Sky Scorcher 2

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by Harlan J Meade

  The senior sailor shouted, “Push forward!” as he stood up and began moving closer to the pirates. Derek heard what had been said and angrily took a steady aim and fired his rifle. His shot hit the senior sailor in the chest. All of the Department personnel took cover and the pirates used the opportunity to go back to their boat without resistance.

  By the time the Department ships arrived, Derek and the pirates were long gone. Captain Woodard weighed anchor directly above the battlefield where the gun fight had taken place. Wounded and dead Department crewmen were scattered on the ground along with several dead pirates. Captain Woodard exited his ship and began to carry the wounded back to it when the other Department ships arrived.

  “What happened?” asked Captain Dekard frantically when he saw the bodies lying on the battlefield.

  Captain Woodard began explaining what he believed had taken place when he heard someone inside the crashed airship faintly yelling for help. Woodard began sifting through the wreckage and was about to give up hope when he found his first mate. He, along with the rest of the crewmen that had been sent out with him, were tied up and lying under the rubble. Woodard quickly grabbed his dagger and cut the ropes to free his first mate.

  “Captain, I’m sorry. The pirates got the jump on us and took one of the new communication devices from this ship,” explained his first mate as he helped to free the rest of the crew.

  Captain Woodard rushed out of the wreckage and back to his ship to inform the other captains about the pirates ambush and about the stolen device.

  “Someone will have to tell the king that a long range communication system is now in the hands of the deadliest pirate that has ever sailed,” said one of the younger captains.

  “I’ll tell Headquarters. It was my crew who was ambushed. And as for the king, I suppose that I will tell him when I inform him of the Sky Marshal’s death,” replied Captain Woodard as he watched the crew load the wounded and dead onto his ship.

  “We can’t just let them get away with this!” yelled Captain Dekard as he slammed his fist down on a wooden barrel.

  “There is no way to catch up with them in the dark. By the time we do catch up, the pirates will have figured out how to use the communications system to outmaneuver us,” explained Captain Woodard.

  “So what, then, do you suggest we do?” asked another captain who was standing with Dekard.

  “By now, the communication system has been installed in every ship in the Department fleet. We need to return to Headquarters and to the Palace to give our reports and see what our new orders will be,” explained Captain Woodard as the last of the wounded was loaded onto his ship.

  “He’s right,” agreed the younger captain. “We will never find the pirates that threw the ambush. Woodard can return to the Palace and we will inform Headquarters of what has transpired.”

  The other captains all nodded in agreement. None of them wanted to be responsible for telling King Tideon the bad news of his friend’s death or the loss of the communication system.

  “Then it’s settled, gentlemen. Let’s not waste any more time. Mr. Blackwin and company will be halfway home by now. At least we can say that we were able to help save them so this effort hasn’t been a complete loss,” said Captain Woodard as he and the other captains returned to their ships.

  Chapter Three

  Return as Heroes

  “What’s the first thing you’re going to do when we get back, Lieutenant?” asked James as he ate an apple that he had just peeled.

  “I suppose I’ll give a report to King Tideon and then find the first tavern I can and spend a month’s wages there,” said Lieutenant Plateman with a laugh as the cool night air brushed over them.

  “What about you, Misty?” James questioned his friend. “What will you do? It will be a while before we return to Blackwin Manor,” explained James as he held his hand over a steam vent to warm them.

  “I supposed as much, but a long shower and a break from being on an airship would be very welcomed. When we do return to Blackwin Manor, it will be nice to see my family. It seems like it’s been a lifetime since we left for the King’s Ball,” said Misty as she yawned.

  “It’s hard to believe that we made it through all of that and that the Sky Marshal won’t be returning with us. A toast to the Sky Marshal,” said James as they raised their glasses.

  “I believe we all could use some rest. We’ve earned it. Tomorrow we will arrive at the Palace and the King will want to hear all about it for himself,” said Lieutenant Plateman as he turned and walked to the stairs.

  “I’ll see you in the morning. I’m going to go check on Mr. Rewk,” said James as he walked towards the helm.

  “Goodnight, James. Try to get some rest,” replied Misty as she smiled and turned to go down the steps to her room.

  James opened the door of the helm and saw the Crew Chief at the ship’s wheel. He appeared tired but determined to make it back home. “Good evening, Mr. Rewk. I came to check on you before turning in for the night,” James told him.

  “Thank you, sir. All is well. With the Department escort we shouldn’t have anything to worry about. We will arrive at the Palace before noon tomorrow,” replied Crew Chief Rewk with a loose grip on the wheel.

  “I see that your men have done an excellent job repairing the ship,” James commented as he examined the place where cannon fire had damaged the ship’s hull.

  “I assure you, Mr. Blackwin, that when we return to the Palace, we will have your ship back to the state it was in before we left,” said the Crew Chief to James.

  “I’m grateful for all that you and your crew have done. We were discussing what we are going to do when we get back home. What will you do, Mr. Rewk?” asked James curiously.

