Murder on Treasure Island (Peyton Brooks' Series Book 7)

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Murder on Treasure Island (Peyton Brooks' Series Book 7) Page 20

by M. L. Hamilton

  They met Maria and Cho at Cafe Cocomo on Indiana Street, a salsa dance club in the warehouse district. The interior was crowded, even at 8:00PM, and a live band was on the stage while people danced on a wooden floor before it.

  Peyton stopped and watched a man in a flamboyantly colored shirt giving salsa lessons to a group at the very front of the dance floor, directly below the stage. The rest of the room looked like the islands had vomited on it, from palm trees to cane backed chairs.

  Maria and Cho waved to them from a booth on the edge of the dance floor.

  Peyton glanced at Marco. “Abe would love this place.”

  “He’d be right in the middle of the floor, getting that lesson.”

  Peyton laughed and wended her way through the dancers to the booth, sliding in beside Maria. “This place is fun.”

  Maria leaned back and took in her attire. Peyton had chosen to wear a white halter mini-dress with white open toed pumps. Her hair was down, but she’d tucked the right side behind her ear with a white floral barrette. Marco hadn’t been able to keep his hands off her at home, so she figured that was about all that mattered, but her stomach dropped when Maria gave her a frown.

  “What?” she said.

  “Not bad. White’s a little virginal. Not exactly screaming take me, but it’ll do.”

  Marco made a noise of disagreement beside her.

  “So, why are we really here?” Peyton asked.

  “Were going to find you both dates.”

  Peyton frowned at her.

  Cho leaned back in the booth, his arm across the top of it behind Maria. He glanced at Peyton, then away, staring out at the dancers. He seemed uncomfortable.

  A waiter came over. “What’ll it be?”

  “She and I are having the Passion Fruit Mojitos,” Maria ordered for her.

  The waiter turned to Cho.

  “Whatever you got on draft,” he said.

  “Same,” answered Marco.

  The waiter left.

  Peyton watched the dancers for a while, trying to figure out what the hell Maria was doing. Asking her and Marco to a salsa club made it look like they were a couple, so how the hell did Maria think she was going to hook either of them up with someone else?

  “How’s it going at your mother’s?” Maria said, giving Peyton a speculative look.

  “Um, good. It’s good.”

  “You’re staying there a lot longer than I thought you would. How’s it going with Cliff?”


  “Really? Fine? The guy makes your skin crawl. How’s it fine?”

  Peyton narrowed her eyes on her. Why was Maria coming at her so strong? Not that she didn’t always come at her, but something in her tone was edgy. “He grows on you. Like mold,” said Peyton, reaching for the beer nuts in a bowl on the table.

  The waiter returned and distributed the drinks.

  Peyton reached for hers and took a sip. It tasted like juice, way too easy to get drunk on, and she and Marco hadn’t eaten anything yet. He’d sort of kept her occupied once he got back from the racetrack and food hadn’t been on his mind.

  “Can we order some appetizers or something?” she asked.

  Cho drummed his fingers on the table.

  “Later,” said Maria. “Tell me more about living at your mom’s.”

  “What’s really going on, Maria?”

  “You need a man. It’s been how long?”

  Peyton didn’t know how to answer that.

  Maria elbowed Cho in the stomach.

  He shook his head at her, but Maria nodded firmly at him. Finally, he leaned toward Marco. “See that blond over there?”

  Marco glanced to where Cho pointed. “Yeah?”

  “Hot, huh?” The way Cho said it sounded less than hot. He sounded anxious and uncomfortable.

  “I guess,” said Marco, exchanging a look with Peyton.

  Maria elbowed Cho again.

  “Wanna go get her number?” said Cho, making a funny face.


  “You know, pick her up or something?”

  “What the hell?” asked Marco in bewilderment.

  Peyton leaned back in the booth, giving Maria a frown. “Really?”

  Maria shrugged.

  “You couldn’t just ask?”

  “You would have been all squirrelly on me and it was pissing me off.”

