Sky Scorcher 2

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Sky Scorcher 2 Page 4

by Harlan J Meade

  “Oh! Turn it back off!” moaned Lieutenant Plateman as he lay in the floor behind his desk.

  Misty tried lifting him to the chair but couldn’t manage to get him there. “Fine,” said Misty as she decided to fix him a cup of coffee, “we’ll just have to get you sobered up.”

  “Why do I need to be sober?” the Lieutenant asked as he half way raised up.

  “Because James needs your help. Captain Woodard is on his way,” explained Misty as she tried to get the coffee to brew faster.

  “I’m in no shape to meet anyone like this,” replied Lieutenant Plateman still trying to find his feet.

  “Come on. We only have a short time to get you ready. Where do you keep your clean uniforms?” asked Misty as the coffee finished brewing.

  Lieutenant Plateman took the coffee from her and sleepily pointed. “Over there in the wardrobe.”

  “I will lay everything out for you then I must go get ready myself.” Misty walked to the wardrobe and opened it. “And you better drink as much coffee as you can. James is counting on you,” ordered Misty as she gathered the clean clothing from the wardrobe and placed it on his desk.

  “I’ll do my best,” replied the Lieutenant as he guzzled the coffee that Misty had made for him. “And Misty…thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. James will be at the docks waiting for you,” instructed Misty as she reached for the doorknob. Just as she was about to turn the knob, someone knocked from the other side of the door causing Misty to pull her hand back quickly.

  “Go ahead and answer it for me,” said Lieutenant Plateman as he drank his second cup of coffee.

  Misty opened the door and saw one of the Palace servants standing on the other side. “Can I help you?” Misty asked politely.

  “Mr. Blackwin sent me to inform Lieutenant Plateman that the expected ship has just come into view. Also, he said that he was leaving for the docks,” answered the servant as he took a bow and left.

  “I was hoping that you would have a little more time. I wish that I could help more but, unfortunately, I have to go. Can you manage to get to the docks?” asked Misty as she stood just outside the door.

  “I feel much better,” assured Lieutenant Plateman. “I’m going to change and I will go to the docks.”

  Misty smiled and closed the door. “Now I’m going to have to hurry,” she thought as she noticed that the sun was already beginning to go down behind the evening clouds.


  James stood at the docks already changed into his evening attire for the ball. The air was warm making it feel almost pleasant to wait for Captain Woodard’s arrival.

  Lieutenant Plateman arrived just in time. “There you are!” he shouted as he spotted James. “Thank you for sending Misty. That girl is a life saver,” said the Lieutenant as he shook James’ hand.

  “You’re welcome. Listen, I spoke with the King earlier and he seemed a little uneasy about this captain. I thought he would be more comfortable with you being here,” explained James as he straightened his clothing.

  “Alright then, I’m here to help,” replied Lieutenant Plateman as the King’s entourage came into view.

  As the King approached, the men stood to attention. “Lieutenant Plateman,” King Tideon said when he arrived to the docks, “I’m glad that Mr. Blackwin invited you.”

  “It’s a pleasure to be here, Your Majesty,” answered the Lieutenant as he bowed his head.

  “I’m glad you are here because I’m going to appoint you as the new Sky Marshal. Now I know that the position usually goes to a captain, however, this time it seems that you will fill that role just fine,” the King said confidently.

  “Your Majesty…I don’t know what to say,” replied Lieutenant Plateman caught so off guard that he didn’t realize that he had sat down.

  “No need to say anything, Lieutenant Plateman. You will fill the role perfectly,” replied King Tideon with a smile as he patted Plateman on the back.

  James laughed and reached his hand over to help him to his feet. “Congratulations, Lieutenant. You will do wonders, no doubt,” said James as Plateman stood to his feet once again.

  “Thank you, James. I guess this means that we will be working together more often,” joked Lieutenant Plateman.

  “I suspect you will see quite a bit of each other. Your latest endeavor with the pirates has proven that you work well together,” assured King Tideon as he waited for the ship to dock.

  “Let’s find out what Captain Woodard has to say,” James said as he watched the crewmen on the ship attach to the boarding docks. Woodard was the first to exit the ship.

  “Captain Woodard! I’m glad you have made the journey safely. What news do you bring so urgently?” asked King Tideon as he approached the captain.

  Captain Woodard took off his gloves and stretched his hands. “Thank you, Your Majesty. I’m sure that by now Mr. Blackwin has informed you of Sky Marshal Nelean?”

  “Yes,” the King replied trying to rush the conversation along. “Mr. Blackwin has told me what happened.”

  “I wish that had been all of the bad news,” replied Woodard gravely. “As we were preparing to leave, one of my search vessels hadn’t returned with the others. I, along with the remaining captains, sent out a search party which was ambushed by members of the Sky Scorcher. The pirates had returned to the crash site and have stolen the communication system from one of the ships,” explained Captain Woodard as he stood in place too afraid to move.

