Love (The Allure Chronicles Book 4)

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Love (The Allure Chronicles Book 4) Page 9

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  “So what happens next?” Jared asked before I could tell Wyatt exactly what I thought of pushing aside that point. “That’s the part involving us I assume? You could have gotten Daisy by talking to Owen. That’s not the reason you dragged us out here, is it?”

  “We hardly dragged you.” Fletcher ran a hand through his beard. “You came on your own volition.”

  “We came because Wyatt made it sound urgent.” Levi clenched his jaw. “That is the only reason we made the trip out here.”

  “And it is urgent.” Wyatt shot Fletcher a look. “Very urgent.”

  “So tell us the rest of the plan.” I was tired of being given the run-around.

  “The Elders believe they are immortal and unstoppable. That will be their downfall.”

  “I hope there’s more to the plan than that.” Jared’s expression darkened.

  “There is.” Wyatt nodded enthusiastically. “They will enter Pyrean unprepared. They will pretend to bargain with us. Offer to give us Troy back and forget what they asked for as long as we hand over Daisy.”

  “What did they ask you for?” Levi asked. “And why am I only hearing of this now?”

  “They want us to give up our longevity. Commit to a shorter life.”

  “Why would you do that?” Jared exchanged glances with both Levi and me.

  “Why do you think they took Troy?” Fletcher crossed his arms over his chest. “Our numbers are small. Each one of us is essential to our kind’s survival. Troy is especially important.”

  “Why is Troy especially important?” This was the first I was hearing about it. “He didn’t look any different from the rest of you.”

  “Looks can be deceiving.” Fletcher’s turned to watch the flickering flames of the fire.

  “I know that. But Wyatt and Troy introduced themselves as equals.” At least that was how it seemed to me. Although to be fair, Violet was the one who’d introduced us.

  “Troy is the only one left from the original ruling line of Dragos.” Wyatt ran a hand through his black hair.

  “So you all aren’t actually brothers?” Jared looked at each Drago. “Didn’t think so.”

  “No. But we view ourselves as a brotherhood.” Fletcher explained.

  “Except for Troy who is higher up.” I was still suspicious about that.

  “You who serves a king will be condescending to us?” Fletcher raised an eyebrow.

  “I am merely trying to understand the dynamics.” If I was going to put any trust in these creatures, I needed to understand them.

  “Ok, back to what’s important. How do we come into play?” Jared asked.

  “When they come, we act like we’re going along with what they want. They know how desperate we are to get Troy back, so they’ll believe we are stupid enough to give in. Then when they think it’s over, we strike.” Wyatt’s eyes darkened until they became completely black.

  “Strike how?” Jared rubbed the back of his neck. “Are we talking brute force?”

  Wyatt shook his head. “Brute force may be needed later, but for now we have to target their weakness.”

  “Which is?” I wish someone had mentioned their weakness when I was facing them the first time.

  “Hubris.” Fletcher continued to gaze into the fire as if it held some answers.

  “Ok. Enough. This isn’t Ancient Greece.” Jared stepped into Fletcher’s line of vision. “We want real answers.”



  I blinked as I tried to adjust to the blinding sunlight. We’d moved from late evening to the middle of the day—I’d only made that switch once before, and it was through a magical tree. I didn’t remember going through a tree this time. There were trees around us though. Lots of them. We were in some sort of small clearing inside the woods. We definitely weren’t on the side of I-10 anymore.

  “You’re alive.” A vaguely familiar scratchy voice called from somewhere nearby. “Good.”

  “Where the hell are we?” Hailey jumped to her feet and turned around. “And where are Allie and Taylor?”

  I looked around. Hailey was right. The others were nowhere in sight.

  “Your friends are fine. At least I think they are.” The scratchy voice sounded amused.

  “Who are you, and where are we?” Hailey raised her arms, poised for a fight.

  “Daisy knows me.” A slim orange and white striped cat walked toward us.

