Obsessions: A Monster Squad Novel 7

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Obsessions: A Monster Squad Novel 7 Page 9

by Heath Stallcup

  She remembered the pride she felt each and every time he’d brag on his children’s accomplishments. Their grades, their being accepted to this school or that. Their winning another swim meet or track meet or…


  She turned and felt relief to find her older brother standing in the hallway. “Derek, I didn’t know you were home.”

  “I was just grabbing a change of clothes for dad.” He stepped closer and pulled her into an embrace. “It’s good to see you again.”

  “You too, D.” She stepped back and stared at her older brother, the spitting image of her father in his younger years. “But what did you mean that you were getting some of his clothes? Isn’t he home?”

  Derek dropped his eyes and shook his head. “I’m sorry sis. He’s taken a turn for the worse.”

  “Where is he?”

  “He’s in ICU. They only let a couple of us in at a time. And she stays in there with him all the time.”

  Laura’s heart dropped. The reason she left things unfinished with her father for so long…and she was still here. “I had hoped she had moved on to greener pastures.”

  Derek shook his head. “I dunno, Laura. I always thought she was a gold digger, but Crystal has stuck with him through all of this.”

  Laura shuddered at the sound of the woman’s name. She turned away from her brother and tried to hide her emotions. She could still see the blonde headed hussy’s features when she closed her eyes. Barely a year older than she was, Laura believed that her father would snap out of whatever spell she had cast and come to his senses.

  Derek laid a hand on his sister’s shoulder. “He waited nearly twelve years after mom passed. We couldn’t expect him to be alone forever, could we?”

  “But why her?” Laura didn’t mean for her voice to crack when she spoke. “Why couldn’t he see her for what she was?”

  Derek sighed heavily and wrapped an arm around her. “I don’t know. I honestly don’t. But she made him happy. We should try to take comfort in that.”

  Laura glanced around at the house and shook her head. “And she’ll inherit all of this and the kids will be cut out completely.”

  Derek shook his head. “No. They never married.” He pulled her around to face him. To his credit, he said nothing of the tears running down her cheeks. “She even offered to sign a pre-nup, but Dad wouldn’t have it.”

  Laura gave him a wide eyed stare. “He didn’t marry her?”

  Derek shook his head and gave her a tight lipped smile. “Nope. He said that if he couldn’t get his kids’ blessings, then it wouldn’t happen.” Laura didn’t realize her mouth had fallen open. “And he meant all of his kids.”


  “Twenty-seven? I have twenty-seven of you to work with?” Bigby shook his head as he marched between the newly arrived wolves. “That’s a far cry from an army.”

  “Unlike the others you worked with, we all have military training.”

  Bigby turned and gave a raised brow to the wolf trailing him. “Any of them special-ops?”

  “Most of them, in fact.” The leader of the wolves paused and crossed his arms. “Trained by a legionnaire.”

  Bigby shook his head. “Bloody French.” He shrugged. “Better than nothing I suppose.”

  “I suppose you’ve done better?”

  Bigby bit back a smile but turned and gave the man a curt nod. “SAS as a matter of fact.”

  “Bloody English.” The warrant officer smirked. “Better than nothing I suppose.”

  Bigby refused to rise to the bait. Instead he simply nodded. “You have enough spunk, I might can deal with you.” He turned toward the office that he and Sheridan once shared, “Muster your men and get me a list of names. Have them go through the crates of weaponry at the end of the warehouse and divvy up the equipment. Make me a list of anything you feel we may need.”

  The warrant officer saluted, “Aye, Major.”

  Bigby slipped into the office and pulled Sheridan’s officer’s beret from his head and tossed it aside. He knew that he was no longer in the military and couldn’t be held accountable for impersonating an officer, but he also knew that if the men in the warehouse found out that he was a Staff Sergeant impersonating an officer? He would be torn to pieces. He already felt like he was no longer worthy of the Special Air Service. He took his seat and pulled out Sheridan’s hidden bottle of brandy. Taken a long pull to try to calm his nerves he closed his eyes and let the thick liquid burn his stomach.

