Sentinels of the Cosmos Trilogy

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Sentinels of the Cosmos Trilogy Page 17

by John Anderson

  Sam smiles at Charles "You really don't know who or what he is, do you?"

  Charles responds "Oh, I know."

  Sam smiles again, "Remember, Charles, man's greatest disease is ‘knowing.’"

  Charles jumps up and slams Sam across the face. "Feel better" Sam exclaims wiping the dripping blood from his lip and continues; "You don't know anything about Chase and Ally either."

  "What do you mean?" Charles probes.

  "I mean they are made from Beneizen. If you lock yourself in a synthetic body, your chance for evolution is gone, and you will never be able to get out." Sam tries reasoning with Charles.

  "You know Sam I loved Doris. I really did, but she was my ‘cat’s paw,’ entre to all this technology. I always wanted progress. So now Sam you're going to give me what I want. Where is it?" Charles asks. "OK I'll take you." Sam says.

  "Where is it?"

  "Close by," Sam smiles.

  Chase, Ally and Juan are sitting in a coffee shop drinking espresso. “The problem is they can track us,” Chase says. They always know where we are and can detect us anywhere. I was checking the manual and we have a GPS transmitter that we can’t shut down, and I don’t even know if there is a way to control it or turn it off. If we find Beneizen and go to him as we are we’ll lead them right to him.”

  “Then why don’t they just take us right now?” Juan asks.

  “Because they want us to lead them to Beneizen, they think I know his location,” Chase replies.

  Ally interrupts, saying, “We can't just cut it out, that would kill us. It's a kind of booby trap but I’ve been studying our manual and it says our transmitters are sensitive to certain frequencies of vibration. I think if we placed a second transmitter over the first one we might be able to block out or neutralize our transmissions.”

  “Yes but how could we be sure it was working? Chase says.

  “We’ll have to test it,” Ally answers.

  Juan says, “I’m coming with you.”

  “No Juan, terrible things are going to happen. I have a direct connection with the EOJ computer. According to EOJ directives, they plan on killing millions of people to help reduce world population. They plan on doing a test in New York City. They set up two zip codes as the test area one in Brooklyn and the other in the Bronx. Everyone or a high percentage of the people in both of those zip codes will die. Your family lives in one of those zip codes. You must stop them. The FBI is their only hope.” Chase explains. “I can’t go back to the Bureau, they’ll put me jail. I just smashed two FBI agents in the head with a statue,” Juan explains.

  “I’ll take care of that.” Chase picks up Juan over his head and throws him twenty feet into the wall. He goes over to Juan again and throws him another twenty feet through the glass window of the Starbucks and says loudly, "Juan, you were forced to cooperate with us and you tried to arrest us but we resisted, you were a hostage!"

  “Damn it Chase, I haven’t finished my espresso,” Ally complains.

  Chase smiles and hands her his, saying, “Take mine, and let’s get out of here.”

  Ally and Chase run out of the Starbucks with her holding Chase’s cup of coffee without spilling a drop. “Thanks,” she says, “we need to find a Home Depot.” Chase says, “Why, you’re a walking Home Depot?” Juan slowly gets up from the sidewalk helped by a few bystanders. He looks at his wounds, shakes off the broken glass and as the police arrive Juan thinks to himself, "Well I'll give it to you Chase. You threw me just the right way not to hurt me but I look like hell."

  The police ask Juan numerous questions and then Trip arrives in a black SUV and takes Juan away without a word.

  Two hours later Chase and Ally are in in room 208 at the Washington International Airport Days Inn. She sits cross legged in the middle of the bed and empties her Home Depot bags. “Do you know what we’re doing; do you want to see something cool?” Chase asks.

  Ally ignores him and he says, “I seem to have some kind of program for this. It’s interesting having two brains; one brain reasons things out and is able to see all the possible future results of actions and the other brain is simply a super digital computer and storage device. It’s so helpful when I’m not confused. I have the result in mind and everything becomes the servant of the best way to achieve that result.

  Then Chase, with complete surprise says, but explain this;” as his hand transforms into an I-pod, then into a spoon and then into a computer. He then takes his hand pushes it through the bed to the floor.”

