Seduce Me

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Seduce Me Page 14

by Miranda Forbes

  When I returned to England, I became a student in that most poetic of cities: Cambridge. I would walk within the university alleyways, absorbing the ancient bodies and ancient sex. On occasion, a student would accost me and I would allow him to. No one was immune to my kitty magic. Sometimes the accosting was of a mild nature. A sharing of hand and tongue. At other times it was ferocious, primal copulation.

  As I developed in alley sexuality, I found they brought out my most indecent behaviour. Within them, I became a performer stepping onto a stage, and I metamorphosed out of my clean Katrina skin, and into dirty Kat. Here, I could act out my darkest desires and be whoever I wanted to be. I never tried to analyse it. I just accepted the fact I was born of the alley.

  There is no getting away from it, sex happens in alleys and alleys have a certain sex appeal which makes my juices flow. I hide in the shadows to witness men unzipping their trousers and masturbating. Sex starved teenagers, thirsty lesbians unable to wait. The best performance of all was the sex of a well dressed couple coming home from the theatre, the woman exquisite in her low cut designer gown. Obscene in their grunting and coupling, it was the mating dance par excellence of two octopuses. They were all arms and legs, tangling and rippling. He spread her on the wall, lifted her taffeta froth of skirt and, like a battering ram, he took her. I was so turned on, I simply couldn’t help rubbing furiously at my clit and I came with such an explosion I gave a small cry and the couple froze. That was certainly a close call. From that day on, the salacious alley was an unquenchable magnet and I returned as often as I could to investigate its activities.

  I acquired a working knowledge of every alley in my neighbourhood. I made it my mission to be the foremost authority. I’d study the minutiae of their physiology like a scientist examining a particularly interesting microbe under a microscope. Like a human organism they possessed body, breath and heart and certain idiosyncrasies all of their own. I sorted through trash cans and I found items to both titillate and amuse. Sexual life stories were thrown away in the trash. Once my finger rested on a spot of milky semen and that really fired me up. This sex was new, perhaps only minutes old. Ancient semen and daring thoughts only served to arouse me more, and I would sink down onto my haunches and slide my fingers into my lubricious fanny, orgasming almost instantaneously.

  Which leads me on to the source of my most prolific finds. Alley Zero. The alley, par excellence! It is my alley cat hunting ground and the place I choose for my latest initiation. Entering Alley Zero from the club is like finding the back of the wardrobe in the ‘Narnia Chronicles’. It permits entry for the select few into alley heaven. Alley Zero hums with a filthy energy all of its own and it is such a fertile hunting ground, there is no alley quite like it in the whole of my city. In Alley Zero I discovered condoms so large they must have fitted monster cocks; Discarded knickers and thongs; dirty books, pornographic pictures, a mistress’s whip and Oh yes; electrical items with and without the batteries. My most erotic find was an artificial vagina lurking in the bottom of a dustbin. The moist, gaping pussy, really attracted my attention and I plunged my fingers into it, working them around to get a feel for the artificial maw, and how it might seem to a man’s cock. It now takes up pride of place on my mantelpiece amongst my other alley trophies. You could call me a collector par excellence of alley memorabilia.

  I think some hooker lives in an apartment overlooking Alley Zero. After all, no ordinary person would possess so many gadgets. Now, my primary objective is to be fucked there. Fucked in the most thorough way. While under the watchful eye of the invisible hooker.

  ‘I know what you want, Kat.’ He whispers in my ear. ‘And not just anyone will do, will they? I wonder what turns you on the most? Would you like to be taken on your hands and knees like a common alley cat? Is that what would make the pussy cat roar like a lion?’

  I love a man for a hard fuck. I particularly love a man who reeks of bad Tom cat. My body is clamouring. I am giddy with the stealthy sex narcotic, as it races through my bloodstream. I can smell the headiness of sex scent and hot snatch, rising into my nostrils, and I melt around his hips, a sigh of pleasure escaping my dripping, painted lips.

  ‘Lift me onto it.’ I whisper. ‘Lift me onto your cock, and press me against the wall.’

  I flex my wrists and lock them behind his head as he pinions me to the brickwork, my breasts pushing against his mouth. He tugs open my corset and pushing it aside, he releases first one breast and then the other. He squeezes them savagely, pressing his lips all over them. Igniting me with nips of sharp teeth.