  He opened his eyes and stared out the window of the office as the men outside dug through the weapons that Sheridan had stolen. He knew that in order for him to ‘lead’ these men, they needed to believe that he was more than what he truly was. He had stolen Sheridan’s beret and insignia, affectively giving himself a field promotion to major.

  Bigby pulled the plastic baggie from his coat pocket and withdrew another black pill and slipped it into his mouth. He took another long pull from the brandy bottle then slipped it back into the desk drawer. He shuddered as the bane mixed with the alcohol and entered his system. It seemed the only way alcohol could affect him was if he took the bitter pills with a snort, but even then the buzz was short.

  He turned and stared at the hand drawn plans that Apollo had made for them. “If we want to cause real damage, we need to strike quickly and quietly.” He scratched at his jaw as he studied the plans. “I think maybe chlorine gas through the ventilation system. Come in afterward and put a silver bullet through the brain pan of anything still moving.” He nodded to himself when a knock at the door caught his attention.

  “You wanted a list of desired equipment.” The warrant officer handed over a short list and Bigby scanned it.

  “I think this is doable. I’ll just have to make a few calls.”

  “Very well, sir. Meanwhile, I’ll get the men settled in and we can begin drills in the morning.”

  “Mister Martinez? Do you have any idea where we may be able to obtain chlorine gas?” Bigby knew that man was unfamiliar with the area and those who supplied the black markets locally, but he wanted to test him.

  “Negative, sir. But it could be manufactured easily enough.”

  Bigby nodded. “We may have to.” He waved the man off. “Get some rest, Mr. Martinez. We’ll have a busy day tomorrow.”

  “Good evening, sir.”

  Bigby watched him march away and studied the man. “French Foreign Legion, eh?” He shook his head as he picked up his phone. “Time to see how well connected your boss is, Mr. Martinez.”


  “I am not familiar with this area, Chief Jack. I do not know how close I can get us.” Kalen studied the map with Jack, but his voice betrayed his lack of confidence.

  “Just do your best. Loren said the weapons were buried inside the mountain near here.” Jack turned to Azrael. “I need you on your toes out there.”


  Jack stood and squared his shoulders. “Listen up, all of you. We don’t have a whole lot of time to dick around out there. From what I can tell, it will be sunrise in this area in about five hours. That means we need to locate the weapons and then get it all back here before sunrise in both locations. Major Tufo said that he can send transportation if there are more weapons than we can carry, so we have that to fall back on.”

  “Transportation doesn’t necessarily mean sunlight-tight though, does it?” Brooke didn’t sound nervous but her eyes shot to Azrael.

  “No, it doesn’t.” Jack shook his head. “I know we have both of you to worry about when it comes to—”

  “Only him,” Brooke interrupted. “I have found ways around the sun.”

  Jack gave her a quizzical stare. “Oh really? And just how do you do that?”

  Brooke shook her head as she pulled her hood up and over her face. “It covers everything. I can see the ground, I just can’t see very far in front of me.”

  Jack studied her outfit and noticed that her pants tucked into her boots, her gloves came ha
lfway up her forearms…no skin was exposed. “We still don’t want to be caught out in the sun if we can avoid it.” He pushed the smaller door open and ushered the group outside. “Let’s move, people.”

  Kalen took the lead and trotted to the large boulder behind the hangar. Jack and Azrael took up security positions on the boulder’s sides, and Brooke covered their rear while Gnat climbed the boulder and covered the forward area. All could see a golden glow emit from the rock before the door slid to the side, and Kalen stepped out of the way. “It’s open.”

  “Go, go, go.” Jack tapped each on the shoulder and watched them rush into the boulder. He covered over Kalen’s shoulder as he sealed the rock behind them.

  “Is this really necessary in your own backyard, Chief?”

