Seduce Me

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Seduce Me Page 16

by Miranda Forbes

  We climbed into the bed with Tony crawling over me as he had done so many times before. He reached between us, I assumed to find the sock that was hidden there, but I had to stifle a gasp when his finger played up the slit of my pussy instead. He met my eyes with a small smile and I returned it, wondering what he was doing but not wanting to ruin the scene.

  I could feel the familiar wetness between my legs, but this time I did notice that Tony was aroused too. His cock had grown full and hard against my thigh, his pre-cum burning on my skin where it trailed when he moved.

  Fortunately the scene had no lines, just a few sighs and moans where we felt appropriate. When his finger started to make hard circles over my clit I knew that I would never have remembered any words if I’d had to say them anyway.

  I felt him slide something down his cock and sighed, thinking he had put the sock on and was done messing with me for the night. I thought it had probably just been closing night antics, something I had been warned about from other cast members with more stage acting experience.

  So I was shocked when he dropped down to whisper in my ear.

  “Don’t worry, I brought a condom.”

  I felt my eyes widen in surprise, before I could whisper back to him, to say yes or no or ask what the fuck he was thinking, he raised himself up with his palms on the mattress and slid inside me.

  My back arched in surprise, the feel of him stretching my pussy open with his impressive cock momentarily making me forget that we had an audience. My fingers gripped into the sheets as my eyes squeezed shut and a low, guttural moan escaped my lips.

  When I opened my eyes my head was turned toward the crowd and even through the haze of the stage lights I could see people in the front row talking amongst themselves. Well, Cisco had wanted us to sell it and these people were apparently going to get a hell of a show.

  My face flushed with embarrassment as I realized that I was having sex on stage in front of more than a hundred strangers. I knew that I had no choice but to go on with it now, and it wasn’t as if fucking Tony Sherard was a bad thing, but if I’d had to choose how it happened I don’t think it would have been in public.

  He was moving faster now, slamming himself inside me harder than I’d been fucked in a long time. His hands were gripped in the top sheet, holding it tightly so that it wouldn’t slip off and announce to the auditorium that we were no longer acting.

  The scene was only supposed to be about five minutes long, and judging from the forcefulness of his movements he didn’t plan on it taking any longer than that tonight. That was fine with me. I was already so close to coming I didn’t know how I was going to control myself for much longer.

  Tony shifted his hips, the new angle causing the head of his cock to rub over and over that sweet spot inside me so quickly that stars were starting to appear in my vision. His face dropped down to mine and his mouth captured my lips, forcing them apart with his tongue, kissing me as if feeding from me.

  He moved his mouth down my jaw, moving toward my ear so he could whisper to me again.

  “Do you like me fucking you in front of all of these people? I’ve dreamed about the smell of your pussy for weeks. Every night I’ve wanted to do this to you. Fuck you, feel your tight pussy gripping my cock, take you right here on stage.”

  His words caused things low in my body to constrict, and he growled when I clenched down on his cock. One, two, three more thrusts inside me and the world exploded.

  I screamed, clawing at his arms and no longer caring that we had an audience, that all of these people probably knew we really were fucking up on that stage in front of them. All I cared about was the feel of his cock inside me, his breath hot on my ear, his chest heaving and his own rhythm faltering as he came close to coming for me … because of me.

  He didn’t last much longer, his body stiffening over mine, moaning as he filled the condom so forcefully I could feel it hot and thick as if the latex wasn’t even there. He collapsed on top of me, his breathing erratic as he dropped a few awkward kisses on any part of my skin he could find.

  The usual polite applause we usually received at the end of that scene became a roar through the audience. My face flushed again as I turned to see that the people had risen to their feet in a standing ovation this play had never deserved. There were cat-calls and howls from the room and if possible my face grew even hotter in embarrassment.

  I turned back to Tony when he started struggling under the sheet. He gave me a small smile before climbing out of the mattress with a hand out to help me as well. I couldn’t help a quick glance down at his cock and smiled at the thought that he had to have left the condom on the bed. I could only hope he would retrieve it before the prop guys dismantled the set.

