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Retribution Page 10

by Heather Atkinson

  “Well?” said Trinity when Jared remained silent.

  “I don’t want you to do anything. She’ll be down here soon enough.”

  Trinity took the silence Jared lapsed into as a dismissal and quietly left.

  Jared smiled to himself. Jules was coming to Berkshire. Probably to kill him. But if he got to see her, it would be worth it.

  Jackson knew bringing Cara to see her mum had been a terrible idea when she followed him reluctantly down the corridor to Jules’s room. Thank God his parents had come along for moral support.

  “Now Mummy might seem a bit…different,” he said for the fourth time. “But she loves you so much and she can’t wait to see you.”

  He opened the door to Jules’s room and he had to urge Cara over the threshold. Jules was sitting up in bed, propped up by pillows wearing fresh pyjamas, her hair washed and brushed but it looked flat and lifeless, lacking its usual shine. Her skin was pale and washed out and her skin appeared to hang off her bones. Cara stopped and for a horrible moment Jackson was afraid she was going to turn and run but he took her hand and led her forward and fortunately she complied. What had he expected? She wasn’t even three years old and she’d already had to cope with so much trauma.

  Jules extended her arms out to her, which shook slightly. She took a deep breath before speaking, praying she managed to get the words out. She’d been practising them over and over.

  “Hello sweetheart,” she said, relieved when the words sounded normal.

  Jules couldn’t believe how much Cara had changed in just a few weeks. She was taller and her hair was longer. In her bright red dress and polished red shoes, blond hair neatly combed, she looked like a proper little lady.

  Cara looked up at her dad, blue eyes huge with confusion and a little fear.

  “It’s okay,” said Jackson. “You can give Mummy a hug.”

  Cara looked back at Jules uncertainly and shook her head.

  “Aren’t you going to give her a hug?” said Lisa, Jackson’s mother, wanting to cry at how stricken Jules looked. “Your Mummy’s feeling better now. It’s okay.”

  Cara shook her head again and hugged Jackson’s leg. He picked her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck, refusing to look Jules’s way.

  “Cara…please,” said Jules, a tear sliding down her face.

  In response she buried her face into Jackson’s shoulder.

  “It’s me, Mu…mu…,” she said but Cara started to cry.

  “You’d better take her out,” Stuart told his son. “Let her calm down a bit.”

  “I’m sorry babe,” Jackson told Jules. “But it’s for the best.”

  She just nodded, grey eyes shiny with tears as she watched her daughter leave, who was unable to bear the sight of her. Pain lanced through her chest. “I should no woken up,” said Jules.

  “Don’t say that,” said Lisa moving to her bedside. “We’ve all missed you so much.”

  “Cara, she…she’s…she no like me.”

  Lisa glanced at her husband. “Course she does, she loves you.”

  “Be better me not here. Jackson hate sickness.”

  “Jackson loves you too and he’s going to be right by your side while you get better, we all are. You’ll soon be back to your normal self and Cara will come round.”

  “Tell Jackson…take her home. Not fair.”

  “Okay, we will.”

  “You go too.”

  “Jules, please…”

  “Go,” she yelled, startling them both. Despite her fierce reputation, she’d never been anything but polite before. Her angry look fell away. “Sorry.”

  “It’s okay. We’ll give you some space, if you want?”

  Jules nodded gratefully.

  “And Jackson loves you,” said Stuart. “He won’t let you down.”

  “I let him down,” she said sadly.

  Stuart and Lisa were both a bit embarrassed, knowing nothing they could say would make her feel any better, so they left.

  When they’d gone Jules’s tears dried up in an instant as pure rage overtook her. She hadn’t felt anything like it in a long time, not since Mikey had killed Leighton, the adopted father who had abused her. This rage belonged to the old Jules, the one without a family, who thought no one in the world gave a single shit about her, the one with nothing left to lose and all of it was aimed straight at Jared Slattery. She was going to get back on her feet and she was going after that bastard. He’d destroyed her life.

