Delmar (Archer's Dynasty Book 1)

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Delmar (Archer's Dynasty Book 1) Page 3

by Kathi S. Barton

  “Why not?” Merce told Peter that her brothers had power of attorney over him since he’d moved into the place. “You need to kidnap him for a few hours daily. I can arrange that if you want. I think it would be fun to have him and Grandda tooling around and planting flowers and planning trouble. You can do that for him as his granddaughter.”

  “Really? I’d love that. I know my dad would too. He goes to see him once a day, and I think having him at home would do both of them a world of good. Thank you, Peter. If you can arrange that, I’d be forever grateful to you.” He said he’d work on it tomorrow. “Thanks.”

  She told him where he was and his full name. Delmar perked up when Merce said him coming home would be so much fun. Not only did he know the other man, but he had had lunch with him a few times in the past and had enjoyed his banter and laughter at the silliest things. Katie was glad to see that Delmar was looking forward to something after being stuck in a nursing home for so long. And even though he put himself in there, he’d wanted out in the worst kind of way, he’d told her as her sons talked about what they really wanted to do.

  As soon as dinner was over and desserts were passed around, she sat and listened to her sons talking about their lives. Katie had only been gone for a few months on the cruise ship, but it seemed as if she’d missed so much. She thought perhaps she’d missed a great deal even before she’d left home to have what she had hoped was fun. Then Merce turned to her and told her she needed to talk to her sons.

  “You, my dear, are too pushy.” Katie smiled. And instead of taking offense, Merce told her she needed her around. “I do believe I do. You’ve been here one day, and I feel like I need you around forever. We’re having such a good time. I’m not sure I want to tell them the rest. By the way, how did you find out?”

  “I didn’t until you just told me. You were fired—or did you quit?” She said they fired her. “I’m assuming they thought they had good reason. All Del and the others have talked about is what a good cook you are. So that can’t be it.”

  “It was, actually. I was cooking things I thought everyone would enjoy. And they did, more than they did the other food places on the ship. The buffet is a high-profit margin for them, and I was taking people away from that and having them go to the restaurant I was in charge of.” Merce said that was just stupid. “I thought so as well. But they paid me severance pay and gave me a ticket home. I’m glad, in a way. I think I needed to be here more than seeing if I could have fun on a cruise. Which I have to admit, I didn’t.”

  “Good for you.”

  The two of them talked well after the dishes were cleaned up, and they all retired to the living room. Merce received two calls, which she didn’t talk about. The girl looked upset, and as much as she wanted to ask her about it, Katie didn’t know that she wanted her to tell her just yet. They were, as she said before, having a nice evening.


  Del explained to Merce and her dad what he needed. Then, after a tour of their plant, he was sure that she and her company were the best fit. While standing there watching the machinery work on part of what he’d wanted, he looked around the place and was impressed by not just what he saw in equipment but how the employees seemed to take pride in what they were doing. It was, in a weird sort of way, a happy place.

  “Are you with us now, Del?” He grinned at Harlin, what he’d been asked to call the older man. “You seemed to have spaced out there a little. Merce stomped off when she couldn’t get your attention. But then she’s usually upset about one thing or another of late.”

  “She’s brilliant, in the event you weren’t aware of that.” Harlin nodded as he moved around with him. “This place, it’s the right fit for what we need. I’m thinking we can use you and your company for a lot of the projects we have going right now.”

  “Did Merce tell you she has two older brothers?” Del nodded, not sure where that had come from. “Let me get to that. I can see on your face that you’re slightly confused at my statement. But her brothers, Harley and Brock, are quite a few years older than she is. Ten and twelve years, as a matter of fact. You should, if you meet them, tell them how brilliant their little sister is. Harley, he still thinks she’s ten or so and needs to have someone check her checking account now and again. He doesn’t anymore. She put her foot through his ass when he tried it, but it’s not to say they don’t treat her as a child.”

  “I’m betting that’s not all that she did to them.” Harlin laughed and said it wasn’t. “I like her boldness. However, I do worry about her. She got a couple of calls yesterday at my house that I think upset her. My mom was the most worried. She also took to liking her very much. We didn’t ask, but I’m not sure it was good news.”

  “She didn’t mention it. I’ll see what I can find out. We have a good relationship, she and I. However, she’s much closer to my dad. I’m to understand she is going to kidnap him a few hours a day when she can. I’m not going to mention it to her brothers. They’ll think she’s not old enough to handle him. Not that he’s a handful, but they think someone in their eighties needs constant care.”

  “My grandfather is the same age. If they were to say something like that to him, he’d shove his boot up their asses too.” They were laughing as they came around to find Merce again. She looked upset again, and a part of Del wanted to slay the dragon for her. When her dad asked her what was wrong, she blew up.

  “Harley said I need to make sure I’m not spending the night with any random man I come across. If that wasn’t bad enough, he asked me if I had thought about getting on birth control if I was going to be promiscuous. Mother fucker. After I hung up on him, Brock called me to ask if I needed him to find me a good doctor to get me on some kind of birth control. Like I’m a fucking idiot. I tell you, Dad, if they were here right now, I’d show them a thing or two.” Del was so shocked when Harlin laughed that he could only stare at the man. “You think this is funny, Dad? They’re treating me like I’m a whore or something. I didn’t sleep with Del. I stayed there because it was better than me driving home exhausted. And even if I did want to fuck him, it’s none of their damned business.”

