No Holes Barred: A Familiar Face

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No Holes Barred: A Familiar Face Page 6

by Marie Harte

  Core seemed to be proud of her magic, of her raw skills. And the notion he approved made her heart swell with pleasure. She cared what he thought of her, and she began to wonder how she could return to her tired, ordinary world without him.

  "You are quiet,” he rumbled, his voice carrying in the dim light of early morning. “You are well?"

  "I'm fine.” She thought wistfully of her bed, of an actual toilet and shower. Then she stared at the writhing snake on his back and shook her head. What did she need those creature comforts when she had this creature for comfort? The thought made her chuckle.

  He stopped and turned with a puzzled look.

  "Just an inside joke. Never mind."

  He opened his mouth to say something and froze, his eyes staring all around. Grabbing her by the arm, he quickly pulled her into the shade of a mammoth tree and covered her with his body. His skin began to harden, changing to scales instead of flesh, and the color shimmered into a dark brown, like the tree into which they leaned for protection.

  "Core?” she whispered.

  She could see the shine of his eyes through the shadow, and thought he'd never looked more predatory.

  "Shh, quiet, kina. Don't move. And don't talk."

  Mal remained quiet, though she began to feel smothered with his bulk over her. As the minutes passed and she heard nothing, she began to grow irritated. Core's throat and chest were visible but nothing else, and with a shrug, she traced the dark form of the snake around his ribs.

  He tensed and frowned down at her, and the playful familiar within her demanded she accede to the sensual needs flaring at their close proximity.

  Running her hands lightly across his chest, she flicked his nipples with her thumbs and then her tongue.

  "Mallory,” he warned in a raspy voice.

  "Shh, stay alert.” She pinched his nipple and ran her hands down his taut belly, down under his leather kilt to surround his growing arousal. Though his body was cool to the touch, his penis was like fire, hot and hard, sensuality made flesh. He leaned close to her neck and bit hard, startling her.

  "Not nice,” she murmured, then squeezed his penis, knowing how much he liked a tight grip. She began pumping him, using the moisture at his slit to ease her way, and soon he was pushing as hard as she was pulling. Need built, to feel him come, to know she made him as crazed as he made her.

  She loved the feel of him in her hands, and had she more room to maneuver, she'd have taken him in her mouth. The taste of him was indescribable, and surprisingly addictive.

  "Kina, finish what you started,” he growled, raising her shirt up to bare her midriff, and pushed against her naked belly.

  She reached under his shaft and rubbed his balls, pleased at the tightness of his sack. He neared release. She could feel it. And the hard motion of his hips promised repletion. Her thighs slid with arousal, and she knew her scent drove him as wild as her touch.

  Keeping on hand over his penis, she pushed the other in her pants, stroking her fingers in her own cream. Then she lifted those fingers to his mouth, growing increasingly excited when he sucked on her digits hard, lapping her with that raspy tongue.

  "Oh yes,” he said thickly, driving against her palm.

  She pulled him hard once, twice, and then he came, ropy bands of semen marking her. He continued to shudder as she rubbed his cum all over his penis, pushing his sensitive shaft into another wave of bliss. Hecate's cauldron, but the man was a walking advertisement for sex. She wanted him so badly she could taste it.

  "Core, glad to see you made it back safely.” The male voice from the shadows was filled with humor, and made her freeze with shock.

  "Not now, Luar,” Core groaned. “Give me a minute."

  "Of course War Leader.” Luar mumbled something Mal couldn't make out, and then several male chuckles sounded, embarrassing the hell out of her.

  She tried to let go of Core's shaft but he held her hand tightly around him, stroking the last bits of seed as he wiped his penis against her middle. “Why didn't you tell me they were out here?” she whispered harshly.

  "And stop you from your sensual play?” One brow rose. “I'm not crazy."

  "You knew they were there."

  "Of course. This is the underground. Don't worry, kina. I'm sure they saw nothing more than me taking my pleasure.” He nuzzled her neck and kissed her softly. “Just be glad I held myself in check. It was all I could do not to eat your very delectable ‘person,’ despite our witnesses."