  Mikey went to the hotel Rachel was staying at. He needed to talk to her.

  When she opened the door of their suite and smiled he felt some of the tension leave his body.

  “Mikey, this is a nice surprise.” Her smile faltered. “Come on in and tell me what’s happened.”

  “Thanks,” he said, stepping into the luxurious suite. Ryan was stretched out on the couch reading a book while the boys played with their toys on the floor in the middle of the room. He guessed Leah, been a typical teenager, had shut herself away in her room.

  “Hello Mikey,” said Ryan, sitting up. “Has something happened?”

  “No, well nothing you need concern yourself with. Me and Amber had a row.”

  “Oh,” he said, lying back down and picking up his book. “If you want a heart to heart Rachel is the one you need.”

  “Yes, I know, that’s why I’m here. Don’t panic,” he said wryly. “I hadn’t come to talk it over with you.”

  “Come on through and I’ll make you a brew,” said Rachel.

  He followed her through to the small kitchenette and sat himself at the table while she bustled about making the tea, feeling himself calming down.

  “So go on then,” she said. “What’s the daft mare done now?”

  Mikey related his tale of woe, feeling a weight lift off his chest. Talking to Rachel always helped.

  “She’s a silly bitch,” said Rachel when he’d finished.

  “Thank you. Her and her gargoyle of a mum got me so turned around I started to wonder if I was being unreasonable.”

  “Course you weren’t. It is obscene the way she spends. You’ve done such a good thing with that homeless shelter, you’re even helping people find jobs and get back on their feet. What does she do? Waste her time shopping and having her hair done.”

  “In a way I don’t blame Amber for being pissed off at me because all I want to do is be with Jules. She needs so much support and I enjoy supporting her, it brings us even closer…”

  “Just hold your horses there Mikey,” she said, placing his mug of tea before him and taking the seat opposite. “She has a husband to do that.”

  “He’s not supporting her like he should Rach, you’ve seen him. And you can’t say it’s because he’s going through hell because Jules needs him to be strong for her and he isn’t being. He can’t deal with sickness, he can barely stand to be around the kids when they have colds. He’s not going to stay the distance.”

  “You mean you hope he won’t?”

  He sighed. “In a way I do because it gives me room to step in but at the same time I don’t because that would hurt Jules and she’s been hurt enough.”

  “She certainly has. But going back to Amber, she makes you miserable Mikey. Why are you still with her?”

  “I thought you’d be telling me to stay with her?”

  “Why would I do that when all I want is for you to be happy? But I do think you shouldn’t factor Jules into the equation if you do decide to leave Amber. She’s married and she’s going through so much right now.”

  “I know, I know,” he said, holding up his hands. “I try not to but I can’t help it.”

  “First of all you need to decide whether you want to stay with Amber or not.”

  “If it wasn’t for the boys I would have left her already. But there’s something else. I get the feeling she’s up to something, sneaking around my back.”

  Rachel’s eyes turned black. “What?”

  “Sometimes she looks at me in this s
mug way that says she knows something I don’t. I’ve kept a close eye on her but I’ve never seen anything to prove I’m right. I might just be being paranoid,” he said with a dismissive wave of the hand.

  “Never discount your gut feeling Mikey. Your instinct is finely honed, it’s why you’ve lasted so long in this business. If your gut tells you she’s up to something, then she is.”

  “It could be something pretty innocent, like a big purchase she doesn’t want me to find out about.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not.”

  “Or she could be plotting something nasty with that bitch of a mother of hers. If I’d known I’d have been lumbered with that cow too I would never have married Amber.”

  “Which was why she and her husband were careful to keep out of your way until after the wedding.”

  Mikey shook his head. “I’ve been well and truly stitched up, haven’t I?”

  “It would seem so. I blame myself, I urged you to go for it with Amber but she seemed so nice, so sweet.”

