Ghosts of Culloden Moor 09 - Aiden

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Ghosts of Culloden Moor 09 - Aiden Page 2

by L. L. Muir

  “Well, thank you. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t come along.”

  “Ye looked to be puttin’ up a good fight. What sort of monster was that?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “No doubt it slithered up from some dank cavern.” Though now he thought on it, the creature had driven away hadn’t it?

  Aiden carried her a few paces forward until the dim light from overhead illuminated her face. She was beautiful. And older than he’d realized. Perhaps close to his own age. She stared up at him, as if in surprise, her expression transfixed. He wanted to move away, to carry her out of this dangerous place, but couldn’t get enough of that look.

  It was a shame he’d had to perform his good deed so quickly. With her gazing at him in such a way, as if he were the best thing that ever happened to her, he regretted he would not get the two days he’d been promised.

  Was Soni to come and collect him now? Or perhaps she was busy and not yet aware of his accomplishment?

  The girl continued to stare up at him with big blue eyes as waves of copper-colored hair surrounded her face. She was stunning. Enchanting. Almost too beautiful to gaze upon with his newly returned vision.

  If he had only these few minutes left to him in which to breathe air, in which to live, he was glad she’d be the sight left to him.

  She placed a small hand on his chest, smiling slightly, her expression awed as she returned his searching gaze. “Are you my fate?”

  He considered, and finally nodded. “I believe I was fated to save ye.”

  He decided not to tell her about the witch in case she believed him a seer as well, casting spells, creating false enchantments.

  The way she beheld him, as if he was her heart’s desire, well, he was a man wasn’t he? His chest rose as pride and pleasure filled him to the core. The witch had done him a favor in allowing him to perform this one last deed, but she might appear to snatch him away at any moment. He might be considered thoughtful and stoic, but he was no idiot. He lowered his head and captured the girls lip’s with his own.


  He kissed Zoey, and it was heaven. His warm lips against hers, his strong arms wrapped around her body as he held her effortlessly. Lightning bolts of attraction shot through her.

  Yes! The other men she dated? It was them, not her! Or rather, it was him. This man. It had always been him for her.

  He broke the kiss and they stared at each other. From his expression, he appeared as shocked as she felt.

  She studied his face—the high cheekbones, strong jaw, dark eyes and dark shoulder-length hair. Big, broad in the shoulders, and packed with muscle. He was much bigger than she would have thought fate intended for her. When she’d pictured her dream man, he’d always been shorter, athletic. Built like a runner, slim and graceful.

  This man was a tank.

  Regardless, it was him. She’d have known him anywhere and from his expression he’d realized it too. And his aura. She’d never seen a silver aura tipped with lavender. Beautiful.

  She grinned. Wouldn’t her Aunt Thea laugh! The man really had appeared to her out of nowhere—just as predicted.

  Two couples walked by the face of the alley, talking and laughing, but stopped short when they saw Zoey in her rescuer’s arms. “Are you okay?” One man called.

  Zoey could barely take her eyes off of the man cradling her long enough to answer. “We’re better than okay, but thank you for asking.”

  As the couples laughed and walked on, Zoey asked, “What’s your name?”

  “Aiden MacGregor. And yours, lass?”

  “Zoey Barnes.”

  “Barnes. So ye come from English stock. But I’ve not heard the name Zoey before.”

  “It means life.”

  His eyes widened and she could feel the breath he took. “Life?”


  His strong arms clenched around her once more as he seemed to feel some sort of intense emotion. After a long moment, he slowly released her and helped her stand.

  She couldn’t help another smile at his height. Granted, she was slender, but at five-seven she wasn’t exactly short, and the guy towered over her. What had fate been thinking? “Do you want to walk me home?”

  He took her hand. “I’ll have to insist.”

  She remembered all the times she’d hidden her address from men since she’d jumped on the dating merry-go-round while she’d searched for him. Aiden MacGregor. She smiled and twined their fingers together. “Okay by me.”