  “It’s been an honor, Mr. Blackwin. Now that the Sky Marshal is gone, I suppose that I’ll be given a ship and a larger crew to help keep the peace for the Kingdom,” answered the Crew Chief unsure of exactly what would be done once he arrived back to the Palace.

  “If you ever need anything Mr. Rewk, call upon me and I will do what I can,” James said as he shook the Crew Chief’s hand. “I’m going to turn in for the night. Tomorrow is going to be a long day,” said James as he left the helm and headed to his study to get some rest. Now that the adventure was over and they were on their way home, James felt a calmness come over him and it was much easier for him to fall asleep.


  Sunlight began to shine through James’ window causing him to wake up and check the time. “After ten, already?” he said as he jumped up and got dressed. James rushed outside and saw the buzz of the crew working hard to prepare the ship to dock at the Palace. James saw that all was going well and left to eat breakfast in the galley.

  “Sleep well?” Misty asked as she sat at a table in the galley.

  “Yes, thank you. Where is Lieutenant Plateman,” James asked with a mouthful of toast.

  “He was here earlier. He said that he was going to work on his report,” explained Misty as she ate.

  “We must be getting close to the Palace,” noted James as he finished his breakfast.

  “I haven’t heard the Crew Chief say, but he has the crew preparing the ship to dock. Now that you’re awake, I’ll get your things ready for our arrival at the Palace,” replied Misty as she collected both plates to take to the kitchen.

  “Thank you Misty,” said James from his seat at the table. “It’s good to have you back. No need to be formal when we arrive. Construction should still be underway.”

  “I didn’t have a chance to see the aftermath,” Misty said as she realized that she now knew the power of the Sky Scorcher. “Was it as bad as Firebolt said it was?”

  “Yes. It was definitely a blow to the Kingdom…but it also was what led us to Hover Bay. With any luck, we did enough damage to send it crashing to the ground,” said James firmly.

  Misty smiled and thought, “Good. The only good thing about Hover Bay was Mr. Mattus and his store.”

nbsp; “What are you smiling about?” asked James as he looked at Misty with confusion.

  “I was just thinking…maybe those pirates got a taste of their own medicine,” she explained before entering the kitchen.

  “I hope so, as well. I’m going to go see how preparations are going. I’ll be sure to announce an arrival time as soon as I talk to Crew Chief Rewk,” said James as he stood and nodded goodbye to Misty. She gestured goodbye to James and entered into the kitchen.

  On deck, the crew had placed the empty cargo crates, barrels, and most of the crew’s belongings along the side of the ship’s railing. James noticed the Crew Chief looking over the railing. He walked over to Mr. Rewk and leaned next to him.

  “It’s almost over now, sir,” said Crew Chief Rewk when James approached him.

  “What’s that?” James asked unsure of what Mr. Rewk was referring to.

  “This journey,” Mr. Rewk answered solemnly. “We’re only about an hour or so out from what I can tell…then it’ll be over.”

  “You and your men have earned a long rest. I wonder how the reconstruction of the Palace is coming along?” asked James as he looked out at the calm skies.

  “We will know soon enough. I just hope they take it easy on you and the Lieutenant. They have to know that we did everything possible to get the blueprints back,” Mr. Rewk said as he glanced to the helm. He received an ‘okay’ from the man who he had left in charge of the ship’s wheel.

  “Thank you. I think I can handle the king and his advisors. I had better notify everyone that we are only an hour from arriving,” said James as he left to go to the helm.

  “I’ve already packed my belongings. I believe that I’ll head that way with you,” said Crew Chief Rewk as he hurried to catch up with James. When they arrived, the young man greeted them with a smile.

  “Any word from our escorts?” Crew Chief Rewk asked the young man.

  “No, sir. I’ll be sure to notify you if we hear anything,” the young man replied.

  “You were one of the men that the Lieutenant picked to go with us on the rescue mission. What’s your name?” asked James as he checked the intercom.

  “John Stilts, sir,” the young man answered with excitement. “It was an honor, sir!”

  James smiled and pressed the intercom button. “May I have everyone’s attention for a brief moment?” he announced through the intercom system. Everyone except for John who was turning the ship’s wheel stopped what they were doing to listen to the announcement. James continued, “You all have served the kingdom well. Know that whatever happens when we dock, that you have earned the right to call yourselves heroes. We couldn’t have done it without you. The Crew Chief has informed me that we are an hour from the palace.” James heard the crew cheering before he cut off the intercom.

  “I’ll go quiet them down,” said Crew Chief Rewk as he reached for the door.

  “No,” James said with as smile as he looked out of the window at the celebrating crew. “Let them be. It has been a rough voyage.”

  The door of the helm opened and the Lieutenant walked in and greeted the men with a smile. “You’ve definitely put the crew in good spirits, James,” laughed Lieutenant Plateman.

