Tamed on a Field Trip

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by William Mullen

  Tamed on a Field Trip

  by William Mullen

  Linda just COULDN’T BELIEVE how much she loved New York City! She was from a small town in Colorado, and she and the rest of her senior class had voted to come here for the field trip they got as a reward for making it through high school. She and her friends had chattered excitedly about the trip for months, and even though their anticipation and expectations had been sky-high, it turned out to be SO MUCH BETTER than they’d even imagined! After a lifetime of reading about NYC in books and seeing it in movies (her favorite was Serendipity with John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale… SO ROMANTIC! And they even visited Serendipity 3 for Frozen Hot Chocolates, just like in the movie!), it was absolutely AMAZING to actually see it in person! Central Park! Broadway (they saw Book of Mormon!)! Lincoln Center for Swan Lake! Freedom Tower! The Statue of Liberty! IT WAS ALL SO MIND-BOGGLING!!!

  Of course, what REALLY blew her and her friends away were ALL THE HOT GUYS! Everywhere they looked, it seemed like there were fashion models and high-powered businessmen looking FINE AS HELL. Gosh, even the WAITERS in this city were super gorgeous! Even Josh Lively, the handsomest guy in her school, looked like a plain, average little boy walking down these streets.

  The best part, though, was how these hot guys LOOKED at her! Linda always kinda knew that she was the hottest girl at school… everyone always told her that she should be a model, and Josh had been trying to get into her pants ever since Junior High (though he was dumb as a brick, and anyway, her parents were really strict and never let her date much). But she never really believed it until she noticed that even though there were lots of beautiful women walking around as well, they weren’t all THAT much prettier than her. Plus, all these hot guys kept checking her out (she had to admit, she just LOVED the attention)! Maybe, just maybe, she could move here one day, and actually get signed with an agency! And maybe meet a really handsome guy who would sweep her off her feet! Ah, a girl could dream, right?

  Today, they were walking around midtown, checking out Times Square and Rockefeller Center. It was really hot, being the beginning of summer, and all this walking made everyone pretty tired, so they frequently stopped for breaks. The whole class had decided to stop at St. Patrick’s Cathedral (AMAZEBALLS!), so they could rest for a while before moving on. Everyone was either running around, or, like Linda and her friends, just sitting on the steps, talking about how incredible everything was.

  “Whoa, check THAT guy out!” Linda’s friend Emily said, pointing at a guy walking towards them.

  WOW! Linda was HAPPY to check this guy out, he might have been the hottest one yet! And he was dressed super cool. Kind of like the goth kids at her school, with studs and chains and gaudy jewelry gleaming in the sun, but wearing all white (HE EVEN HAD WHITE DOC MARTENS! OMG!). The man himself, even though he was kind of old (at LEAST as old as Mr. Morris, who was leading the field trip), looked like a fucking superhero or something; in fact, he looked an awful lot like Superman. A reverse-goth Superman! Tall and muscular, with a face like Michelangelo had carved it out of marble. And the way he walked… so slowly and confidently, like a tiger prowling through the jungle. Linda couldn’t help but stare at him as he approached.

  Suddenly, the man caught her eyes with his, and… SMIRKED at her! OMG! Immediately, Linda felt super embarrassed and averted her gaze. And she was more than a little surprised when the man walked right up to her and stopped! Her friends immediately ceased chattering, and stared in silence as the man pulled out a black cigarette and calmly lit it, and slowly brought it to his lips, staring Linda right in the eyes. “Holy crap, I think this old man’s gonna try a pickup line!” Alexa whispered loudly (the most sarcastic girl in their class). “THIS oughta be lame” *snort*

  The man acted like he didn’t hear her, and just looked at Linda for a moment, his eyes flicking down to her body before coming back up to her face. “Hmm…” he said, with a cocky little grin. “How old are you, kid?”

  Whoa, he didn’t even ask her for her name? “Um… I’m 17,” she replied with surprise, kinda nervously.

  “Oh good, that’s legal in this town,” the man said with a devious little chuckle. “You kinda look like a prude. You ever smoke weed before?”

