Radar Deception

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Radar Deception Page 11

by Mandy M. Roth

  He glanced back at his longtime friend. “Captain, they’re welcome to try but I should warn you and them that I can and will kill for her. Friend or foe.”

  Lukian drew his mate into his arms. “As it should be, Green. It’s good to see you smile again. It’s been a long time.”

  “Too long,” Green said as he headed straight for Melanie.

  The restaurant erupted into applause as she drew the song to an end. Her eyes locked on his and he put his arms up to her. Melanie stepped into them and he eased her off the stage. The very feel of her body pressed to his left his cock straining and the desire to come great. Even more than that, it left his heart thumping madly for the woman he held.

  Chapter Ten

  Melanie went to open the door of Green’s silver Escalade and froze when he put his large hand on her bare upper thigh. He squeezed gently, drawing her attention to him and making moisture pool in the juncture of her thighs. “Umm, thanks for the ride home.”

  “Melanie, let me take you somewhere else, somewhere nice to spend the rest of your birthday.” He glanced at the sports bar her family owned and shook his head. “I can hear the music blaring out here. I know your apartment is above it. You aren’t getting any sleep with that going on.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh. “Ah, this is the part where I offer to take you up and fuck you. I get it. My reputation precedes me.”

  He tightened his grip on her thigh. “That’s not what I said.”

  “But it’s what you meant.” The second she said it, she regretted it. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I’m tired and a bit grumpy. It’s been a long day.” She glanced at him, not wanting to tell him everything that had truly transpired. “A really long day. It doesn’t help that I woke up wanting it to be tomorrow either.”

  “Why wouldn’t you want it to be today, Melanie?” he asked, though something in his voice made her wonder if he already knew.

  “It’s hard to explain, mostly because I’m not even sure why I do. I just know I wish this day could just fall off the calendar.” She rolled her eyes playfully even though she wanted to give in to the urge to cry.

  Green caressed her inner thigh. “Until I met you, this day in particular was a dark one that I loathed too. I’d spend it locked away from the rest of the world, drowning in my sorrows. You’ve made the day a hell of a lot brighter, Melanie.”

  Confused, Melanie put her hand over his. “No offense, Green, but the mention of me and brighter days aren’t synonymous to most, so excuse me if I inquire as to why they are for you.”

  A soft chuckle came from him. “You’re doing it again.”


  “Letting the fact you’re obviously a very intelligent young woman show through.”

  Embarrassed, Melanie felt her cheeks reddening. She generally kept that part of herself private. No one would believe her anyway if she confessed to just how intelligent she truly was. They liked putting her into a pre-done mold, where they assumed she was a walking, talking, but empty-headed blonde. “Great, I can stand naked in front of an auditorium full of people and not break my stride. You comment on my having a brain and I want to crawl under the nearest rock.”

  “Let me take you somewhere special, Melanie. When I suggested we leave the restaurant it was with the intention of giving you a special night to remember.” He tugged on her thigh gently. “And I don’t mean that in the way you think I do. So don’t get upset with me.”

  “You know what? I’d like that very much.” She laced her fingers through his and laughed. “It’s better we avoid sex anyway.”

  “Really?” he asked, laughing as well. “Why is that?”

  Eyeing him carefully, she smiled. “For one thing, you seem like the marrying type. You know, that kind of guy who can’t separate sex and other emotions.” She meant love. Why couldn’t she say the word, especially around Green?

  “Oh, it’s that obvious, is it?” He winked. “Any more reasons as to why it’s better if we don’t…umm, you know.”

  She grinned. “What you’re looking for is ‘fuck like animals all night long’.”

  His cheeks flared pink and he shifted awkwardly in his seat. “Umm, yeah, that.”

  “I take it you aren’t used to a woman who is sexually charged.”

  Green snickered. “That’s putting it mildly. I thought I was used to a woman who was quiet, reserved, gentle, one who wouldn’t know the first thing about defending herself. I recently found out I was mistaken. I think she pulled the wool over my eyes.”