  “This is ill news, Captain,” answered the King as he removed his crown and rubbed his forehead.

  “We lost several good men, Your Majesty,” continued Captain Woodard as he stared at the ground.

  “Are the bodies on board your ship?” questioned Lieutenant Plateman as he stepped closer to the captain.

  “Yes. The Department hands the fallen over to their families and pays for the funeral,” explained Captain Woodard.

  “I’m sorry for the loss of your men, Captain,” James said as he placed a hand on Woodard’s shoulder. “But I have to ask…has the Department formed a plan to deal with the lost equipment?”

  “I’m not sure. By now, the rest of the fleet who attacked the pirates should have returned to Headquarters. However, with the pirates now in possession of the communications system, it could be a day or longer before we hear from them,” Woodard explained.

  “We won’t be hearing from them on that matter,” interrupted the King. James and the others looked at him in confusion.

  “Your Majesty, what are you talking about?” questioned James breaking the silence.

  “Earlier today, after we spoke in the garden, I had a message sent to the Department Headquarters to notify them that you and Lieutenant Plateman will proceed to track down the blueprints since you have more experience than anyone in the Kingdom at chasing pirates,” said King Tideon as he placed the crown back onto his head.

  “What about James’ ship? It is still in need of repairs,” asked Lieutenant Plateman as he pointed to the damaged ship at the engineering dock.

  “That is why I am going to replace his ship with one of the Kingdom’s Man-O-Wars,” explained King Tideon with a smile.

  “Thank you, Your Majesty. When do you want us to leave?” James asked still feeling surprised by the king’s words.

  “I’m sure that the guests are waiting on you and Lieutenant Plateman. Captain Woodard, you might as well join us. I’ll have your fallen men taken care of,” answered King Tideon as he motioned for everyone to follow him.

  “It would be an honor, Your Majesty,” said Captain Woodard as he began to cheer up due to the invitation. “And thank you on behalf of my men.”

  “One last thing, James…Mr. Rewk will be reinstated to you along with his crew. I know you are familiar with him and his crewmen by now,” the King added as the men walked towards the gardens.


  Misty was searching for James and the Lieutenant when someone tapped on her shoulder. She turned to see a fami
liar face. “Mr. Thornton!” she said excitedly. She had almost forgotten that he had chosen to stay at the Palace when the rest of the hostages had left to return home with their loved ones.

  “I had hoped to see James and Lieutenant Plateman. Are they not coming tonight?” questioned Mr. Thornton as he waved at some of the people arriving to the party.

  “Yes, they will be here soon. They had an errand to run but should arrive soon,” replied Misty as the music began to play.

  “Would you honor me with the first dance?” asked Mr. Thornton as he smiled at Misty.

  “Sure…although I’m not very good at dancing,” Misty said as she took Mr. Thornton by the arm.

  The King had ordered for a clearing in the center of the garden for the purpose of dancing and other activities for the evening event. When Misty and Mr. Thornton arrived at the center several people were already dancing.

  “Misty, I’m an old man now,” Mr. Thornton said seriously as the two began to sway, “but the reason I was searching for James is that I wanted to ask him if he is going to chase those pirates. I want to go with him.”

  “We have just returned, Mr. Thornton. I don’t think that he will be going anywhere for a while. Besides, his ship is still being repaired from our last encounter with the pirates,” answered Misty as nicely as possible.

  Mr. Thornton thought a moment before replying, “You may be right, however, I would still like to talk to him,” said Mr. Thornton as the music stopped and everyone ceased dancing. All the guests had begun clapping and cheering for the musicians when a trumpet sounded.

  “Introducing his royal Majesty, King Tideon accompanied by Mr. Blackwin and Lieutenant Plateman!” announced the court herald.

  Everyone cheered when the three entered through the entrance of the garden. King Tideon raised his hands and the crowd fell silent.

  “Due to recent events, we are here today to celebrate the safe return of our countrymen and the ones who answered the call to do what had to be done. Now, I do have some news which saddened me greatly…Sky Marshal Nelean did not return home. So tonight, I ask that you keep him in your heart as he did so much for this kingdom,” announced the King as the crowd remained silent.

  James watched as the mood of the party changed and whispered to King Tideon, “Your Majesty, maybe some more music and wine would cheer everyone up?” James suggested as they began to walk through the crowd.

  “You’re right!” replied King Tideon as he motioned for the Palace servants to begin serving wine and clapped his hands once more and the music began playing again.

  After a few moments, people began to laugh and converse again; some even started to dance.

  “That’s better. Isn’t it, James?” commented King Tideon.

  “Yes. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves,” said James as he saw Misty and Mr. Thornton.

  “I agree with James,” nodded Plateman. “They seem happy. Captain, would you care for a drink?” he asked as a servant with a tray of drinks passed by him.

