The Best Thing Yet

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The Best Thing Yet Page 4

by McKenna Jeffries

  Ten minutes before midnight he got off the elevator and strode to where the buffet was going to be. Rounding a corner, he smiled as his gaze landed on Arissa. Her dark shirt and faded jeans looked amazing on her, and he could see bare toes peeking out. The warm breeze moved through her short hair, ruffling the strands.

  Like she had a sixth sense, she turned her head towards him and a beautiful smile graced her features. She adjusted her stance so she was propped against the railing, he watched her gaze remain steady upon him as he closed the remainder of the distance between them.

  “Ready?” he asked, stopping before her.

  “I’m always ready for chocolate.” She ran her hand down his arm and laced their fingers before tugging on him. “Let’s go.”

  “Worried it’s all gonna be gone?” Deiter almost choked with laughter at the ‘hell yeah’ expression on her face. Holding up his free hand he said, “Okay, okay. I’m right behind you.”

  The words had barely left him when she turned again and began pulling him towards the door. Glancing up at the star-studded sky, Deiter smiled, thanked God, and gave himself over to the joy Arissa exuded.

  He’d never seen so much chocolate in his life. There were landmarks, animals, amazing geometric designs and so much more. And Arissa seemed to be in heaven. She moved nimbly through the increasingly packed room and just when he figured he’d totally lost her, she appeared before him, eyes sparkling with elation. In her hands she held two plates.

  “Brought you some things. Wasn’t sure what you wanted though. Hope it’s all good.”

  “I’m sure it is. Where do you want to go?”

  “Doesn’t matter, let’s just grab some seats.”

  For the next few hours, they ate and talked with other people on the ship. It was one of the best times Deiter had had in a long while. Happy and full, they walked together back to his room and climbed into bed where they made love before exhaustion finally took over.

  * * * *

  In the morning, Deiter was alone when he woke. There was no note, no nothing from her.

  “Damn it. Why didn’t she wake me?”

  She’s not your girlfriend, his brain reminded him.

  A very sobering thought. After a shower and getting dressed, he headed down to where he and Arissa usually sat. His heart lightened when he saw her on a lounge, only to sink when he noticed she was talking to a man. One who looked familiar.

  The man from the restaurant last night.

  “Arissa,” he said as he strode up.

  Arissa laughed at something the man in the next chair had said. When she heard Deiter behind her, she turned and was struck by the fire raging in his eyes. He’s jealous. The problem was she didn’t know if she wanted to think about his reaction to that. Living for the moment had been going along so well. His black shorts with a red stripe down the sides worked great with his white shirt.

  “Hey, Deiter.” She held her hand out towards him. “I’d like for you to meet Timothy—”

  “Tim,” the man interjected.

  She dipped her head in understanding. “Tim Vastin.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Deiter said reaching around her to offer his hand. “Am I interrupting anything?”

  Arissa could hear the hard edge to Deiter’s tone. She watched them shake hands before Deiter settled next to her on the lounge. Didn’t even give us a second to answer that question.

  “No,” Tim answered. “I was just thanking her for saving my life. And then I learnt we live in the same city and are on the same flight home.”

  Deiter looked at her and Arissa swallowed at the tic he had in his jaw. “Is that so?” he asked.

  “Yes,” Arissa answered. “So we’ve been talking about our familiar watering holes.”

  “Nice,” Deiter answered. He got to his feet. “I’m going to get a drink. Can I get you two anything?”

  “I’m good,” Tim said.

  “Me too, but thanks.” Arissa watched as Deiter walked away. Part of her wanted to call him back, but she let him go, putting her attention back on the man across from her.

  Unbidden her mind began to compare the two men. Both were tall, but Deiter was much more muscular than Tim. Blond-brown hair compared to jet black. Deiter’s lips were much more attractive, he had a firm kissable bow-shaped mouth, not a thin line. Both men had very nice smiles though. And where Deiter was clean-shaven, Tim had a goatee. Even their eyes were different. A stormy blend of blues and greys made up her German’s gaze, while Tim’s was a vibrant, almost piercing blue. What makes him mine?

