Her Outlaw Daddy

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Her Outlaw Daddy Page 2

by Jane Henry

  A string of curse words flew out of her mouth. Cole’s mouth set in a grim line, and he spanked her again. “Well, look what we have here,” he said in a low drawl, bringing the strap down with two more vicious lashes against her upper thighs. “A pretty girl who swears like a sailor. Tsk, tsk.”

  Whap! The more he spanked, the more she fought. His arm hurt from having to restrain her so firmly, but he knew now wasn’t the time to stop. She needed a strapping that would break her will, leaving him the decided victor. “Seems to me, little lady, that you need more than a lesson in obedience,” he said, punctuating his words with whistling lashes of the strap. “Seems to me you need a lesson in manners your daddy should’ve taught you.” Whap! Whap! “And since I’m the man for the job, we’re not done here until you call me Daddy.”

  Her curses echoed through the woods. He cringed. He’d have to spank her harder. With her over his knee, his range of motion was limited, and he couldn’t rear back to swing the way he would if she’d been up against the tree. Bracing himself, he lifted his hand even higher. The strap whistled through the air before landing in the hardest stroke he’d given her yet. Her whole body jerked from the sting of it, but still, she would not submit. He wouldn’t use anything more severe than the strap. He wouldn’t whip her harder. The point was to make her obey him, break through her stubborn resistance, not cause her real harm. He’d simply have to stay the course until she gave in.

  Now he waited seconds between each lash. Whap! He paused, still holding her tightly, noting that now her legs didn’t kick quite so hard and her voice was growing hoarse from screaming at him.

  “Say, ‘I’m sorry, Daddy.’”

  “Go to hell!”

  Whap! Another scream echoed in the woods. He waited again before he repeated his request but again, she refused. Now he waited even longer. Maybe not knowing when the next swat would fall would break her resolve. As he whipped her again, she was silent, this time only flinching as the lash landed. “I’ve got all day, little lady,” he said. “And we’re not goin’ anywhere until you obey.”

  Again, the lash fell. She refused to submit. Still holding her under his arm, he dropped the strap. This would not do. He would have to bare her after all.

  She put up another fuss as he lifted her chemise, revealing thin cotton undergarments that easily dropped open when he released the drawstring. Her bottom was as red as a ripe strawberry, the bare skin hot to the touch when he placed his large hand against her. His cock hardened beneath her as he ran his hand over her naked skin. She winced and squirmed at the intimate touch, and it took all his self-control not to touch more than he’d planned. Though seeing her restrained over his knee and resisting him made his cock bulge in his pants, now was not the time to take her.

  Cole lifted his palm and brought it down on her reddened backside so hard, finger-shaped welts rose on her naked skin. He spanked her thighs, first one and then the other, curving his hand expertly so that she winced with each blow.

  “Are you goin’ to obey, Miss Aida?”

  She shook her head, but didn’t speak this time, as he administered another half a dozen swats. The sound of his hand on her bare skin rang in the stillness, but still she would not obey.

  “All you have to do is say, ‘I’m sorry, Daddy.’”

  She shook her head again. Keeping a steady tempo, he spanked her until finally, she bent at the waist, the resistance going out of her.

  “I’m sorry!” she moaned, her voice near desperate. “Please, stop! I can’t take anymore!”

  He delivered another crisp swat, the slap of his palm on her naked skin echoing around them. “I’m sorry, what?” he asked.

  He heard a half sob escape from her mouth. He paused, and when she didn’t speak, he delivered another serious swat. “What do you say, young lady?” he asked.

  “I’m sorry, Daddy!”

  He closed his eyes, his cock so hard it was painful, as he immediately stopped her spanking. He’d told her he’d spank her until she obeyed, and she’d obeyed. Running his large hand over her scorching hot bottom, he praised her now, though it sounded condescending even to his own ears.

  “Very good. Good girl,” he crooned. She was so beautiful.

  She was crying freely, and he was overcome with the strong desire to hold her in his arms. But no. That would not do. He had to reinforce the lesson he’d just given her.