  Outwardly calm, Linda gasped inside. Legal? That was a surprise, as she was still a minor in the eyes of Colorado law, but she didn’t really think too much about that. More importantly, he LIKED her! He HAD to, to say something like that! But to call her a PRUDE? Screw this guy, she was no prude! Well, maybe a little, but it was pretty darned rude to say it out loud! Forcing herself to act cool, despite the butterflies that suddenly appeared in her stomach, she managed to utter a nonchalant little laugh. “Of course, I’m from Colorado! It’s been legal there for years, duh!” Hey, not bad! Linda was impressed by how cool she sounded. Even though she was lying through her teeth… the one time she’d tried smoking weed, she’d coughed like crazy, and that was the end of that!

  “Great!” the man said, pulling a little vaporizer pen from his pocket. “Come on, I’ll smoke you up.”

  Shocked, Linda could only blurt out, “What, on the STREET?!”

  “Ha ha!” the man laughed, heartily, in a way that made Linda feel really dumb. “No, not on the street. There’s a little alley over here, I smoke there all the time. No one will bother us. Come on!” Smoothly, he reached down and took her hand (it was so TINY next to his!), and he pulled her to her feet!

  This was all happening way too fast for Linda to process, and she immediately protested. “Uh, wait a second, I can’t just leave my friends…” she stammered. Yet, dazed by his magnetic charisma, she allowed him to start pulling her down the street!

  “Uh, hang on!” her friend Emily blurted out, standing up quickly. “I’ll come with.”

  The man turned to Emily and blasted her with a withering stare that made her gasp, and sit her butt right back down. “No, I only smoke with hot girls,” he said, condescendingly. Whoa, snap!

  “But… but… I can’t leave my friends!” Linda exclaimed, somewhat alarmed.

  The man rolled his eyes at her (God he had beautiful eyes! They shined like emeralds in this bright sun!). “What, they don’t have smartphones in Colorado?” he said derisively, with just a hint of a sneer. “I have a feeling your friends can call you if they need you. Come on, we won’t be long.”

  Linda felt kind of stupid, the way he said it. I mean, he was totally right, she thought to herself. Embarrassed, she let him lead her by the hand a few dozen yards down the street, as she looked back at her friends with a plaintive look. She felt a perverse sense of pride at the amazement (and jealousy) in their faces, and started to feel rather excited as they turned into the alley. OMG was this really happening? Was she REALLY being led down the street by maybe the hottest guy she had ever seen, a guy old enough to be her Dad? She felt both nervous and excited.

  The little alley actually opened up into a much larger space than she had expected. There was a loading dock of some sort back here, with some scattered dumpsters, and steps that led into the back of various buildings. It was much cooler back here, being shielded from the sun, and Linda actually felt much more comfortable. At least, temperature-wise. Her heart was racing with excitement. What a story this would be for her friends back home! Some super hot NYC guy had put the moves on her, and was gonna smoke her up!

  “Come on, this way,” the man said, smiling reassuringly. “I smoke here all the time, I know the perfect spot. No one will be able to see us, so we won’t be bothered.”

  He led her down some hidden, concrete steps behind the loading dock, and they emerged into a little alcove. He was totally right, no one would be able to see them down there! The very fact made her a little bit n
ervous, but she reassured herself that nothing bad would happen. I mean, her friends were like 90 seconds walk away, so it wasn’t like they couldn’t hear her if she screamed or something. But still… she felt just a hint of trepidation.

  “I’m William, what’s your name?” he asked, as he screwed a fresh capsule onto the vaporizer pen in his hands.

  “Linda, nice to meet you,” she replied, staring at the pen nervously. She hoped she didn’t cough and embarrass herself.

  “Nice to meet you too, Linda. Ladies first!” William replied, handing her the pen, and flashing a brilliant smile. “Ever use one of these before? Just push the button and breathe it in. Just do a little one, so you get used to it… this stuff is pretty strong!”

  Nervously, Linda took the pen. She glanced at him quickly, then put the pen to her mouth and inhaled. Just a little one, as he’d said, since she was kinda scared. After all, she’d never really smoked weed before.

  HOLY GOD! Her head lit up like a Christmas tree. IN A GOOD WAY! She immediately felt dizzy, and leaned against the wall to catch herself. Whoa, she thought to herself, as tingles began to shoot up and down her spine, and her head began to spin. This… this is AMAZING! She laughed. AMAZING!!! She laughed again.

  “Ha ha, good stuff, right?” William said, laughing along with her, taking the pen from her hand and inhaling himself. “Not as easy to get as in Colorado, I’m sure, but we New Yorkers are used to nothing but the best!”