  “Brooke, we got attacked here not long ago. There’s no telling who might still be watching.” He motioned for Kalen to take the lead. “See if you can sniff out this weapons depot.”

  Kalen drew his bow and took off at a trot across the foothills of the mountain. “Without a bearing, it’s difficult to know where we are.”

  Jack pulled a GPS unit from his tactical vest and took a reading. He pulled the map and marked it. “We’re here.”

  Kalen studied the location then glanced at the stars. “The stars are wrong.” He looked at the map again and then stared at the stars.

  “What’s wrong, kid? I told you where we were.” Jack seemed more than a bit rushed.

  “I think we are elsewhere,” Kalen answered softly.

  “I can take to the air and get a better view.” Azrael kept his voice low, but was unsure why they were all whispering. He wasn’t sure where they were, but it appeared to be in the middle of nowhere.

  “Be careful.” Jack stepped aside to allow the gargoyle room for liftoff. Azrael opened his wings and allowed the breeze to billow them. He bent low and leapt into the air, pushing with his mighty wings to gain altitude. Jack watched as he pushed further and further into the darkened sky, a sly smile forming as he disappeared. “Damn, I wish I could do that.”

  Kalen folded the map and held it loosely while they waited for Azrael to return. “I could be wrong about the stars.”

  Jack shrugged. “Electronic gizmos shit the bed all the time. If your gut tells you that it’s off, then it’s probably off.”

  A few moments later the group heard the beating of Azrael’s wings as he came in and settled next to them. He folded his wings behind him as he strode toward Kalen. He reached for the map and spread it out on a flat rock.

  “This spring? If we are here, then the spring is not. It feeds this small creek.” Azrael pointed to the map and Jack lit it up with his red lensed flashlight. Azrael turned the map and then glanced over his shoulder. “The creek and spring are here, which means we are here.” He pointed to the map and extended his claw like nail to scratch an X on it.

  Kalen lifted the map and turned it, holding his finger where Azrael had marked it. “I believe he is correct.”

  “Great,” Jack sighed. “That means we need to get on the other side of this thing, find the depot and then make it back before sunrise.” He pulled the sleeve of his BDU up and glanced at his watch. “We can’t make that. Let’s wrap it up and head back to the hangar. We can try this another time.”

  “We can do this, Chief Jack.” Kalen stood in front of him to stop him. “Let me try to open a portal to the other side of the mountain.”

  Jack glanced at his watch again. “You’d better move quickly.”


  “If we can’t track Damien down, how the hell are we supposed to stop him?” Foster paced inside the small tent, his hands wringing.

  “We are not done yet, brother.” Thorn turned back to the Angelica. “Please, can you assist in any way?”

  She picked up the tarot cards and slipped them away. “I don’t know what it might be. You have nothing of his. You’re not living flesh. I can’t pull from your energy…you have none.”

  Thorn smiled softly and patted the woman’s hand. “That is where you are mistaken, my dear, dear lady.”

  “You have something of his then?”

  “About the power.” Rufus let loose a wave of his power and she felt it. She wasn’t the undead and should not have been influenced by his ability, but she was a familiar…the wave nearly knocked her over. She fought to catch her breath and leaned heavily against the small table within the tent. “Forgive me!” Rufus stood quickly and steadied her. “I didn’t realize you would be affected so strongly.”

  She nodded to him and gently waved him back. “You’re right. I was wrong.” She sat upright and steadied herself, her breath still fighting to escape her. “Give me a moment, please.”

  Victoria stood behind her, unsure what had just taken place. “Are you okay, Angelica?”

  “I will be fine.” She patted her hand as she settled into her chair. “Fetch me my crystal ball, please.”

  Victoria pointed to the table. “It sits here.”

  “No, darling. My real one.” She gave Rufus a wan smile. “This one is for decoration.” She lowered her voice as Victoria exited the tent. “They’re so expensive. I hate to risk the real one getting damaged.”

  “I understand completely.” Thorn gave her a curt nod.