  “Don’t you dare blame yourself Rach. It was my decision.”

  “I should have seen what she really was.”

  “You were all over the place, you’d just lost Thomas,” he said gently.

  Rachel swallowed hard and nodded. The memory of her stillborn son still caused her immense pain. “Maybe,” was all she said to that. “So, what are you going to do?”

  “I want a divorce but she’ll come after me for every penny I’ve got.”

  “Don’t tell me you haven’t hidden most of it?”

  “Alright, she’ll come after every penny the tax man thinks I have.”

  “With that ferocious lawyer of yours? I don’t think so. Besides, isn’t it worth it to be free of her?”

  “Yeah actually, it would be. Its my boys I worry about.”

  “From what I’ve seen they’d be better off without her.”

  “My hours are so erratic. At the moment it’s okay because I know she’s at home.”

  “So hire a nanny.”

  “I don’t want someone living in.”

  “They don’t have to. I can recommend someone who worked for us when we were in Manchester. She’s discreet and reliable.”

  “Yeah, thanks Rach. That would be good.”

  “You’re entitled to some happiness too Mikey.”

  “I know. One day I might bloody get it.”

  “You will,” she said, gently squeezing his hand.

  “Thanks Rach. I feel a bit better just for talking it through with someone.”

  “Anytime for you, you know that.”

  Mikey was incredibly grateful that at least one woman in his life never caused him chaos.

  Declan opened the door to his apartment and beamed when he saw who his visitor was.

  “I wasn’t expecting to see you today,” he said.

  “Oh,” replied Amber, eyes filling with hurt. “Do you want me to leave?”

  “No, course not. Come on in.”

  She followed him inside, shut the door and flung herself at him, clinging onto his neck.

  “What’s the matter?” he said, holding her tightly. “You’re shaking.”

  “It’s…it’s Mikey,” she said, eyes welling with tears.

  “What has that fucker done to you now?” he growled, taking a step back to look at her, cupping her face in his hands. “Has he hurt you again?”

  “Not physically this time, no. I…I went shopping with Mum and I just bought a couple of little things, they weren’t very much and I hardly ever treat myself but he went off on one, he said if I ever did it again he’d throw me out on the streets and I’d be homeless and never get to see my kids again.”

  “The bastard,” he sighed, pulling her back to him. “You never spend money on yourself, everything you do is for him or the kids and he has the nerve to have a go at you for that.”

  “It’s my fault. I should have known better.”

  The sight of those huge green tear-filled eyes broke his heart. “I want to physically hurt him for what he’s doing to you.”

  Amber spotted her chance, Declan completely missing the way her eyes slyly narrowed.

  “Well, there might be a way,” she began.

  “Go on,” he said.

  “You could steal more drugs.” She got the urge to slap him when he paled.

  “I can’t. I was lucky to get away with it once. Twice is pushing it.”

  “But nothing’s come of it, has it? No one’s even noticed.”

  “They might have, they’re just keeping it close to their chests. Mikey and Jez are probably too afraid of Toni McVay finding out.”

  “I was thinking,” she continued. “You could steal them but this time, you could plant them on Mikey then we could call the police and he’d get put in prison and I’d be free.”

  Amber was furious when he regarded her with sympathy, like a child who wanted a toy it couldn’t have.

  “If I thought that would save you from him I would have done it by now. Mikey would be released within the hour if he was lifted for drugs possession, you’ve no idea of the contacts he and Jez have.”

  “But what if we make sure the right officer is sent to arrest him? I heard DI Dwyer has a huge hard on for nicking Mikey. If we could arrange it so he’s the arresting officer. Declan?” she said when he pulled away and turned his back on her.

  “I don’t know if I can do this,” he said.

  “Not even if it frees me from a tyrant?” she said, strategically allowing her voice to crack on the last word.

  He sighed and turned back round to face her. “Since I was a kid I’ve had it drummed in me not to grass, that the police are the enemy and I don’t know if I’ve got the strength to go against that.”

