Z-Day Chronicles (Book 2): Rising Up

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Z-Day Chronicles (Book 2): Rising Up Page 12

by Williams, Kameron

  Everyone stayed silent, tightly gripping their rifles, letting their leader know that they were fighting alongside him, no matter the cost.

  “Alright, fellas,” Brandon responded. “Let’s mount up!”


  As everyone loaded up on the choppers, Jake was contacted by Joseph Boyer.

  “We have Boris’s location,” Joseph said. “He’s in the central block of the prison. He has five bodyguards; all Spartans”

  “Alright,” Jake responded. “Hold tight until we arrive to create the distraction.”

  On the way, Jake slowly bowed his head and shut his eyes.

  Alright God, Jake prayed. I don’t know if You’re real or not. If You are, then I guess You know what I’m about to do. Just keep these boys safe, and I’m praying that everyone we’re rescuing will be alive when we get them out.

  As the choppers began flying towards the prison, Jake motioned to Micheal and HR-Team Bravo in the second chopper, telling them to circle around the prison. He and his group loaded up on their ammunition and fastened their cords in order to repel down once the full fledged assault began.

  Both of the choppers arrived at the prison and began circling around it like vultures hovering over a carcass. Kyle and Rodney manned each of their turrets and readied themselves to fire. Micheal in the other chopper loaded a B-300 rocket launcher and pointed it towards the front gate surrounding the rear cell blocks.




  Micheal blew a large hole in the fence in the rear blocks of the prison. Kyle and Rodney opened fire on the front gate. The Spartans that were on the ground shielded themselves in order to prevent being hosed by burning lead.

  As both choppers began creating openings in the prison fences and wasting ammunition on the dirt and grass, they began to notice some hordes trotting towards the prison.

  “They’re on their way,” Jake informed. “Let’s continue with the aerial assault. Once we lure them to the prison, then we’ll start the ground assault!”

  Micheal then radioed Joseph and the Shinobi.

  “Watch yourselves down there,” Micheal said. “Zombies are on their way to the prison. Hold tight until we say otherwise.”

  “Roger that,” Joseph replied. “Ready when you are.”

  The soldiers guarding the prison spotted the large horde of undead circling them. The snipers at the towers picked off few of them, but the amount of noise the choppers made attracted more and more from miles off. The zombies continued to push forward until many soldiers had no choice but to retreat into the prison’s fences.

  “Shinobi,” Jake ordered. “Execute.”

  The four Shinobi darted from out of the treeline, sprinting towards the eastern side of the center prison blocks. They dashed through zombies, slashing some as they were passed, until the Shinobi entered the opening the choppers had made. Once inside, they began their search for Boris.

  Once the Shinobi entered the prison, HR-Team Bravo flew to the rear prison blocks and repelled to the ground. Jake and the men on his chopper continued giving covering fire around Bravo as they entered each of the buildings.

  “Jake,” Micheal said through the radio.

  “How many are in there?” Jake asked.

  “Every one of the council members. Nick, Trevor, Malachi, Victoria, and Jeffery. But I don’t see the marshal among them.”

  “Alright. Get the council members out of there so we can land and do our part.”

  Jake witnessed HR-Team Bravo evacuating every one of the council members from the rear cell blocks. Kyle and Rodney gave covering fire from the turrets as their chopper landed to retrieve Bravo and the rescued hostages.

  “Bravo secured!” Micheal informed. “Repeat: Bravo is secured. Go for Alpha.”

  Jake’s chopper flew to the western blocks of the prison, which was now infested with the infected. Jake saw the guards on the ground become food for the undead that prowled along the fence.

  “Get ready to repel!” Kyle ordered. “Grimm, you know what to do!”

  Grimm slowly nodded, and although his face and eyes were covered, the Reapers knew there was a wide grin behind his mask. He quickly picked up his cord, backed up a few steps, then rushed out of the chopper as it hovered. Once the rope caught tension, Grimm swung under the chopper like a monkey swinging on a vine in the jungle.

  Grimm caught eyes on a group of zombies that he neared. Once he swung to his furthest point, he released the rope and flew to one of the zombies in front of him. Grimm grabbed the zombie with full force, spearing it to the dirt. After rolling a few feet with the zombie, Grimm pulled out both of his sidearms.

  Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow!

  Grimm had killed the zombie he had pinned under him. He then shot the zombie on his left and his right. Once he did that, he slayed the zombie in front of him with his left pistol, then swiveled his head around and eliminated the zombie behind him with his right pistol. Grimm had killed the five zombies so quick and swift, it was as if he was in a western film, gunning down bandits in a ghost town at high noon.

  Grimm then holstered his pistols, motioned the rest to repel down, then swung his rifle in front of him. Jake repelled down first, with Brandon following, then Rodney and Kyle. The Reapers made their way across the courtyard and breached the door of the cell block parallel to the court.

  The Reapers skimmed through the bottom floor and made their way up the stairs until they met Tyrese in one of the cells. His face was badly bruised and his lips were cut up from being hit many times. His hands were tied to the the chair he sat in.

  “We have the marshal,” Kyle reported in his radio. “I say again: Marshal Tyrese Jones is secure.”

