Shards of Skye (The Skye Chronicles Book 1)

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Shards of Skye (The Skye Chronicles Book 1) Page 13

by Anna Moranski

  Maddox turned his head at the slap and closed his eyes. He looked as if he were begging for patience, but he was actually allowing himself to be the monster he needed to be. He looked back into the broken eyes of the girl he loved and lied. He lied, he reminded himself, to save her.

  “Sorry Skye, but I never loved you. I’m not capable of love. After graduation tomorrow I’m going into the family business with my father. I don’t need any unnecessary distractions anymore. I’m through with you.”

  “Fuck you!” Skye screamed in his face. He laughed without humor.

  “If you insist. You were always good in bed. Not the best that I’ve had being a virgin and all, but it’s cute when you try.” He put his arms around her waist grabbing her hard. She made a noise of discomfort and then pushed him hard off of her.

  “Don’t touch me! Don’t you ever touch me again!” She backed away from him. “I came here to surprise you. To make love to the man I loved. I was even worried about telling you what Mike did to me. Then I come in and… I discover who you really are.” The tears were falling down her face quickly now. The shock had worn off. At the mention of Mike doing something to her Maddox’s back went straight.

  “What did Mike do to you?” He asked before he could stop himself. He cursed inwardly for asking. He couldn’t show any affection towards her. He couldn’t let her know he cared, but it was still in him to care what happened to her. He tried to hide his reaction. She looked at him as if he had just sprouted a second head and it were suddenly speaking to her.

  “That’s none of your business anymore asshole!” She turned away from him walking to the door in a hurry. She stopped and took a long breath. Her breath hitched in between sobs and Maddox knew his heart was about to walk out of the door with her. “I hate you.” She whispered in a voice that said what he needed to hear. “Never talk to me again.” she said a little louder walking quickly out of his room.

  She ran quickly down the stairs feeling as if she needed to be outside. She needed to be far away from this house and the monster that lived inside of it. She needed air. She felt her lungs constricting as she breathed faster unable to stop herself from crying. At the bottom of the stairs she didn’t see someone standing there due to the tears clouding her eyes. She ran face first into a strong chest. She jumped back and brushed the tears from her eyes. Buck stood silently looking at her. He looked sorry.

  “Get out of my way.” Skye said wrapping her arms around herself trying to hold herself together.

  “Skye, I’m sorry.” Buck sounded like he meant it. Skye let out another cry of sorrow.

  “Go to hell!” she yelled at him.

  “I wanted to tell you about Maddox and Nancy, but he’s my cousin.” Skye froze. She didn’t even dare to breathe for a moment. She could, however, feel her heart break even more at the name.

  “Nancy? Nancy!” She nearly screamed the name at him as she pushed him out of her way. She got to her car and quickly sped away before anything else could happen. She didn’t want to know anymore. She drove home way too fast, but she was too angry to care.

  Maddox stood at the top of the stairs looking down at his cousin. Buck shook his head at him. Maddox walked back to his room before Buck could say anything. He didn’t need a lecture on what he had just done to Skye. He saw her heart break and he could have sworn he even heard it crumble into small shards. It reminded him of the shards of the mirror that were still in his bathroom.

  Buck let out a breath and didn’t follow his cousin. He had been pissed at Maddox for the plan to break her heart, but he helped him with it. He knew Skye was a good person and wanted her to be safe. Even if that meant that his cousin and best friend would never be the same.

  Skye made it home and ran to her room throwing herself into her bed and allowed herself to cry all night for him. She no longer cared that she was an elf and was supposed to be powerful. She only cared that she was a teenager and her first real love had just broken her heart.

  Chapter Twelve

  Skye sat on the floor in her bedroom. Her fingers ran through the soft carpet. She wasn’t expecting the carpet to feel so soft to the touch. The carpets in her previous homes with her step mother had always been rougher, as if it represented her life with them. She was amazed at how she had bought this house, filling it with furniture, yet never stopping to notice the small things.

