No Refunds No Exchanges: A Hudson Family Series- Book 4- Matt and Ali

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No Refunds No Exchanges: A Hudson Family Series- Book 4- Matt and Ali Page 19

by Chontelle Brison

  I quickly thanked him and made my way downstairs in record time. Just as I rounded the corner of the bar, I heard Alison’s laughter. Not just laughter but straight up giggling.

  “Seriously, have you ever seen a lion mate? It’s totally gross. His p-penis has to be like a foot long, and it’s over so fast you just know the female lion didn’t have an… organism,” she drawled in a drunken slur.

  If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it.

  Alison Collins was perched on the lap of a very confused but entertained looking Irish guy. She was still wearing the gorgeous blue, silk dress with matching shoes, and earrings that I bought for her. The small clutch was still on the loop around her wrist but the shawl she had worn all day, that had covered her from the shoulders to the waist was now laying on the floor next to a chair.

  I took a minute to size up Irish guy. He had his hand on her hip, and his mouth was dangerously close to nuzzling her damn neck! What the hell? She practically jumped out of her skin every time I touched her! She gets drunk and some six foot, Irish guy with red hair and green eyes wearing a pair of jeans and shirt with a fisherman’s logo on it, comes around, and she’s all over him? Fuck that…Mine!

  I couldn’t say if it was the fact that some asshole had his hands on MY woman or the fact that she was babbling about the way animals mate in the wild that made me decide that Alison’s little avoidance adventure was over. Suddenly, I didn’t care. I strode over to the large Irish guy and just as he was about to stick those thin lips on Alison’s neck, I grabbed Alison’s hand’s from around his neck and ignored her squeak as I threw her over my shoulder and stalked back to our room. I was only vaguely aware of the asshat yelling in protest or of Mr. McKreage telling the giant that Alison was my wife. I let nothing detour me from my mission, namely to get my drunken, suddenly handsy with strangers, woman back to our suite for a conversation that was long overdue.

  “Puuuut..meeee.d-down,” Ali demanded as her stomach bounced on my shoulder.

  I didn’t stop. I didn’t answer, I did slap her ass to make her stop wiggling before I dropped her!

  “ age throwback neanderthal!” she shouted as I unlocked the door to our suite, not even stopping when her shoes fell off her feet before we crossed the threshold.

  I tossed my little drunk on the huge bed, and when she went to scramble off, I held up one hand. “Stay!” I commanded.

  “You can’t force to me stay like a dog!” she shouted the full force of her anger hitting my ears like nails on a chalkboard.

  As soon as I reached the door, I slammed it shut and bolted the door. My face must have looked thunderous because the closer I got to the bed the wider her dark eyes became.

  Just I figured she would, Alison squared her shoulders and despite the fear I saw in her eyes, she lifted her chin defiantly as she raised herself up on her knees.

  “One…I don’t think you’re a dog, I only felt that since you were so educated about animals that you would respond to an alpha command.” I told her calmly.

  Her sultry eyes glimmered like a magical summer night, and I watched as the beginnings of lust began to take hold.

  Without losing eye contact, I threw off my suit jacket. I watched Alison’s eyes dart to my fingers as I began to undo the buttons of my dress shirt. As soon I had my shirt unbuttoned I pulled it from the waist of my slacks and threw it on the floor with my jacket.Not even caring about neatness. Alison made a small gasp, and I almost groaned when her tiny pink tongue darted out of her lush mouth and moistened her bottom lip. There was no denying it, no matter what Alison Collins said, one fact was clear. The woman was as attracted to me as I was to her.

  Not wanting to lose the moment, I slowly brought my hands to the button on my pants and slipped it free, then I did my best to create as much tension as I could as I slowly unzipped my pants and let them fall to my feet. Afraid to look away for fear she’d come to her senses, I stepped out quickly and waited.

  I only had one article of clothing left, one small barrier that separated those gorgeous, obsidian eyes from seeing my body at it’s most exposed. Don’t get me wrong, I worked hard for the body I had, and women definitely appreciated it. Yet, something about Alison made it important to me that she love what I had to offer. From her flushed skin and accelerated breathing I could tell that she was barely keeping it together. Slowly, I took my thumbs and hooked them into the waistline of my blue boxers and in one fluid motion pulled them down my legs and added them to the pile of rumpled clothing on the floor.