  “Are you going to behave yourself now, or is Daddy going to have to take you over his knee again?”

  She sniffled, staring at the ground. “I’ll behave.”

  “Try that again. One more chance before I pick up the strap and start over.”

  “Yes, Daddy!”

  He nodded, grinning wickedly. “Very good,” he said. With his free hand, he righted her drawers and pulled down her chemise. He stood, still holding her elbow in his hand.

  “Pick up the strap, Aida,” he ordered. She frowned but obeyed as she bent and lifted the strap, handing it to him.

  “Oh, no, I don’t want you to hand it to me,” he said. “You carry it. And when we get back to camp, you’ll fix it back up near my saddle, so it’s right nearby when you and I ride together later.”

  She hung her head and held the strap in her hand, as he took her free hand and walked her back to the wagon. She hated him, no doubt. But at least now she would obey.

  Chapter Three

  Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here. ― Marianne Williamson

  Aida hated the jostling atop the horse, every bounce and shift causing her backside to ache. She sat in front of Cole, his arms around her as he held the reins. In any other circumstance, she might feel he was protecting her but now, she knew he sat behind her so he could watch her every move. She tried to take stock of what the men had tied to their horses, but what they carried was minimal and well-hidden, clearly so they’d be ready to gallop at a moment’s notice. She noted various bundles and tins that looked like beans, cornmeal, and dried bacon, tin cups strung together for water and a handful of eating utensils. Her stomach growled, though she wouldn’t admit she was hungry even if Cole whipped her again. He would not get any sign of weakness from her.

  She saw the menacing strip of leather curled up and dangling from beneath his blanket, and she shuddered, squirming as her aching backside met the hard saddle. She took pride in her comely figure and delicate skin, and wondered if the brute had left any marks. No doubt he’d welted and bruised her with the whipping he’d given her. Glaring, Aida pulled her legs up closer together. Despite the cowboy’s rough demeanor, she had a vague recollection of him positioning her just so on the saddle. No doubt his aim had been to keep her alive on the journey so he could deliver her to wherever they were going, and he’d had no intent on actually being gentle.

  She looked around wildly. There had to be something, anything she could use to plan her escape. Something she could use to hurt them, and get away. All weapons were, of course, safely hidden on the men outside the wagon. Rope wasn’t very useful in escaping from a band of vicious kidnappers, and she couldn’t think of much else. Her eyes fixed on a few small candles tied together—again, useless. But as she continued to discreetly look at their wares, she noted the heavy iron skillet. She smiled to herself, but then frowned. What would her plan be? To whack the head of whomever she was closest to? Then what? Smack the other men? She sighed. She’d no doubt end up tied up and whipped again.

  Her heart stuttered as the horse drew to a halt. She sat up, smoothing a hand over her chemise and hair. Though she was surrounded by a band of savage, wild men, it was still habit to fix herself and look as presentable as possible, something she’d been taught since before she could even walk. She hoped they’d actually give her something to wear soon. She could still hear Lucille’s clear voice, instructing her. Ladies turn themselves out properly. We carry ourselves with decorum.

  Cole swung down from the horse, tying it to a post, and lifted her down roughly. Grabbing her by the arm, he marc
hed her over to the horse that was trailing right behind them.

  “Gotta check to be sure the trail ahead is clear,” he growled. “You watch her.” He released her arm and marched away.

  An unfamiliar man stood in front of her. He had the same swarthy skin, same nose, same broad shoulders as Cole. But unlike Cole, his dark beard was more scant, and his eyes… those eyes. They were piercing blue, unlike Cole’s dark brown, and something about them sent a shiver down Aida’s spine. Aida knew just from looking at the man’s eyes there was nothing he was incapable of. Whereas Cole was implacable, this man was cruel.

