Minding Amy

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Minding Amy Page 19

by Saskia Walker

  "Janine, hi, how did it go?"

  Sebastian watched and listened, trying to catch the gist of the conversation. She'd called Janine on the way back from Quentin's hideaway, asking for her advice about where to go with the feature. It wasn't at all what she'd been expecting but it was a real scoop and an exclusive one. It was more of a people story than investigative, and as a result Amy had felt it her duty to discuss it with her line manager, first. Janine said she'd take it to the top of the media section then get back to her. Sebastian gathered that was part of the reason why Amy was cranking the article in, to keep her mind off what was going on down at HQ.

  There was lots of gasping, "Oh no's" and one "Janine, you can't," but all in all Sebastian gathered it was good news. The good vibes were coming of her in waves.

  "And how are things going with Roger," she asked, winking over at Sebastian while she listened to Janine's reply. "Cool, go girl go."

  "Well, a man could die of suspense here," he declared, when she eventually put the phone down.

  "Sebastian." She was standing, her hands on her cheeks as if to calm herself down. "Lucille, she's the head editor in media which is our division, she's like the equivalent to dad. Well, she said this one is such a good scoop there's no way investigation are having it." She beamed. "She's gone to fight Fiona for it now… apparently she got finance to shift the budget Dad agreed for this trip over to her tab already." She laughed again, and he could hear that it held a note of disbelief. She paced up and down, as if she was trying to take it all in.

  "It's going out as a front page feature interview, and—if I'm up for it—it can launch a new media personality interview section. Janine says she wants to move on—that was a shock—but she's already discussed it with Lucille, apparently, and when she does the Women's Page can be revamped into media interviews, with me at the helm." Her eyes were wide, and she was staring at him as if she needed to say it aloud and hear him respond, just to help the information to sink in.

  "That's fabulous news, are you going to take it?"

  "Of course I'm going to take it. It's what I'm good at." She paced the floor, bubbling with energy. "Oh this is perfect," she added, turning toward him. "Do you see, if Lucille takes the responsibility for my work on this feature back to media, it means it won't look as if Dad did me any favors, after all. That would be such a relief. If she's got the budget moved, that's the key."

  "Except that he paid for my time."

  "That was his problem and, besides, you were a perk of the job, remember?" She winked at him.

  Sebastian stood up and walked over to her, arresting her into his arms.

  She hugged him gleefully then threw her head back, looking up at him with bright, excited eyes.

  He kissed her mouth, savoring her exuberance and quickly growing hungry for her. "I have to ask." He drew away, reluctantly. "Can they spare their new superstar journo for one more night?"

  "Oh yes," she replied, her hips rolling against his, tantalizingly. He was gripped with longing, longing to be inside her. He wanted to feel her yield, he wanted to feel that delicious sense of pleasure he got when he eased inside her and she urged him on.

  "Oh, I think we'll have to have one more night together, at Tall Gables." She had such a suggestive, mischievous look on her face. She pulled away from him and began to strip off her clothes. "I'm going to take a shower now."

  Sebastian stood exactly where she had left him, riveted to the spot, chaos welling up in his soul. Just one more night?

  With dismay he watched her T-shirt going up and over her head. Her breasts bounced free when the soft white fabric pulled up over them. She threw the T-shirt to the floor and climbed out of her jeans and panties, dropping them in a heap. He traced her now familiar body with an affectionate gaze. He didn't want to have to say goodbye to her, he wanted to spend more time adoring each and every inch of her. She turned away, disappearing into the bathroom with a quick backward glance, a smile and a wave.

  One more night?

  He sat down on the edge of the bed, looking at the door leading into the bathroom for several restless moments. She had left it slightly ajar and it looked like an invitation. He felt restless and edgy. He stood up again and paced the length of the room. He heard the shower go on and the sound of Amy humming happily to herself.

  He turned and stared again at the open door. He didn't want her to be in there, he wanted her to be here in his arms, now. He didn't want her investigative feature to be finished, he didn't want them to be finished. What had changed? Everything. Everything had changed.

  He was deeply in love with her, and she had touched him in ways he never thought possible. His life had been a lot more fun, as well as more meaningful and complete. He really couldn't imagine life without Amy in it, not now.

  I don't want just one more night.

  He wanted more than that, much more, and he was going to have to show her that. He wanted to charge in to the bathroom right now and demand she keep seeing him, demand she commit herself to him as he was doing to her. He shook his head, his fingers furrowing through his hair.

  "Steady man," he muttered to himself. "Take it steady."

  * * * *

  Amy closed her eyes and dropped her head back, letting the glorious warm water spill over her face. How things had turned around, since that morning. How lucky they were that fate had been on their side. Fate had wanted them to find Quentin and Natasha—fate had wanted them to meet. Fate had led her to Sebastian.

  She rinsed her hair out and soaped her breasts, humming happily. Steam spiraled out of the cubicle. She kept one eye on the doorway, where she could see the light from the bedroom. It grew brighter and she heard the door creaking open. She smiled when she saw Sebastian moving outside the frosted shower screen. He pulled it open.

  "You took your time," she commented.

  She'd been waiting for him to follow her. She knew he would. He'd been quietly watching her and waiting for her attention and she was being a bit naughty teasing him this way, but he'd soon know that one more night at Tall Gables was just the start, as far as she was concerned. It was obvious neither of them wanted to throw this away. What they had was way too good.

  He stared at her, his expression serious. His gaze dropped down then slowly rose over her body. "You look like Venus walking out of the waves."

  "Why thank you, Sebastian, you're looking pretty good yourself. Won't you join me?"

  "Sure," he replied, but she could see he was preoccupied with his thoughts as he pulled his T-shirt over his head. She watched the stretch of his broad chest muscles, a warm wave of approval lapping over her. She would never tire of enjoying his male potency, his strong, beautiful body, those gray-green eyes and that adorable lopsided smile.