  As she sat across from the good-looking man with the blue eyes, she stared in the direction Deiter had gone off in. She didn’t have to look far—he was against a bar beside the pool. Watching her.

  She could hear Tim still talking so she smiled at Deiter and put, albeit reluctantly, her attention back on the man chatting. Throughout the conversation she sneaked peeks over to where Deiter still remained. Near the bar with a drink in his hand. His gaze continually on her.

  “He your boyfriend?” Tim questioned.

  “Deiter? No. Just a good friend.”


  Her brow furrowed. “Good?” She looked at him and frowned.

  Tim stood and leaned over until his mouth was beside her ear. “Yes. That means I have a clear field in pursuing you. Thanks for not letting me die.” He pressed a light kiss to her cheek before walking off.

  She touched the spot where Tim had kissed her as her eyes drifted back to where Deiter had been. He was gone. Getting to her feet, she craned her neck and tried to find him. Her heart sank when she found his retreating form. There was a stiffness about him she’d not seen before.

  With a groan she sank back down on the lounge. What am I supposed to do now? Arissa sat there for another hour attempting to read a crime novel. When she realised it wasn’t working, she returned it to her navy blue beach tote. After shoving her feet into her flip-flops, she got to her feet and headed for the elevator. Once she’d arrived at the desired floor she went down the hall then knocked on the door of the suite and held her breath as the handle turned. The door swung on silent hinges and left her facing a sombre man.

  “Hi,” she said calmer than she felt. “Mind if I come in?”

  He stepped back so she had enough room to enter. She passed him then turned and watched him lean against the door, crossing powerful arms over his chest. His legs were braced apart and he remained quiet. Blue-grey eyes stared at her from beneath dark blondish-brown lashes.

  Chapter Four

  At his silence, Arissa rethought even being there.

  “You know what, I think this was a mistake.” She walked towards him as she spoke.

  “What do you mean?” Deiter narrowed his eyes.

  “This. All of it.” She gestured between them. “There is no place we can really go with this anyway. It’s just a vacation fling.”

  “Is that all you think we are. A fling?” Deiter spat out.

  He stepped closer to meet her, stilling her forward momentum. Arissa studied the fierceness on his face and in his gaze. She lowered her own, not able to face what she saw there. Deiter’s blunt fingers went under her chin, raising her face to his.

  “This is more than a fling. Are you willing after the cruise is done to give us a chance? We might live in different parts of the country but I want more than a passing booty call. Say you are feeling the same way that I am.” His expression was as sure and fierce as his tone.

  Arissa pulled away, turning from him. She took a breath. There was no way in such a short time they could have become so close. Talking about going beyond the cruise. Her mind filled with all the moments they’d shared. Raising a shaking hand, she pushed her hair behind her ear. She felt his heat before he pressed against her. Arissa stilled a shudder. Just the feel of his large frame beside her made her lose all sense, yet her gut told her there was more to it than that. Sighing, she gave in to the inevitable. She reached into her tote and found her cardholder a
nd a pen. After taking out a business card, she scribbled on the back then turned in his arms.

  “I want there to be more. I’m willing to see if there is. Here is my home phone and email.” She pressed the card into his hand.

  Deiter closed his fingers around it. With his other hand, he cupped her cheek then kissed her fiercely. Arissa moaned and leaned into him returning the kiss. When he pulled back, a small smile curled his lips.

  “You’re going to be a handful,” Deiter said.

  “Definitely.” Arissa laughed.

  “Handfuls are my speciality.” He winked.

  “Do tell.” Arissa wound her arms around his neck.

  “In a moment. Let me get you my info, too.” He kissed her gently then disentangled himself from her embrace.

  With rapid strides, he went to the table by the bed and leaned over. Arissa followed him, humming at the view of his spectacular ass. She moved her hand along the firm flesh and squeezed. Deiter looked over his shoulder.