  My cock was so hard it was practically flat against my stomach, and I wasn’t small by any standard. In fact, I had always been proud of my above average size, but now I was trying to fight the urge to frown at the thought that Alison may be frightened by it.

  Alison’s eyes were riveted to my body. I stood stock-still as her eyes roamed my naked form from head to toe and back again. After a few moments, I made my way toward the bed. Climbing on at the foot of the soft, quilted comforter, I stalked my prey just like a predator on the Serengeti plain of Africa and didn’t stop when she scrambled backward against the head post.

  Relieved that the fear I’d seen earlier had turned to lust, I grabbed her bare feet and pulled until she was flat on her back and breathing so hard she was practically panting. Covering her body with mine, I placed my elbows on either side of her head, careful not to lay my weight on her.

  “Tell me yes,” I whispered in a voice that I was sure sounded like pleading. I had never wanted a woman as badly as I wanted this one. I knew I was only moments from begging if that’s what it took.

  Two heartbeats later she placed her small hands on my cheeks and lightly drew them down to my shoulders and down my chest and then back up again. I shivered at her touch, it was like an electric spark wherever her fingers touched my skin.

  Unable to help myself, I nuzzled her neck and smiled in relief when she tilted her head to the side to give me better access. I put everything I had ever learned about seduction in each wet kiss I trailed from behind her ear lobe, across her lower jaw, down her neck to the sensitive area where her neck met her collarbone. Encouraged when she shivered then sighed, I kissed my way back up her neck and kissed the corners of her mouth, her nose and brushed her lips with mine. When I pulled back, and she followed trying to capture my lips with her own, I knew her passion was finally winning out over her fears.

  “Say yes, Alison. Tell me you’re sober enough to let me make love to you sweetheart,” I begged knowing if she were still drunk then I would have to settle for hot kisses and a terrible case of blue balls.

  Her trembling hand traced my lips, and I let my green eyes tell her how desperately I wanted her, but it had to be her call. I would never force a woman. Even though I knew with every fiber of my being that Alison wanted me, I had to show her that she could trust me. I needed her to know that I was in this for her and that whatever scars she was hiding were beautiful because they were a part of her.

  “I..I want to Matt, it’s been soo long,” she whispered, and I tugged at her bottom lip with my teeth. She gasped, and I took advantage of her parted lips and slipped my tongue inside for a swift and sweet assault of her warm, willing mouth.

  Alison sat up so fast that I almost fell back. Then I felt her hands sweep up my arms and around my neck thrusting then gripping more recently shortened locks as she pulled me closer. Letting Alison take control of the kiss she swept her tongue with mine and I reveled in her sweet taste tinged with just a bit of whiskey. Her hands became more urgent, and she dropped them to my shoulders as if she was trying to get close enough to crawl inside my skin.

  Feeling her frustration with the fact that her clothes were still between us, I ran my hands over her shoulders and back to the zipper on the back of her dress. I had just started to slowly tug the zipper down when I felt her stiffen and before I knew it, she had shoved me so hard I lost my balance and ended up on my ass…again.

  Wanting t
o roar in frustration from the mixed signals she was giving me, I jumped off the hard floor and grabbed my pants. I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t stand in this room and look at her kiss swollen lips, the flushed cheeks or her dark hair that was messed up from our make out session. She was far too tempting, and I way too aroused, and if I stood here a moment longer, I was going to say things I didn’t mean, things I knew would set back any chance I had at a relationship. Deciding that leaving was the best course of action, I yanked on my boxers and my pants and strode for the door. I didn’t give a crap if I had no shoes or shirt on, I needed out now before I exploded and if that happened I knew Alison would never speak to me again.

  I grabbed the handle of the door and went to tug, but a small hand closed over mine. Forcing myself to slow my breathing, I dropped my forehead to heavy, oak door and waited.