  She knew she had been more wrapped up in her thoughts of Maddox. He had become the center to her universe and that knowledge made the hole inside of her heart burn as if it were filled with acid. Skye’s night had been filled with crying until the point she got physically sick from it.

  Skye had debated whether or not to call a friend for comfort. She truly did not want to. She wanted to be alone in her misery. In the end she did call Kel and she was there in the blink of an eye.

  Kel slept in the bed with Skye with her arms around her. Even though her good friend couldn’t fix the hole in her heart, Skye felt safe in her arms.

  Skye knew that no one could fix that gaping hole. She would have to live with it for the rest of her life. During a weak moment she thought she would never get over it and never love again, but she quickly fought off that vicious thought from her head. Skye realized that being a teenager her feelings would feel more intense at a time like this. She also knew that time could help her move forward. Although the thought of loving someone else one day hurt to think about. Kel reminded her that it always felt that way at first.

  Skye sighed as she heard the hair dryer in the bathroom turn off. Kel would be out any moment and expecting her to get dressed for graduation. Skye wondered if there was anything she could say that would convince Kel to let her skip it.

  She could get the school to mail her the diploma. It wasn’t as if she had any family that would be there to see her. The only family she did have was her Nanna and she couldn’t risk being near the demons that would be there.

  The door to the bathroom opened and Kel stepped out looking spectacular. She had left her hair down but the makeup she was wearing brought out her beautiful eyes and amazing cheekbones. Skye couldn’t help a smile at her friend.

  “I’m certainly not going now. You look too gorgeous for me to stand next to.” Skye said with small smile on her face.

  “Girl don’t even try to throw excuses at me. It’s not working at all.” Kel threw a bag onto Skye’s lap. Skye looked down at the brown bag and then back up to her friend.

  “What’s this?” Skye peeked into the bag and gasped.

  “Your graduation present. I made it.” Kel smiled proudly. Skye jumped up pulling the beautiful gown out of the bag. She walked over to her mirror holding the gown up against her body and was shocked to hear herself squeal.

  The dress was more than amazing. The top was a light pink corset covered in black lace. The bottom was a black layered satin skirt bottom. The front was shorter and stopped around her thighs but the back went down to her feet. Skye looked over to Kel who had been watching her reaction. Skye ran into Kel’s arms and hugged her tightly. Tears escaped her eyes before she could stop them.

  Skye had never been shown such kindness from family before, until now. She realized, once again, in that moment that family wasn’t only blood, but those people you choose to be family. She smiled because she knew she had chosen Kel.

  “Thank you, Kel. I can’t possibly express to you what this means to me.” Skye wiped a tear away. Kel kissed Skye’s cheek softly.

  “You just did. I saw how you felt. Now please get ready. You are going to show up at graduation looking like one hot ass graduate.” Kel said with a laugh.

  Skye finally stopped looking for excuses and did what her friend told her. She put the dress on and couldn’t help a girlie twirl, or three. Kel helped with her makeup and hair. She surprised her once again with a matching black hair piece. It clipped on the side of her hair. It was a small fuzzy crown with feathers dangling delicately below it.

  Skye thought it was funny, amusing even, that w
ith her royal elf blood she was wearing a crown, but instead of worrying about that she just hugged her friend again.

  “I wouldn’t have made it through last night without you. I thought I was going to die.” Skye said.

  “Been there done that. It hurts but we survive. We survive because we are stronger than any stupid guy can make us feel.” Kel told her.

  “I don’t know how to handle seeing him today. I’ve never been through anything like this before. I’ve always hated the girls that ran around crying, making their problems everyone else’s business. I’m not sure how to even handle this. I don’t know how to keep my feelings to myself. How do I not talk to him? I’m so used to just going up to him, touching him, holding him…”

  “Skye, you will make it through this. I’m going to be with you and if that loser even looks at you wrong I’m going to kick him in the balls.” Skye couldn’t help but laugh.