  Grimm cut the ropes on the chair, releasing Tyrese’s hands.

  “Ty,” Jake said. “Can you hear me?!”

  “Yeah, Jake,” Tyrese sighed. “Glad you guys got here. Boris has every one of the council members.”

  “Already know. Bravo picked them up. Where’s Kaylee?”

  “She’s in the room at the far end.”

  “Marshal Jones,” Kyle interrupted. “Can you walk?”

  “And fight,” Tyrese answered. “Do you have another weapon I can use?”

  Grimm nodded as he handed one of his sidearms to Tyrese.

  “Jake,” Tyrese continued. “Listen to me, bro: I heard a lot of screaming coming from in there. I don’t know what they were doing... but you might need to brace yourself.”

  Jake gulped and nodded as he took point through the hallway. Each step to him felt heavier and heavier as he neared the room Kaylee was held up in. His hands began shaking, but he stayed in control, taking a deep breath as he slowly opened the door.

  Chapter 21

  The door swiveled opened as Jake stepped inside a small room, revealing a gruesome scene that was deemed more horrifying than a disemboweled child or a zombified loved one.

  “Kaylee...” Jake whispered. Oh no! Please God, no... What have they done to her?!

  Kaylee was seen lying on the ground. Her hands were tied to a post that was bolted on the once padded floor. Her dried, straight hair, was now messy and wet. Her face was badly cut and bruised, and her naked body was covered in welts, from her wrists to her neck, and from her breasts to her hips. Underneath her legs was a small stain of dried blood.

  “Someone find a blanket!” Kyle ordered. “Now!”

  Grimm nodded as he frantically searched in the joining cells in hopes of finding sheets of any kind. Jake knelt own and cut the rope that bound Kaylee’s hands.

  “No...” Kaylee weakly whimpered. “No more... please...”

  “Kaylee,” Jake responded. “Kaylee, it’s me! It’s Jake!”


  Kaylee’s head swayed slowly back and forth as she tried to raise her hands to touch Jake’s face.

  Oh my God! Jake thought. She’s been raped! Boris, you sick bastard! “Kaylee... I gotta ask you an important question.” />
  Kaylee nodded as she fought to keep her eyes open. Jake shut his eyes so his tears wouldn’t fall against her cheeks.

  “What’s your father’s full name?” Jake asked.

  “Benjamin...” Kaylee whispered. “Al... O’Brien. Jake... it was...”

  “Shh. It’s alright. You’re safe now. I’m gonna get you out of here, okay?”

  Grimm arrived with a thick wool blanket. Jake took the blanket with haste and tucked Kaylee inside of it.

  “Alpha, this is Reaper One,” Kyle said in his radio. “We have a civilian that is non ambulatory. Land at the checkpoint!”

  “Hold tight,” Jake whispered to Kaylee. “Reapers, cover me!”

  Kaylee wrapped her arms around Jake’s neck as he cradled her tightly. Once Jake left the room, the Reapers circled around him, with Kyle and Grimm in the front, and Brandon, Rodney, and Tyrese in the back. As the Reapers left the cell block, they opened fire on all of the zombies that surrounded them.

  Pow! Pow!



  The men protected Jake and Kaylee as they all pushed through the yard and crossed the opening in the fence. They continued to the checkpoint where the chopper was landing.

  Kyle took Kaylee from Jake’s arms and carried her as he and Tyrese stepped on the chopper.

  “Jake,” Kyle said. “I’ll take care of her. I’ll provide covering fire from the air. You and the rest link up with Bravo and the Shinobi.”

  “Keep her safe,” Jake responded.

  “Will do. If you find Boris before the Shinobi do, you give that sonuva bitch my regards, if you know what I mean!”

  “With pleasure!”

  “Hey,” Tyrese called out to Jake. “Your move, Marshal!”

  The Shinobi arrived in the warden’s office, where they intercepted Infantry General Trystan Xavier and Spartan General John Demarais. Both of them were ready to fight back.

  “Try anything,” John shouted, with his shield in front of him and his Desert Eagle pointed at Joseph. “And I’ll kill every last one of you!”

  “Same here!” Trystan added as his rifle was pointed at Hector.

  “Where’s Boris?!” Joseph demanded as he tightly gripped the swords in his hands.

  “Not telling any of you!” John answered. “You’ll have to kill us to get to him!”

  “We don’t want to do that, and we’re not gonna do that!”

  “Looks like you have no choice!”

  “Please,” James reasoned. “General Xavier, General Demarais, listen to us! Boris is not who you think he is! He’s using you!”

  “Think about it,” Brittany added. “Why would he send half of the entire Z-Corps out here to this prison away from the settlement, leaving the civilians vulnerable?! And why would he have Marshal Jones and the rest of the council members detained out here?!”

  “You’re lying!” Trystan responded. “Boris got his orders from Marshal Jones! This prison was going to be a permanent settlement for the entire civilization!”

  “Did Boris tell you that?!” Joseph asked.

  “Marshal Jones was just rescued and is on our comms right now,” Hector said. “I’m gonna throw you my radio and you hear for yourself, then you choose which side you want to be on.”

