City. He’d said something about one day ruling the whole city. But for now, it belonged to someone else. Someone more powerful than him.

  Limping along the side of road, I continued until I came across houses.

  A sigh of relief escaped my lips. I was safe. Someone would help me.

  I walked over to one of the houses and knocked softly at the door. An old woman opened the door and gasped at the sight of me. Before I could say anything, she slammed the door in my face.

  My eyes widened and I stared at the closed door in shock. What?

  My fist came up to knock again, but I saw something else from the corner of my eye.

  Alberto’s men. They were walking around, looking for me.

  With my heart in my throat, I quickly hid behind the house. As I tried to figure out my next plan, lights flared around the corner. I looked to my left and saw a black vehicle slowing to a stop.

  I stood still as a large man stepped out of the car. He was wearing a black suit, similar to what Alberto and my father wore. I couldn’t see him well, the darkness hiding his face. He went inside one of the houses.

  Looking back at the car, I made up my mind. After making sure that Alberto’s men were not looking, I quickly walked away from my hiding spot and ran toward the car. I pulled on the handle of the back door.


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