  “Please Matthew, don’t go,” her voice was shaky, and I was afraid to look at her for fear her dark eyes would be filled with tears.

  “I can’t Alison, I want you too much, and I don’t want you to have regrets, but I just can’t stay here with you without touching you, I’m not strong enough,” I managed to croak out. Her small hand traveled up my arm, and I felt her move behind me and wrap her arms around my naked waist and lay her head on my back. I sucked in a shaky breath when she unlocked her hands from my waist and placed them on the undone button of my slacks. She felt her way to my zipper and me almost embarrassed myself like a teenager necking in the back of his daddy’s Chevy when her hands pulled the zip down and then shoved my pants around my ankles. I let her turn me around to face her, and I studied her face for any signs of hesitancy.

  “I want you Matt, but I’m not ready to share my scars with you,” she told me as she gently played with the waistband of my boxers.

  I rubbed her shoulders and then took one finger and tilted her head back so that I could see her eyes. I wanted her to see the sincerity in my expression when I spoke next, “Let me show you how much your scars don’t matter Alison, let me make love to you.” I kissed her with every bit of passion I had, I let the kiss say the things I was too afraid to admit, even to myself.

  When she finally broke the kiss we were both trembling, and I could see this was as hard for her as it was for me. Come on baby, take a chance. Let me love you.

  Whoa? Love? When had that four letter word snuck in? Shit, I was all for opening myself up to a relationship that wasn’t perfect, but love?

  “It’s just that you’re so hot, gorgeous even. I’m not Matt, I’m not that perfect woman you want in your dream. Far from it, I’m scarred and flawed in more ways than I can count, and I don’t know why you want me. Frankly, I don’t care. You’re the hottest guy I’ve ever known, you make my panties wet just back walking into the room…but I haven’t shown my scars in a long time Matt, it didn’t go so well last time.” She whispered as she burrowed her head into my chest as if she was trying to get away from a memory that was too painful.

  I stroked her hair and silently walked her backward to the bed. Once there I lifted her so that she sitting with her legs dangling off the edge. Using my hands on her knees, I gently pushed her legs apart so that I could wedge myself between her thighs. With the dim lighting in the room from the one lamp that was switched on, I watched her eyelids grow heavy with lust as she focused on my chest in front of her.

  “I know I told you I wanted this perfect, idyllic love or nothing at all.” I lifted her face so that she couldn’t look away. “But I got some excellent advice on the plane ride here. Both my brothers didn’t have it easy when it came to getting the women they loved, and neither of them has a perfect relationship that is devoid of drama or pain.” I felt Alison attempt to tip her head down out of my grasp.

  Cupping her flushed face with my hands, I continued. “My family was right Alison, I had just been afraid that if I let myself love someone that I would get hurt. I don’t want a boring life of perfection.” I told her in a steady voice.

  “You don’t?” she squeaked as she searched my face to see if I was telling the truth.

  I kissed her cute button nose and softly pressed my lips to hers. “No, I want messy,” I kissed her again. “I want to it to be complicated,” I whispered as I gave her a scorching kiss. “I want you Alison Collins, and I’m prepared to fight you, your fears, your insecurities and anything else you throw at me. I’ll take you any way I can have you.” I told her honestly as I tried to keep my thumping heart from beating out of my chest.

  I had never been as candid with a woman about my feelings as I had just been with Alison. I was standing here, practically naked with my heart on my bare arm just hoping she wasn’t about to crush me.

  “Any way you can have me?” she whispered.

  I nodded earnestly and waited to see what she would say. “I want you too, but can we go at my pace?” she asked.

  “What’s your pace?” I needed to know. If her pace involved my not being inside her in the next few minutes, I was going to have to excuse myself to the bathroom and take care of me myself before I really embarrassed myself.

  “Lights off, me on top…um you can’t touch me below my breasts okay?” she looked at me with such a fear of rejection in those smoldering eyes that I wanted to grab her and hold her until she wasn’t afraid anymore. Which is what I would’ve done if I hadn’t been so desperate to get any part of me on or in Alison Collins. She yelped in surprise when I lifted her and tossed her toward the top of the bed near the headboard. I gave her the answer to her question by pulling off my boxers and turning off the nightstand light, throwing the room into such darkness that I almost couldn’t see my hand in front of my face.