  We took our bows and walked as casually as we could offstage, accepting our robes from a teary-eyed Cisco in the wings. The curtain fell and the applause and shouts from the crowd grew even louder.

  “Get out there!” Cisco was beaming at us both. “That’s your curtain call.”

  Tony took my hand again and led me out to the centre of the stage where the curtain came back up to show the audience still on their feet. We gave a few more bows and headed back to the wings to join the rest of the cast.

  “That was amazing,” Cisco said hugging us both and giving us wet kisses on our cheeks. “You two have been holding out on me.”

  The rest of the cast walked past, shaking our hands and murmuring their approval at our ‘acting skills’ as they headed off to the wrap party Cisco had arranged. We promised to meet up with them later and one by one everyone left. I sighed in relief as I headed to my dressing room and saw that Tony was indeed going to remove all evidence of our tryst from the stage.

  I dressed quickly, for some reason not wanting to be naked when Tony came to my room. Which I knew he would. And a few minutes later the small knock on the door let me know I was right.

  He opened the door before I could answer him, and that was fine. He’d just had his cock inside me, there wasn’t much modesty I could pretend to have any more.

  “I hope you’re not mad at me,” he said softly, shutting the door behind him.

  “No, not at all. I was a little surprised, but no. It was nice.” I felt like an idiot. I had no idea what to say to him now. I mean honestly, what do you say to a man you have sex with for the first time in front of a room full of people? Someone should write a book about that.

  “Good. I really like you. I realize that I probably should have warned you, or even asked you. But I don’t know. It just seemed like the right thing to do. You know, close the show with a … bang.”

  I laughed. He was just as nervous as I was, and for some reason that made the situation better. I held out my hand and he took it, laying a light kiss on it before letting go.

  “Tony, it was perfect. Something I will never forget. Do you think they know?”

  “The audience, or the cast?”


  “No. Oh, they’ll wonder for the rest of their lives if they just saw us have actual sex or if we are just great actors. But no, I don’t think they know for sure.”

  I nodded, relieved that it wouldn’t get back to my family that I’d fucked a man on stage in front of an audience. As if I wasn’t mortified enough at having done it, and enjoyed it, I didn’t need people knowing for sure that it had happened.

  “Well, are you going to the party?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I thought I might stop by and say goodbye. You?”

  “Well, I don’t usually, but sure. Can I give you a ride?” He winked and I laughed.

  I was glad that the situation didn’t feel awkward between us. I knew that I would probably never see him again, but I didn’t think I would ever be sorry that it had happened. Memories are half the fun of doing stupid things anyway.

  “Yes, I would love a ride.”

  Merrilee And The PM

  by Eleanor Powell

  ‘Hey Merrilee, remember me?’ Pete asked, coming up
behind her and planting a kiss on the back of her neck. ‘You’re supposed to be married to me not that computer.’

  ‘Oh darling, please don’t be a grouch,’ she said coaxingly. ‘Just let me see what this email is from Spanking Swingers.’

  ‘Ok, let’s see together,’ Pete lifted his long leg astride the chair she was sat on. ‘Hutch up a bit,’ he said.

  Merrilee could feel something sticking into her back. She wriggled against it feeling his hardness. ‘What’s making you so horny?’ she laughed.

  ‘I can’t imagine,’ he said, putting his arms around her, cupping her pert breasts in his big hands.

  ‘Ouch,’ she squealed as he tweaked her nipples. He laughed.

  ‘Go on then, click on the link,’ he said.

  With a couple of clicks, they were on the Spanking Swingers Site.

  ‘Right, I got to log in,’ she said. ‘My User Name is … ‘ She suddenly stopped dead. ‘I can’t remember my User Name,’ she wailed.

  ‘Merrilee, you idiot,’ he said standing up. ‘Maybe a warm bottom will improve your memory.’

  Pulling her off the chair they had just been sharing, while holding onto her wrist, he turned the chair around – sitting down on it, he pulled her over his knee.

  Raising his right arm, he brought his large hand down on her upturned right bottom cheek – quickly followed by his hand landing on her left cheek.