  “We’re stopping to eat. Cole’s dealing with an issue with the team, so you mind yourself. And unless you want to answer to him, you’ll do as yer told. C’mere. We’ll go sit by the clearin’ and you’ll help me cook.” He pointed to a small clearing to the right, while her mind swirled. The man in front of her narrowed his eyes. “You have ‘til the count of ten.” She began to walk awkwardly, her battered backside protesting with each move as the man came to her side. His eyes trailed down the front of her thin chemise, and Aida felt suddenly naked. He grinned wickedly and licked his lips. His voice dropped to a low growl. “Cryin’ shame Cole claimed you first. Ain’t fair the older brother gets first pick’a the spoils. I could make you scream in pleasure just as soon as I’d have you screamin’ in pain.”

  Aida tried to pull up the front of her dress, but it was fruitless with her wrists bound. She couldn’t cover herself if she tried. He merely leered at her when she froze. The little hairs on her arms stood on end.

  “You have five seconds,” he spat out. Reluctantly, she closed the small gap between them, but when she did, he reached for her and to her horror, snagged her by the hair and planted his mouth on hers in a crude, rough kiss. Her hands still bound, she had no way to get away as she moved her head and his hand grasped the back of her hair. But just as soon as the kiss began, it stopped, and to her shock, the brute was pulled away.

  Cole stood in front of her, lifting the man up by the back of his shirt. He spun him around and shoved him away. The younger man swore, but cringed as Cole glared with a ferocity Aida hadn’t seen even during her punishment. “You’ll keep your fucking hands off her,” Cole growled. He grabbed the man by the front of the shirt, lifting him right up on the tips of his toes. “You ever put your mouth on her again, I’ll kill you.”

  Relief flooded through Aida as she righted herself. She reveled in the fear that flickered in the younger man’s eyes as he nodded. But Cole wasn’t done. Still holding the younger man by the front of his shirt, he hauled him over to where Aida was. “You tell her you’re sorry.”

  “I’m sorry,” the man muttered, clearly furious but afraid. Aida didn’t respond, her mouth agape as she took the scene in. Was this some sort of game? Was she supposed to find Cole somehow more sympathetic? She’d heard of kidnappers playing such games, but found Cole’s furious countenance unreadable.

  “Go finish cookin’,” Cole said, shoving him toward the fire. The other man shrugged his shoulders, as if to shake off what had just happened. Aida looked up at Cole, who slowly turned to her. He was still wearing his Stetson, which cast his dark eyes in shadow, but as he bent down to speak with her, his voice was softer than she’d yet heard. “Did he hurt you?” he asked. He placed a hand under her chin and met her eyes. He was probing. Aida was immediately struck by the difference between him and the man who’d assaulted her. But hadn’t Cole just whipped her?

  She shook her head. “No,” she whispered.

  Cole raked his eyes over her body, not the way the other man had, but as if to check her over. His jaw clenched. “You’ll say, no, sir, or no, Daddy.”

  She glared at him. “No, sir,” she ground out.

  Though his eyes narrowed, he nodded. “Very good. You need some privacy to visit the privy? And I’ve got a dress for you to change into. Wouldn’t want you catchin’ cold, darlin’.”

  “How thoughtful.”

  He lifted a stern brow. “I’ll send Junior down to keep watch while you freshen up. Then you’ll join us to eat,” he said, his hand now upon her hip. She knew then that he meant to be sure she didn’t get away.

  “Junior!” Cole shouted. His hand felt warm on her skin. She wanted to hate him. But somehow, seeing him defend her from the threat of the other man made her soften, just a bit.

  The young blond man came into view. “Yessir?”

  “Take Aida down to the water to freshen herself up. Don’t let her out of your sight, but,” he paused, and turning to her, he raised a brow, “you gonna run?”

  The two-second pause just before she shook her head was her mistake. His eyes narrowed. Of course she was going to run. What reason did she have to stay?

  Cole’s jaw clenched as he quickly made a decision. “On second thought, I think I’ll escort her myself,” he said. “You see to the team bein’ watered, yeah?”

  Junior nodded. “Yessir.” He tipped his hat and went on his way, as Cole took Aida by the elbow and walked her down to the creek, muttering under his breath.