  She had never wanted to even imagine Maddox in pain or being hurt. Now that he had ripped her heart out and stomped on it she couldn’t help but want a little revenge. Part of her really wanted revenge. The other part of her, the bigger part, knew she couldn’t be that person no matter how much she wanted to be.

  Kel drove them to the high school blasting music the entire time. Kel sang at the top of her lungs and poked Skye until she finally gave in and joined her. They pulled up to the school screaming out lyrics to an Evanescence song.

  Kel grabbed Skye’s hand once they were out of the car and didn’t let go as they walked to the football field where the stage had been set up for graduation.

  Mike and Evan stood behind the rows of seats waiting for them. Both of the boys put their arms around Kel and Skye giving them a group hug. Skye knew they had wanted to talk about Maddox but respected that she didn’t want to. Kel had made sure of that ahead of time by texting them that they were forbidden to speak his name. It was going to be a day to remember for them, and not because of him.

  “Time to get to the line everyone! Meet behind the stadium stands.” A teacher said as she walked by pointing in the direction they needed to go.

  Skye took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She then walked with her friends behind the stadium stands. Teachers were putting everyone in line alphabetically. Skye gave Kel a look knowing she would have to let her go for a little while. She reluctantly let go of her hand as Kel went towards the front of the line.

  Skye was ushered to her spot in line and stood looking in front of her refusing to look around. She didn’t need to look to know Maddox was there. She could feel the heat coming from him. He wasn’t even near her but she could feel him, she was that aware of him. She hated that. She took another breath and closed her eyes to steel herself.

  Mike walked towards Skye’s spot in line. He was grateful that alphabetically he could at least be right behind her. Before he made it to her Maddox took a step right in front of him stopping him. Mike looked up to Maddox with a small shake of his head.

  “Dude this is not the right time to mess with me. You hurt her and I want to rip your face off for it.” Mike seethed.

  Mike wanted to graduate with his class but the idea of getting kicked out of graduation to be able to put his fist through Maddox’s face would be worth it to him.

  “What did you do to her?” Maddox growled lowly at him. Mike’s face showed the shock that he felt.

  “What did I do? You’re the one who cheated on her and dumped her for some tramp!” Mike couldn’t believe the nerve that Maddox had.

  “You did something to her. What did you do? Don’t make me ask again.” Maddox got closer to Mike’s face. Mike didn’t flinch. Instead he smiled.

  “I kissed her. And you know what? I don’t regret it.” The rumbling in Maddox’s chest was audible for anyone close by. He was actually close to losing it right in front of everyone. Buck’s presence was suddenly very obvious. He managed to step between Mike and Maddox. Maddox started to grab him but Buck stopped him.

  “You chose this.” Buck said. Maddox looked his cousin in his eyes and cursed. Maddox stomped off to get in line. Buck looked back to Mike. Buck was amazed at how well Mike had hid the fear he was feeling, but he knew it was easy to do when you hated someone so badly. Mike’s hate overshadowed any fear he felt. Buck gave Mike a quick nod then walked off.

  Skye felt someone touch her arm gently. She opened her eyes to see Mike next to her. His eyes showed the concern he felt for her. She gave him a small smile. It was weak and she knew it, but it was all she could muster up. He stood behind her.

  Before too long they were slowly marching behind one another until they were headed towards their seats. Family cheered in the stadium as they walked out. Skye tried to resist a glance but her curiosity was too much and she looked. She knew no one would be there for her, but it still hurt her to see it.

  She was about to look away when she locked eyes with a demon, Maddox’s father. She gasped and was unable to move her feet forward. The memory of him trying to kidnap her, as well as the memory of him killing her father, was very vivid. She almost felt as if she had flashed back for a moment. The people in line behind her were murmuring to see what was going on. Only Mike’s voice brought her out of it.

  “Skye, are you alright?” he whispered in her ear. Skye nodded and started to walk forward again, but it was too late. He had noticed her. His eyes widened in surprise but then a slow smile spread across his face.