  "Amy, I was wondering…"


  He leaned one hand up against the shower frame, casually. "Would you like to come to that christening party with me, remember Gary and Chrissie's invitation on the answer machine? It's next week."

  He stared at her pensively.

  "Well, I'd love to, Sebastian, but if it's next week we won’t be working together then. Doesn't that rather break the terms of our adult no-strings agreement?" She flicked back her wet hair.

  "I guess so. Does it bother you?" He began to unbutton his jeans, his gaze darting away. He felt uncomfortable. She could see that, the poor love. He thought it was over. As if she could possibly have had enough of him after only one week. Not likely. Not very likely at all. This wasn't the end, this was only the beginning.

  She watched him as he stripped. "It doesn't bother me in the least, in fact I thought you were about to invite me to be your guest at your Scotland Yard award presentation."

  He fought off his jeans, hopping about on one foot when he heard her remark. He hauled them off, swearing under his breath, then turned back to stare at her, perplexed.

  She whistled low, eyeing him enthusiastically. He looked downright gorgeous, wearing nothing but his jockey shorts
and a slightly puzzled expression on his face. The expression began to lift and a slight smile took its place, when he began to realize what she was getting at.

  "You were teasing me," he said.

  "Only getting my own back."

  "How did you know about the Scotland Yard presentation?"

  "Come now, Sebastian, I know I'm nowhere near your league when it comes to investigation, but you have to give me credit for having some skills of my own… just a few, mind you." She chuckled. "As soon as I knew who and what you really were, on Tuesday afternoon, I went back to the office and I did a bit of digging. So, do you already have a date for this prestigious presentation of yours, or am I good for that event too?"

  "You're good for it, oh yes, you're good for it." His smile had grown, considerably.

  "I'm glad. Now, seeing that we don't have to be in London until Monday morning, are you going to show me this East Yorkshire coast scenery of yours, while we are up here?"

  He nodded. "That's another great idea."

  She winked, glancing down at his shorts. "I'm getting lonely in here, why don't you get naked and join me?"

  He dropped the shorts and as soon as he stepped into the cubicle with her, her hands were on him, sliding down over his chest, adoring the sensation of hard firm muscle under her fingers. His cock was lifting and she took it in her hand, stroking it.

  "I'm impressed." He kissed her forehead.

  "So am I." She was looking down at him, at where he was growing hard in her hand.

  "I meant I was impressed with your investigative skills." He moved closer, and the water was running over them both, trickling down between their bodies.

  "Oh, I see," she replied. "Well, I think I'll leave that line of work to you, lover, but if you ever need a hand." She gripped his cock tighter.

  He gasped. "Oh yes, I'll be sure to ask you, if I do need a hand." He reached to her mouth and kissed her, easing her back against the tiled wall.

  "You really want to keep seeing me?" she asked when they drew apart, her hand riding up and down his shaft. He was under the full force of the shower now, and the droplets of water bounced off his chest and ran rivulets down his abdomen and his muscled thighs.

  "Oh yeah," he groaned. "And more."

  "More?" She gave him a teasing glance.

  "I want the works." He was teasing her now, getting his own back. His hands curved around her breasts, his thumbs tickling over her nipples. "I want you in my bed, every night." He reached down and slipped his fingers between her thighs, gently parting her folds, exploring her most sensitive places. "I'd like to share the sort of things we've been sharing at the end of every day, when we come home…to each other." His expression had grown serious. The query was direct.

  "That sounds very desirable indeed." She blurted her response out, trying to focus on the conversation. It wasn't easy when he was touching her.

  "Amy, would you maybe think about moving in with me, for a trial at least?"

  "I'd like that…but do you think the cat will approve?"

  "Oh yes indeed, in fact she insisted I bring you back. I think she loves you too, although not quite as much as I do." He looked deep into her eyes, demanding a response, then he stole one finger inside her, stroking her, making her gasp.

  "I love you too, Sebastian."

  A moment of pure honesty, of approval and complete recognition, passed between them. It was an exchange that could never be undone. She started to ride up against him. A fierce hunger to affirm their words in real physical terms was quickly rising up between them.

  "Sebastian, I want you to get me out of here and take me to bed, because I want you inside me, right now."

  "Bed? What if I have to make love to you, right here, right now?"

  "I can cope." She was teasing him. "I'm not afraid of taking risks when you're around, minding me."

  "You don't have to be afraid of anything, except maybe the quantity of good loving I've got for you." His cock nudged insistently against her.

  "Oh, I'm not afraid of that." She lifted one leg and slid it up against his flank. "Bring it on lover, bring it on."


  About Saskia Walker:

  Saskia Walker is an award-winning British author of erotic fiction. Her short stories and novellas have appeared in over seventy international anthologies including BEST WOMEN’S EROTICA, THE MAMMOTH BOOK OF BEST NEW EROTICA, SECRETS, and WICKED WORDS. Her erotica has also been featured in several international magazines including PENTHOUSE, BUST, and SCARLET. After writing shorts for several years Saskia moved into novel-length projects. Her erotic single titles include ALONG FOR THE RIDE, DOUBLE DARE, RAMPANT, and THE HARLOT. Fascinated with seduction, Saskia loves to explore how and why we get from saying “hello” to sharing our most intimate selves in moments of extreme passion. She has lots more stories in the pipeline! Saskia lives in the north of England, close to the beautiful Yorkshire moors, with her partner, Mark, and a houseful of stray felines. Visit her website for more info.

  Connect with Saskia Online:

  Twitter: http://twitter.com/saskiawalker

  Blogspot: http://www.saskiawalker.blogspot.com/

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