  “Not even for me? And just think, if you do this we can finally be together. With Mikey inside I’d have it all - the houses and the cash. We’d have plenty to move away and start over, somewhere abroad where it’s always hot and sunny, just me and you.”

  “And the boys?”

  “Oh yeah, them too. Wouldn’t you like that?”

  “I’d love it but I’m not sure this is the right way to go.”

  “Please Declan, you have to help me, there’s no one else I can turn to. One day he will go too far and kill me.”

  Declan pulled her into his chest and kissed the top of her head. “I won’t let him.”

  “So…you’ll do it?”

  He nodded. “I’ll do it, to keep you safe.”

  “Thank you,” she breathed into his chest, smiling into the silk of his shirt.


  Riley and Beth went together to pick up the kids from their grandmother’s house. It rankled with Riley to find Archie sitting at the table drinking a glass of milk and eating a biscuit looking like butter wouldn’t melt. He smiled inwardly. The vicious little sod was in for a surprise. They’d already phoned Beth’s mum to check it was okay for him to stay, which she’d eagerly agreed to, she adored her grandchildren.

  “Alfie, Holly, get your coats and shoes on,” said Beth.

  “What about me?” frowned Archie.

  “You’re staying here,” said Riley, glad he managed to keep the enjoyment out of his tone.

  “Really?” said Alfie, trying not to grin.

  Beth nodded. “Wait in the hall with Holly.”

  “Alright. Come on Hol,” he said, taking his little sister’s hand and leading her out into the hallway.

  Archie looked up at his mum and stepdad coldly.

  Beth knelt before her son and took his hand. “We’ve been talking and we’ve agreed that it would be best if you stayed with your gran for a little while. We know the baby’s upsetting you and we think it would do you some good to have some time away from me, so you can get used to the idea of having another little sister.”

  He didn’t respond, his expression blank.

  “What do you think honey?” said Beth. “Will that help you come to terms with things a bit?”

p; She swallowed hard when his eyes flared, turning from burning coals into icy shards in seconds, until all emotion whatsoever had melted away and he resumed that same, unnerving blank expression. He shrugged. “Whatever.”

  “We’ll come and visit,” she continued. “And it’s only temporary. You’ll soon be home. It’s for the best sweetheart, you’ll see.”

  He didn’t react as she pressed a kiss to his forehead, Riley assisting her to her feet. Archie’s eyes flicked up to his stepdad and flared again but that look failed to affect Riley like it did Beth and he just stared back at him steadily until Archie dropped his gaze.

  “Bye sweetheart,” Beth called to him, feeling awful for leaving him behind. “We’ll see you soon. I love you.”

  She hoped he’d say it back but he didn’t.

  “Come on,” said Riley gently, taking her hand and leading her to the door.

  “He’ll be fine,” said Beth’s mum, following them out. “I’ll let you know how he gets on.”

  “Thanks Mum,” said Beth, hugging her. “He’s always so good for you.”

  “You’re very welcome pet. This is the right thing to do and try not to worry, think of the little one,” she said, nodding at her swollen belly.

  Beth nodded, trying not to cry as she got into the front passenger seat, Riley getting into the driver’s seat, Alfie and Holly jumping into the back.

  As they drove away Beth looked back and saw Archie’s pale face watching them from the lounge window, expression thunderous. His glare felt like a punch and she shivered, the horrible sensation dissipating when they turned the corner and he vanished from view.

  “You okay babe?” said Riley, taking her hand.

  She took a deep breath and nodded, feeling a weight lift off her. She rested a hand on her stomach, able to relax now she knew her baby was safe, for a while at least.

  “Why isn’t Archie coming?” said Alfie.

  Beth didn’t know what to tell them.

  “We think it’s best if he stays with your gran for a bit,” said Riley. “He’s been under a bit of pressure lately with the new baby, so we thought he could use a break.”

  Alfie nodded. “Good idea.”


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