The Markandeya Purana

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The Markandeya Purana Page 54

by Bibek Debroy

  592 Meaning prattling, foolish and malicious speech.

  593 Meaning strife.

  594 Different classes of demons.

  595 The word used is yatra and the sense is probably more that of festival, rather than journey. There are different listings of such fourteen festivals and/or journeys.

  596 After bathing, they have not bothered to wipe the water off.

  597 The word means robber of breasts.

  598 Vyanjanaharika means the one who steals vyanjana. Vyanjana means the marks of womanhood and, specifically, means the signs of puberty, or the female genital organ.

  599 Alternatively, both man and woman suffer from diseases of the genital organs.

  600 One blue and red in complexion.

  601 From the root rud, meaning to weep or cry.

  602 Plus, there was the name of Rudra.

  603 Here, the text has a couple of shlokas that are interpolated and clearly do not belong. We have not translated these. The purport is that the learned do not stay in a place where Shambhu is shown disrespect. All brahmanas who hate Maheshvara are wicked in their intelligence and are not entitled to the Vedas. When kali yuga commences, they will be poor and will serve shudras.

  604 Barhi is sacrificial grass like kusha. Barhishad means someone who seats himself on barhi grass. The ancestors known as Barhishads maintained the sacrificial fire. The ancestors known as Agnishvattas did not maintain the sacrificial fire.

  605 Yogini is the feminine of yogi.

  606 Savarni, Daksha-Savarni, Brahma-Savarni, Dharma-Savarni and Rudra-Savarni.

  607 Priyavrata was Svayambhuva Manu’s son.

  608 It is not clear that this sentence at all belongs. A variation is repeated soon.

  609 Agnidhra had nine sons, Prajapati means Priyavrata.

  610 Varshas are subregions of dvipas.

  611 Lokaloka can be interpreted in various ways, places where there is light versus places where there is darkness, populated places versus uninhabited regions, and so on.

  612 Nishadha to the south of Meru and Nila to the north of Meru.

  613 With Nishadha, Meru and Nila accounted for, the others are Himalayas, Hemakuta, Shveta and Shringi. Of these Hemakuta and Himalayas are to the south of Meru and Shveta and Shringi are to the north of Meru. Hemakuta is 90,000 yojanas long and the Himalayas 80,000 yojanas long. Shveta is 90,000 yojanas long and Shringi 80,000 yojanas long.

  614 White in the east, yellow in the south, black in the west and red in the north.

  615 For the four main directions, brahmanas in the east, kshatriyas in the south, vaishyas in the west and shudras in the north. Nothing is specified about the four sub-directions, north-east, south-east, south-west and north-west.

  616 Kadamba is Stephegyne parvifolia, jambu is the rose apple tree and both ashvattha and vata are holy fig trees.

  617 This is possibly a typo and the two Nishadhas cause confusion. This should probably be Rishabha.

  618 That is, Ilavrita.

  619 Himalayas.

  620 Probably the same as the Shitarta mentioned earlier.

  621 Probably meaning Shitarta.

  622 Probably the same as Shikharadri.

  623 We have taken Mahanadi to be a proper noun. It might also mean a great river.

  624 This has been given as the name of a river. However, Suraksha has been given as the name of a mountain. Therefore, this should probably read Suraksha.

  625 The same as Trikuta.

  626 A kulachala is a great mountain, but any great mountain is not a kulachala.

  627 Possibly implying rebirth.

  628 Ionians, Greeks.

  629 This might be River Kabul.

  630 We have translated Dhutapapa as a separate river. Dhutapapa means something that cleanses sins and this might be an adjective for Gomati, not a distinct river.