  ‘Is that nice, Kat?’ His one hand wriggles my skirt up over my hips so he can cup my buttocks, and then with the other, he sinks his nails into my feverish flesh. It is so delicious I think I might swoon. He takes his time to linger on my nipples, stimulating them to rock-hard points. ‘Only creatures come down alleys. Is that what you are, Kat? An alley Kat whore? Because you sure behave like one?’

  ‘I love it when you talk filthy alley talk. Fuck me.’ I plead. ‘I want to be fucked hard up against the wall, like a dirty hooker.’

  He keeps rubbing and pinching my nipples between his thumb and forefinger, and I explode in shuddering orgasmic frenzy.

  Tom cat is smiling at me, a sardonic twist to his lips. ‘Reach up for me, darling, and hold the fire escape.’ He grasps my hips and hitches me up, so that my legs are now wrapped around his neck. My muscles scream as I stretch my arms higher, then higher still, until eventually my fingers are gripping the rusty metal.

  Separating my thighs, his fingers dance over the tiny silk thong, which barely conceals my now engorged quim. He leans closer, inspecting my kitty cunt, sniffing it just like a Tom cat, his tongue poking at the silk. I squeal in delight, thrashing and moaning. I want his mouth. His fingers. His cock. Tom cat’s tongue darts out and captures the sex juice on my thigh. ‘Baby.’ He says. ‘That’s some sweet pussy milk.’

  He buries his head and lips between my two trembling thighs, his maw opening to take a huge mouthful of my bleeding peach. I shiver and cry. I am assailed by rapid pulsations between my legs. Electrical charges leaping from one nerve plexus to the next as he seeks the kitty cream.

  ‘You’ve got the morals of an alley cat.’ Then he steps back suddenly, leaving me suspended in midair.

  ‘What do you think you’re doing? You idiot!’

  ‘I just want to admire the view.’

  ‘Let me down.’

  ‘Oh, I don’t think so. How long do you think you could hang there, Kat?’ He sidesteps my flailing legs and inserting his finger into my weeping slit, he rubs it back and forth. ‘If I were to tickle your clit, do you think you would fall?’

  ‘If you try it, I’ll kill you. You shit.’

  He laughs at me, his eyes lust-darkened.

  I am a delectable platter ready to be sampled, as I display my pubic fuzz, and dusky raspberry red nipples, rigid with desire

  Now he cannot reach my breasts, but he is level with my other mouth. ‘Little pussy whore.’ He snaps the elastic of my thong, revealing my scarlet slash and pouring cunt. He cannot resist caressing my silky white skin, then passing his hand over my swollen snatch. Raking his fingers through my crisp pubic hair. I stop wriggling as his mouth approaches my sex. I hold my breath in delight, I wonder if when he tries to eat me I ought to kick him with my stiletto clad feet. It would serve him right. On the other hand, I want his fat, long tongue forcing its way inside my tunnel.

  Tom cat tickles me, he separates my lubricious folds with his fingers and when he finds my hyper-stimulated bud, he begins to rub and pinch until my clit is throbbing. ‘Hold on tight, Kat, I would hate you to fall.’ His nose and mouth titillate the now inflamed nub, before fastening his teeth onto it and sucking me as hard as he can. The sucking draws the orgasm out of me, in wave after wave of sheer unadulterated joy.

  ‘What are you doing? don’t stop.’ I whimper, as withdrawing his mouth, he reaches into his pocket.

  ‘I have a l
ittle surprise for you, Kat. I know how much you like your little toys.’ And gripping my buttocks, he slides the mini vibrator out of his pocket and into my clenched anus. ‘You like that don’t you, babe? I can tell.’

  I grip the fire escape with my arms. I am now feeling insensate from the arousal. My orgasm is circling and mounting in a wicked spiral of pleasure. But it is too far to the alley floor and I simply cannot let go, and jump to the ground.

  ‘My, you do make a delicious spectacle hanging there.’ The vibrator slips deeper into my lubed tunnel as he pushes his head between my legs to eat my slit, dancing and jabbing his tongue skilfully in and out. Flicking the stem of my clit, before once again circling the hard bud. The invading mouth on one side, and the vibrator throbbing against the thin membrane of my other hole, is too much to bear.