  “Glendale?” I was simultaneously struck with relief that it was someone I knew but scared at why the cat had brought us somewhere. I was also hit by a flashback to the first time I met him, right before a Shadow attacked Owen, and I was kidnapped by an Allure from the Force.

  “That cat is talking.” Hailey pointed to Glendale. “And you’re talking to it.”

  “Yeah, he talks.” It had been novel the first time, but it was far from the strangest thing I’d encountered since being introduced to the supernatural world.

  “And you know it.” Hailey appeared just as concerned about my familiarity with the cat as with his propensity to talk.

  “We’ve met before. He helped save my life.” I still wasn’t entirely sure why, but he wasn’t a fan of the Force—and I assumed he wasn’t a fan of the Elders either. At least I hoped he wasn’t. But he had been a fan of Violet, and that scared me.

  “You mean I saved your life. There’s no helping involved here.” Glendale purred.

  “Owen helped too.” It wasn’t the only time he’d saved me.

  Glendale licked his paw. “Technically he was a little bit helpful.”

  “But you only helped me because of Violet. Is that why you’re here now?” I knew I wasn’t listening to anyone working for her.

  “Not at all. Things are bigger than the Allures right now. I’m here on my own behalf.” He lay down at my meet.

  “Why should I believe you?” I wanted to trust him. It would mean the difference of us being in danger or in relative safety.

  “Because I wouldn’t have transported you here if I was helping Violet. I would have brought you to her. I didn’t though.” He rested his head on my foot.

  Somewhere deep in my chest I knew he was telling the truth. Trusting anyone completely was out of the question, but for the time being I would hear him out.

  Hailey watched both the cat and me incredulously. “Answer my other question. Where are we?”

  “Aren’t all places subjective? They exist on one plane of existence or—”

  Hailey stormed up to Glendale. “Nope. You’re not allowed to pretend to be a philosophical cat. You’re going to answer my question. Where are we?”

  “Is she always like this?” Glendale wagged his tail back and forth. “I didn’t mean to bring her here with you.”

  “Please, Glendale.” I ignored his question. “Tell us where we are.”

  “You could say thank you.” He resumed his licking.

  “Why would we be thanking you?” Hailey shook his head. “As far as I’m concerned we’ve been kidnapped.”

  Glendale started to circle around her. “Because I’m saving Daisy’s life. Again. And maybe yours. You are probably in danger for being with her.”

  “Saving her by bringing her where exactly? Two seconds ago we were next to Allie’s Land Rover.” Hailey glanced up at the sky as if it might hold some answers.

  “Land Rover? Is that what that purple thing was? I don’t know much about cars.”

  “Answer the question, cat.” Hailey gritted her teeth.

  “My name is Glendale.” He squinted his eyes so that they appeared to be tiny slits. “Please call me by my name.”

  Hailey groaned. “Where the hell are we?”

  “We are nowhere near hell I assure you. This is a waiting room of sorts.” Glendale’s eyes returned to normal. “Wait. That sounded off. I don’t mean purgatory. You aren’t dead.”

  “A waiting room?” I asked. “What are we waiting for exactly?” I was unusually calm. I wasn’t sure if it was the location or Glendale causing
the feeling. Either way, it wasn’t having the same effect on Hailey.

  “We are not waiting on something. We are waiting on someone.” Glendale rubbed his head against my legs. He was such a strange creature. He acted like a cat in his mannerisms, but normal cats didn’t talk. They also didn’t transport people to new places.

  “Who are we waiting for?” Hailey glanced into the woods.

  “Another being who doesn’t want Daisy dead. You have quite the fan club.” He rubbed against my leg.

  “Where are our friends?” I bent down to Glendale’s level. “Would you please answer that question?”

  He bumped his head into mine. “They are safe.”

  “You said that before, but then you backtracked.”

  “I’ve made sure they’re safe. My friend is having them brought somewhere as we speak.”

  “How did you do that? You’ve been with us this whole time.” I returned to standing.