  “No, it’s not. I’m not laughing at you, honey, but I was thinking about what had gotten into their head to think to say something like that to you. And what you said back to them.”

  Harlin was still laughing as he told her he’d call them and give them a piece of his mind. He was still laughing when Del saw the man picking up his phone in his office. Del looked at Merce.

  “Are you pissed?” Del asked her why she thought he’d be pissed. “I don’t know. Basically, they called you a bastard for leading me astray.”

  “Would you mind very much if I were to talk to them?” He smiled at her. “I’m not sure there would be a great deal of talking. I tend to get someone’s attention first with my fists. Then after that, they get it in their head that I’m not a pushover.”

  “You’d hit them for me?” Del said he was sure she could take care of herself. “I can, but it’s nice to know you’re not going to be letting them get by with this shit either. Sometimes I don’t like them at all. I love them dearly, but I don’t have to like them.”

  “No, you don’t. But if you tell me where they are right now, I’ll go over and straighten them out. I might even take my mom with me. She’d surely defend your honor a good deal better than I might.” Merce asked him if he was serious. “I am if you want me to be. Mom really likes you, and it would bother her to no end to find out that someone said those things to you. But if I were you, when my mom goes there, I’d go with her. She can be very vocal when she’s pissed off at someone.”

  “If you’re serious, I’m going to call her right now. Tell her exactly what they said to me.” Del told her to go for it. “Thanks. I’m going to.”

  When she walked away, pulling out her phone, Del was left in the plant alone. Walking around, getting another feel for the place
, he noticed little things he’d not before. It made him smile to know that this company took care of their employees as he did, even though they were in a large factory.

  There were pictures of families in their workstations. Someone had hung up a copy of a report card, and it had hearts all around it. Baby pictures, too, along with family vacations. Taking a closer look, he could see Merce in a few. Harlin as well. They did take working for a family to the highest marks.

  “Your mom is going with me. She said for you to come along as well. Do you mind?” He didn’t and told her that. “Great. Maybe she can knock some sense into their heads. I haven’t been able to. Dad is talking to them now, and I doubt it will make a difference.”

  Looking forward to this more than he thought he should have, Harlin said he’d come along too. He wanted to see someone else take action. As soon as they were inside the building, Merce was greeted with hugs and questions on how she was doing. If nothing else, the staff at her brothers’ firm seemed to like her.

  The brothers were partners in a real estate office. Lowery Brothers—he thought it a silly name—had trophies all over the room about their sales meeting huge goals, as well as letters from families that had used them to purchase a home. He wondered if any of them knew how they treated their sister.

  “Yes, I’d like to speak to Harley and Brock Lowery, please.” His mom smiled at the woman who sat at the front desk. “Tell them it’s Katherine Archer. That should get them moving.”

  Few people knew their mother as Katherine Archer. He was sure that about half the county thought she was just Katie Archer, mother to six boys and a good soul. But his mother was so much more than that. Katherine Archer was a multi-billionaire. A tycoon. One who could turn a dime into a million in very little time. Her name opened doors and slammed them shut when she wanted. His mom didn’t use her power much, but when she did, people sat up and took notice.

  His parents had not always been wealthy. Mom and dad both had invested well and often. Mom had the touch, Del had always thought. When she saw something that piqued her interest, she would research it then invest. Heavily. Sometimes even buying the company to have a good idea where it was going. Del had too been able to know when to buy and sell as well. It helped his company ventures very nicely.

  Apparently, the brothers Lowery had heard of her as well. Not only were they shown into a lovely room, but they were offered drinks, snacks, as well as asked if the air conditioning was the right temperature. The staff was falling all over themselves, trying to make sure this woman was as happy as she could be. So, in turn, they were as well.

  “Dad? Merce? I didn’t know you were in here. I’ll have you moved to one of the offices.” Mom told the man to sit down and shut up. He did. So did his brother when he walked into the room, wondering why his dad and sister were there. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Archer. I didn’t know they were in here when we had our staff make sure you were comfortable.”

  “So had it been only them and not my son and I, you’d have not cared if they were comfortable?” Both men looked at their dad when Mom spoke to them. “Don’t look at him for support, you dimwitted morons. They’re with me. I’m here to talk to you about how you’ve been treating Ms. Lowery here.”

  “I’m not sure what you mean.” Blue tie brother looked at Merce. “Have you been spreading stories again, Merce? You know it’s not right to do that. Do we have to have a talk—?”

  “Oh, for the love of shit. Do you forever talk to her that way? Or is it every woman? No wonder you’re still single men.” Mom looked at Del. “Darling, I’d like you to take notes on this. Not to treat every woman like a bimbo. Tell your brothers that as well.”

  “We’d never do that to anyone.” Del asked them if they only did it to their sister. “You don’t know what it’s been for us to be responsible for her. She’s only a child.”