  631 Probably Ramaganga.

  632 If this is a typo for Vankshu/Vakshu, this would be the Amu Darya or Oxus.

  633 Probably meaning Kali Sindh, not Indus.

  634 This can’t be the Venna, which is in the south. It might be the Banas.

  635 Speculatively identified with Gandak or Rapti.

  636 Identified as the river Parbati.

  637 Chambal.

  638 Betwa.

  639 That is, Mahanadi.

  640 The River Tons.

  641 This might be the river Parsuni.

  642 This is different from the Kshipra mentioned earlier.

  643 Identified with Purna, or part of Tapti.

  644 Speculatively identified as a tributary of Wardha.

  645 Tapti.

  646 Probably the one in Odisha.

  647 Probably Brahmani in Odisha.

  648 The river Bhima.

  649 Distinct from the earlier Tridiva.

  650 The River Nagavali/Langulya.

  651 The river Vamsadhara.

  652 Distinct from the earlier Rishikulya.

  653 Not to be confused with shudra varna.

  654 Geographically, this does not fit and should probably read Kulingas.

  655 Pahlavas is repeated.

  656 Dakshinapatha means the southern route, but is a term also applied to the southern region.

  657 Meaning those who live in the west.

  658 The first Karaskara is Kaaraskara, while the second is Karaskara.

  659 Meaning Mrigashira.

  660 Meaning Ardra.

  661 Meaning Magha.

  662 There are obvious geographical inconsistencies.

  663 Not be confused with shudra varna.

  664 Meaning Anuradha.

  665 Meaning Jyeshtha.

  666 Varuna is Shatabhisha and the two Proshthapadas are Purva Bhadrapada and Uttara Bhadrapada.

  667 Ashvini.

  668 Bharani.

  669 Here, ‘popular sayings’ seems to mean the general understanding of portents.

  670 Agni.

  671 Of the tortoise—Mesha (Aries), Vrisha (Taurus), Mithuna (Gemini). Vrisha and Mithuna are in the mouth. The constellations overlap, so they are mentioned in more than one place.

  672 Cancer and Leo.

  673 Leo, Virgo and Libra.

  674 Libra and Scorpio.

  675 Scorpio and Sagittarius.

  676 Dhanvi (Sagittarius), Makara (Capricorn) and Kumbha (Aquarius).

  677 Aquarius and Pisces.

  678 Pisces and Aries.

  679 Kali.

  680 The mountains.

  681 The qualities are normally stated as six—learning, austerities, wealth, physical beauty, youth and lineage.

  682 Shyama is mentioned twice.

  683 That is, Bhadrashva-varsha.

  684 Respectively gallinules and lapwings.

  685 The seat of kusha grass in personified form, in the feminine.

  686 There is repetition.

  687 That is, the brahmana.

  688 Literally, the one with his own light.

  689 Digits.

  690 Marudhanva was her mother.

  691 Instead of a proper noun, this can also be translated as the best among the Siddhas.

  692 Alternatively, the weapon can be given the name of hridayastra, the heart (hridaya) of weapons (astra).

  693 In other words, the weapon wasn’t physical. It was released through his gaze.

  694 The present Atharva Veda has twenty books and is believed to have had nine branches.

  695 Ayurveda covers eight topics—general medicine, pediatrics, extraction of foreign objects, ENT (ear, nose, throat) ailments, pacification of spirits, toxicology, rejuvenation and aphrodisiacs.

