Shards of Skye (The Skye Chronicles Book 1)
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“It was the right thing to do. Uncle Luke would have killed you for the hell of it and that would have killed Maddox. I couldn’t let that happen. Besides, I do like you. Even if you are overly sweet, which is kind of irritating.” He smiled his usual cocky grin.
“I appreciate your help. I’m thankful for it. But Maddox being upset over me? That’s something I refuse to swallow.” Buck started to argue with her but decided against it. He knew she needed to be mad with Maddox to stay away from him so he only nodded.
“Sorry.” he said then looked over to Kel to avoid Skye’s gaze.
Skye looked back towards Mike to say something but lost her train of thought when she saw someone walking towards them. She looked around Mike and saw it was a man and a woman. They both seemed to be in their late twenties or perhaps early thirties.
When they got closer Skye’s mouth dropped open in shock. The woman looked similar to her only a little older. The woman’s hair was more yellow than white like Skye’s.
The woman’s eyes were a different color of green that Skye had ever seen. They were almost emerald green, but more majestic. They were the most amazing shade of green that Skye had ever seen.
But that wasn’t what had Skye’s attention as strong. Beside this beautiful woman was a very handsome man. A man she knew well. A man she had not seen in years, yet she would never forget. Skye stepped towards them. She tried to close her gaping mouth. She really did, but it was impossible.
She looked deeply into the man’s eyes. His eyes were the same reflection of her own bright blue eyes. It was the one thing she had cherished about herself, the fact she had the same eyes as her father. The father that had died all those years ago.
“Skye.” Gary said. His voice was full of reverence.
“Daddy?” Skye’s voice broke on the word. Tears filled her eyes. He let go of the woman’s hand and ran into her arms picking her up. He swung her around in a circle laughing as he kissed her cheek, forehead, and hair over and over again. Skye laughed as tears ran down her face. He stopped spinning and sat her feet on the ground but held onto her shoulders looking deep into her eyes.
“You look so much like your mother.” He laughed happily glancing quickly to his companion then back to Skye. “You are absolutely beautiful. I’ve missed you so much.”
Skye heard the words but was still trying to comprehend what was happening in front of her. Over the past year everything had changed dramatically for her, but this was something she never could have imagined possible.
“Daddy you died. I saw you die.” Skye said touching her father’s face.
“Your mother saved me. It’s a long story and I will explain, but for now, I just am so happy to see you.” He hugged her to his body. Skye couldn’t help but smile. She looked over at the woman watching them. Gary released her and motioned for the woman to walk over.
“Skye, I’ve wanted nothing more than to meet you since the day you were born and taken from me.” the beautiful creature said to Skye.
Skye knew in her heart who this woman was. She felt it, yet she still had to say the words to make them real. She had to hear the answer before she could really believe it.
“Mom?” Skye asked. The woman smiled and nodded quickly.
“Yes, baby girl. I’m your mother.” Skye went into her mother’s arms and sobbed. Her father wrapped his arms around them both holding them tightly and securely.
Skye had never felt so safe in her life. She suddenly felt like a hole that had been missing inside of her was filled. The pieces of her heart that had been missing since childhood were suddenly filled.
As elated as she was in that moment, she knew she was still a shattered soul from everything she had experienced in life so far. She knew there were pieces of her broken heart and soul left with Maddox. She pushed those hurtful thoughts back for the time being. Skye just held onto her parents and cried happy tears for once in her life.
Also by this Author:
“Finding Abigail” on Amazon and Nook.
Coming Soon
Chronicles of Skye Book Two
“Slivers of Skye”
Skye’s journey has just started. In the Chronicles of Skye books you will see Skye grow and make choices she never thought she would have to make. You will also finally understand the mystery of what happened to her and her family. Those and other answers are coming soon…
First I would like to thank YOU, the readers. I am not a professional writer by a lot of standards. What I am is someone who LOVES stories and books. I love being able to write and I appreciate all of you who have taken the time to read my previous book “Finding Abigail” and this one as well. I realize this book may have some flaws in it and I claim those flaws. I am only human but the fact that you can see this book for what it is and not focus on the small details of something I may have done wrong shows how amazing you all are.
I have had several inspirations for characters in this book. I have amazing friends and family that support me and I thank all of you for this. Thank you Jim Carroll for my cover art! I am still clueless when it comes to this and I appreciate your help. Thank you Kelly Scott for being my patient and kind editor. I can tell stories but I cannot always manage to keep the grammar correct so you have been a huge help to me. Thank you to my beta reader Courtney Chubey, always there for me.
And thank you to my support system here in Charleston, Ravenwood and Earthbound. You all are my family by choice. I am a very lucky girl. BB.