  “We have time. Give it to me later. For now I want this.” Arissa turned him to face her taking the card out of his hand and placing it on the table. She manoeuvred him then pushed him back so Deiter fell onto the bed. He braced on his elbows and watched her. Arissa quickly divested herself of her clothing before she reached for him. She stripped him before straddling him. Deiter gripped her waist to steady her. Leaning down, she licked along his lips. He opened, giving her access and she slid her tongue into his mouth to duel with his. Arissa moaned at his taste. There was just something about it she couldn’t place. Letting it go for now, she enjoyed the kiss.

  With a moan, she rubbed along his heated naked flesh. Deiter cupped her ass guiding her motions. His hard shaft teased her slit. She released him from the kiss, shifted then sighed as he pressed right to her clit. Rolling her hips she groaned at the delicious friction. Deiter’s harsh exhalation joined hers. Arissa moved forward, intent on having him.

  “Condom.” His raw, husky voice stilled her.

  Arissa came to her senses, shocked at what she had been about to do. She had never forgotten something so important. Biting her lip, she pulled away and reached into the bedside table for protection. She put it on him then repositioned herself over him. Deiter squeezed her waist and Arissa met his gaze.

  “When we get back to terra-firma we’ll both get tested? That way when we come to see each other we can go without them.” He leaned up close to her lips. “I want to feel you around me.”

  Arissa nodded mutely. She shifted and sank down onto his hard erection. Deiter bit back a moan then repositioned his hands to cup her butt. She rocked with him, murmuring. In seconds she was moving urgently against him. Deiter clenched her ass in time with her thrusts. His head thrashed on the bed while he muttered in a language she didn’t recognise. He rolled his head back. The muscles of his neck stood out in sharp relief.

  She rubbed her nipples as she moved on him. Each downward motion of her hips made his cock rub her inner walls, driving her into frenzy. Plucking at her aching buds, Arissa whimpered as she increased her movements. She moaned, squeezing her throbbing nipples. Deiter murmured as she took him. The base of her belly tightened then pleasure overcame her. Arissa shuddered, coming, then flopped beside him and shivered.

  Deiter held her firmly whispering against the side of her face. She couldn’t distinguish what he was saying. He rolled them over so she lay under him. Arissa glanced at him, startled as he stroked into her. Her lids fluttered closed as his hard length ploughed deep. With slow, measured thrusts, Deiter plunged into her pussy.

  “Look at me,” he demanded softly.

  Arissa blinked. Deiter smiled tenderly as he continued to move. She moaned. The contrast of him taking her like she was precious to him was her undoing. The motions of their joined bodies seemed to be in time with her pulse. A slow, steady throb, with a skip as he deepened his thrusts. She could feel the difference from their previous couplings—while they all had been intense and heated they’d not included anything except getting off.

  This encounter had all that, as well as the emotions of something deeper. Arissa’s breath caught as she wondered if they could actually have something more. Being on a cruise in such close quarters had led to an instant connection but what would happen in the real world.

  Do you want more with him?

  Without hesitation she knew she did. Arissa gripped his shoulders. Deiter’s hot skin flexed under her palms. He began again to speak in another language. She held on for the ride.

  Deiter moved deeper into Arissa’s wetness. He placed his arms beside her head, caging her beneath him. He couldn’t stop the words flowing from him in his native tongue. They poured so fast from him he didn’t even know what he was saying. Yet he knew it was all the emotions he had been holding back since he’d met this amazing woman. Arissa Wright was all he could ever want and he was not about to let her go. He had planned to broach the subject of after the cruise later, but seeing that man next to her had made him feel something he never had before—jealousy. Arissa coming after him pleased him but her words had made him realise he needed to let his intentions be known. The fact Arissa had accepted his words and gave him her contact information was a gift he would not forget.

  He stroked slowly into her. The hitch of her breath made a fierce pleasure fill him. Her loveliness only increased each time he was with her. Seeing her spread out below him, he vowed no other man would have her. Arissa was his. For the rest of the cruise and when they parted, he would show her they were meant to be together. He leaned over and kissed her.