  Marco placed his hand flat on the table. “I don’t know what the hell is going on here, but…”

  “They know about us,” said Peyton.

  Cho slumped back in obvious relief. “For the record, this wasn’t my idea.”

  “Kinda figured that. You looked like you were about to have a stroke.”

  He wiped a hand across his forehead. “Kinda felt like I was going to too.”

  “Why would you lie to me? I’m your best friend,” said Maria.

  Peyton wasn’t sure about that, but she wasn’t going to argue with her here. “We just wanted some time to ourselves.”

  “Wait. How did you know?” asked Marco.

  “Really, dude,” said Cho. “There’s a freakin’ betting pool at the precinct about it.” He took a sip of his beer. “Although we really didn’t think you’d hold out eight years. Shit, man!”

  “And Brooks and I talked about it, what? Three weeks ago or so?”

  Peyton shook her head at Maria.

  Marco went still beside her. “What?”

  “Yeah, you remember. That talk we had in the bathroom after Marco got his promotion. You were all weepy and I told you…”

  Peyton kept shaking her head. Maria fell silent, her eyes shifting to Marco.

  “What did you talk about?” asked Marco in that cold, deadly tone of his.

  Peyton felt her heart sink.

  “How ‘bout we dance?” said Cho, motioning to the floor.

  “Yeah, good idea,” said Maria. They slid out and hurried away from the table.

  Peyton reached for her straw and took a long sip as Marco shifted in the booth to face her.

  “What part of I don’t like sneaking around was confusing to you?”

  Peyton glanced at him. She’d seen him angry before, but he emanated fury right now. “I’m never getting sex again, am I?” she said.

  He slumped back. “No, you’re getting sex. I just won’t be enjoying it.”

  She shifted to face him. “I’m sorry, Marco.”

  “Sorry? I told you this was serious. I told you I didn’t want to sneak around. Well, here we are, sneaking around when everyone and their dog already knows about us.”

  “I know, it’s just…”

  He held up a hand. “Look, Peyton, I get it. This is new for you and I’ve had eight years to get to this place.” He looked down and shook his head. “Sometimes two people just aren’t at the same place in a relationship.”

  “What are you saying?” Her mouth had suddenly gone dry.

  “I get that you aren’t where I am. I get that you aren’t sure.”

  “I am sure. I love you.”

  “Love isn’t the same as being in love, sweetheart.” He glanced up at her.

  She felt like he’d punched her in the gut. He thought she wasn’t in love with him? “You don’t understand, Marco.”

  “I think I do.”

  “No!” She took his hand and pressed it to her heart. “Listen to me, please.”

  He gave her a slight nod.

  “For eight years, you’ve been a daily part of my life. We’ve spent every moment together. Whenever I’ve felt vulnerable or afraid, I’ve known you were at my back. You became my security. Then they took you away from me. I miss our days together. I miss having you there beside me, even if we don’t say anything for hours. I miss it. I got so used to the sound of your breathing, I don’t know how to do my job without you.”

  “But I don’t want to be like that for you. I don’t want to be dependent and needy. All the things I hate in other women. I want to be strong. I want to be secure in myself. I do
n’t want you to think of me as this clingy person who’s suffocating you.”


  “Let me finish, please.” She realized that tears were blinding her. She swiped them away. Great, tell him you want to be strong, then start crying. Shit. “I hate what I am right now. I hate the fact that we can’t sleep a night through. I hate the fact that I freeze up at a funeral and can’t go up to the body without you beside me, but I can’t. Not right now. And the thought of them taking you further from me, of moving you to another precinct has me paralyzed with fear. That’s why I wanted to keep it a secret. That’s what all of this is about.”

  He smoothed the hair off her shoulder, curving his hand around the back of her neck. “I love you, Peyton. You are the strongest woman I know. I would never think of you as clingy or needy. Right now, you need to lean on me. That’s okay. Sometime in the future I’m going to need to lean on you. And I know you’ll be there for me. That’s what makes a lasting partnership, that’s what makes a lasting relationship. That’s all that matters, sweetheart.”