  She blushed to the roots of her hair, amazed at his audacity. Great. Some kind of impression she was going to make by jerking off their leader before their eyes. She wanted to melt into a puddle and disappear.

  "Relax, kina. Remember the open pleasure you witnessed only a few days past? We Talians are steeped in sexuality. What we did is completely acceptable, and probably a bit disappointing to those hoping for a show."


  He laughed and let her hand go, rubbing his cum into her skin. The touch made her squirm with desire, and only the notion that eyes were upon them stopped her from insisting he finish her too.

  "I would like nothing more than to put out your flames, Mallory,” he murmured, sliding a hand into her pants and through her curls.

  She pressed against him when his finger stroked past her clit into the slick heat between her thighs.

  "Yes or no, kina? Would you like release, as well? No one can see these small movements of my hand.” His voice was like sin itself, his touch a temptation no sane woman could resist.

  "Core,” she moaned softly, spreading her thighs wider as he inserted a second finger into her sheath.

  "That's it, wider.” He quickly unfastened her trousers and shoved them down, baring her sex to his hands. “Oh, Mallory. Just a taste, a small lick to sate me.” Before she could protest, he knelt before her and covered her sex with his mouth.

  His tongue shot up into her vagina, flickering at the g-spot buried in her body, and she lost all thought, open only to sensation. The complete silence all around her meant nothing, nor did the fact that others perhaps watched. In the shadows, in the stark reality of Core's world, she surrendered her body, mind and soul to her lover's touch.

  His lips sucked, his teeth teased and pulled on her woman's flesh. Her clit plumped painfully, her arousal a thirst only he could quench. He pushed a third finger into her vagina, then penetrated her anus with his other hand. All the while he lapped her cream, swallowing her scent.

  "Core,” she cried as she shattered, his fingers and mouth more than she could bear. She rocked into him, her orgasm fireworks inside the once calm state of her spirit. Pleasure pounded, coursed, and filled her until she could see nothing but Core's eyes, feel nothing but his hand on her body.

  "That's it, kina. Now I truly wear your scent, as you wear mine.” He sounded pleased, sensually satisfied as he took his time setting her clothing to rights. With a last lick over her sensitive clit, he rose and snapped her trousers in place, lowering her shirt as well to cover her stained belly—stained with his seed.

  "You did that on purpose,” she gasped, realizing he'd marked her like his possession.

  "Of course I did.” He smiled, a large, toothy grin full of smug male superiority that should have irritated. Instead, he tore down more of her emotional resistance to the arrogant though loveable warrior. “I would not have it known I cannot satisfy my ma—my lover."

  She narrowed her gaze at his words. “Your what?"

  "Come, kina. The nest awaits."

  "I'm not finished with you.” She followed him past several curious warriors now visible in the long grasses and slim trees they neared. How insane was she that she'd just had mind-blowing sex in front of half a dozen men? Crazy in love, Sheila would say. And the thought had her stumbling over a root in the ground, right into Core's back.

  "Easy, kina. I know you're eager for more of me, but wait a little bit longer."

  "Very funny.” She caught his bright grin flashed over his sh
oulder, and realized how much she liked seeing him happy. Whether it was the incredible sex or the return to his people, Core acted like a man satisfied with life.

  As she entered a hidden cave nestled under a ton of vines and the spiky black bark of protective trees, she considered the Talians and what she knew of them. The males couldn't hurt the females, a notion drilled into them at birth. The warriors lived to serve the nest—a group, like a neighborhood—of Talians. But to Core, ‘the nest’ meant the whole of his people.

  And according to what he'd told her during their journey to the underground, the population raised their young, a notion both foreign and welcome to Mallory. She could only wonder what her life might have been like had anyone but her selfish parents raised her. Really, she surprised herself at how differently she'd turned out, when by rights she should have been a spoiled, self-serving rich witch—or bitch—same thing.