  Ali looks on in astonishment and asks, “How did you do that?”

  Chase just smiles "It's truly mind over matter. Everything in the universe is made up of vibrations.” They work together for several hours and Chase went out twice more for various supplies and turned his hands into various tools as they were needed to help Ally. Late in the evening she had created two neck bands. They looked very similar to chokers but each had a small black case attached that rested neatly at the top of the spine. “This should work” Ally said and continued, “here put this on.”

  "I'm not going to need it. I now understand how they track us. Each Guard is tuned to and vibrates a precise frequency; we are synthetics so there is a consistency to our emanations. If we use our second brain to program a chaotic human vibration it will change our ‘signatures.’” Chase explains.

  Ally smiles, saying, "Well, I had already figured that out; these necklaces send out a scrambled, mechanical human type signal without us having to unbalance ourselves for no reason. You think you’re such a smarty pants.”

  Chase smiles and kisses Ally then puts the device around his neck and says, “This is going to look very strange on me.”

  “You know someone implanted us with our personalities, they’re very egotistical and useless, since they only exist in a human’s imagination.” Ally says.

  “Personality or no personality, I look like a male stripper with this necklace thing. Personality is a good servant just a lousy master,” Chase complains. “I think you look cute,” Ally smiles.

  “Thanks, I’ve always wanted to be cute to someone,” Chase says.

  She puts it around his neck, gives him a kiss on the cheek and says, “Now try and contact my processor.” Ally says,” are you trying?”


  “Fantastic, I don’t know how long this will block their ability to pick up our signal, but it will give us some time. I wouldn’t turn it on until we leave because they’re also probably going to try and follow us,” Ally says.

  “I don’t think so! They’re too confident to do that.” “I hope you’re right,” Ally says.

  “I think we should go shopping.”

  “Where is all this money coming from?” Ally asks. “Sam deposited a lot of money in a bank account for us. I don’t need a card, just the account and pin number,” replies Chase.

  “As soon as you use that account they’re going to close the account,” Ali says.

  “Why, it’s under the name Manord G. Grebes?” “Oh, who was Manord G. Grebes? “Ally asks. “I’ll tell you on the plane, but I’m going to take out a lot of cash this time.”

  “You know Chase, I think they gave me a shopping gene, I love to spend money and shop,” Ally says. “No, Ally, all females have the shopping gene no matter what planet they’re from,” jokes Chase. “What and men don’t; give me a break.” Ally retorts.

  Chapter 41 Charles had decided to have a dinner party for Senators Lee and Bennett and Ivan was there to fill out the table. He decided to use the large dining room at his house. It was a hollow scene; simply medieval in feeling; Charles at the end of a long table with vaulted high ceilings, and only three other people crowded down at the end of the table. Charles is dressed like an English lord complete with a long paisley cravat. Two Guards were acting as waiters. On one wall is an enormous Gobelin tapestry and on the other a collection of very old American landscapes. The room had been designed as a banquet hall for large, very lavish parties. Both of the Guards were
attractive blond women, dressed very formally. Charles opens, “When my wife Doris was alive, she made me buy this place. She loved to entertain, and then we were only able to use this banquet hall once before she was diagnosed with cancer. I haven’t been in here since she passed. Generally I eat in the servants’ quarters, but I thought we should meet someplace more formal. I also wanted you to see a few things. But first let me make a toast, a toast to the future of EOJ.” Charles raises his glass and they all drink. Senators Lee and Bennett look at each other, but go ahead with the toast anyway.

  “Where did you get those beautiful tapestries, Charles?” Kathryn asks.

  Charles is silent.

  “You miss your wife don’t you?” Kathryn asks. “You have no idea, I worshiped my Doris, and she was everything I’m not. You know when you have that kind of balance in your life and you lose it, it’s very hard to right yourself again.”

  “I’m sorry for your loss,” Kathryn offers.

  Senator Lee has been listening quietly. He is obviously still very upset, he almost appears frightened as he says, “So, Charles, now what is the future of EOJ? We seem to have lost both Sam and Beneizen. The FBI knows of our existence. The press could be tipped off any time by our two runaway Guards. Do we have a future: do we have any careers left at all?”