  Aiden’s heart thundered as sharp emotion washed through him. When was the last time he’d held hands with a girl? He couldn’t remember. She wanted him to see her safely home? He was all right with that. She led, and he willingly followed, barely able to keep his gaze from her.

  She was stunning.

  “I owe you, big time.” She gazed at him softly again and he quickly found he couldn’t get enough of it.

  “I assure ye, you do not. I did as required.”

  “Well, I’m incredibly grateful just the same.”

  She needed to stop gazing at him that way. It did strange things to his heart. And that in turn made him feel an idiot. He wasn’t staying, he was just passing through. He needed to remember that. “Who was the creature that attacked ye? Did ye know him?”

  “I’m not sure who it was, but,” she hesitated. “It could have been…well, I wondered if it could be my ex-boyfriend, but…” she shrugged. “The man didn’t say much, but he was about the right size.”

  “Ye courted with a snake?”

  “You could certainly call him that. He fooled me completely.”

  “So they can disguise themselves to appear normal?”

  “My ex certainly could. He’s a master at making people believe he’s normal and charming when on the inside he’s pure poison.”

  So the snake-men were venomous. He tucked that bit of knowledge away for later, as well as the creature’s ability to disguise itself. That certainly made sense. He didn’t think a woman would willingly allow a snake to court her. “So the creature is still a danger to ye?”

  “I don’t know. If it’s my ex-boyfriend, maybe. But honestly, I couldn’t tell if it was him. He didn’t speak to me, he was just sort of grunting as he tried to drag me away. Isn’t it more likely it was a random attack?”

  “Do such attacks against women happen here often?”

  “Not often. But they do happen.”

  So ex-boyfriend or no, she could still be in danger. Mayhap that was why the witch hadn’t appeared yet. The girl still required his protection. Mayhap if he’d slain the snake the witch would have come for him. Had he disappointed Soni? She’d warned him not to. He didn’t like to think so, but at the same time he was glad for any extra time to spend alive and in Zoey’s company.

  “Mayhap we should go to the authorities and report yer attacker?”

  “I just want to go home.”

  “Perhaps John Wayne should know about what has happened.”

  She laughed. “I like your sense of humor. But right now I’m headed to my apartment.”

  He did not see levity in the situation. “I will remain by your side.”

  “All right.” She squeezed his hand and smiled.

  His mood lifted. He inhaled, that in itself a wonder. He’d been looking forward to breathing air, and though it wasn’t exactly sweet-smelling, he’d enjoy it just the same.

  They walked around the corner of a building and onto a main street. Aiden couldn’t help but gape. Many buildings, all lit with different colors of lights, and people crowding past and going in and out of structures.

  And the cars! He’d seen many at the visitors center, but not like this. They rushed down a large road, both ways, streaking past at incredible speed. It seemed utter madness.

  It started to rain.

  Aiden tilted his head back and let the drops streak his face, escaping for a moment into remembered sensation as he tried to calm the p
ounding of his heart.

  “Come on.”

  He let Zoey tug him along the sidewalk, into a crowd, past people hunching over and carrying umbrellas. Useful those. He’d long wanted to try one.

  Zoey chattered beside him, talking nonsense for the most part, as he tried to guide her through passersby while remaining alert to any threats against the girl.

  A big bus lumbered down the road. He’d seen them at the visitors center. ’Twas always fascinating to watch so many people disembark, one after the other. The stores lining the street caught his eye next, selling wares in large windows. Drinks, clothing, books, shoes, other items he’d not seen before. The place was busy, chaotic, and had him slightly on edge.

  “Where are you from?”


  She chuckled. “I sort of figured that from your kilt and accent. So is there a Scottish festival in town or something?”

  He glanced at her, not sure what she referred to. Finally he just nodded and resumed scanning the crowd for danger. “Aye.”

  “I thought it must be something like that.”

  He stopped at the edge of a road, unable to continue without crossing into the congested street. Zoey stepped off the curb and into the path of an oncoming bus.