  They had walked for several minutes in sheer darkness before Core guided her left and into the faintest trace of light.

  "Let your eyes adjust,” he said quietly and turned to address the men she hadn't heard following her.

  She could feel their eyes on her while they conversed with Core, but thankfully no one remarked on her candid sexual escapade. Lord, what would Sherm and Sheila say to that? Knowing Sheila, probably “Go girl". Mal couldn't help but grin.

  Though she missed her friends dearly, she wouldn't have traded one minute with Core in this place. A certain change from what she was used to, life in this danger-filled land made her appreciate what life should really be about.

  "Mallory, I have to see to the wounded. Perhaps you would go with Luar and Blite to tour the site?"

  "Let me come with you. I might be able to help."

  He stared at her a minute and nodded, the faint light surrounding them making him appear larger in shadow.

  They moved into a larger space and several of the men following broke off, while three remained in trace.

  "My second in command Luar, Blite and Fenin. They will keep you in sight at all times, until we find the traitor the Phrellian spoke of.” Core sounded grim, and she understood. Protecting his people from the technologically advanced and overpopulating Phrellians was one thing. Having to do so at even more an unfair advantage, with a traitor in your mist, was downright wrong.

  "The women might not take to you at first,” he warned. “But it's more a fear of what you represent than who you are. You are a female warrior, and unknown to our kind. Talian females live to breed, to see to their mates’ every whim and need.” He grinned at the look of disgust on her face. “And in exchange, their mates live to protect and revere their women and children. We are an equally serving community. And neither gender is considered superior, only different."

  She thought on his words as they entered a bright room that resembled more a nursery than a cave. The rock walls were smooth. Animal hides lay scattered on the floor, providing comfort and softness for the infants crawling on all fours. Colorful paintings, inspiring and incredibly life-like decorated the walls. Scenes of women and children playing while men hunted and protected from all sides.

  Past the ‘nursery', Mal and Core waded through a sea of gray skinned, robust females. Mal likened it to a harem and had to stifle a sneer at the thought. Imagine living to fulfill some stupid man's every need. However, a glance at Core made her wonder, for just a moment, what it would be like to cater to his needs. Imagine having Core ‘protect and revere’ her.

  A sudden movement to her left shook Mal from her imaginings. A nearby female stepped back the moment Core neared, and she bowed her head in obvious deference. Mal thought her actions interesting, considering most of the non-warriors they had passed had done the same thing.

  Core, apparently, was more than just a War Leader. She had a feeling the big guy was more akin to a king. The female made a face at Mal as soon as Core's back turned, and Mal rolled her eyes. Jealousy—a widespread truth. Gotta love the universe.

  In comparison, Mallory appeared almost petite next to the gray-skinned she-hemoth. Talian females were tall and voluptuous, their breast size about the only thing Mal and the women had in common. They all had long, black hair and surprisingly pleasing, feminine faces. As pretty as their males were hard, yet both genders had that underlying sensuality to their movements and features that captivated upon first glance. Seeing the women up close, Mal wondered if the Phrellians wanted more from the Talians than just their land. Perhaps they coveted the females, as well.

  As she passed, the women eyed her with distrust and even hostility, glaring at her so close to Core. Mal thought their prejudice a bit much at first, but when she heard mutterings of ‘sex’ and ‘pleasure’ she fought the blush threatening to escape.

  "Damn. Word travels fast around here."

  "Especially when Luar keeps them informed.” Core sounded almost happy about it, and she wondered if he felt like beating his chest for having conquered the ‘earth woman'. “Fear not, Mallory. No harm will come to you here. No one would dare threaten my mate,” he said in a louder voice, sending a hush throughout the cave.

  "Mate?” she whispered.

  "We'll talk about it later. But notice the way they look at you now."

  Indeed, his words had the women bowing their heads to her, as well. Unsettled, not to mention secretly pleased, she tried to ignored the way his words made her feel. Confused yet happy beyond sense, Mal reminded herself he had good reason to put aside hostilities. The caves weren't all that large, and dissention in so tight a space wouldn't do anyone well.