  Hector placed his radio on the wooden floor and slid it to John, who picked it up and attempted to contact Tyrese.

  “Marshal Jones,” John stated. “Report!”

  “This is Marshal Tyrese Jones,” Tyrese responded through the radio. “Identify yourself!”

  John quickly threw Hector back his radio, and he and Trystan contacted their men.

  “All Spartans,” John ordered. “Stand down now! We’re firing upon friendlies! Repeat: We’re firing upon friendlies!”

  “HR-Teams Alpha and Bravo are not the enemy,” Trystan reported through his radio. “Our target is Boris Holt! Repeat: Boris Holt!”

  “Marshal Jones,” Hector reported on his radio. “We have our Z-Corps back!”

  “Roger that,” Tyrese replied. “Alpha and Bravo, if you have not heard that, We have our Spartans and our Infantry back. Focus all firepower on zombies and link up with the Shinobi at the center cell blocks as planned.”

  “Copy,” Micheal responded.

  “Where is Boris?” Joseph asked John and Trystan.

  “He escaped,” Trystan answered, pointing to an open window in the back of the room. “I don’t know where he went to after leaving; I swear!”

  “Alright, we’ll find him. Tell the remaining Z-Corps to evacuate the prison. There’s nothing left for anyone here.”

  Trystan nodded as both he and John ordered their men to evacuate the prison. Once they left the warden’s office, Joseph contacted Jake.

  “He’s gone, Jake,” Joseph stated. “He left the warden’s office. He could be anywhere.”

  “Alright,” Jake replied. “Link up with us at the center. We’re on our way. With the number of zombies here, he may have been eaten alive.”

  “If we don’t hurry up,” Rodney implied. “We’ll be on that menu as well.”

  As the three pressed on towards the center cell blocks, more zombies trotted and sprinted towards them.

  Pap! Pap! Papapap!

  The three opened fire on any zombie that came within reaching distance, conserving the little ammunition they had left. They continued onward until they arrived at the opening in the fence that surrounded the center cell blocks.

  Pow! Thp!

  “Aargh! I’m hit!”

  A bullet flew past Grimm and Rodney, pelting Jake in his right arm. Jake swayed outside of the prison fence before he was able to pass through with Grimm and Rodney. As they turned around for Jake, a large horde passed through the fence, preventing the two from assisting Jake.

  “Go! Go! Go!” Jake shouted. “I’ll circle around and meet up with you two! Watch out for that shooter!”

  Pow! Pow! Pow!

  More bullets attempted to catch Jake. He continued to dodge the burning lead while evading from the large group of undead.



  Jake grunted as another bullet pierced his left calf. He limped as fast as he could in order to get away from the impending onslaught.

  Where are those shots coming from?! Jake thought. Never mind! Gotta get away from these things! I’ll worry about the shooter later!

  As Jake crossed through the back entrance of the center prison blocks, another set of zombies intercepted him, diverting him to the cell block next to him. He quickly hurried up the stairs, entering the building and locking the door behind him, giving him enough time to run.

  Pow! Ting!

  Bullets began to fly in that prison block hallway. Jake took cover behind a cell and began firing back.


  Jake opened fire at the gunman and he moved further through the hallway, taking cover once again as the two traded rounds.

  “You had enough yet?!” Jake called out. “We only have until those things outside bust in!”

  “Just getting started!”



  The gunman snuck around and tackled Jake into an office at the end of the hallway. Jake quickly kicked the man off of him and pulled out his knife. As he went to stab the man, he blocked the impending attack, throwing the knife away. Jake stood face to face with Boris Holt.

  Chapter 22

  “Come on, Jake!” Boris taunted. “We’re both already screwed as it is! Might as well finish this!”

  “Kinda figured you to be a nutcase,” Jake replied. “I’d never take you for a traitor though!”

  Jake swung at Boris, only for the punch to be deflected and countered by Boris’s kick.

  “Me... betray the settlement?!” Boris laughed. “See, that’s where you’re wrong, Jake! I’m not a traitor! My goal is not to watch this settlement fall, but to preserve it for future generations!”

  “And how do you plan to fulfill that goal, Boris?!” Jake respon
ded, continuing to lash out in that bare knuckle brawl. “By killing innocent people?! What about those you imprisoned and tortured?! What about the girl you raped?! You call that preservation?!”

  As Jake slammed Boris against the wall next to the office entryway, the hallway doors began to bust open, and the hordes of zombies invaded from both sides. Boris rammed both of his palms against Jake’s ears, stunning him just long enough for Boris to throw Jake into the zombie trap that waited outside.

  “Look at what you’re up against, Jake!” Boris shouted as he watched Jake defend himself from the group of zombies attempting to best him. “Do you think anyone of us will stand against those things with any weak links limiting humanity’s chances of survival?! We’re sheep in a den of wolves if that should ever be the case! Someone needs to remove the weeds! Natural selection! Survival of the fittest!”

  As Jake was being overpowered by two zombies, he glanced at his knife that was laying a few feet away from him. He shoved the two away from him before they could scratch him and quickly rolled away to grab the knife. As more began to appear, Jake stabbed the closest zombies, giving him some breathing room.


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