  “I don’t know if you’ve not noticed this or not, but she’s far from a child. She’s a grown woman. The last time I looked, anyone over the age of twenty-one is old enough to no longer have anyone responsible for them.” Mom turned and looked at Harlin. “When was the last time you had to have a talk to your daughter about her behavior, Harlin? I’m betting it’s been a while.”

  “Not since she was about ten. She’s always had a good head on her shoulders.” He looked at his sons. “Perhaps you can tell me why you think it is that I’m not taking care of Merce. Or tell me a time or two when you’ve had to bail her out.”

  “It’s because we keep a close eye on her, that’s why.” Del stood up and smiled at the two men when they looked at him. He did notice that neither of them stood up after glancing at his mom. “Do you have something to add, Mr. Archer? I’m sure if you’ve spent any time with our sister, you can tell your mother we’re right in how we’ve been caring for her.”

  “How old are you two anyway?” They told him they were in their late thirties. “Late thirties, huh? I would have thought you were born back in prehistoric times the way you talk about taking care of Merce. Were you aware that she has a college degree? That she helps your father run the business that kept you clothed, food on your table, as well as money in your pockets when you were younger than her? Also, you might find this hard to believe, but she’s smart. A go-getter when it comes to bringing in more business. Have you been to the plant lately? I noticed things today that might surprise you. There are pictures on the walls around the people that work for them of their families. Your father and sister are in a great many of the photos, having a good time with the people that work for them. When was the last time you had a company outing? That you let your employees put a little plant or a picture of their own family on their desk? I’m observant, gentlemen, and I’m thinking that given a choice, they’d rather work for your sister than the two of you.”

  “What does any of this have to do with the two of you coming in here with our little sister?” Del asked the man to stand up, then asked him his name. “I’m Harley Lowery. This is my brother Brock. If you have nothing positive to add to the conversation we were having with your mother, Del, then I’d like you to wait outside with my family.”

  The punch to his face was satisfactory. Not only that, but he found that he wanted to pick the man up and hit him again. He might well have had his mother not told him to stop. Harley didn’t move but asked him what that was for. Del noticed that Brock didn’t move so much as his feet out of his way when Harley reached for his sibling.

  “That’s for thinking I wasn’t a gentleman when your sister stayed at my home. I shouldn’t have to explain to you that rather than driving home exhausted and risking an accident, she opted to stay in my home in my mom’s room. Not for driving too fast or for being on a drunken binge. Nor for being….” He looked at Merce. “What is it they said you were doing?”

  “‘Fucking around with strangers.’” She kicked her brother in the ribs while he was still down. Del pulled her into his body so she’d not cause him more harm. It was like holding onto a live wire. “You fucking bastard. I’ve never had sex, much less with random men. You might well have known that about me if you’d get your heads out of your asses and talk to me instead of at me.”

  Mom stood up then, as did the men. “If I had a piece of anything to sell, I’d not use you. That’s not written in stone, but as far as I can see, it might as well be. Imagine treating your own sister like she was some sort of tramp…. Well, you can bet I’ll be bringing this up at my next board meeting.” She started away, then turned back to them. “This isn’t a way to get you to treat this wonderful young woman better. This is a way for you to think about your actions before it’s too late. Let me ask you something while I’m thinking on it. When was the last time you visited your grandfather? Or your father, for that matter. You know, before you know it, they’ll be gone, then there won’t be any time for them. I lost my husband, a dear and wonderful person, one day because he’d gone to bed and never woke up. He was
young too, in his late forties. Just like that, I was a widow with six sons to raise. But the time we had together was wonderful. I’d not miss any of it if I had it all to do it over again. What are you going to think about when not only is your grandfather gone from this earth, but your father as well?”

  Mom asked if they could go to dinner when they were in the car. Del told her he’d love that, and Harlin asked if his father could join them. Stopping by the nursing home, Mom and Merce went into the place to get him. Harlin turned to him when they were gone.

  “They won’t change. I don’t think I thought about how seriously messed up they are about Merce until I saw it through yours and your mother’s eyes. I have no idea how they got to this point either. I certainly never treated her that way.” Del asked about his wife. “She was gone before Merce was very old. I don’t think she was overprotective as much as they are to their sister, but she did have trouble with them leaving the house and letting them play with other children. Do you think they got that from her? I don’t mean her ways, but that they had to be the protector because their mother wasn’t there to do it?”

  “I don’t know. I mean, if you think about it, it does make perfect sense.” Harlin said he thought so as well. “Harlin, would you mind very much if I started seeing your daughter? I’m not really asking for permission here, but I am asking if you think her brothers will say something to her. Or even hurt her in some way.”

  “Son, I have to tell you something. When I met you, I thought you were a perfect match for her. I nearly wet myself when you hit her brother. However, I will tell you I didn’t have any idea that you were the Archers.” Del told him that they were just the Archers. “To you perhaps, but when I saw my sons falling over themselves to please your mother, I did a little looking around on the Internet while my sons were getting their asses handed to him. I don’t know if you realize this or not, but your family really are the Archers, son. You’re richer than Midas, as my dad used to tell people about us. Yes, it would do me a world of good to see the two of you dating. I think she’d enjoy herself too.”


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