  “That, or she didn’t want anything to do with having to defend herself. Maybe she liked knowing she didn’t have to be that person anymore. If it was me, I wouldn’t want to walk around with a chip on my shoulder. I’d want to laugh, be happy, and not worry about anything beyond that.” Melanie stared out the window at the bar and sighed. “When I was little, I’d have these nightmares that seemed so real that I’d be terrified to fall back asleep. They were violent. Very violent.”

  She tapped the glass with her free hand. “The only way I can describe it was like I was standing in the center of some Dark Ages epic battle. There were swords, horses, blood, and death everywhere. I’d shoot awake and scream for my father. He’d hold me and tell me that I wasn’t allowed to have chocolate before bed again.” Melanie made a circle in the condensation. “Green, I could almost feel the blood on my hands. Gods, I was so scared and way too young to be dreaming about that kind of death and destruction. Hell, I’m how old now and don’t want to experience it.”

  “Melanie,” he whispered.

  “I know. They were just dreams and it’s clear I have an overactive imagination. At least I stopped trying to convince everyone that your friend could turn into an animal.” Melanie squeezed Green’s hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring him up. I just…”

  “Shhh, honey, it’s okay to talk about Lance. He was like a brother to me. He gave his life to keep Peren’s safe, and it’s because of him I found you.” He eased his hand up her thigh more, sending fire shooting throughout her. “Tell me your other reasons why nothing should transpire between us. I’m sensing there are more.”

  The man had a way about him that made Melanie’s entire body ache for him. She did her best to stay removed, but Green made it hard. He made her crave things she’d never dreamt she’d want. A husband. A family. Happily ever after.

  “Melanie, talk to me.”

  Giving in, she looked at him. “You scare me, Green. I’m not a one-man kind of gal and I find myself wanting to…” She stopped and looked at their joined hands. “Forget it. Anyway, I have this phobia about getting pregnant. I’d be the world’s worst mother. I think we can all agree on that. I’ve been told on more than one occasion that I don’t have to worry about it, but I still do. And I get the feeling if you simply sneeze hard in my direction, I’d end up with child.” She laughed and winked at him. “This is the part where you run. I think like a man most of the time and I want to run for the hills at the mere mention of a family.”

  Green just stared at her.

  She exhaled deeply. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I’m not looking to trap you in something. Hell, I’m not looking to trap any man. I just said what I felt. I’m sorry. I didn’t think. Ignore me. I’m rambling and still a little bit grumpy.”

  He chuckled. “Just a bit, huh?”

  “You think this is bad, you should see me when my PMS is in full swing. You’d duck and run for cover.”

  He laughed. “That bad?”

  She went to answer and spotted her brother Eadan in the doorway of the bar. He was shoving a tall, well-built man with a head of wavy brown, chin-length hair out of the bar. Her breath caught. “Eadan, no!”

  In an instant, she had the car door open and was running in her heels toward her brother as he drew his fist back. She tossed magik up and let it hit him, giving him a mild shove backward. He glanced up and narrowed his blue gaze on her. “Dammit, Melanie, I told you to stop hanging aro
und this asshole. Hell, I tell you that about every man you have nipping at your heels!”

  “Fuck you,” said Russell, the muscle-bound stud who had apparently been drinking, as he charged at Eadan.

  Melanie pointed at him. “Enough!”

  He glanced out from bloodshot eyes. “Hey, baby, how are you feeling? Your mom told me you were sick. I thought I’d come and make you well again.”


  Melanie turned to find Green standing there, staring at Russell like he wanted to kill him. She shook her head, afraid that Russell would hurt Green. Russell wasn’t normal. He was Fae and had spent several years in the service. He could break a human like Green easily. “It’s fine. Thank you for a lovely evening, Green.”

  “Our evening isn’t over, Melanie.”

  Stepping forward, she put herself between Green and Russell.

  Russell staggered a bit. “Who the hell is that?”

  “You’re drunk.”

  Russell winked. “You’re sexy.”

  Rolling her eyes, Melanie reached for him. “Give me your keys. You’re dangerous enough without putting you behind the wheel of a car when you reek of alcohol.”