  Aiden yanked her back to safety as the bus honked, startling them both.

  Aiden stared in astonishment. “Why would ye do such a thing?”

  “Oh.” Her trembling hand pressed against her chest. “I need to pay attention.” She smiled. “You saved me again.”

  She needed a keeper. He wasn’t sure how she’d managed to stay alive without one.

  First he’d saved her from a venomous snake-man, and now managed to stop her from walking in front of a bus. And he’d only known the girl but minutes. Given enough time, she could come to serious harm.

  Mayhap acting as her protector wouldn’t be as simple as he’d thought.

  The cars stopped and they crossed the road with a crowd. Ingenious that. It appeared the lights above guided the behavior of the cars. All the same, Aiden hurried Zoey to the other side, all the while watching both the crowd and the cars for further attacks.

  Apparently, he was sent to guard her.

  He was sure, whatever the problem, it would quickly be straightened out. After all, he only had two days.


  As the rain picked up, they crossed to her favorite park. Because it was nighttime now, the pigeon man wasn’t there, of course, and young mothers and their children were long gone by this hour as well.

  She couldn’t believe she’d gone from boredom, to terror, to happiness in so short a time. She felt like dancing in the rain, and, releasing Aiden’s hand, she did a little twirl that ended in a giggle.

  “I see ye dinnae mind a bit o’ rain.”

  “Nope.” She spread her arms wide and did another twirl. “I love it.”

  He grinned at her. “Ye’d do well in Scotland.”

  She grinned back, hoping it was an invitation. “I suspect I would.”

  She realized she needed to snap out of it and stop staring at the guy or she was going to scare him away. She was usually more level-headed when it came to men and never acted like this, but she felt like she’d somehow won the lottery and he was the grand prize.

  Fate had presented him to her, after all.

  It didn’t take long to reach her apartment. They climbed the stairs, and when they stopped in front of her apartment door, her eyes dropped and she gulped in a breath. Sheesh, her emotions spun all over the place. “Do you have somewhere to stay?”

  “I’ll be stayin’ with ye.”

  “Oh.” She hesitated as she studied his aura again. It was so clear, so pure. She’d never in her entire life seen that color of silver on a person. Standing next to him soothed and comforted, yet at the same time excitement arced between them, leaving her breathless. She could wrap herself within his glow, within his arms, and stay there forever.

  But he was essentially a stranger.

  Who’d saved her life and kissed her senseless.

  Truth to tell, her senses still reeled as possessiveness streaked through her. He was hers. She didn’t want him to get away. Even the thought of it left her feeling slightly panicked.

  She’d never so much as had a boyfriend in her home. She’d certainly never let Preston set foot inside her place. Not even once. They always met at other locations. That was the way she liked it.

  So why did she so easily trust this guy? He was big, strong, and sigh-worthy. She didn’t feel threatened. Quite the opposite. She felt protected, feminine, and enticing. Her heart fluttered.

  Feeling she was making a momentous decision, she opened her apartment door and swung it wide.

  For a moment she doubted herself.

  Her cats came running. As always, they were noisy little things, the brother and sister Birmans yowled at her, acting as if they’d never been loved or fed.

  When Aiden stepped forward, the cats froze, gazing up at him with identical big, blue eyes.

  He knelt and let them sniff his hands. “What are their names?”

  “Moonbeam and Moonshadow. I inherited them when my roommate married a few months ago. Her new husband is allergic to cats.”

  It didn’t take long before he was petting and scratching behind their ears.

  That was a first.

  And it sort of cinched it, didn’t it? The cats liked him. A feeling of satisfaction welled within her. Well, why not? She picked up a gentle vibe from him. Yes, he was huge and attractive, but considerate and warm too.

  How was a guy like that single?

  The thought made her freeze. “Are you married?” She immediately wished she could take back the words and ease into the subject. She wasn’t a subtle person—a fact that earned her trouble on a regular basis. But she didn’t want to scare the guy off.

