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Logan Page 11

by Theodora Lane

  Shae nodded. “I’m not so sure. He’s all tied up in his promise to Billy to take care of me. I can’t tell if he really cares or is just fulfilling a promise, but either way, I won’t risk my heart or my dad on what I think might be going on with him.”

  “I get that.” Maddie waved for the waitress. “Just don’t kill any chance. In case, later, when this is over, you might want to salvage whatever you might have with Logan.”

  The waitress came, left the check, and moved off.

  Maddie scooped it up. “I got this. No fight, okay?” She left the money on top of the bill, nodded to the waitress, and stood.

  Shae laughed. “Okay. Thanks. I got the next one.” She got out of her chair.

  “You bet. And it’s going to be steak, not bacon and eggs.”

  They moved toward the diner’s exit. “But really good bacon.” Shae winked.

  “We’ve got fifteen minutes to get to the garage, let’s not be late.”

  Shae shook her head. “No way am I giving those guys any excuse to leave me behind.”


  Logan tapped his pen on the desk. Any minute Shae would walk through the door to the office, and he’d have to face her. So far, only Max sat at his desk, with no sign of Travis or the others.

  Thank God for small miracles.

  He didn’t know if he could face any ribbing from Travis this morning, not after having to slink his way out of the hotel. Damn, his time with Shae had been fantastic, better than he’d ever imagined, but he’d blown it—royally. And he did not want to explain that to anyone, especially not Max.

  “For chrissakes, can you either put that pen down or use it?” Max glared at him from across the room.

  “Sorry.” Logan tossed the pen onto the desk and leaned back to stretch.

  “I know you’re nervous. I get it. But you’re driving me nuts.”

  Logan almost spilled the beans, but the door opened, and Travis walked in. He didn’t make eye contact as he flung his lanky body into his chair. After flicking on his computer, he groaned.

  “Rough night?” Max looked up, cocking an eyebrow.

  Travis shrugged. “No. Early night.” He raised his gaze to Logan, and then danced away.

  Max frowned at Travis and then at Logan. “I don’t know what happened with y’all’s dinner last night, and frankly, I don’t want to hear, but both of you? Pull yourselves together. We have to get our shit organized and get to the airport cargo hangar by two.”

  Logan nodded. Travis just grabbed his mouse and started to work at his computer.

  “Where’s everyone?” Logan glanced at his watch. Eight forty-five. No way would Shae be late. No getting past she was going on this mission, come hell or high water.

  “Gathering up the equipment and loading it in the SUV. With six of us going, there’s little room for cargo.” Max stood. “Need more coffee.” He stood and went out the shop door to the kitchen.

  “It’s a good thing we’re taking the Navigator. With all the hidden compartments, we’ll make it all fit.” Travis still wasn’t looking at Logan.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, man. I’m fine.” Travis glanced up, met Logan’s gaze, and then went back to staring at his computer.

  Logan exhaled under his breath. Damn, but this was going to be a long-ass day.

  The outside door opened, and Shae, followed by Maddie, entered. Shae pulled an overhead bag behind her. Maddie had a large purse.

  “Hi y’all!” Maddie sung out.

  “Good morning.” Shae smiled at Logan and then at Travis.

  “Morning.” Both men nodded.

  “So, Travis. Are you ready to show me everything you got?” Maddie leaned against his desk on a cocked hip. “With the email and paperwork.” She winked.

  Travis frowned. “Sure. I have it right here. Pull up a chair.”

  Logan blinked. What the hell had happened between Maddie and Travis? She was still flirting, and he acted like she didn’t mean a thing to him. No stumbling speech. No rushing to get her a chair. Not even standing up for her.

  Man, he’d like to know that story. But then, he’d probably have to tell Travis of his own screw up. Maybe he should just ignore it all.

  Maddie’s smile melted. She waited for a moment, but Travis didn’t make any moves to help, so she got one of the chairs from Max’s desk and carried it over to sit next to Travis.