  “I could kill him and lessen the risk to society,” Eadan said, grinning. “That, or I could turn my back and let Green do it.”

  Melanie gasped. “Russell will kill him!”

  Russell took her hand in his. “Mmm, that’s right, baby. Now, come on. I miss you. You haven’t returned my calls and your watchdog brother hasn’t let me in to see you. It’s been almost a month since we’ve spent a weekend holed up, fucking until neither of us could move. My dick is so hard for you I can’t stand it. You’re addictive, Melanie. I need to be in—”

  Melanie threw power at him to shut him up. It hit him in the head and left him blinking. “Whoa, what was that? Eadan, you throwing magik at me?”

  She gasped, her gaze flickering to Green. “Umm, drunks say the darnedest things. Magik? Geesh. Crazy talk.”

  Eadan snickered.

  She glared at her brother. “What’s so funny?”

  “You can’t lie worth a shit. Never could.”

  “Eadan,” she said, glaring at him. “I think I should say good night to Green before we discuss this any further.”


  Her eyes widened. “Why the hell do you think, dumbass?”

  Eadan laughed. “You say the sweetest things. Can I get a hug?”

  “I was going to ask for a blowjob but I’ll settle for a hug too,” Russell said.

  In an instant Green was on him, knocking him on his ass with one hit. Melanie screamed and pressed her body to Green’s. “Are you just about done hitting people tonight?”

  His jaw tightened. “No. Excuse me. I’d like to hit him some more.”

  “Hitting Wilson is one thing, but Russell isn’t like him. He’s, umm, he could hurt you. Please, Thaddy, don’t do this.”

  “Thaddy?” Eadan asked. “Are you back to talking to invisible friends, Mel? Kind of old for that, aren’t you? You aren’t going to start crying about Dad taking your doll again, are you?”

  “She’s talking to me,” Green said, his voice deep, his gaze hard. “And no one will ever take anything from Melanie again. I intend to give her everything she’s ever wanted and then some.”

  “Uhh, what?”

  “My name is Thaddeus. Melanie is talking to me. And don’t ever bring up the baby again. It upsets her.” He glanced at her. “It upsets us both. Understood?”

  Eadan drew in a sharp breath. “Oh shit. You really are her mate.”

  “Déjà vu.” Green made a move to go at Russell.

  Melanie did the only thing she could think of: she cupped Green’s face and captured his mouth with hers. She thrust her tongue in and moaned as heat flared through her. Her power surged and she let it pour into Green. He lifted her off the ground and kissed her with so much passion her inner legs quivered. She didn’t want to pull away but knew she had to. Reluctantly, she did just that.

  Green held her and she pushed on his shoulders. “Sleep,” she whispered, prepared to cradle his large frame with her magik when he fell to the ground. Problem was, he didn’t fall. He didn’t even blink. “I said, sleep.”

  A slow smile spread over his handsome face. “Mmmhmm, I heard you the first time, honey.”

  Her eyes widened. “Why didn’t it work? It always works. Always!”

  “Always?” he asked, the slightest hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.

  Pushing free of his hold, Melanie nodded as she went for Russell who was now being held back by Eadan. She wasted no time in pressing her mouth to Russell’s and letting her power out. She pulled back. “Sleep.”

  He dropped to the graveled parking lot.

  “Eadan, you could have caught him!”

  Eadan laughed. “Yep. I could have but I didn’t. I think my new teammate would prefer I didn’t help the guy out any.”

  Green was behind her in an instant, lifting her into his arms again. He turned her to face him and held her suspended off the ground as if she weighed nothing.

  “While I appreciate you demonstrating that it does, indeed, always work, I would really rather you not ever touch another man again.” His fingers skimmed under her breasts. His gaze fell and Melanie’s followed suit.

  Her flimsy dress had shifted enough that she was now exposing nipple to him. Growling, he closed his eyes and set her down quickly. Melanie reached for him but he stepped away. “Go to your apartment and lock your doors. Eadan…”

  “I’ll watch over her,” Eadan said. “You going to be all right? You know, you could just do it. She needs you, Green.”

  “If only that were true,” he said, putting his back to her. “Go in and lock your door, Melanie. Now.”