  696 Meaning Indivara, although Indivara means lotus and Indivaraksha means lotus-eyed.

  697 Presumably a vimana.

  698 Treasures.

  699 The nidhis will obey because of this knowledge.

  700 A goose or a teal.

  701 Of the musk.

  702 Meaning the radiant one.

  703 The father was Svarochisha and the son was Svaaroch

  704 The father.

  705 Svaarochisha, the son.

  706 Ruby.

  707 By extrapolation, he trades in these.

  708 Kacchapa means tortoise.

  709 Extrapolated, he trades in these.

  710 His descendants.

  711 The moon is married to all the nakshatras, Rohini being one. But the moon loves Rohini the most.

  712 Feminine of brahmana.

  713 As a son.

  714 The king obtains one-sixth of the share in the good merits of the subjects.

  715 The same as Utpalavataka.

  716 The text uses the word shriphala.

  717 As was customary, a wife did not directly take the husband’s name.

  718 The past, the present and the future.

  719 Nanda.

  720 Your wife.

  721 Bhouma.

  722 The brahmana’s name was thus Garga.

  723 Outtama means Uttama’s son. The word uttama means best, excellent.

  724 Bhaguri is one of Kroushtuki’s names.

  725 Swadhamas are those who reside in their own (sva) abodes (dhama).

  726 The word shiva means auspicious.

  727 One who has performed one hundred (shata) sacrifices (kratu).

  728 As mentioned earlier, 71.43.

  729 Presumably another king.

  730 Four fires in four directions and the sun above.

  731 Kind of deer.

  732 Because of the austerities.

  733 In other words, Sutapa is the same as Siddhavirya. Alternatively, Siddhavirya can be taken as an adjective, someone whose energy is successful.

  734 As in the darkness of ignorance.

  735 The sons.

  736 The hell is known as pum. One who saves (trayate) from pum is putra (son).

  737 From the sky.

  738 Revati nakshatra.

  739 An inferior brahmana.

  740 He was born from Parameshthi’s (Brahma’s) eye (chakshu). Hence the name.

  741 This demoness is known as Jataharini.

  742 Bhadra’s son.

  743 Vikranta’s child.

  744 To state the obvious, this implies an infant mortality rate of 333/1000.

  745 The same as Bhadra.

  746 Martanda, Ravi, Bhanu, Arka, Surya and Vivasvat are names of the sun god.

  747 Vilola means agitated and is a name for River Yamuna.

  748 Vishvakarma’s.

  749 Chhaya means shadow. This was a shadowy image.

  750 Vishvakarma.

  751 Surya.

  752 The sons were Vaivasvata Manu and Yama and the daughter was Yamuna.

  753 Surya.

  754 The one who creates light.

  755 Out of a total of sixteen parts.

  756 He was in the form of a horse.

  757 That is, over the dead.

  758 Nasatya and Dasra.

  759 Savarnika means similar in complexion.

  760 Shanaishchara means the slow-moving one. This is Saturn.

  761 The ancestor of the Pandavas and the Kouravas.

  762 The text says Vasus. But Maruts may be intended.

  763 What this sentence means is not clear.

  764 The same as Savarnika.

  765 That is, Vaivasvata Manu.

  766 The thirteen chapters, from Chapter 78 to Chapter 90, constitute the Devi Mahatmya section of Markandeya Purana. Devi Mahatmya means the greatness of Devi, the goddess. These chapters amount to 590 shlokas. Some additional introductory shlokas are sometimes added to bring it to a total of 700 and this text is then known as Chandi or Durga Saptashati (seven hundred).

  767 That is, those kings allied with the Kolas.

  768 He was defeated and lost the other regions.

  769 Literally, the great illusion.

  770 The goddess who is in the form of the sleep (nidra) of yoga.

  771 Hari is Vishnu and Hara is Shiva.

  772 This is a famous prayer to the goddess, sometimes referred to as ratri suktam.

  773 Vishveshvari.

  774 The nasal sound in OUM.

  775 Great knowledge.

  776 Great intellect.

  777 Great memory.

  778 Great delusion.

  779 The illustrious one.

  780 The great goddess.

  781 The great lord.

  782 The night of destruction.

  783 The great night.

  784 The night of delusion.

  785 Some kind of catapult or sling.

  786 Brahma.

  787 Shiva and Vishnu respectively.

  788 The wind god.

  789 The moon god.

  790 Shiva’s.

  791 Jayanti means the one who triumphs.

  792 Agni.

  793 Indra.

  794 Varuna.

  795 Surya.

  796 Destiny or time.

  797 Or shaped in the form of a serpent, nagahara.

  798 The text uses both astra and shastra. These are both weapons and the words are often used synonymously. However, an astra is a weapon that is hurled or released, while a shastra is held in the hand.