  The shop door opened, and Max came in carrying a steaming mug of coffee.

  “Good. You’re both here.” He sat at his desk, placing the mug on a warmer. “We have to be on our way by eleven, grab lunch, and get to the cargo hangar by two. Our plane leaves at three, so we should have time to get the SUV loaded.”

  Shae sat at the remaining chair across from Max. “Fine. I brought my bag. Is it too big?” She pointed at it.

  Max stared over the desk. “Fine.” He glanced at Logan. “Can you take her bag and yours and get it stowed?”

  “Sure. Where’s yours?” Logan rose to his feet, picked up Shae’s bag, and headed to the shop door.

  “Already on board.”


  “It’s in the trunk of my car.” He leaned back, dug out his keys, and tossed them to Logan. “Thanks.”

  Logan caught the keys in his hand, tucked them in his pocket, and left.

  Man, the tension was thick in the office. He took a deep breath and exhaled. If they didn’t cool down, Max would pick up on it, and then there’d be questions. And he did not want to come up with answers.

  Logan headed toward the SUV, where Jake leaned into the back of the vehicle.

  “Hey, can you get these stowed?”

  Jake straightened and held out his hands. Logan tossed Shae’s bag, then his, as Jake caught them and placed them on the ground.

  “I have to get Travis’s bag, and that’s it on our end.”

  “Cool. I have everyone else’s stuff packed.”

  “Will it all fit?” Not only were their bags, but weapons on board also.

  “No problem. This baby’s got all sorts of hidey-holes.” He patted the SUV on the side. We’ll put the bags in the rear, just like we were going on a trip to Grandma’s.” He grinned and then placed the bags in the back, rearranging the suitcases and duffel bags already there.

  Logan nodded and pulled Travis’s keys out of his pocket. “Be back in a few with Travis’s bag.”

  Jake waved him off, and Logan strode over to the large open door.


  Shae pointed to Max’s mug. “Got more of that brew?”

  “It’s pretty strong, but sure, help yourself.” He jerked his thumb at the shop door. “There’s a pot in the kitchen. Last cup makes a new pot.”

  “Got it.” Shae stood. “Maddie, you want one?”

  Maddie looked up from the computer screen she shared with Travis. “Sure.” They exchanged looks, and Shae shrugged. Logan had bolted as quick as a rabbit, and Travis was so icy, it was a wonder Maddie didn’t have frostbite.

  At least Maddie only had to endure it until they left.

  Shae had to endure God knew how long with this crap from Logan.

  She headed to the door and out, making her way to the kitchen. She found the cabinet marked MUGS/GLASSES and opened it, taking down two plain white old-fashioned mugs, the kind diners used back when.

  After filling the mugs and doctoring them, she poured out the dregs and made a new pot. Obeying the garage’s rules would be the best thing to keep the guys from trying to boot her from this mission.

  If she had to get them coffee to ensure that, she would. Not that they asked. They probably thought about it but then rejected the idea. Shae grinned. A little respect was a good thing.

  As she carried the coffee back to the office, Logan came in through the door with Travis’s bag. He nodded to her. She nodded back.

  No smiles. No knowing look. No heated stare.

  For Logan, it was over. For her…

  Damn, just seeing him again
made her body ache for his touch, his kiss.

  Okay, so she might have kicked him out last night, might have been pissed at him, but she couldn’t deny her desire for him still burned inside her.

  But for the duration of this mission, she had to fight it off. Shut it down. Close herself off from this man, if only for self-survival.

  Because nothing would stop her from getting her father back.

  Not even the chance at love.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Round everyone up, Travis. We need to head out.” Logan gathered up some papers on his desk, shoved them into a folder, and stashed them into a desk drawer.

  Shae gave Maddie a jerk of her head, signaling she wanted to speak. From the office, Maddie followed her to the break room. As Shae stood at the sink pouring out her almost empty cup of coffee, Maddie came up beside her.

  “I’m going to miss you.” Maddie bumped her hip against Shae’s.