  "The wounded?” she reminded him.

  "We're getting there. I have to see to the women first."


  He sighed. “Because that's the way we do things here, Mallory."

  It made little sense to her, but she nodded and continued to follow him. They wound through several corridors and more caves, each lit and illustrating more of the Talian way of life.

  They left the Talian women, only to pass through several caves housing other, ‘alien’ women. Red- and blue-skinned, with three and more arms. Different varieties of women graced the rooms, and she noted the hungry looks on their faces as the warriors passed. It was all Mal could do not to throw a few ice balls at the greedy schemers eyeing Core.

  "These are the many women we have rescued from the Phrellians,” Core said in a low voice. “The Phrellians like to pray on races inferior to them in firepower, and they take what they want. They perform perverse, even harmful sexual practices that involve much bloodletting, and think nothing of sacrificing their bed partners for their hunger."

  His eyes grew furious, and she could readily see why so many respected his fierceness, his ability to control and lead others. Right now, he reminded her utterly of Rattler breaking up a fight at The Palace.

  "They sound like the vamps from my world.” She blinked, startled to realize she might never see her world again, but more so, because she didn't think she'd care.

  His lips tightened and his gaze drilled into her. “Have you run into many ‘vamps’ in your world?"

  "A few.” She shrugged, a hard smile on her face. “But one bite and they left my world, awfully fast."

  His expression cleared. “Ah, the poison you thought might render me dead.” His eyes strayed to her neck. “Would that I had sampled more.” She swore she could hear a subtle purr behind his words, but he turned and she was forced to follow or be prodded by the hungry-looking men behind them.

  "Here are the wounded,” he said several minutes later.

  The large cave in which they stood held at least twenty men and women lying on pallets. Bloody material and buckets of water sat in stages around the room, where several Talian females continued to care for the injured.

  Mal fingered the last charm on her bracelet, a small Ankh, the Egyptian symbol of life. With it, she'd always been able to heal anything.

  "Let's see the damage,” Core said in a soft voice.

  They traveled slowly, se
eing several severely wounded warriors and three women on the verge of death. The others were recovering, or would recover with time.

  "Not Askin, and Hern.” Core shook his head, his eyes hard. “Hern's mate is due to bear young in less than the blue moon's pass."

  "There is nothing more we can do for them.” Luar spoke from behind her. “The Yuka forest is too far. These men and women,” he added in a choked voice, “would die before we could get there."

  Mal stared from the warriors to the wounded, not surprised the men nearly cried when they spied the dying women. She really needed to help Core and his warriors learn to deal with the ‘fairer’ sex. She'd bet her last charm any one of those hating Talian females from that second cave could have carved her in two had they the skill and a weapon. Nothing fragile about a woman who weighed as much as a man in muscle.

  "I could heal them,” she offered quietly.

  All eyes turned to hers, but Core's gaze caught and held. “You would do this?"

  "If I can. Depends on how close they are to, ah, actually dying."

  He stared at her, not decided. “And will this put you in danger?"

  "No. Not like before. I'm not going to project, just to use a small charm. And I shouldn't get so tired.” Not if the life-forces surrounding the dying weren't overly powerful.

  "Please do so,” Core asked and bowed his head. “Again, your gift is most welcome, and much appreciated.” The glint in his eyes told her he planned to thank her properly, and she gave him a wide grin.

  Pinching the charm between her fingers, she healed the three women, surprised at the large drain on her power. She made it through all but two of the men, then simply couldn't continue without a break.

  "Thank you so much,” Blite said from behind her. “You are truly Cuwenicu. I have believed, and I have been shown the truth.” He knelt before her, and she flushed.

  "Stand up, dammit,” she said under her breath. Others were taking notice, and she dreaded the attention, feeling a lot like the egotistical warlocks and witches at home who reveled in such dramatics. “Core.” She nodded her head at Blite. “Will you please tell him to stop?"


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