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Logan Page 19

by Theodora Lane

  Maddie laughed. “Sure. I knew you could do it.” She grinned and then turned toward Shae’s dad.

  “Mr. Walker!” She threw her arms around him and gave him a big hug too.

  “Maddie, honey. Good to see you.” He laughed.

  Max pointed to a chair in front of his desk. “Shae. Mr. Walker. Have a seat.”

  They sat as Maddie moved behind Travis’s desk and took her chair. Logan pulled his chair up to his desk and sat, folded his hands on his blotter, and gave Shae a wink.

  “First. Maddie, thanks for holding down the fort. Anything to report?”

  Maddie nodded. “There were a few calls, but I managed to put them off, hopefully without losing any business. Told them you were making a delivery of a royal nature. Strictly hush hush.” She grinned. “Seemed to impress.”

  “Good.” Max smiled. “Get with Travis in a bit and bring him up to speed on everything that happened while we were gone.”

  “Yes, sir.” Maddie gave him a quick salute.

  “Now, Mr. Walker. I’m not sure if Shae told you, but we have a contract for services rendered. I’ll have an invoice drawn up and sent out to you, if that’s okay?”

  “Yes. It’s fine. I understand it’s for expenses only. That’s not a very robust business model.” He tilted his head to the side, and his brow furrowed. That was her dad’s questioning look. She’d seen it quite a few times in her teens while explaining what she and Maddie had gotten up to.

  “When Logan brought this to us, seeing as it was Billy’s sister, we agreed to do it pro bono, so to speak. Billy will always be a part of this team, and his family is included.”

  Shae’s dad nodded. “I appreciate that, Max. Send me the invoice, and I’ll make sure it’s paid promptly.” He stood up. “And with a hefty bonus included.”

  Max’s eyebrows shot up. “It’s not necessary, sir.”

  “Oh, but it is. No arguments.” He turned to Shae. “Honey, I’m really tired. I want a hot bath and to sleep in a real bed. With air conditioning.”

  She stood and smiled at him. “Of course. My car is parked outside. I’ll take you home. Maddie, I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

  “Sure. We will talk.” Maddie gave her a look and a wink.

  Logan pushed off the wall, and Shae stepped up to him. “Logan. I want to talk with you also. When you’re free.” She put her hand on his chest and looked up into his eyes.

  His gaze held her. Like a warmth flowing from it to her, it wrapped her up and kept her safe. She wanted to bask in his gaze, the deepness hiding in it, touching her heart.

  “Just call. I’ll always answer.” Logan leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Sir.” He gave her dad a nod and stepped away.

  Her father left the office, and Shae followed. The door shut behind them, and she walked toward her car as she dug the keys out of her backpack.

  “I think you’re going to hear quite a bit from that man, honey.” Her father smirked.

  “And that’s okay with you?” She hit the locks, and the car beeped. They both got in and hooked their seatbelts on. She pushed the button, and the car started.

  “You’re a grown ass woman. It’s your call.” He winked at her.

  “Dad!” Shae laughed as she pulled away from the garage. “I know you have an opinion at least.”

  “I do.” He chewed on the side of his cheek. “Logan is a fine man.”

  Shae grinned. “I think so too.” Logan was a fine man, in more ways than one, but she sure wasn’t going to tell that to her father. He didn’t need to know how up close and personal they’d gotten. After all, he was still her dad.

  For the rest of the drive, Shae’s smile never wavered.

  She had her dad, and maybe, just maybe, she’d have her fine man too.


  Maddie looked up as the door to the garage opened and Travis walked in. A smile busted loose from her just seeing him again. He glanced over at her, nodded, and then closed the door behind him.

  “Hey.” He stood in front of his desk. Long legs wrapped in Levi’s, carved forearms exposed by rolled up denim sleeves. And worn combat boots. Damn. She had to keep from licking her lips he looked so good.


  They stared at each other, and she got lost. After what didn’t go down between them the night before he left, well, she had no right to show any interest now. She’d burned the hell out of that bridge.