  Linda laughed like crazy at his absolutely HILARIOUS comment. He was so funny! She stopped being nervous, what was there to be nervous about? OMG, she felt SO GOOD! Her head felt light as a feather. Somehow, the pen was in her hand again, and she happily took another hit. BADOOM! She felt like she was flying! She started laughing her ass off.

  William shook his head, and smirked. “You know, you’re definitely not as prudish when you’re high.”

  “Hey, stop calling me a prude,” Linda said, indignantly (or as much as possible, given her giggle fit). “I’m not a prude!”

  “Oh! So sorry!” William replied, laughing. “My mistake! I’m glad to hear it… I’ll show you a cool way to take the next hit.”

  He put the pen to his mouth and inhaled long and deep. Linda watched him, fascinated. He was SO HOT! His face was angular and chiseled, and his skin smooth as a baby, unwrinkled despite the salt-and-pepper hair at his temples. He had beautiful lips, too. She got a real good look at them, as he brought his mouth closer to her face. Closer, closer… OMFG, is he going to…?

  He KISSED her! Linda’s eyes widened in surprise as William’s lips met hers, then even more as his massive hand came around to the back of her head to hold it in place as he macked on her, and then even MORE when, suddenly, he forcefully breathed vapor deep into her lungs! Shocked, her head lighting up from the weed he forced down her throat, she started to struggle. She coughed into his lips, but she couldn’t get away! His gigantic hand held her firm, and he just kept on KISSING her!

  Linda started to get scared now, and pushed as hard as she could against his chest. He didn’t even budge! But in response, suddenly his other hand was on her throat, and he pinned her to the wall! Just pinned her to the wall, as he devoured her mouth. Despite how frightened she was becoming, and the fact that his big hand on her throat made it hard for her to breath properly, she also felt her little pussy start to tingle and drip. She was SO HIGH, and William was just MANHANDLING her! Something deep inside of her, something primal, began to awaken.

  Long minutes went by as Linda, high as a kite, got herself DEVOURED. William dropped his hand from the back of her head, and savagely fondled her boobs (she had always been proud of her big, perfect boobs!). Her nipples became hard as rocks as he pinched them relentlessly, right through her bra! And his knee forced its way between her legs, spreading them slightly, as she stood there getting RAVAGED by this giant of a man!

  “Oh FUCK yeah,” William growled, momentarily releasing her lips, and staring deep into her eyes. “You are such a SEXY little girl, SO FUCKING SEXY! I wanted you the second I laid eyes on you, baby doll… and now you’re MINE! Right here, right now… YOU’RE MY CONQUEST!!!” Linda shivered at his words, both with fear and delight.

  He resumed his savage kissing, and brought his knee up to rub against her pussy! OMFG, his knee was rubbing her pussy! Linda was a GOOD girl, and had never had sex before. She had never felt ANYTHING like what this man was doing to her now! Her pussy just felt SO GOOD! So good that it was fucking just GUSHING with juice! As high as she was, she could barely notice it, but she was just dripping all over the fucking place. Her panties were soaked! She was so scared, nothing like this had ever happened to her before! THIS MAN WAS TAKING HER LIKE HE OWNED HER, AND THERE WAS NOTHING SHE COULD DO ABOUT IT!!! NOTHING AT ALL!!!

  Every now and then, when she could collect her senses just enough, she tried to scream. But all that came out were stifled moans, as his hand at her throat cut off her air, and his tongue invaded her mouth and claimed her lips. She could barely make a sound. Not a sound! Just pathetic little whimpers and groans as he just had his way with her. She was so high she barely realized it, but something deep inside her began to submit. Submit to his kisses! Submit to his manliness! Submit to his sheer, masculine POWER!!!

  Suddenly, Linda realized that it was no longer his knee that was rubbing against her pussy. It was his HAND now! OMG, he’d released the back of her head, just pushing it back into the wall with his own, and now his fingers were cupping and rubbing her little pussy, like he OWNED it! She whimpered into his mouth, as he rubbed her smoking hot pussy right through her soaked panties, making it gush like an erupting volcano. She was SO GLAD she wore a skirt today! Wait, what? She was GLAD? This man was practically raping her… no, he WAS raping her! AND SHE WAS LOVING EVERY FUCKING SECOND OF IT!!!