  Skye looked away quickly and caught up with the person in front of her to take her seat. She felt frozen in her seat at that moment. He saw her and he knew who she was. He knew where she was. Skye wanted to smack herself in the forehead for being so dumb and obvious. She might as well have put a sign around her neck that read “Elf here, all you can eat for Demons!”

  Mike’s hand grabbed hers softly bringing her out of her thoughts. She looked up into his eyes searching for calm. She stared into his eyes for a minute before feeling strong enough to look to the stage.

  She had missed the entire speech from the valedictorian. She had to admit to herself that she didn’t care about that. It was always the same speech, just rewritten for different generations.

  She squeezed Mike’s hand softly. It was her way of thanking him. He had brought her out of a dark place in her mind.

  He smiled at her and then looked over to see Maddox staring at them. Mike almost laughed. Maddox looked as if steam was about to flow out of his ears. Mike looked back at Skye with his happy smile.

  Then it was time. The students stood up and followed each other to the stage where they shook the principal’s hand and took their diploma. Each student had to pause as the photographer took a picture of them. They then waved to their family as they left the stage.

  Skye swallowed nervously as the person in front of her received their diploma. It was finally her turn.

  “Skye Field.” The principal said.

  She heard her name and forced her feet to move forward. She shook the principal’s hand and then took her diploma in her hand.

  She went to the side of the stage and looked to the photographer. She tried to smile but the muscles in her face wouldn’t allow it. They were frozen in place.

  Maddox’s father leaned forward still leering at her. She looked at him terrified but then something inside of her snapped. Skye finally felt in control of her body. She smiled broadly unable to stop the teasing look on her face.

  The photographer was finally happy that Skye smiled, so he quickly took the picture. She walked off the stage never leaving eye contact with Maddox’s father until she was back at her seat and could no longer see him. Mike was beside her a second later.

  Skye watched her friends receive their diplomas but her mind was racing inside. She knew he would come for her now. She knew it would be a fight and she knew Maddox would not be by her side. She also knew that she should be afraid, yet she wasn’t. She had waited for this moment for so long that she was unable to be afraid. Instead she felt relief. She was ready.

ddox walked across the stage receiving his diploma. He stopped for his photo to be taken and saw his father. He also knew the bloodlust look in his father’s eyes. His father looked from Maddox to the spot where Skye was standing.

  Maddox felt a cold shiver go down his spine. His father saw her and he knew what she was. Maddox didn’t smile for the camera. He barely stood still long enough for the photo to be taken.

  He walked off stage and did not rejoin his class. He walked off towards the stadium. A few people glanced at him wondering what he was doing but too many were more concerned with their children’s graduation to give him more than just a glance. Maddox’s father left the stands and met Maddox on the side of the stadium seats.

  “Maddox you are never going to believe who I just saw.” His father was barely looking at Maddox. He was too busy keeping an eye on Skye to make sure she wasn’t running.

  “You’re not going to touch her.” Maddox grunted to his father. His father looked at him with wide eyes.

  “You knew what she was and you didn’t tell me? What the hell is wrong with you?” he asked his son. Buck ran up to them and stood next to them without saying a word.

  “Dad, you will leave her alone. You’re not going to touch her.” Maddox said.

  “Are you kidding me? She’s an elf!” He said shocked with his son’s behavior.

  “I know.” Maddox said with his eyes never leaving his father’s.

  “I get that you went to school with her, but she’s still an elf and that’s it. You can’t let your friendship with this girl interfere with what you are.” Maddox shook his head as his father talked.

  “She’s not just a friend, Dad. I love her.” Maddox declared those words that lead to the slap across his face.

  “Are you stupid? Falling for an elf?” His father’s voice rose higher and higher with every word. “She’s a servant! She’s food! That’s it! You are not allowed to love that creature!”

  “It’s too late for that. I’m not with her anymore. I ended it so she wouldn’t be dragged into what we are. I gave up the only girl I have ever loved for you. All I ask is that you don’t hurt her.” Maddox threw his diploma on the ground. He only cared for her safety and he didn’t see his father softening.


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