  “I was hoping someone would say that,” replied Captain Woodard with a smile as he approached the servant with a full tray of drinks.

  “If you’ll excuse me, Your Majesty,” stated James as headed towards Misty and Mr. Thornton. King Tideon waved at James to show that he had heard him.

  Music was playing softly and echoed around the garden when James arrived to where Misty and Mr. Thornton were.

  “Mr. Thornton has something to ask you,” Misty said with a grin at the fact that James’ clothing fit so perfectly. She felt pleased with her choice of colors, as well.

  “I see that grin,” James said mockingly, “You did a fine job.”

  “James,” Mr. Thornton interrupted. “I would very much like to accompany you again if you are going after the pirates,” blurted Mr. Thornton as he realized that he had shouted at James when the music stopped mid-sentence.

  Misty looked down at the ground and tried not to laugh. James also had a large smile on his face as Mr. Thornton began to blush.

  “And if I say yes? What is it that you hope to gain?” James questioned. “You do realize that we would be gone for a longer voyage this time,” explained James as he looked at both Misty and Mr. Thornton.

  “Excuse me, James? You said ‘longer voyage?’ What did the King say to you?” asked Misty as she put two and two together.

  “First of all, he has appointed Lieutenant Plateman as the new Sky Marshal. When Captain Woodard arrived, the King was informed that the pirates have stolen one of the ship’s new communications systems. Joshua Firebolt must have known that we were using it to maneuver against them,” explained James as he looked at both of them.

  “So…we are going back out there after them?” asked Misty already knowing the answer to her question.

  “It would seem so,” answered James as he stopped one of the Palace servants carrying a tray of wine and took a glass from it.

  Misty dropped her head just as the music began to play again.

  “Does that mean that I can go with you? Please, James. I can be of some help, I’m sure,” stated Mr. Thornton as he placed a hand on James’ arm.

  James looked at Misty who had a soft smile on her face to assure James that it would be okay.

  “Alright,” James finally agreed. “But you stay close to Misty or myself if anything should happen,” James said as he shook Mr. Thornton’s hand.

  “What about the ship? Are we going to wait for repairs?” Misty asked knowing that it would take at least a week to get it ready to sail again.

  “No. King Tideon has lent us a Man-O-War and has reassigned Mr. Rewk and his crew to us,” James explained with a smile as if he was already prepared to embark on his mission.

  “Very well. I will start packing after the party and I’ll check on getting supplies,” Misty said as she watched couples dance.

  “But first…may I have this dance?” James asked as he extended his arm to Misty. She looped her arm into his and held onto James as they walked to the center of the garden.

  As the night drew on, people began to leave and return home. The guests thanked the King and Queen as they departed.

  “Misty, can you find Lieutenant, I mean, Sky Marshal Plateman and tell him that I’m going to go get some rest? It looks like we’re in for a long day tomorrow,” requested James as he checked the time and placed his watch back into the pocket of his long coat.

  “Alright, James. And thank you for the dance. I’m going to pack tonight. I’ll check for supplies first thing in the morning,” said Misty as she left to find the new Sky Marshal.

  Before heading out, James found his way to King Tideon who waved him over to where he was sitting.

  “Mr. Blackwin, did you have an opportunity to talk to your people about tomorrow?” asked the King as he drank wine out of a solid gold cup.

  “Yes, Your Majesty. We will start preparations at first light tomorrow. I wanted to say goodnight and thank you for choosing me,” James said as he bowed before the King.

  “I’ll have Mr. Rewk ready the ship in the morning. And, James…you are welcome. I’ve sent a letter to the Department to notify them that I have appointed Lieutenant Plateman as Sky Marshal to the Crown and Head of the Aerial Defense Department. I’ll announce his new position before you depart tomorrow,” said King Tideon as he took another drink of wine. “Did you get to enjoy the party at all?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty. It was a very pleasant party. It sounds like we will have no trouble getting ready for departure tomorrow,” replied James as he bowed once more before leaving through the garden entrance.

  Misty searched for Plateman and found him next to a barrel of wine.

  “Do you think that’s a good idea?” asked Misty with a laugh as Sky Marshal Plateman filled himself a mug of ale from the barrel.

  Sky Marshal Plateman was so startled that he dropped the mug of ale and it shattered on the ground.

  “Misty! I wasn’t expecting you. Where is James?” asked Sky Marshal
Plateman as he reached for another mug.

  “He has already left to get some rest. He wanted me to come find you to tell you that you need to get some rest as well,” explained Misty as she motioned to the Palace servants to not serve any more ale to the Lieutenant.

  “Very well. I will see you in the morning. I’ll just say goodnight to the King and Queen and retire for the night,” answered Sky Marshal Plateman with a look of disappointment as he watched Captain Woodard who was still drinking.

  Misty and the Sky Marshal walked to the entrance together where they waved goodnight to each other and to the royal couple.


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