  The air was warm and stagnant, and a gleam of perspiration dampened her chest as he escorted her. It wasn’t until she was only a few feet away from the creek that she realized there was no ‘privy.’ She’d be expected to wash herself and take care of her duties with nothing more than cold water and leaves to dry herself off.

  “I can’t do this,” she said, the ridiculous protestation sounding silly even to her own ears.

  “What’s that?” Cole said. He looked genuinely confused.

  “You want me to wash in the water?” she asked. It seemed a horrendous option. “Have you no soap? Nothing to dry myself, or truly freshen up?”

  He grinned, pulling a rough piece of cloth and foul-smelling slab of soap from his pocket. “Course I do, darlin’,” he said. “You don’t think we’re a bunch of savages, now do you?” Something about his voice sent shivers along her spine, the implied meaning causing her stomach to clench. Of course they were savages.

  She would have to make do.

  “And when you’re done here, you’ll come back and eat with us. Doc makes a mean cornbread with beans, and there’s plenty. You’ll need your strength for the days ahead.”

  She despised beans, and only ever ate porridge or bread and butter with eggs at home, the food her cook placed upon dainty plates for her.

  “I’m not hungry,” she lied, her stomach growling in betrayal.

  He laughed mirthlessly. “I didn’t ask if you were hungry. I told you you were going to eat. Now, pretty girl, you have two choices,” he said, as they came upon the edge of the creek. “You’ll either do as I tell you,” he paused, his voice dropping as he fixed her with a stern glare, “or disobey me and earn another trip over Daddy’s knee. Understood?” He stopped walking and looked expectantly in her face. His eyes had hardened, his jaw set.

  She swallowed, unable to swallow the fear that set her heart stuttering. “Fine,” she hissed.

  His hand shot out before she even knew what was happening, delivering a startling swat to her backside. “You watch that tone, young lady,” he said, all teasing now gone from his eyes. “You’ll respond properly with a yes, Daddy, or I’ll spank your pretty bottom right here and now.”

  The nerve!

  She pursed her lips but truly did not want to be punished again. She had no doubt he meant what she said. She inhaled, keeping her anger in check with considerable difficulty. “Yes, Daddy,” she nearly growled.

  He grinned. “Good girl. Now go take care of business, and remember what happens to naughty girls who don’t obey their daddies. Go, now,” he said, pointing to the creek. Silently cursing him out, she obeyed.

  Chapter Four

  Love me or hate me, both are in my favor. ― William Shakespeare

  Cole watched her choke down the food she no doubt despised, while she glared at him. He narrowed his eyes at her and took a large bite, chewing quickly. They couldn’t stay for long, and had t
o get moving on the trail. Out of the corner of his eye, he took in Junior, who was piling the dirty dishes together ready to be washed, and his brother Justice, who was brooding on the side, watching all that went down. His brother had always been unpredictable and cruel, which served him well in their posse. But for the first time, Cole began to fear that his brother’s character threatened the girl. Justice had kept his amorous pursuits hidden from Cole, but he’d heard rumors. Now Cole wondered exactly what he was capable of.

  “You need more, darlin’?” Cole asked, but the question was scornful, not kind.

  “No,” she hissed.

  He narrowed his eyes and wagged a finger. “You mind yourself, pretty girl. I’m only makin’ sure you’ve got plenty in your belly before we mosey on.” She pursed her lips as he took another bite of bread. “Now, it seems to me I’ve been remiss. You ain’t been properly introduced to the rest of our company.”

  He pointed a lazy finger at Justice, who sat furthest away from the group. His brooding eyes met Cole’s as he spoke. “Justice, my younger brother, fastest gunslinger in our company, fearless.” And unpredictable, he thought grimly to himself, remembering how badly he’d wanted to knock his brother’s teeth down his throat when he’d had the nerve to touch her. He wasn’t sure what angered him more: the fact that his brother’d crossed a line and attempted to assault Aida, or his own anger that rose up in her defense. It wouldn’t do to grow soft when he had a mission to accomplish. Not at all. Justice nodded. “You two have met,” Cole said, barely tempering a growl. Aida, to her credit, was unmoved.


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