  Victoria entered once more carrying Angelica’s case. “Please tell me it is in here.”

  She stood quickly and unlocked the case. “I keep it locked up for good measure.” She lifted it gingerly and placed it on the stand on the table. Rufus stared at the crystal ball, his brows knit together. The ball appeared cloudy and misty to him. Not at all clear as he would have expected.

  Angelica rubbed an oil on her hands and began massaging the ball, reciting an incantation she had learned hundreds of years prior. As Rufus watched, the ball seemed to almost glow. The imperfections within the crystal seemed to move, like mist on the water or smoke in a room. She continued to chant, her eyes closed, head tilted back.

  Thorn watched the ball carefully as shadows danced along the table top, images appearing within the ball itself. “I think it’s working.”

  Foster moved in closer and stared, his eyes glued to the shadowy images inside the ball. Angelica slowly lowered her voice and tilted her head forward, her eyes opening, and her gaze locked on the ball. She stared into the crystal, her lips still murmuring the incantation.

  “What do you see?”

  “I see the young man you seek. He is with a woman…a woman he cares for very much.” She narrowed her gaze and inhaled deeply. “Oh my…she has betrayed him for her first love.”

  “Where are they?” Thorn’s voice took on an edge that surprised Foster. He turned and stared at his brother while the witch continued to commune with the dead.

  “They are…in a warehouse…a dead place. In a dead city.”

  Rufus turned a confused stare to Paul who simply shrugged.

  “A name. I need a name.”

  “Samael…” she whispered. “Samael…”

  “Perhaps in Canada?” Foster offered.

  “No, that is the name of Lilith’s first lover. A fallen angel.” Thorn turned a stoic look to Foster. “I fear that Damien is no more.”

  “There goes our shot at surviving the Council.” Foster turned and headed for the exit of the tent.

  “Where are they, witch? I need the name of the city.”

  “Detroit.” Her voice sounded dry and raspy as she continued to stare into the ball. “Beware the legion. Beware the legion! They come to destroy! They will bring the world to its knees!” She screamed and collapsed on the table, the light of the crystal ebbing then dying out completely. Victoria rushed to Angelica’s side and held her up in the chair as she collapsed in place.

  Rufus stood and turned to Foster. “Prepare the plane. We go to Detroit.”


  Lilith studied the map stretched out on the wall of her lair. She tapped her foot as her eyes studied the different red circles scattered across the world. “I worry a
bout those traveling.”

  “Don’t. If they are detained for whatever reason, they are instructed to detonate there and then return here.” Samael flexed his muscles in the full-length mirror then snapped his wings out for dramatic effect.

  “Stop admiring yourself, my love. We have work still to do.” She tapped the map and turned to him. “What of the centurions working the eastern seaboard?”

  “What of them?” Samael folded his wings and stepped closer to her, wrapping his great arms around her middle. “They will begin on the east coast and work their way across the nation.”

  Lilith shook her head as he nibbled at her neck. “Won’t they increase security? Especially at the capitol?”

  “So what if they do?” Samael nipped at her ear. “Imagine, if you can,” he spread his hand before her, his mind painting an image before her, “a hundred Centurions racing toward the White House, bullets not affecting them as they rip into their human hosts. The first wave hitting the fences and blowing them apart, their shrapnel levelling anybody who is within shouting distance. The next wave rushing in, hot on their heels, getting closer and detonating nearer to the capitol, removing even more of their security. Wave after wave of suicide bombers, impervious to their weapons, wrapped in explosives with ceramic bearings capable of doing more damage than any other projectile.” He smiled as he nipped at her chin. “It will be glorious as they remove those in power in a matter of moments.”

  “What’s to keep the president from escaping in his helicopter? Or locking himself in a bunker?”

  “And if he did? We’d simply rush the machine and detonate another human body. The shrapnel would remove the flying machine from the sky.” Samael laughed as he spun her around. “You think too linearly. We will send our bombers from all directions. We won’t just be attacking from the front.”


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