  She smiled through her tears. “If we weren’t here, oh, the things I would do to you, D’Angelo.”

  He smiled back. “Then let’s get the hell out of here, okay?”

  “Right behind you,” she said.

  He helped her to her feet.

  “Can we please stop and get a hamburger on the way home?”

  “You got it.”

  “And a milkshake.”

  He kissed her forehead. “Of course.”

  Then they hurried toward the door.

  Peyton waved to Maria as they passed the dance floor and Maria blew Peyton a kiss, giving her a thumbs up.


  Jake settled the food bowl in the spot where Pickles used to eat. Tater gave him a sad, doggy look, but he didn’t move out of his sitting position, waiting for Jake to give him permission. Jake missed Pickles, but he had to admit he really liked Tater’s superior training and obedience. And he was smart. He was already responding to his new name.

  “Go ahead and eat, boy,” he said, motioning to the bowl.

  Tater’s tail wagged as he ambled over to it, lowering his head and eating with enthusiasm. Already his ribcage was less prominent and his coat didn’t seem so brittle. Jake smiled as he watched him eat, then went to the coffee pot and poured himself a mug.

  Carrying it back to the counter, he opened his paper and took a sip of coffee, glancing over the headlines. There wasn’t anything of much interest today. An article on commercial zoning, one about the mayor’s taskforce to reduce homelessness, a profile on a marathon runner, and a piece about the rising rent rates throughout the City.

  His phone rang on the counter next to his mug and he automatically reached for it, glancing at the display. He pressed it on and held it to his ear. “Well, good morning, Adonis. This is becoming a regular habit.”

  “What is?”

  “You calling me. Must mean we’re bros or something.”

  “Not even close.”

  “Come on. This is like the fourth or fifth time you’ve called.”

  “It’s the second time and both times you’ve had to be an ass about it.”

  Jake smiled and reached for his coffee. Tater stretched out next to him, placing his head on his foot. “So, what’s up, bromigo?”

  “Please never say that again.”

  Jake laughed.

  “Look, do you have plans today?”

  Jake set down his mug. “Yeah, I’m meeting Abe for lunch at the Crepevine and then we’re walking to the park to catch the symphony. They’re playing a special Saturday concert today. Wanna come?”

  Marco whistled. “That’s just too many manly events for one day, Ryder. What are you doing for dinner? Painting each other’s nails?”

  “Why would we paint each other’s nails for dinner?”

  “Forget it. Look, after your date, do you want to meet me at the Fiddler’s Green for a beer...or a daiquiri or whatever you drink nowadays?”

  “I’m not gay, Adonis.”

  “I’m not judging.”

  Jake sighed. “Any occasion?”

  Marco didn’t immediately answer.


  “I just need some advice.”

  “From me?”

  “Don’t sound so shocked.”

  “Can Abe come too?”

  Marco sighed. “Yeah, bring him.”

  “You bringing my absentee roommate?”

  “No, she’s having lunch with her mother.”

  “All righty then, Fiddler’s Green about 3:00PM. You’re buying, right?”

  “Depends on what you’re ordering. I’m not paying for Dom Perignon again.”

  “Hey, that’s between you and Abe.”

  Marco sighed. “Whatever.”

  “See you then, bro,” said Jake, smiling despite himself.

  “Stop it! Just stop it!” grumbled Marco, then the line went dead.

  * * *

  Marco found himself pacing outside the jewelry store where he’d bought Peyton’s locket. He couldn’t believe he was here again. He couldn’t believe it had lured him back so soon. And yet, here he was just the same.

  He determinedly walked to the door and grabbed the handle, yanking it open. The same clerk in her mid-thirties stood behind the counter, talking to a young couple. She glanced up and smiled at him. He nearly bolted.

  She said something to the young couple and they glanced over, giving him smiles as well. That locked him in place, his heart pounding, his throat suddenly dry. She left them looking in the display cases, then came over to him.