  Max cleared his throat. “Travis, get caught up with Maddie. I’m sure she’d like to skedaddle ASAP. She does have a life, you know.”

  “Sure, boss.” Travis gave him a salute. “Can I pull a chair up next to you?” He put his hand on one of the office chairs.

  “Okay.” Maddie moved over to give him room. He rolled the chair over and sat. God, what the fuck was he wearing? He smelled so good. All manly. A hint of sweat. Earthy. She wanted to lick it off him.

  “So, tell me about business. What happened while we were gone?” He leaned in, all serious and interested. But not, it seemed, in her.

  “Not much. A few invoices got paid. I marked them here.” She showed him everything that happened. They talked for a while, going over the ins and outs. Strictly business. Yep.

  She wanted to say something. Like she’d been scared as shit when the feelings for him, a man she’d just met, hit her. And hard. Like slam your brakes and have the seat belt engage and pin you back against your seat hard.

  She wanted to apologize for being curt and cold and for running like a rabbit with a fox on its scent.

  But instead, she just explained her work.

  And he just listened.

  When she finished, she grabbed her purse and stood. “So, that’s it. If you have any questions, call me.” Maddie gave both Travis and Max a big smile. “And I want to thank all of you for getting Mr. Walker back. I know Shae really appreciates it. And thanks for keeping her safe too. I know how hard that can be. She’s hardheaded as mule. I’d just die if anything happened to her.”

  “I’m glad we could help.” Max got up to open the door for her.

  Maddie turned to hold her hand out to Travis, but he got up, moved away, and went out the door to the garage. Leaving her hanging.

  She deserved that. Oh, hell, yes.

  “Max.” She went to the door and offered her hand.

  Max took it, and they shook. “Look. About Travis…”

  “No, it’s okay. He’s a great guy.” Maddie let his hand go and left.

  She walked to her car parked along the side of the building and got in. Maddie started the car, pulled out, and headed down the drive. She’d only been going there for that last few days, but it sure felt like a long time.

  Waiting for Travis to come back safe.


  Max called the men together to discuss the mission, just like when they were doing special ops. The men fell into it as if they’d never left the military years ago.

  “So.” Max clapped his hands. “Other than a few things, it went well. I’m proud of all of you. None of us was injured or killed. We didn’t kill anyone. In and out with no issues. And we got Mr. Walker back in one piece.”

  Logan nodded. “I want to thank all y’all, personally. For agreeing to go and for doing a damn fine job.” He grinned at them.

  He and Max had something to discuss, so when the guys started to leave, he cleared his throat. “One more thing. Max?”

  Max leaned back in his chair. “So, you know I created this company, Maximus Force, right?”

  Heads nodded.

  “So, Logan is my partner in it, just like here in the garage. I know we sort of roped everyone in, but I want you guys to decide if you want to be involved in any other ‘missions’ that come our way.” Max looked out at each of them.

  Travis slapped the desk. “Where do I sign?” He grinned. “Haven’t had so much fun in a coon’s age.”

  The others laughed. Jake shrugged. “I got nothing better to do. But next time, I want to seriously blow so
mething up.”

  Max laughed. “Can’t promise it.”

  “A man can hope, can’t he?” Jake winked and then got up. “Got to check out my shop. Get back to work.” He strolled out.

  Gunnar and Rowdy pushed off the wall they were holding up. “Sign us up, Captain. Let’s see how far we can ride this.”

  Max chuckled. “Good. All present and accounted for. Now, get back to work. Last I checked, we had a few orders to fill.” The guys left, leaving only Logan and Max in the office.

  Max pulled open a drawer and brought out some papers. He gave them a once-over and then slid them across to Logan.

  “What’s this?” Logan cocked an eyebrow up.

  He caught Logan’s gaze. “I was thinking, when you’re ready, you can sign these papers, and it’ll be all legal.”

  Logan flipped through them. “These are for Maximus Force.”

  “Yep.” Max kept his face straight, giving away nothing.

  “You sure?” Logan scratched his chin.

  “Never more. Maximus Force all right for a name?”

  “It’s a good name, Max.”