  Shae bumped back. “I’ll miss you too. Take care of yourself here.”

  “I got this. No worries.” Maddie snorted. “If anyone needs to take care, it’s you. Brazil. The jungle. Logan.” Maddie winked.

  “I can take care of myself. And besides, I’ll be surrounded by all those men.” Shae washed her mug under the tap. “I know.” Maddie leaned in. “What about Logan? Hot, steamy jungle. Lush waterfalls.”

  Shae chuckled. “You’re so crazy. I’m going to get my dad back, not fuck around in the jungle.” She put the clean mug on the drying rack.

  “Who says you can’t do both?” Maddie snorted and then sobered. “Seriously, honey, be careful. I want you and your dad back. Alive.”

  Shae turned to answer, but Maddie swept her into a fierce hug. They stepped apart and then returned to the office so Shae could gather her things.

  Maddie went to Travis’s desk and sat in his chair as Shae slung her purse on her shoulder.

  Travis came back to the office and stood in the doorway. He gave Maddie a hard stare.

  “Hey, be sure to email me if you have any problems with the accounts.”

  Maddie looked up. “Sure. Will do.”

  Shae watched as the two held each other’s gazes. Tension screamed between them, but neither said a word. She rolled her eyes and headed to the door.

  “Be safe,” Maddie called out.

  “I’m a trained professional.” Travis reached down and scooped up his backpack.

  Maddie stood, fingering the papers on the desk. She bit her bottom lip, looking as if she were on the verge of saying something. But she sat back down.

  “Right.” Travis frowned. He motioned Shae to the door, and she followed him.

  With a quick wave, Shae bid Maddie goodbye. Maddie raised her hand, but Travis turned away and left the room.

  Shae sighed. Maybe Maddie and Travis were doing what was best for them.

  She couldn’t shake the feeling that what she and Logan were doing wasn’t right.


  Max pulled into the airport cargo terminal and parked. Shae sat, surrounded by a cloud of testosterone. Logan rode shotgun, and she was between Rowdy and Travis, with Gunnar and Jake in the third row.

  “Everyone out.” Max opened his door and stepped away. “I’ll check with the guys at the desk to see if the plane is ready to load the SUV.” He strode off toward the office door, leaving the rest of them to stretch their legs.

  “Last chance to check if you’ve got all your shit.” Travis grinned. “Passports?”

  Everyone nodded or grunted.


  “Yeah, man.”

  “Packed and loaded.”

  “What? Weapons? Was I supposed to pack weapons?” The last remark came from Jake. Shae glanced up fast enough to see a sly grin disappear, leaving only the twinkle in his eyes.

  The other men groaned, and Shae had to smile. She had no doubt Jake had stashed enough guns to take out a small army. In the SUV. She groaned. What if they had been stopped? What if they were sitting on stuff like grenades?

  Could they blow up?

  She sidled over to Travis. “Hey. It’s safe, right? The stuff Jake’s hidden in the Navigator? It won’t…”

  “Blow up?” Travis chuckled. “Not unless he wants it to. Don’t worry. Jake’s a professional. It’s under control.”

  Shae exhaled. “Good. I don’t want anything to screw up this mission. I want my father back, and that won’t happen if anything goes wrong.”

  Travis patted her on the shoulder. “I know. We’ll get him back.”

  Max returned, and everyone’s attention turned to him.

  “So, the plane is ready. Gunnar, get it loaded. Jake, you help with it.” The two men trotted to the vehicle, got in, backed out, and then drove off around the side of the hangar.

  “The rest of us, come inside. We have to fill out some papers, show our passports, that sort of thing. This is a legit business, after all.” He winked at them.

  Shae followed them into the hangar’s office. Logan walked beside her but didn’t make physical contact or even glance over at her. Fair enough. She got it, loud and clear.

  Logan held the door open as they entered, and then followed.

  The office was fairly large, with a long counter. Behind it, an older woman and a man stood on the other side.