  I put my knee on the bed to crawl towards her but stopped when I heard the sound up a zipper being lowered. Then smiled when I was suddenly smacked in the face with a blue silk dress, followed by a lacy bra and …dear god help me…a blue thong. Christ, even sight unseen, this woman drives me nuts!

  She giggled when I growled as I crawled toward her on the bed, stopping to give myself a moment to make sure I didn’t lose my mind and break her rules. I wanted my hands on Alison, all over her body, not just the areas she had confined me to. I wanted to taste that heat that I knew had to be dripping with sweet juices between her legs, but I promised myself I would taste her later. Right now, I wanted to make her comfortable, I wanted her to fall apart as her sweet heat clenched around my cock in spasms.

  I reached out to reach behind her neck but found myself flipped flat on my back in a move that I was sure came from watching too much World Wrestling Federation on Saturday mornings.

  Before I could even recover my surprise, her hot mouth was dropping kisses all over my face and down my chest. I pulled her back up and ravaged her mouth with my tongue, I wanted to take her breath away, I wanted her as frenzied as I was.

  Alison broke the kiss before I could stop her and began kissing my chest and rubbing her hands over my hands and my thighs. I could help the sharp intake of air as she nudged my erection with her nose and planted featherlike kissed on my belly button as she blazed a trail back down to eager cock.

  It was when I felt her hot tongue dart out and lick the pearl of pre-cum that had formed at the tip of my cock that I groaned and fell back against the pillows. I was hanging on by a thread. Me! The master of seduction! I’d had sex with a lot of women and had enjoyed them all but never had I almost came with the sheer anticipation of having sex, never had I been wound so tight that the idea of having any kind of control was nothing more than a funny joke.

  “Alison, I won’t last sixty seconds if you don’t have mercy on me, baby,” I growled as her tongue laved my cock from base to tip. Hearing her sigh as she reached the tip was almost my undoing and I practically wept when I felt her climbing onto my thighs I placed my hands on her hips without thinking. I felt her tense and quickly moved my hands behind my head to show her that I respected her limits.

  “Sorry, Ali I just want to make sure you’re ready for me, doll. I want you
so bad that I don’t think I can go slow the first time,” I whispered as she guided my cock to her dripping entrance. My fear that Ali wasn’t primed enough to go forward was gone as her wet pussy slid down the length of my cock, filling her to the hilt. I gritted my teeth as I waited for her to adjust to my size.

  “Oh, God Matt. I..I can’t… you’re too big. I feel too full,” she panted.

  “Let me help you, Ali, please baby. I just need to put my hands on your hips, trust me…just your hips.” I whispered thickly. If she climbed off me now, I wasn’t sure I’d survive. Her sheath felt like heaven, and I wasn’t anxious to leave it. I had helped women adjust to my size before, I just needed her to trust me a little.

  After a moment of tense silence, she whispered, “Okay Matt, just my hips. Help me, I don’t know what to do!” she confessed as I placed my hands tentatively on her hips waiting to see if she would stop me or not.

  When she didn’t protest, I rocked her hips forward as I leaned up and captured her lips in a hot kiss. She stiffened for a split second and then melted into my mouth. Her nails dug into my shoulders, and I rocked her hips forward again and again until I found a quick rhythm that was making both of us pant.

  “Oh god, oh god..don’t stop, Matthew!” she begged. Totally unnecessarily of course, because I couldn’t stop now if I a freight train crashed through the wall. Feeling her shoot toward her climax I grabbed one of her tightly beaded nipples into my mouth and bit down just enough to make her cry out then quickly sucked the pink areola deep into my mouth and then switched and sucked the other breast.

  Lost in her climb towards release, I felt Ali raise herself up and slam down harder and faster than my previous pace had been with my hands on her hips. Now that she had her own rhythm I let my hands explore her breasts, and when she was close to climaxing, I grabbed her hips and thrust up every time I rocked her hips forward, hitting her g-spot with such force that she began to scream.


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