  Max tapped the papers. “So. You and me. Partners?”

  Logan stood and held out his hand. “Partners.” They shook on it, and Logan pulled Max in for a one-handed, back-slapping bro hug.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Shae had been unpacking for three days. Unpacking her clothes, her emotions, her strained nerves. All the feelings about her father, about Billy, about Logan. Especially Logan.

  No man had ever made her feel the way Logan had, and she feared no one would again. It terrified her, like deep in her soul, gut-tearing, elevator dropping scared her.

  What if he was the one? What if she’d just let him walk away without even trying?

  But what if there wasn’t just one guy? Maybe the next man she met would be someone she could build a life with?

  She flopped back on the couch and picked up the TV remote, flicking through all her favorite channels. Nothing looked good. Of course, it was almost midnight. Nothing but infomercials. Why the hell was she paying so much money for cable?

  With a glance at her phone, she tossed the remote down.

  “Get over yourself.” She scooped up the phone and searched for Logan in her contact list. “Just call him. Talk.” Sure, it was late, but…

  She hovered her finger over his name. Inhaled. Exhaled. Growled and then threw the phone back on the coffee table. What the hell was keeping her from calling him? Her father had come to terms with Logan. No longer held him as responsible for Billy’s death. And she was sure her dad wouldn’t interfere if she wanted to date Logan.

  Well, pretty sure.

  What would she say to him? Want to go out? Want to come over? Want to fuck me again, like up against your truck?

  “Oh God…” Her body responded to the thought of that, going all tight and needy.

  Shae rubbed her hands over her face and sat up. Maybe she’d call Maddie and ask her to bring over some take out, and they could watch the latest movie on cable.

  A knock on the door.

  “Who the hell is this so late?” Usually Maddie called first.

  She went to the door and peered out the wide angle peephole.


  She gasped and fell back against the side of the wall, as if he couldn’t see her.

  He knocked again. “Shae?”

  For a moment, she just breathed, in and out. Then she got hold of herself, unlocked the deadbolt, and opened the door.

  “Hi, Logan.” She swallowed and wondered if he could tell how flustered she was to see him.

  “Can I come in?”

  “Sure. How did you find me?” She hadn’t given him her address.

  “Got it from Travis. He did his Google-foo.” Logan gave a half-laugh as he stepped past her. She shut the door and leaned against it.

  Damn he looked fine. A fine man. Yes, he was. Fine as frog’s hair.

  “So what brings you out? To my apartment? So late at night?” She looked up at him as he ran his hand through his hair, the other hand tucked into his back pocket.

  “I, uh, wanted to, needed to talk to you.” Logan’s gaze burned her up, like it always did. Made her think he wanted her more than anything. Made her feel like she was the only thing he wanted.

  Powerful as all get out.

  “Wanted? Needed?” She gave him a sexy smile. “I like the sound of those words, cowboy.” She took a step closer. Put her hand on his chest. Looked up into his piercing, deep brown eyes.

  Logan groaned and put his hands on her hips, pulled her close. He rested his forehead on hers and sighed.

  Good Lord Almighty, what a sigh. As if everything he held inside had been let loose. All his tension just vanished. All because he held her.


  “Baby, I want you bad. I need you worse. I been trying to fight it for days, since we got back and you left with your dad. But it’s no good.” He kissed her forehead.

  “No good?” She couldn’t keep her hands off him, stroking his chiseled chest, her fingers finding the hard peaks of his nipples under the soft Henley he wore. “Is that good or bad?”

  “Good. And bad.” He chuckled. “Good, because I can’t stop thinking about you. And bad, because I can’t stop thinking about you.” He threw his head back and exhaled. “I’m not making sense, I know it.”

  “Go on.” She leaned in and kissed the divot at the base of his throat. Oh, hell, she wanted this man.

  “You’re all I dream about. All I think about.” He leaned close to whisper in her ear. “You. I jerk off to you. Must’ve done it a half dozen times a day. But it’s not enough, baby.” He ran his hand up, cupped her breast, and gave it a soft squeeze.