  “They deserve it after what they have done for the kingdom. Are you packed and ready for the upcoming meetings and months of boring planning?” chuckled James as he stepped away from the window.

  “No. Are you?” asked Lieutenant Plateman as he raised his eyebrow.

  “As ready as can be expected. At least we’ll get a break from sailing,” James replied as he rubbed his beard.

  “Ah, yes…a break. We have been gone days and rushed about. We’re lucky we even found a trail to follow! To imagine we sailed through the northern storms and face an onslaught of season pirates. I for one and glad to almost be home! What about you, Mr. Rewk? Ready for a break?” asked the Lieutenant as he fidgeted with his pocket watch.

  “Honestly, the skies don’t bother me. It’s down there on the ground that I need to have a break from,” explained Crew Chief Rewk as he pointed out of the window to the world below.

  “Look!” shouted Lieutenant Plateman with excitement when he also peered out the window. “It’s the Palace grounds! We’re not far now!”


  Misty had just finished packing James’ belongings for their stay at the Palace. She grabbed the luggage and some paperwork and started toward the deck. When she arrived on deck, she felt the sun touch her with its warmth. She placed James’ belongings next to the Lieutenant’s and her things. She leaned over the railing and saw that they were sailing over Palace grounds. Misty looked to the helm and saw that James was motioning her to come to the helm. Misty waved back to acknowledge him and walked up the stairs leading to James. Lieutenant Plateman opened the door for her.

  “Are we all set?” James asked as he turned to Misty.

  “Yes…but aren’t we going to stop at Cloud Bay?” Misty asked with confusion.

  “No need. With the Department Ships as our escorts, we don’t need to have an inspection. Besides, there’s not much for them to inspect,” answered James as he looked at the two Department ships.

  “Convenient,” Misty replied with a nod. She was happy that the ship would be able to go straight to the Palace.

  As the group talked, the Palace came into view. It was still a short distance away but seeing it made the journey feel completed and as if they had accomplished something of great importance.

  “There it is. We’re home,” said Crew Chief Rewk once again at the ship’s wheel.

  A hum chimed in and broke the silence as they all stared at the Palace.

  “I believe that was the communications system,” noted Lieutenant Plateman as he looked at the device strangely.

  James picked up the mouthpiece and said, “Hello!”

  “Mr. Blackwin,” answered the captain of the escorting Department ship, “We have been instructed to direct you to the main dock. We will guide you in and then break off to dock ourselves. And on behalf of the Department, you have done more than expected. Thank you. Fair skies to you and your crew.”

  “Thank you, captain! It was our pleasure! We appreciate the escort,” replied James with enthusiasm.

  As the ship approached the Palace, James and his crew saw what looked like the entire kingdom gathered at the dock.

  “What are they doing?” asked Misty when she saw the large crowd.

  “They don’t look like construction workers,” said the Lieutenant as he surveyed the crowd. “It appears that most of the damages have been repaired.”

  “I believe that they have gathered to welcome us home. Look! The king and queen are waiting with their entourage,” explained James as the Department ships broke off to land at the lower docks.

  “Gentlemen, assume ceremonial formations when we land. The king will be watching,” ordered Crew Chief Rewk through the intercom. He then looked to James who nodded in response.

  “Take us in, Mr. Rewk,” said James with a smile.

  The Crew Chief pulled levers and reduced the steam so that the ship could slow down. The engine began to hum with a low rumble. He then guided the ship in along the side of the dock and pressed the button to activate the docking couplings. As the ship locked into place, it shook slightly and released steam with a loud shhhhhh.

  “And that’s it. We’re home safe,” James said beaming with pride.

  “Now, let’s see what the fuss is all about,” announced Lieutenant Plateman as he looked over the unexpected crowd.

  “Misty, will you help the former hostages off the ship and make sure that they receive medical aid?” James asked as he tried to form a plan. He knew the next hours and perhaps days would be chaotic.

  “I’d better hurry,” replied Misty as she watched the crew extend the walkway platform across the dock.

  “What do you need me to do, Mr. Blackwin?” asked Crew Chief Rewk feeling lost since he had never been a part of anything like the welcoming and
celebration before.

  “You and the Lieutenant will remain on deck with me until everyone else exits the ship,” explained James in an attempt to keep everyone calm.

  On deck, Misty helped those who had been rescued find their loved ones waiting at the end of the platform. After the former hostages exited the ship, trumpets sounded to notify everyone that the king was arriving at the ship.

  “I believe that he is waiting on us,” noted Lieutenant Plateman as he walked over to James and Mr. Rewk.

  “So much for formalities…” James said as he sighed a breath of relief. The king and queen walked together over the walkway to the ship. King Tideon lifted his hands and the entire crowd erupted into cheering. King Tideon then motioned for James, Mr. Rewk and the Lieutenant. The three men slowly approached the king and queen until they were close enough to hear his words. The king raised his hands once again and the crowd fell silent.


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