  She wore slacks today and a blouse with a bow at the throat. She still had a collection of rings and bangles on that probably cost more than he made in a year.

  “How can I help you?”

  He tried to speak, but his voice broke. He cleared his throat. “I was in here not that long ago. I bought a locket.”

  Recognition lit in her eyes. “I would never forget a man like you,” she said, offering him that megawatt smile again. “You bought a locket for a friend’s thirtieth birthday. Did she like it?”

  “She loved it.” He tried to relax.

  “Can I help you with something else?”

  Lifting a hand, he scratched at the back of his neck. “This time I need…” God, he just couldn’t do this. “I need…” He stopped trying and nodded at the display case.

  She followed his motion and then turned back, giving him an even brighter smile. “I see. I can certainly help you.”

  Marco glanced at the couple. “I can wait until you’re through with them.”

  “They want a moment to browse. They’ll let me know when they’re ready. I’m all yours. So tell me about your gal. What’s she like?”

  Marco smiled and felt himself relax just a little. “She’s the same person I bought the locket for.”

  The clerk tilted back her head. “Well, I guess she did like it then.”

  “Yeah.” Suddenly he realized that he hadn’t been this happy in a long time. Sure, there were still things for him and Peyton to work out, but this felt right. This was right. When someone made you this happy, you didn’t go half-assed.

  “I remember you said she wasn’t ultra-feminine.”


  “Tell me more.”

  “She wouldn’t want anything too fancy and she’s little, so it can’t be gigantic.”

  “Okay. I’m getting some ideas.”

  “And I don’t want her to pawn it to feed the homeless or anything.”

  She considered that.

  “And it can’t catch in dog hair or hinder her in using her gun.”

  The clerk’s eyes narrowed.

  Marco paused. “What I want is something that’s simple, but shines brighter than the others.”

  The smile was back at full intensity. “She sounds unique.”

  “Yeah. That’s it exactly. I want unique.”

  She motioned to a
display case and Marco followed her. “I think I have the perfect one right here,” she said. Pulling out her keys, she unlocked the case and reached in, sliding out a tray covered in black silk, setting it on top of the case.

  Marco leaned closer, his eyes fixed on one in particular.

  “What do you think?”

  Marco glanced up at her. “It’s perfect.”

  * * *

  “You’re not eating. Don’t you like it?” asked Alice, lowering her own fork.

  Peyton pushed the lettuce around on her plate. “It’s great, Mama. I’m just not that hungry.” She set the fork down and lifted her napkin, wiping her lips, then she pushed the plate away and leaned on the table. “What’s going on with you and Cliff? Did you accept his proposal?”

  “Actually, we decided we’re just going to live in sin for a while.” She gave a girlish giggle. “Are you scandalized?”

  Peyton couldn’t help but smile back. “Terribly so.”

  Alice leaned forward. “Well, it’s not like I can get pregnant or anything.”

  “Mama!” said Peyton in mock affront.

  Alice waved her away.

  “Why did you turn him down?”

  “I just got to thinking about being married again and I realized that your father was and will always be my only husband. That’s all there is to it.”

  “Was Cliff upset?”

  “No, he was very understanding. Besides, he kinda likes being my boyfriend. He thinks it makes him look young.”

  Peyton smiled.

  “So, what about you? Are you seeing that adorable roommate of yours?”

  “Actually, Mama, I wanted to talk to you about that.”

  Alice clasped her hands. “You are, aren’t you?”

  “No, Mama, I’m not seeing Jake.”

  Her face fell.

  “I’m seeing Marco.”

  For a moment, her mother didn’t say anything. Peyton waited for her response. Then she tilted her head. “Your partner, Marco?”


  “Your partner for all this time?”

  “Yeah, Mama, Marco.”

  “Is that allowed?”

  “Well, no, but he’s not my partner anymore. We’ve been trying to keep it a secret, but apparently, that means everyone knows about it.”

  “I didn’t know about it. How long has this been going on?”


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