  ‘Owwwwwwwww!’ she shrieked. ‘That bloody hurt.’

  Putting his mouth close to her ear, ‘Guess what?’ he whispered. ‘It was meant to.’

  ‘This is so unfair,’ she protested. ‘It’s any excuse to spank me.’

  ‘It’s for your own good. I’m just helping you to improve your memory.’

  ‘Piss off,’ she said.

  ‘Merrilee, using language like that to me is never a good idea, especially when you’re in that position.’ He flipped up the back of her dress, revealing virginal white satin knickers. Running his hands over her bottom cheeks, he said, ‘You sure know how to turn a man on, don’t you, darling?’

  His right hand was busy smoothing out the wrinkles in her satin knickers. He pulled them up until they were taut across her bum cheeks. Then his fingers tucked her panties into the crack between her cheeks. As he carried on pushing the material into her extremely wet pussy, she was squirming about over his knee.

  Then without warning, he again raised his right arm and brought his hand down on the top of her thigh. ‘Not there, not there,’ she shouted.

  ‘Ok, is this better?’ he brought his hand down in the dead centre of her quivering bottom cheeks. ‘And here’s another to match the other.’

  ‘Hell! You’re a sadist,’ Merrilee wriggled and writhed over his knee.

  ‘And you have masochistic tendencies, my darling,’ he retorted. ‘Otherwise you wouldn’t keep needing a spanking.’

  ‘As if?’ she said.

  ‘Have you remembered your User Name yet?’

  ‘I can’t think straight while you’re spanking me,’ she said, renewing her efforts to escape his stinging hand.

  ‘You can protest all you want, my sweet, but being spanked turns you on big time,’ he said.

  ‘No it doesn’t.’

  ‘Hmmm! So why are my trousers getting so wet?’

  ‘Not my fault if you’re not potty trained yet,’ she laughed. ‘Owwww! You lousy rotten sod,’ she said, as he landed another six spanks on her hot tingling bottom.

  His big hard hand had stopped spanking her. Now he was gently rubbing her hot cheeks. ‘Let’s get these out of the way,’ he said, hooking his finger into the waistband of her knickers and pulling them down to her ankles – then right off. He tossed the scrap of white satin across the room.

  His finger slipped easily into her very wet pussy and, finding her clit, he began to stroke it.

  ‘Oh, Pete,’ she gasped. ‘I’m going to come, but it feels so strange. I-I nearly passed out just then,’ she tried to explain. ‘And I think I have just pissed myself.’

  Pete laughed. ‘You’re such an innocent, aren’t you? I just found your G Spot.’

  ‘I didn’t know I’d lost it,’ she laughed. ‘But, wow! Can you find it again?

  ‘Yes of course, but not now.’ He went back to rubbing on her engorged clit, with what she called, his magic vibrating finger.

  She was soon bucking about over his knee. ‘I’m coming, I’m coming,’ she shouted as she felt the waves of her orgasm take over her body, leaving her shuddering and shaking.

  When it was over, she lay limply over his knee.

  She became aware of his stiff cock sticking into her side. She could feel it throbbing. ‘Are you trying to make a new hole?’ she asked.

  Pete laughed. ‘Come on, don’t just lie there, I need a bit of loving too.’ He helped her to her feet.

  She knelt down between his legs. With practiced fingers, she unzipped his trousers and released his rampant cock. It stuck out from his flat belly, pulsing and swaying about. Putting her hot little mouth over the purple helmet, she opened her mouth as wide as she could – covering his manhood with her mouth.

  She loved sucking her lollipop. Her tongue licked down the length of his cock, then back up again, she pointed it, licking and sucking at the tip of his cock, he moaned with pleasure, while his battering ram swelled even more in her mouth.

  Her fingers were also busy, gently squeezing his balls. He withdrew his cock from her mouth. Pulling her up off her knees, he pushed her over the back of the chair that he had just vacated and came all over her still sore red-hot bottom. She let out a loud sigh of relief, at the cooling effect his cum had on her stinging bottom.