  “Oh, you bad cowboy. Did you miss me riding you?” She licked a path from his throat up to his ear and then bit the lobe.

  He groaned and dropped his other hand to her ass. Grabbed it and pulled her in so she could feel his cock, how hard it was. How hard she made him.

  “Riding you too. Kissing you. Licking you. Tasting you.” Another moan. “Lord, I’m addicted to you, Shae. I don’t want to just walk away. I want to…”

  “Keep me. All for yourself?” She kissed his cheek, working her way toward his lips.

  “Yes. Mine. All mine.” He closed his eyes and rocked against her, pushing his cock into her belly.

  “Yours. I like the sound of that, cowboy.” She bent down and then jumped up into his hold, wrapping her legs around his waist as his hands cupped and held her ass.

  Logan swung around and pressed her up against the wall. He gave a deep growl and then claimed her lips. Claimed them for his and his alone.

  Shae opened for him, let him thrust his tongue deep inside her mouth, demanding and controlling.

  She rubbed her pussy against his belly, just above the belt on his jeans.

  “Christ.” Logan turned again and moved into her apartment. “Bedroom. Where?”

  She broke their kiss. “Down the hall. Second door.”

  He carried her to the room. She reached down and opened the door, and he kicked it open. They staggered to the bed, and he leaned down with her still clinging to him and placed her on the bed.

  Logan crouched over her. Hunger. Desire. Need. All burning in his eyes.

  “Take your clothes off.” Command radiated in his voice, and she had to obey. He sat up and let her have the room to undress, never taking his gaze from her.

  “Fuck. I love your breasts. Your nipples.” He reached out and flicked one with his finger.

  Shae groaned. As though her nipples were on a direct route to her pussy, it vibrated through her. He leaned down and licked them, first one and then the other. She closed her eyes and just rode the feeling.

  He placed a hand on her belly and slid his thumb to her pussy. Pushed past her lips and found her clit. Pressed down.

  She gasped, curling upward with the pleasure.


��I know you like that, honey. Love your clit rubbed. Sucked. Bitten.” He pushed her legs apart and bent down.

  When his tongue dragged over her clit, she cried out again. He would make her insane if he didn’t fuck her soon.

  But he continued to lick her, tasting all the folds of her pussy and making the sexiest little noises, as if he thought she was so fucking delicious he couldn’t stand it.

  Her body arched, and she grabbed his head to hold him down as her body tightened, her climax just sitting within reach. She strained to get there, but she needed more.

  Logan shoved two fingers into her pussy and sucked her clit hard. His fingers stroked her inside, rubbing and twisting her tender flesh, while he destroyed her clit with his mouth.

  Her orgasm grew. Hovered for a moment, her body tightening, and then with a huge surge, she exploded over the edge. Her body jerked as her pussy clenched over and over, squeezing his fingers, keeping them tight inside her.

  She cried out his name as she dug her nails into his shoulders to hold him still.

  Then she collapsed. Her body going slack. Weightless. Boneless.

  “Damn you, Logan.” She swatted at his head.

  He chuckled. “Me? What did I do?” The sparkle in his eyes let her know he knew how he made her feel.

  “Me. You did me. So damn fine.” Shae sighed.

  No man had given her such hard climaxes.

  She watched as he got off the bed and stripped for her. Piece by piece. Kicked off his boots. Tore off his socks. Pulled his shirt over his head. Wiggled his jeans off his ass.

  Naked as the day he was born.

  And fine as frog’s hair. Oh, yes, ma’am.

  And he was all hers.


  Logan gazed down at the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen. Shae Walker, stretched out naked on her bed, eyes half closed, clutching the blankets. Watching him with only a hint of a smile.

  He might just come from looking at her. She was beautiful, but it lay not in her features but in her strength, her stubbornness, her ability to reduce him to all instinct and desire. She distilled the essence of being a man into something he had little control over when she offered herself to him.

  He’d told the truth. He wanted her. He needed her. As if the oxygen had been sucked from a room, or all the moisture in his body had dried up and blown away on the wind.


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