  She dug her fingers into his shoulders. The clench of her pussy around his cock drove him on. With a jerking motion of his hips, he revelled in her wetness. Inhaling deep, he took in their combined scent. Arissa’s was exotic and captivating. Arissa tightened her legs around him as she came. Groaning, Deiter increased his thrusts. His sac drew tight then his seed pulsed out. Arissa moaned, arching as her second orgasm joined his.

  How would it be without condoms? At the thought, he slid his hands behind her head, raising her slightly, and kissed her hungrily. Arissa whimpered and returned his fervour with her own. His thrusts slowed as his release ebbed. Her vibrations squeezed his erection.

  Once they had calmed and he’d disposed of the protection, he pulled her to his side, cuddling her. He kissed her forehead. Arissa’s hand rested over his chest while her breath feathered the side of his neck. She moved her fingers lazily against his chest. Deiter breathed, enjoying just being with her. Her touch stilled then her breathing deepened. Closing his eyes, he went to sleep.

  * * * *

  “Come on, I don’t want to miss the class,” Arissa said.

  Deiter let her drag him as she rushed. He stifled a smile. Her enthusiasm was sexy. “I’m not the one who jumped the other after our shower,” he pointed out.

  Arissa stopped just before the door. “You enjoyed it.” She turned to him with an impish grin on her face. She raised her head back and Deiter leant down and kissed her. He deepened it as Arissa gripped his waist.

  She withdrew, shaking her head. “Uh, uh. You’re not making me miss this class. Come on.”

  Arissa pulled the door open and motioned him in. Deiter pouted and went. A hand smoothed over his ass. He glanced back at Arissa.

  “Later.” She winked.

  “Definitely,” he said.

  Arissa laced her fingers with his and pulled him along beside her to an empty table. The room was filled with lots of people, the noise level and excitement could be heard.

  “Are you ready to make some yummy creations?” A feminine voice cut through the noise.

  Deiter brought his attention to the instructor as she explained what they were going to do. People were focused on her, listening with rapt attention. Deiter glanced at Arissa. She had an intent look on her face. He returned to the instructor and listened.

  “Now come on up and take a sheet for what you want to make. Then go back to your table and just go with it
and have fun. I’ll be coming around to help each of you with what you need,” the instructor said.

  “Stay here. I know what we’re going to make.” Arissa headed to the front of the room before he could reply.

  His eyes narrowed as he spotted the man from the pool. He tried to remember his name. “Tim,” Deiter said softly.

  Tim laughed and joked with Arissa, but they were too far away for him to hear. Arissa shook her head then gestured in Deiter’s direction. Tim glanced over and smiled thinly. Deiter stifled a smirk as Arissa walked back to their table. He looked away and noted Tim watched her as she walked. Tim met his gaze again and grinned then turned, going back to his table across the room. Deiter pulled Arissa against his side when she reached their table.

  “Don’t think I didn’t see the death glares you were shooting at Tim. He’s a nice man. And just for reference, I’m a one-man woman. I don’t do the possessive crap.” Arissa looked exasperated.

  Deiter sighed. “I don’t know what is wrong with me. I don’t usually act this way.” He grinned sheepishly, partially lowering his lids over his eyes.

  Arissa snorted. “Don’t try that innocent look on me.”

  “Is it working?” he murmured against the side of her face.

  “No.” She breathed out.

  “How about now?” He kissed the tip of her ear.

  Arissa shivered, then said in a husky voice, “Maybe.” She cleared her throat. “Stop that. Let’s get to work.”

  She pushed out of his arms and put down the paper she had retrieved. Deiter glanced at the picture then back at the pile of cupcakes, icing and other things on their table. He returned his gaze to Arissa.

  “No way are we going to be able to make those cupcakes look like a plate with burger and fries.” Deiter shook his head.

  “With pickles on the burger and ketchup on fries. Don’t worry—it will look like it. Come on, I’ll help you,” Arissa said cheerfully.

  Deiter observed her as she started to put things together. It didn’t look like the picture. He read, then started his own.


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