  ‘Stay right where you are,’ Pete instructed her. ‘I’ll go get a wipe to clean you up.’

  He smoothed the moist baby wipe over her rosy red cheeks. ‘That feels so good,’ she said.

  ‘Right, that’s you spanking new again,’ he laughed giving her a slap on her upturned bottom.

  ‘Now what were we doing before we got side tracked?’ He stood her up.

  ‘Wasn’t anything important,’ she said. ‘It’ll keep.’

  She moved towards the bedroom, calling out over her shoulder, ‘Come on lover boy, let’s go play some more.’

  ‘Merrilee, you’re insatiable,’ he laughed.

  ‘Are you objecting?’

  ‘God, no.’ He chased her into the bedroom.

  Two hours later, she came out of the bedroom, yawning and stretching – with a happy smile on her face.

  She went back to the computer, sitting down gingerly. ‘Ouch!’ she jumped up, rubbing her sore bottom.

  Going to the couch, she saw her discarded knickers lying there. ‘So that’s where they went,’ she muttered to herself. Stepping into her white satin panties, she rolled them up over her hips, wincing as the satiny material hurt her sore bottom.

  Quickly, she took them off again. Grabbing a cushion, she sat down at the computer again.

  She clicked the Enter key to clear the screen saver – the cursor was still blinking, waiting for her to type in her User Name. Suddenly, she remembered it. A sore bottom sure worked wonders. Great, now she was getting somewhere.

  ‘Uh huh, now what did I use as a password?’

  She tried her date of birth, no joy. Having no better luck with Pete’s date of birth – she then noticed in small letters, ‘If you have forgotten your password Click here’. After clicking as per instructions, she was asked to type in her email address and her mother’s maiden name.

  She was then told an email was on its way to her. When she checked her Inbox five minutes later, sure enough the promised email was waiting for her.

  Her password turned out to be their wedding anniversary. I’d better not let Pete know that I forgot it or I’ll never hear the end of it, she thought.

  Now she was getting excited. She was almost in. Soon she’d be able to read the response from ‘Adventurous Couple Into Spanking’.

  She read the Private Message fro
m Mike and Jayne. They sound so friendly, she thought. Wow! They wanted to meet her and Pete as soon as possible.

  She printed out the PM.

  Going into the bedroom, she looked down at the man lying on the bed, his arms outflung, a peaceful look on his handsome face, his black hair tousled and stuck up on end, ‘I love you so much,’ she said aloud.

  ‘Come back to bed darling,’ he murmured sleepily.

  ‘Got something to show you,’ she waved the print-out of the PM under his nose.

  ‘Stop waving it around,’ he squinted up at her. ‘I’m trying to read it.’

  ‘Open your eyes then,’ she taunted him.

  ‘Why didn’t I think of that? ‘Remind me to give you a spanking for being such a smart arse.’

  ‘Promises, promises,’ she laughed, sitting down on the bed.

  He propped himself up on one elbow as she held out the PM to him.

  His fingers were walking up the inside of her thigh, so that she was having great difficulty concentrating and holding the paper still at the same time.

  Unnoticed the PM fluttered onto the bed, forgotten by both of them.

  Gently he pushed her down – his walking fingers carried on walking up and down the inside of her thighs. She could feel her pussy juicing up as his finger lightly made contact with her throbbing clit. Teasing her, he withdrew his finger and let it walk back down her leg again.

  ‘I hate you,’ she told him.

  ‘Of course you do, you tell me often enough.’

  Getting off the bed, he went to the foot of it – nudging her thighs apart, His wandering digit wandered into her pussy. He gently flicked her clit, making it throb even more.

  Then going down on his haunches, he replaced his finger with his tongue. Licking, sucking and gently biting her clit; she was moaning, while pushing her pussy upwards to meet his mouth.

  Putting his hands under her bottom, he lifted her hips until her legs were resting over each of his shoulders.

  ‘Oh my God!’ she shrieked as her juices flooded again. ‘You bugger, you’ve found my G Spot again.’

  ‘I don’t hear you objecting,’ he said.

  ‘I hated it, do it again.’


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