Dorothy Parker: What Fresh Hell Is This?

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Dorothy Parker: What Fresh Hell Is This? Page 61

by Marion Meade

  You Can Be Beautiful

  Zabel, Morton

  Grateful acknowledgment is made to each of the following for permission to reprint previously published material:

  THE CONDE NAST PUBLICATIONS, INC.: excerpt from “Any Porch” by Dorothy Parker from the September 1915 issue of Vanity Fair. Copyright 1915, renewed 1943, 1971 by The Condé Nast Publications, Inc. Courtesy of Vanity Fair. Excerpt from “Crowninshield in the Cubs Den” from the September 1944 issue of Vogue. Copyright 1944, renewed 1972 by The Condé Nast Publications, Inc. Courtesy of Vogue.

  MALCOLM COWLEY: letter dated November 17,1982. Reprinted with his permission.

  DOUBLEDAY & COMPANY. INC.: excerpt from Elinor Wylie by Stanley Olson. Reprinted by permission of Doubleday & Company, Inc.

  ESQUIRE MAGAZINE: excerpt from “Whatever You Think Dorothy Parker Was Like, She Wasn’t” by Wyatt Cooper from the July 1968 issue of Esquire. Copyright © 1968 by Esquire Associates. Reprinted with permission of Esquire.

  M. EVANS AND COMPANY, INC.: excerpt from Additional Dialogue: Letters of Dalton Trumbo 1942-1962 by Dalton Trumbo and Helen Manfull. Copyright © 1970 by Dalton Trumbo. Reprinted by permission of the publisher, M. Evans and Company, Inc., New York.

  FARRAR. STRAUS & GIROUX, INC.: excerpts from Letters on Literature and Politics, 1912-1972 by Edmund Wilson.

  Copyright © 1957, 1973, 1974, 1977 by Elena Wilson. Also, excerpts from The Twenties by Edmund Wilson.

  Copyright © 1975 by Edmund Wilson. Reprinted by permission of Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc.

  SAMUEL FRENCH, INC.: excerpt from Act III of Close Harmony or The Lady Next Door by Elmer L. Rice and Dorothy Parker. Copyright 1924 by Elmer L. Rice and Dorothy Parker. Reprinted by permission of Samuel French, Inc.

  HARCOURT BRACE JOVANOVICH, INC.: excerpts from 88 Poems by Ernest Hemingway. Copyright © 1979 by The Ernest Hemingway Foundation and Nicholas Gerogiannis. Reprinted by permission of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.

  HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY: excerpt from The Enthusiast: A Life of Thomton Wilder by Gilbert A. Harrison. Copyright © 1983 by Gilbert A. Harrison; excerpt from Letters of Archibald Macleish 1907-1982, edited by R.H. Winnick. Copyright © 1983 by the Estate of Archibald MacLeish and R.H. Winnick. Reprinted by permission of Houghton Mifflin Company.

  NATALIA MURRAY: letter from Janet Flanner to Alexander Woolcott, ca. 1939-1940. Permission granted for Janet Flanner by Natalia Murray, Literary Executor.

  RANDOM HOUSE, INC.: excerpts from Sara and Gerald: Villa America and After by Honoria Murphy Donnelly and Richard N. Billings. Published by Times Books, a division of Random House, Inc. Copyright © 1982 by Honoria. Donnelly and Richard N. Billings; excerpts from Correspondence of F. Scott Fitzgerald, edited by Matthew J. Bruccoli and Margaret M. Duggan. Copyright © 1980 by Frances Scott Fitzgerald Smith; excerpts from Candide: A Comic Opera Based on Voltaire’s Satire by Lillian Hellman. Copyright © 1957 by Lillian Hellman; excerpts from Selected Letters of John O’Hara, edited by Matthew J. Bruccoli. Copyright © 1978 by United States Trust Company of New York, as Trustees of the will of John O’Hara; excerpts from The O’Hara Concern: The Biography of John O’Hara by Matthew J. Bruccoli. Copyright © 1975 by Matthew J. Bruccoli. Reprinted by permission of Random House, Inc.

  CHARLES SCRIBNER’S SONS AND HAROLD OBER ASSOCIATES, INC.: excerpts from The Letters of F. Scott Fitzgerald, edited by Andrew Turnbull. Copyright © 1963 by Francis Scott Fitzgerald Lanahan. Reprinted by permission of Charles Scribner’s Sons and Harold Ober Associates, Inc.

  SIMON AND SCHUSTER, INC.: excerpts from The Diary of Our Own Samuel Pepys by Franklin Pierce Adams. Copyright 1935 by Franklin Pierce Adams. Copyright renewed 1963 by Anthony, Jonathan, Timothy, and Persephine Adams. Reprinted by permission of Simon and Schuster, Inc.

  LELAND STOWE: excerpt from a letter from Dorothy Parker to Leland Stowe. Reprinted with his permission.

  ROSEMARY C. THURBER: excerpt from Selected Letters of James Thurber by Helen Thurber and Edward Weeks. Copyright © 1981 by Helen Thurber. Published by Atlantic-Little Brown.

  VIKING PENGUIN, INC.: excerpts from The Portable Dorothy Parker, revised and edited by Brendan Gill. Copyright 1926, 1928, 1929, 1933, 1938, 1943, 1944 by Dorothy Parker. Copyright renewed 1954, 1956, 1957, 1961, 1966 by Dorothy Parker. Copyright renewed 1971, 1972 by Lillian Hellman. Copyright © 1970 by The Viking Press, Inc.; excerpts from Don’t Tread on Me: The Selected Letters of S. J. Perelman, edited by Prudence Crowther.

  Copyright © 1987 by Abby Perelman and Adam Perelman; excerpts from the interview with Dorothy Parker by Marion Capron in Writers at Work: The Paris Review Interviews, 1st Series, edited by Malcolm Cowley. Copyright © 1957, 1958 by The Paris Review, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Viking Penguin Inc.

  1 Material deleted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on the grounds that it falls under one or more of the Freedom of Information Act’s nine exemptions (e.g., unwarranted invasion of privacy, damage to national security).




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