  “Nae, lass. I’m not.”

  She let out a breath. “If you need a place to sleep tonight…” She blushed. Her and her big mouth. “What I mean is, if you’d like, you can sleep on the couch tonight.”

  “Thank ye, lass. I’d like that.”

  She shut the door and watched him walk around the apartment, examine her things, and look out the window. His huge frame made the place seem smaller. Aunt Thea claimed everyone had a true love. Excitement and relief swelled within Zoey in equal measures.

  She believed with everything in her that fate had finally introduced hers.


  Officer Wendell glared at Aiden, suspicion clearly written on his face. Seated on Zoey’s only armchair, the officer appeared to be in his late twenties or so with a strong jaw and a shock of blond hair that stuck up in the front. He seemed competent enough, but didn’t attempt to hide his dislike.

  Fine by him. Aiden found the man unnecessary. Though Aiden insisted the crime be reported, he could see now that none here could protect Zoey as well as he.

  The officer wrote something in his notepad and glanced up, his expression softening when he gazed at Zoey. “Miss Barnes, you’re sure you don’t have suspicions about who might have attacked you tonight?”

  Zoey seemed to hesitate, then shook her head as she picked up the cat rubbing against her leg.

  Seated next to her on the settee, even Aiden didn’t believe her. Earlier she’d mentioned an ex-boyfriend. Aiden’s jaw tightened. Was she now protecting the man?

  “You hesitated. Is there someone you want to name?” Officer Wendell glanced over at Aiden when he said it.

  She shook her head more firmly. “No. I don’t know anybody who would act in such a way.”

  “Uh, huh.” The officer clearly didn’t believe her. His glare said he blamed Aiden for her timidity.

  Aiden couldn’t blame the other man for his frustration. He sat forward. “Lass, if ye’re trying to protect someone there’s no need. Let the man take his punishment and be done with it. Ye’d not want another girl comin’ to harm would ye? What if she dinnae have a protector to help

  Zoey appeared indecisive. “I’m sorry. I just don’t know anything. I was leaving Jimmy’s bar, and was pulled into an alley.” She glanced at Aiden and smiled. “You saved me.”

  The officer squinted at Aiden, suspicion clear in his gaze. “The two of you weren’t together when she was attacked?”

  “I met him when he rescued me.”

  Again, Zoey’s eyes shone like stars and he couldn’t help the pride firing inside him. She made him feel incredible.

  “Let me get this straight. You didn’t know this man,” he pointed at Aiden, “before the attack?”

  “I know him now.”

  The policeman’s jaw clenched as he eyed Aiden. “What is your full name?”

  “Aiden MacGregor.”

  He wrote on his notepad.


  “You may address me as Mr. MacGregor if it suits ye.”

  Officer Wendell regarded him, unimpressed. “I mean, where do you live?”

  “Ah. Recently of Culloden Moor. In Scotland. For the moment, I live here.”

  “Where exactly is here?”

  “Do ye not know where ye are?”

  Officer Wendell’s mouth tightened. “Look, Buddy. You think you’re funny, but you’re not.”

  Aiden studied the man. He was in a position of authority, and supposed to protect those in his care, but Aiden wasn’t impressed with the man’s intellect or deductive skills. He seemed impatient, suspicious, and unable to focus on the conversation at hand. Perhaps Aiden should take over.

  “What is truly important here is the fact that Mistress Barnes is in danger from a madman. She was attacked and dragged off to be trussed inside an automobile, perhaps never to be seen again. What are your plans for her protection?”

  “Are you trying to tell me how to do my job?”

  “I’d prefer not. I had hoped that perhaps ye’d already had some trainin’.”

  “That’s it.” The policeman stood, and Aiden did, as well, aggression firing inside him.

  Zoey quickly slid off the settee to stand between them. “Officer Wendell, I’d truly like to thank you for coming out tonight and taking my statement. Will you let me know when there’s any news?”


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