  799 Chariots, elephants, horses and infantry.

  800 Companions/attendants, also used in the sense of hordes or demigods.

  801 This is addressed to Suratha.

  802 Humkara means to utter the sound ‘hum’, a sound believed to possess special powers.

  803 The word mahisha means buffalo and Mahishasura had this name because he could assume a buffalo’s form.

  804 Those who strike, being used as a synonym for ganas.

  805 Some asuras were presumably happy at his death.

  806 The negation of Lakshmi/Shri.

  807 That is, Vishnu.

  808 That is, Shiva.

  809 Indra.

  810 The great goddess.

  811 Shivaa, the auspicious one.

  812 The fortunate one.

  813 The terrible one.

  814 The eternal one.

  815 The fair one.

  816 The one who creates.

  817 The one who destroys.

  818 Durga means someone who is difficult to reach.

  819 The repetition cum refrain is in the text. Namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namah.

  820 We have translated jati as existence here, though it can also be translated as category, class and many other ways.

  821 Surya.

  822 Shivaa was manifested from the cells in Parvati’s body.

  823 The word kosha means sheath. Ambika is the same as Shivaa.

  824 The dark one.

  825 Brahma.

  826 Kubera.

  827 Utkrantida means something that grants an exit. The text uses the word shakti, which means javelin. The word shakti also means power. Alternatively, this can be translated as Death’s (Mrityu’s) powers of granting an exit having been taken away.

  828 That is, Varuna.

  829 A khatvanga is a staff with a skull on top.

  830 Literally, those with upraised weapons.

  831 Literally, those who are variegated.

  832 Literally, those who are unlimited in valour.

  833 Literally, those who are like smoke.

  834 Kartikeya/Kumara.

  835 This is Vishnu in Varaha (boar) form.

  836 One with Shiva as a messenger (duta).

  837 Literally, mothers.

  838 Hence the name is derived from rakta (blood) and bija (seed).

  839 The word used is mahatmya.

  840 Kshurapras (kshuras) are arrows with sharp edges.

  841 Of the daitya elephants.

  842 Inauspicious for the daitya soldiers.

  843 The text uses the word ulka (fire, torch, meteor). So Ambika could have used a mass of fire to repulse it, or a weapon that was like a great mass of fire.

  844 Probably because they hadn’t thought the daitya was capable of fighting in this way.

  845 This is a famous prayer to the goddess,
recited often.

  846 Interpreted as enjoyment in heaven.

  847 Modesty.

  848 Knowledge.

  849 Faith.

  850 Nourishment.

  851 The permanent one.

  852 The great night.

  853 Medha.

  854 One who grants boons of victory.

  855 Meaning, the twenty-eighth dvapara yuga.

  856 The one with the red (rakta) teeth (danta).

  857 The one with one hundred eyes.

  858 The one who bears vegetables/herbs.

  859 The terrible one.

  860 Bee, in the feminine.

  861 Adhyatmika, adhidaivika and adhibhoutika.

  862 The cosmic egg.

  863 The repetition occurs because there is a reference to the universal destruction, as well as to the periodical and cyclical destruction.

  864 This is separately addressed to the vaishya.

  865 This ends the Devi Mahatmya section.

  866 The one with one thousand eyes. Sahasraksha can be both an adjective and a proper noun.

  867 This seems to mean one hundred within each of the three categories just mentioned.

  868 Though not explicitly stated, these will be the three categories of gods. This is a description of the eleventh manvantara.

  869 Sukalinas are thus being identified as ancestors of shudras.

  870 Ashtaka is the eighth lunar day, but during krishna paksha.

  871 These are different categories of ancestors. For example, Ajyapas accept oblations of ghee and are regarded as ancestors of vaishyas. Somapas accept soma and are regarded as ancestors of brahmanas. Agnishvattas neglected the sacrificial fire on earth.


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