  “I have plenty of abilities. That doesn’t mean I’m going to share all of them with you.” He rubbed against my leg again.

  Hailey kneeled down and looked into Glendale’s eyes. “I need to know Allie’s safe.”

  “There are two girls. Yet you are only concerned with one?”

  “Pretty much, yes.” Hailey’s chin dipped to her chest. “I’d like the other one to live, but Allie is very important.”

  “She’s the queen, you mean.”

  “If you knew who she was, then why did you play stupid?” Hailey’s expression darkened.

  “I didn’t play stupid. It never came up.”

  “Whatever. Just tell me where they are.” She put a hand on her hip.

  “They are safe. Isn’t that all that matters?” Glendale circled her again.

  “I need to know where she is.”

  “She’s on a tropical island sipping a cocktail. How’s that?” He strutted away from her.

  “No bullshit.”

  “Watch the language.” He lay down on the grass.

  “Why am I watching my language?” Hailey narrowed her eyes.

  “Because I don’t appreciate foul language.”

  “You’re. A. Cat.” She grimaced.

  “So?” Glendale rolled onto his back.

  “So cats can’t be sensitive to bad language.”

  “Says who?” He swatted at something with his paw.

  “Says anyone.”

  “Ok. Enough of this.” Hailey’s face turned completely serious. “Right now there are several important things. Where we are, who we are waiting for, and where is Allie?”

  “I can’t tell you where Allie is.” Glendale rolled back over.

  “Why not?

  “Because then I’d have to kill you.”

  Hailey and I exchanged looks.

  “Just kidding.” Glendale made a noise I assumed was normal for a cat laughing. Not that normal cats laughed.

  “So, where is she?” I asked. Maybe Glendale would answer me.

  “It’s safer that you don’t know, but they’ll be fine.”

  “I might need Taylor. She was once a—”

  “An Allure,” Glendale interrupted. “Yes, I am quite aware of who she is. I do live in the Glamour Realm after all.”

  “I know where you’re from, but then why are you here? Or rather why were you in our world?” I pointed between Hailey and me.

  “To save you of course. Haven’t I explained myself well enough?” He stretched as he stood up.

  “Not at all,” I admitted.

  “Let’s wait. When our mutual friend arrives he may be able to explain it better. And who knows he may even have your friends with him.”

  “Ugh. Could you please answer a question with an actual answer for once?” Hailey put her head in her hands. “But I’m talking to a cat so I shouldn’t be surprised.”

  “You have wings.” Glendale swished his tail again.

  “So?” Hailey crossed her arms.

  “You have wings and can fly, yet you are struggling to believe a cat can talk? I could understand the confusion if you were a human—but you my lady are not a human.” Glendale rubbed against her legs.

  Hailey stepped back and away from the cat. “Your lady?”

  “Do you have a problem with me calling you that?” Glendale followed her.

  “Not necessarily.” Hailey straightened up. “It just seems like an abrupt departure from how you were talking to me.”

  “You were the one who started the fight. You must declare it over.” He rubbed against her leg again. Either he didn’t understand personal space, or he didn’t care. My guess was it was the latter.

  “Do you have an identity issue or something?” Hailey stepped back again.

  “What do you mean?” Glendale lay down right in front of her.

  “You keep changing your manner of talking.”

  “I have lived many years; I have picked up on many colloquialisms.”

  “Great.” Hailey walked to the other side of the clearing. “Are we safe here? Could you please answer that?”

  Glendale turned his attention to a bug.

  “Of course not.” Hailey sighed.

  Glendale kept his eyes on the small bug. “You are safe. This plane only exists to those who know of it. Very few of us know of it.”

  “This is crazy. And my life has never been normal.” Hailey wrung her arms. “How are you taking all of this so well?” She turned to me.

  “I’ve been in weird alternative places before.” Then I thought of something and turned to Glendale. “This friend… have I met him or her?”

  “Of course. How else would he be a fan of yours?”