  Charles sniffs the wine and says, “Oh most certainly, Robert, we have a great future, we have more than a future; Sam is alive and Chase and Ally will lead us to Beneizen, Life is looking rosy again.”

  "Really" Kathryn responds in surprise, "We saw him shot."

  "Oh, that’s just a blip, as Sam seems to have nine lives, and he is ready to show me the latest technology that will change all of our lives. Money, lots of money for all; who ever heard of a senator leaving office who isn’t rich. All joking aside we have a responsibility.”

  “What responsibility would that be, we’re killing people, and you even tried to kill Sam,” Senator Lee responds.

  “That was one of the things I wanted to address. I’m really sorry about that. Sam is one of my closest friends but you can’t have someone who claims to be part of the team keeping secrets, can you? But now he's seen the light and is opening up his heart to benefit us all,” Charles explains.

  “Killing is murder Charles, it’s still against the law,” Robert says.

  “But should it be? I mean, don’t we have the right to kill people who take away our future, our freedoms. Do you know what Sam could have destroyed? The possibility for all of us to live another 100 years or more; the genetic advances from the work that he discovered through the equipment and auspices of EOJ could add 100 years or more to each of our lives, think about that,” Charles said.

  “Charles” Kathryn interrupts, “Both Robert and I think we should shut down EOJ altogether, at least for the time being. It’s time to shut down the Guards program, shut down the research. Let’s wait a couple of years and then start over with the whole project anew, Charles it’s time, really.”

  Charles sits glumly in his chair and replies, “I suppose you may be right, but first let me show you something. If, after showing you what I have here you still want to shut down EOJ, I will comply with your wishes, agreed?”

  Robert and Kathryn look at each other and said, in concert, “Agreed!”

  “I was going to do this after dinner, but let’s do it now, and have the feast later,” said Charles as he led them through the old country kitchen down the stairs into the basement and ultimately into his vault. Robert and Kathryn are feeling very uncomfortable. When they get to the vault and see Charles unlocking it Robert protests, “Where are you taking us Charles?”

  “Oh, I suppose this looks a little strange. This is the office I added after we bought this place. It really helps me concentrate on my work.”

  Robert and Kathryn are still very uncomfortable as Charles opens the vault and ushers them into the room. They look around and see the small unmade bed, the large computer station in the middle of the room and a stand with a flat map of the world with various color flags placed around in various countries. “As you can see I’ve been very busy. It’s been a sad and lonely time but a very creative period for me. I’m glad I can finally share my results with all of you.” “What is this Charles?” Kathryn asks.

  “It’s a map, very old fashion but it has a hands-on feel to it, a topographical map of the world to be exact,” Charles says.

  “What do the little colored flags represent?” Kathryn asks.

  “Those are countries in which we have succeeded placing Guards as heads of state or in important key positions of power.”

  “And who controls these Guards?” Robert asks. “We do, I mean EOJ, actually me specifically but only for right now. I need both of you to share the responsibility with the rest of our committee. It’s getting to be quite a chore coordinating world events and I’ve always preferred working as a member of a team,” Charles says.

  “So it’s true, the president is a Guard?” Kathryn asks. “Yes, but I think you Kathryn should take over that one. The model I’ve created is not doing a very good job, he’s a rich Republican who has family values,” Charles says with a smile.

  “You see, we are now able to help create a world that has a future. We need to create efficiency in our infrastructure, reduce the use of everything that is in limited supply on the earth. You know my Doris was a really great environmentalist and I’m just trying to carry out her vision to make it a reality. It’s not my vision; it’s a tribute to my beloved Doris.”

  “Charles I think this has gotten out of hand,” Robert says.

  “It is, just a little, that’s why I need your help. I’ve reached the point where I can’t juggle all these balls anymore. I’ve reached my own personal Peter Principle, I need the two of you to step up to the plate,” Charles says with feeling.

  “I see; what did you have in mind?” Robert says, unable to mask his horror.

  “That’s the spirit. I want Kathryn to head up EOJ; just take over the research, the Guards, everything, and you Robert I want to take care of all the programming and management of the Guards worldwide,” Charles informs him.