  Linda’s head was spinning. She had no idea what to do. She had no idea what she COULD do! He was SO MUCH BIGGER than her! And he HAD her, had her in his powerful arms! He’d just snatched her away from all her friends like it was nothing, and was playing with her pussy like he had every right to do so! And her long-neglected little pussy LOVED the attention! Her clit was a hard, tiny pebble, and his fingers stroked it like a violin, making it SING! She had never felt ANYTHING SO GOOD IN HER ENTIRE LIFE!

  Somewhere, in the foggy haze of her stoned little girl brain, Linda realized that she was going to cum. She was going to CUM for a man for the very first time in her life! A tremendous orgasm was building up, centered on her throbbing clit and sloppy pussy, radiating and reverberating throughout her body, getting closer and closer with every second. It felt SO GOOD! Fear rose up in her conscious brain, even while her unconscious made her grind her pussy into his fingers, seeking her release. This man was raping her and she was going to cum for him! My God, what kind of slut was she? Unbidden, tears began to well in, then drip from, Linda’s eyes, as this man forced her unwanted orgasm to rise ever higher. And all she could do was hump his fucking fingers and suck on his tongue in the process.

  Suddenly, William released her pussy and throat! He pulled his head back, and stared at her, eyes narrowed, a feral grin on his face. She almost wanted to cry out in protest, as her pussy reflexively continued to hump against fingers that were no longer there. Her pussy wanted to CUM! Her pussy wanted that ORGASM that had been knocking at the door! But even so, given a moment’s respite, she caught her breath, and tried to collect her drug-addled wits enough to scream.

  Quickly, William kicked over a milk crate, grabbed her by the waist, and lifted her up onto it. Her head was about level with his now, and as she began to inhale to let out a scream, he leaned in and took her mouth with his yet again! Her scream died into a low moan, again muffled by his lips. He wrenched her arms behind her back, and held them there with one powerful hand. Once secured, he pulled his mouth away, and instants later, muffled her mouth with a giant hand! Staring into his eyes, her own frantically open wide and streaming tears, she felt him spread her legs slightly apart with his
knee. Briefly releasing her mouth, he fumbled with his pants, and Linda’s dizzy, weed-fogged little brain started to realize what was about to happen. Part of her dreaded it, but part of her (the part down below) was throbbing with anticipation.

  Oh no, she thought to herself. OH NO! Suddenly, the ecstasy in her pussy flared up again as he pulled her panties down, and the firm, spongy head of his cock found its way to the mouth of her pussy. He… he was going to FUCK her! She was just a little girl, a little virgin! She wasn’t even spreading her legs, she was just standing there on a milk crate, her little panties down around her knees… and he was going to FUCK HER!

  With a mighty thrust, and a primal look on his face, William sank his cock deep into her tiny, virgin pussy. Linda’s felt like she was shocked by a live wire. SHE HAD NO IDEA ANYTHING ON EARTH COULD FEEL THIS GOOD!!! Instantly, she realized exactly what her babypussy had been built for. It had been built to TAKE A MAN’S COCK! Any thoughts of her being raped disappeared at the massive surge of pleasure that exploded out of her little cunny, and her teary eyes rolled back as he wedged his dick deeper and deeper into her belly. Every fraction of an inch that he gained sent bursts of ecstasy blasting through her… she literally thought that her brain might melt from the pleasure. JUST FUCKING MELT!

  “Oh fuck yeah,” William grunted, with a deep, primitive satisfaction, as he again covered and muffled her mouth. “THAT’S what I’m talking about!” Making sure to keep his one hand secured to her face, he used the other gripping her arms behind her to pull her down onto his thick, fleshy spear. “Ha ha, SO TIGHT! You must have been a virgin, eh, little girl! Never had a man up here before, have you? Well, you’ll never be able to say THAT again!” And with one hard, final thrust, he claimed her utterly and completely. Their hips joined together with a meaty SMACK, and he sighed with contentment. He had TAKEN her! Her pussy was HIS, by right of conquest!

  He rested a second, to revel in the splendor of the moment. Her tightness was the stuff of legend… he could feel her tiny heartbeat pulsing around his dick as it lodged deep inside of her, the head of it nestled right up against her cervix, her copious juices dripping all around his penis and soaking into his pubic hairs. He stared into her eyes, sharing this glorious instance with the part of her that he knew wanted this, NEEDED this, and smirked with triumph. “How’s it feel, kid?” he asked, playfully. “How’s it feel to be TAMED by a big strong man! How’s it feel to know that you’re about to cum on a DADDYCOCK?!”


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