  “Is it Sol?” Hope swirled through me. Was he ok? Could he help us? He’d helped bring my emotions back once. Maybe he could do it again.

  “You will have to wait to find out.” Glendale curled up in a ball.

  “Do you get some sort of high from keeping people waiting and wondering?” It was my turn to question the cat. “Is there a reason you can’t answer any of our questions?”

  “See this is why it matters who your friends are. She’s rubbing off on you, Daisy.” Glendale curled up even tighter.

  “Are you serious?” Hailey groaned. “You really just said that?”

  “Evidently yes.” Glendale closed his eyes. “I must say this has turned out to be a more entertaining experience than I imagined.”

  “I am glad we entertain you.” I rolled my eyes.

  “See, now you’re being sarcastic. Pick your friends wisely.” His eyes were still closed, but I wondered if he’d seen me anyway. He could talk. Maybe he could see with his eyes closed.

  “This friend better show up soon or you’re in trouble, cat.” Hailey stared daggers at him.

  “Should I be afraid of that threat?” Glendale opened his eyes.

  “You know the answer to that.”

  Glendale made that weird cat laugh again as he stretched his long front legs revealing his sharp claws. “Maybe you aren’t so bad after all. And look at that. Our guest is here.”

  “Where?” I glanced around but saw nothing.

  Hailey stayed close by my side. “Where is he?”

  Glendale laughed again. “And I thought Pterons had heightened senses.”

  “Here.” Sol materialized seemingly out of thin air. “I’m here.” He was dressed the way he’d been when I’d first met him. Leather jacket and sunglasses. He wasn’t nearly as intimidating this time now that I knew him, even though knowing him meant I knew how dangerous he was.

  “And you are?” Hailey strode toward him.

  “Sol.” He held out a hand. “You’re a Pteron.”

  “I am.” Hailey thrust out her chest. “What are you?”

  “A Seer.”

  “A Seer?” Hailey raised an eyebrow. “What is this? Every creature that isn’t supposed to exist is around now?”

  Sol smiled. “Oh, we exist.”

  “Yet you never show yourself to us.” Hailey narrowed her eyes.

>   “I’m showing myself now.” Even with his sunglasses on it was obvious he was taking in her form.

  “And I assume that’s for a particular reason.” She frowned.

  “Yes, it is.”

  “And it has to do with Daisy.” Hailey pointed at me.

  “Yes. All of this has to do with Daisy, doesn’t it?”

  “Glad to see you’re alive.” I smiled. “Thanks for getting me away from Abe.”

  “I could say the same to you. About being alive that is. I was worried.”

  “Why?” I asked. “You did what you could to help me, why do you care what happens next?”

  “I helped you, that should earn me some trust in your book, shouldn’t it?” He cocked his head to the side.

  “In theory.” If trusting people came easily anymore. “But it’s still hard to know what anyone’s true motivations are right now.”

  “It’s always hard to know someone’s true motivations. Impossible really. There’s nothing different about right now.”

  “There’s so much different right now.” I wasn’t even sure about my own emotions, crazy powerful beings were after me, and I wasn’t in my own world.

  “True, and I hope you took what I said to heart. Our interests are aligned right now. That means I’m on your side.”

  “But what happens when our interests are no longer aligned?” That was the million dollar question. The other question was when would it happen.

  “Hopefully by then you won’t need my help anymore.”

  “I’d love to stop needing help.” I hated having to rely on others, especially because I knew I couldn’t actually trust them.

  “You’ll always need help. We all do. Even the strongest creature needs help once and awhile. To forget that is to put yourself in a dangerous position.”

  Hailey yawned. “Sorry to interrupt. Or well, not sorry. But I am interrupting. Are you why the cat brought us here?”

  “The cat?” Sol raised an eyebrow. “Glendale is letting you get away with calling him that?”

  “Am I supposed to be afraid of him?”

  “Are you supposed to be afraid of a cat with the power to transport you to another plane of existence?” Sol shrugged. “I’ll let you decide that for yourself.”


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