  “And what are you going to do Charles?” Robert asks.

  “I’m going to contemplate the big picture. I’ve always wanted more time alone, down here, to really think. What I bring to the table is between my ears,” Charles boasts.

  Kathryn thinks, "And what is that, shit?" Meanwhile Robert’s terror increases at Charles’ calm demeanor. They glance at each other and back at Charles and Senator Lee says, “I don’t know if I’m speaking for Kathryn, but I think we need a little time to digest what you’ve brought here. You know Charles, we’re both senators with a full time work load doing the business for own constituents, just as you are as Speaker of the House and a congressman representing your district and we don’t have time for this kind of responsibility,” Roberts says.

  “It’s a really wonderful offer,” says Kathryn and continues, “But I think we both need time to absorb what you’re offering, to think about it for a few days.”

  Robert chimes in, saying, “And we also need to discuss bringing in someone to replace Burnside, that would reduce the workload for us all.”

  “Of course, take a week!” Charles pauses. ”I’ve been a terrible host, come, let’s have dinner,” Charles says. “Charles I’ve actually got to get home, it's getting late,” Kathryn says.

  “Me too,” says Robert.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I guess I just went on and on. If Doris were here she would have you eating out of her hand,” Charles says sadly and leads them up the dark stairs through the kitchen and down the long hallway to the front door.

  Charles and Ivan stand on the stairs of the front porch watching as the limo carrying Kathryn and Robert passes through the gates of the property. Ivan who has been silent this entire time asks, “Do you want to kill them or do you want me to?”

  “I’ll do it; we need a touch of delicacy when dealing with United S
tates Senators. If it came back to you there could be an international incident. I have to tell you Ivan, I’m very disappointed; I had great expectations for the two of them. I just don’t know where I’m going to get the help I need,” Charles says. “I can help,” Ivan says.

  “I know you can, but you have to carry out the directives you already have. How are we doing on the Manhattan project?” replies Charles.

  “Good, envelopes go out in less than week to exactly where we wanted.”

  “Excellent! And thank you Ivan, for the remarkable job you’re doing, I know how hard it is to get good help.”

  Ivan beams with pride. He craved compliments, and recognition from Charles is what he lived for. Deep in his vault Charles sits in front of his computer scanning a number of monitors. He sees what’s going on through the eyes of the Guard driving Kathryn and Robert home. He listens to their conversation. “Charles is insane,” Robert says.

  “I’m afraid you’re right, what are we going to do?” Kathryn says.

  “We have to go to the FBI. They know about us anyway, they’re our only hope,” Robert says. Charles frowns as he looks at the monitor and says to the screen, “No Robert you’re wrong, you have no hope, no hope at all.”

  Charles changes modes and issues instructions relating to various monitors and he watches with glee the monitor in the limo carrying the two U.S. senators as it shows the Guard driving effortlessly off a cliff, sending the car 1,200 feet down to its doom. Charles watched the limo approaching the ground in slow motion, and the screen turns suddenly to snow. And then he watches it again and again trying to understand what Robert and Kathryn might have been thinking just before they died.

  “Well! That cost us a perfectly good Guard and a limousine but I have more important things to do than watch this.” Charles felt a slight pain in his chest. He could never tell if it was really his heart or the beginning of another panic attack that set off his asthma. He looks at the framed photo of Doris next to his computer and thinks, “Why did you have to go and die, you bitch, look what you’ve left me with. I have the whole world on my shoulders; it’s your fault, my sweet Jezebel.” Charles takes the photo and throws it against the wall breaking it into hundreds of pieces. He starts to sob. Changing his mind he jumps up and starts picking up the pieces. He finds the photo and falls back into his chair clutching it to his chest. Charles rocks back and forth in his large swivel chair. He starts to remember a happier time. He remembers Doris as a beautiful young woman. He remembers them together at a retreat with Beneizen at his country home in the Blue Mountains of North Carolina. A group of them are all sitting on the ground crosslegged in a restful pose asking questions of Beneizen. He remembers saying, "When I look inside myself I see only darkness."


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