  After they presented their passports, filled out a form stating they understood this was dangerous and they wouldn’t hold the company responsible for any injury or deaths, they were shown another door, this one leading into the hangar itself.

  Shae had never been in a hangar, but she’d seen them in plenty of films. This one was large and held several small planes and one large transport craft.

  It was big. Really big.

  The Navigator had been loaded inside the transport plane. Travis and Gunnar walked down the ramp that opened at the rear end.

  “All safe and secure.” Travis waved.

  The group headed toward the moveable stairs leading up to the passenger door.

  Logan caught up to Shae. “I’ll brief you on our cover once we’re in and seated.”

  “Okay.” Shae offered him a brief smile. He looked away.

  Okay. She’d put him out of her hotel room after fabulous sex. He had a right to be pissed. But she had every right to be pissed at him for trying to act all protective and alpha, right?

  She climbed the stairs after him, clutching her backpack. It held her passport, her gun, and a few necessities like some extra packs of dry food, two lighters in a waterproof plastic baggie, a small folded rain poncho, a folding knife, a box of ammo, and two bottles of water. And a romance novel for the flight.

  A girl had to be prepared, right?

  Inside the plane, there were a dozen rows, with two seats on the side of each row. The men spread out, some sitting alone, like Jake, and others, like Gunnar and Travis, sat together. Max sat in the front, with Logan sitting across the aisle from him.

  Shae could sit alone, or she could sit with Jake. She looked at him as he placed his backpack into the seat next to him. No eye contact. Okay. Got that message.

  Sitting with Logan was not happening. Sitting with Max, well, he was the strong and silent type. The two men had their heads together, deep in conversation. It would be intruding for her to grab that seat.

  She chose the empty row behind Travis, stowed her backpack on the seat near the window, and sat. Ahead, she stared at the backs of Logan, Max, and Travis.

  This was going to be one hell of a long flight.

  Chapter Sixteen

  As the sun reached its apex, beams of light cut through the thick jungle canopy, dappling the path. It was almost pretty. Until Walter remembered where he was and why he was trudging through the Brazilian jungle.

  The group would stop soon to eat. Walter’s belly rumbled, and he unscrewed the cap off his canteen and took a long swig. Not enough to drain it, because he knew not having water would be stupid. He’d get it filled when they reached the next camp.

  He w
iped his mouth off on his sleeve, recapped the water container, and kept going. Stopping wasn’t an option. Not allowed. Marco had a schedule to keep. Whatever the hell it was, Walter had no idea.

  So far, it all seemed pointless. Wandering around in a jungle, day after day.

  Maybe it meant someone was looking for them? Walter could only hope, but he knew the longer they stayed out here, the worse it looked for him.

  All the resources would run out, Marco would get tired of this, and it would end.

  Most likely with a bullet to Walter’s brain.

  Unless he could talk Marco into contacting Shae. She was his only way out of this mess. Her and as much of his money as she could get her hands on.

  They marched into a clearing, and the men in front of him disbanded, heading off into different directions. A few tents had been raised. A small campfire burned off to the side.

  Walter stood and took in the small area, searching for food and drink. He spotted a barrel of water next to one of the tents and moved toward it as he got out his canteen. A line of men had formed, and he took his place at the end.

  Marco watched him from his seat on a fallen log near the fire. On the ground next to him was a crude rucksack that held Walter’s passport, cell phone, and wallet, insurance that even if Walter ran away, he’d have nothing. Marco leaned over, digging his knife into the ground, but never taking his narrowed stare from Walter.

  Walter behaved. Waited. Shuffled up to the barrel. Cupped his hands under the nozzle and drank twice, and then he filled his canteen. He capped it and moved away to find a place to sit down.

  The fire was too hot to stay by, and it made him sleepy. This was only lunch, not the time to sleep. If he did, he’d miss eating, and right now, that was more important than catching a few winks.

  He needed to stay as healthy as possible, fed, and hydrated.

  A man Walter didn’t recognize worked over a pot on the fire. Lunch. Despite himself, he licked his lips.


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