  At the moment of trembling orgasm, he withdraws, lips moist with my pussy milk. And standing back, he watches me as I surrender. My body gives in, my limbs stretch, and I convulse in flashpoints. I wish someone would look down the alley, I wish they would bear witness to my bestial initiation. I hope the whore is staring down from her upstairs window and she feels jealous at my filthy rapture. I look up and I see the lamp glowing in the apartment and I shiver with violent excitement, as I am spot-lit from above. I tremble from the erotic charge of being observed performing on my stage, by the voyeur. I never felt this sexually aroused. Tom cat is charging my desire, playing me. He steps beneath me, lowering my thighs to his shoulders, and my kitty milk drips onto his shoulder.

  ‘Bastard. What did you do that for?’

  ‘You didn’t think I’d leave you hanging there did you.’

  I watch entranced as he unzips his pants and lifts out his rigid cock. He is hard and distended. The tip swollen and wet with filthy, Tom cat lube. ‘I have just the thing for that at home.’ I smile wickedly. I release the fire escape, sagging into his arms and he kisses me. Deep searching kisses which tickle my palate and caress my tongue.

  ‘I just love coming down dark alleys to jerk off.’ Tom cat growls. ‘They do something to me. Give me this animal instinct to fuck myself senseless. But I didn’t think I’d find an on heat kitty queen to chase.’

  He holds me tightly running his hands all over me, before allowing me to slowly slither down his tall body. He presses my naked thighs to his straining cock and I reach down my greedy fingers to grasp his straining shaft, sliding my long nails along the stem towards his silken, heavy balls. Savagely he grips my shoulders and forces me down. My mouth seizes him, sharp teeth nibbling, as I take his salty pole inside my mouth and work it aggressively.

  I play to the secret hooker.

  ‘Enough, wench. Get on your hands and knees.’ He pushes me down until my face is inches from the ground and, beneath my palms, the echo of the alley resounds through my blood. I give small moans of ecstasy as his hands roam over my liberated body. I am oozing pussy juices from every orifice as my senses flip into overdrive, and my basic instincts magnify. Lifting me up, he spreads my legs and pinning me across an overturned dustbin, he feels once again for the eager, sucking quim.

  ‘I’ve made quite a study of your dirty habits. I’ve watched you for ages as you rummaged amongst the rubbish from my flat. You know I really warmed to your game, Kat, so I began to plant little surprises for you amongst the detritus of my everyday life. My, my you are a dirty little kitty aren’t you? Because you took them all home. In particular I remember that rather wonderful pink vagina. I wonder what you did with that? I had lots of fun imagining.’ His voice is becoming progressively huskier. ‘Then when I saw you become the little voyeur, my heart leapt. I thought that is the woman for me. A filthy, kitty queen to rule with me over my territory.’

  ‘So it’s you who lives above the Starlite Club? You filthy pervert!’

  ‘You’re a fine one to talk. We’re rather two of a kind, aren’t we?’ His fingers dig deeper between my sucking kitty cunt, and I shiver as an orgasmic tidal wave erupts. At the same time his turgid Tom cat dick, is bearing down on my pussy, nudging itself into my molten tunnel. ‘Meow.’ He purrs in my ear, as his fingers rake my back.

  Forcing aside the two ripe globes, he begins to pump his tumescent Tom cat dick violently in and out. ‘This is how you really want it isn’t it, Kat? I rather fancied up against the wall myself, but I really think this way is much more fitting for a real alley Kat don’t you?

  Red’s Threesome Fantasy

  by Red

  It was getting late as Red turned the key in the front door to their little terraced house. “That’s strange,” she thought to herself. The unusually eerie silence unnerved her. “Where are Sparkie and the kids?” She stepped from the street into their lounge and closed the door, her strappy heels clanking on the wooden floor.

  “Hello?” Red called out into the silence. “Where the hell was everyone?” She made her way through to the kitchen. “They must have popped out to the shop,” she thought to herself. Red took a glass from the cupboard and poured herself some wine from the fridge. She was just about to take a sip when someone grabbed her roughly from behind. Her heart missed a beat and she jumped with fright, wine splashing down her arm and between her full breasts. It was Sparkie.

  “Shit, you made me jump, you bastard,” Red panted, her heart in her mouth. She wiped the splashes of wine from her cleavage. “Look! You made me spill it!” she chuckled. “What have you done with the kids?”