  Melanie shook her head. “What’s going on? Thad?”

  “Go,” he ground out, his voice so deep that it actually shook her.

  Unable to stop herself, she took hold of his shoulder and pulled on him. “Please, Thad, don’t be like this.”

  Slowly, he turned his head to face her. His eyes seemed to glow with and swirl with varying shades of green. His chest heaved, and for a split second she was sure that his teeth were sharp, animal-like. Images of being with Lance and having him change into something monstrous, something non-human, flooded her. Backing up, she bumped into Eadan and screamed.

  Immediately, her brother began to radiate a calming energy. “Mel, it’s okay.”

  Her gaze flickered to Green. He looked normal. Nothing was out of place or glowing. She shook her head. “I think I’m starting to hallucinate again.”

  “How about I have the cook whip something up for you?” Eadan asked.

  The last thing Melanie wanted to do was try to eat. She glanced down at Russell and forced a smile to her face. “No. We’ll be fine. Thanks though.”

  “We’ll?” Green asked.

  “Have no fear, Green,” she bit out. “I wasn’t lumping you in with me. You’re free to go. I’ll run right in and lock my door when I’m damn good and ready. I don’t need you yelling at me and making all kinds of big scary male noises.”

  Melanie glanced at Eadan. “Will you help me get Russell upstairs?”

  “You are not taking him to your place,” Green said, his nostrils flaring.

  She snorted. “Uh, yeah, I am. Who the hell do you think you are? My father? Nope, sorry, got one of those already. Go boss around your buddies.”

  “Elizabeth, you are not taking another man to your—” Green stopped and glanced at the ground. “I mean, Melanie.”

  She wasn’t sure why his decision to call her by her middle name upset her, but it did. Narrowing her gaze on him, she let it go hard. “You don’t get to show up in my life and start issuing orders. I don’t understand you. You’re nice to me one second and then cold as ice the next. If you hate me for something I did or someone I did,” she added, noting his jealous streak, “then I’m sorry, but I’m too tired to deal wi
th this.”

  “Mel, can we take a minute here and try to get along?” Eadan asked. “I’ve been trying to think of a way to tell you this, but I’d like to take you on a trip to South America. Missy and Peren are going. The three of you will have fun, I’m sure of it.”

  She arched a brow. “Don’t bother making future plans for me, Eadan. Go. Enjoy yourselves. I have some things here I need to wrap up.”

  “Wrap up?”

  Disgusted and tired of dealing with questions and moody men, Melanie stormed over to Russell. She bent down next to him, kissed the tips of her fingers, and then ran them through his wavy hair.

  “You’re not waking him up and taking him upstairs with you.” Eadan made a move for her and she glared at him.

  “I don’t really want to be alone tonight. Russell may be drunk, but he can still help me if Ferdian comes back.”

  Green growled. She ignored him.

  “Who the hell is Ferdian?” Eadan asked, moving up next to her. “Shit, Mel, tell me you don’t have some other guy who’s going to start showing up at all hours, kicking down your door and coming at you because he’s pissed you don’t want anything more from him than sex.”

  She shuddered in disgust. “I do not want sex from Ferdian. Trust me. And it’s no big deal. Russell will act as a tripwire, so to speak. He can sense other—” Melanie stopped, remembering Green was there.

  Eadan grabbed her arm and yanked her to her feet. “Are you fucking telling me that you got some guy who is Fae after you? You are, aren’t you? Russell can sense other Fae threats and you know that. It’s how you know to get him the hell out of your bedroom before Dad or I come into the bar, isn’t it? You know Dad will kill him, and you know what I think of him.”

  Melanie nodded her head toward Green. “Other parties are present, dumbass. I’d really rather not have to cast another spell— Uh, can we talk about this after Green leaves? I’m not strong enough to do this completely alone. Russell will help because for some insane reason he cares about me.” She glared at Green. “And he’s never once screwed my name up!” Setting her sights back on her brother, she smiled. “You see him as being a drunken asshole right now. He’s not that way all the time. Can’t you sense his pain, Eadan?”


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