  Sparkie grinned, “They’re at your mum’s. We’re having a night just for us, like I promised we’d have. No interruptions.” He gently slid his hands up the inside of Red’s thighs, stopping to appreciate the delicate lace tops of her stockings and the taut silk of her suspenders. He snapped the elastic against Red’s skin, making her wince. “Mmm, sexy,” he said. He turned Red to face him and holding her head firmly in his hands he kissed her hard on the lips, and then gently began to explore her mouth with his hot tongue taking her breath away and leaving her panting for more. Sparkie’s trousers had begun to tighten over his growing cock and Red traced the outline of it with the tip of her finger. Grabbing Red firmly around the waist he lifted her up onto the kitchen counter, forcing her legs wide apart and pressing his groin hard into hers. Red could feel Sparkie’s throbbing cock against her pussy and longed to tear at his clothes, to feel him inside her, but tonight was Sparkie’s night. He was in control.

  Sparkie dropped to his knees and breathed in the musky smell of Red’s pussy from within her silk thong. Red couldn’t understand it herself, she felt sweaty and dirty having been at work all day, but Sparkie seemed to be driven wild by her scent and he buried his face into her crotch. His tongue lapped against the seam of her thong and he pulled the creamy-coloured material aside to reveal her already pink and swollen lips. He sucked each lip in turn, then gently probed deep inside Red, fucking her slowly with his tongue and making her arch her back and press her wet pussy longingly into his face. Sparkie shook his head, “No Red, we can’t have you cumming just yet, I’ve got plans for you tonight. You’ve got to really want it before I’m gonna let you have it.” Red grinned, she loved not being in control.

  Taking Red’s hand, he led her back into the lounge and told her to sit down. She did as she was told, she wasn’t a very good subbie normally and often misbehaved or got the giggles and got spanked but tonight she was going to be good, “Sparkie’s good girl”.

  A thin length of material lay on the arm of the sofa, Red hadn’t noticed it there on her way in and she wondered what it was for. Sparkie picked it up and wound it tightly over Red’s eyes plunging her into complete blackness and mystery. He began unbuttoning her shirt and gently removed it. Red could feel his hot breath on her breasts as he became more and more aroused. He loosened her bra and released her breasts, allowing them to hang free, so he could chew on her nipples. Red gasped with that kind of painful pleasure. She loved it when Sparkie bit her, not too hard but hard enough. It made her so horny for him.

  “Get up, Red,” Sparkie comma
nded. He pulled her roughly over to their chimney breast wall. Some weeks ago now, Sparkie had hidden a couple of eyebolts high at the back of the shelves on either side of the wall. Back then he had tied Red to them, facing their huge mirror and they had watched each other as they made love. Sparkie now had two lengths of rope and once again tied each of Red’s wrists tightly, then fastened them to the eyebolts high on the shelf. He pulled the ropes tight so that Red’s face was almost on the mirror and there was no escape. Sparkie tugged at Red’s skirt and thong and left them round her ankles. Her pussy felt on fire as she thought of what he might do to her, standing here helpless in just her stockings, suspenders and heels, her knickers round her ankles. She prayed the curtains were closed properly and that she couldn’t be seen from the street, although secretly the thought of being watched drove her wild. She’d often fantasised about having someone in the room watching while they made love, wanking themselves furiously as Sparkie took her roughly. The very thought made her pussy throb and she could feel herself getting wetter and wetter.

  Sparkie left the room, the anticipation was almost becoming too much. Red could hear Sparkie chatting to someone. “Oh my God!” she thought “There’s someone here.” Her heart began to pound and her mouth became dry as her breathing got harder and faster. Sparkie returned and Red’s heart felt as though it would explode though her chest.

  “All sorted, babe,” Sparkie chuckled to himself. “I just had to make a quick phone call.” Red sighed, half-relieved, half-disappointed that they hadn’t got company after all. Still she wondered who the hell could be so important that he needed to call them now. She could feel Sparkie standing close behind her now. She could hear him removing his clothes and she began to get all hot and excited. Sparkie pressed his huge hard cock against her arse. He was obviously as horny as hell because Red could feel the wetness of his precum on her bare cheeks. She longed for him to take her now. To ram that huge hard cock of his inside her, but Sparkie was just teasing her. He rubbed the end of his cock between her swollen pussy making it catch on her clit and moan with pleasure. Red pleaded with him to take her.


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