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Retribution Page 49

by Heather Atkinson

  Thankfully the surgery and severity of his injury meant the police had been kept at bay for a little while but someone had been murdered and he was the prime witness. And suspect.

  Now two police officers stood in his hospital room, looking grim, both wearing rumpled suits. After the fiasco at the farmhouse no doubt they’d been working double time.

  “You finally awake?” said the taller and older one of the pair.

  Robbie frowned at the man. “Yeah. Just about.”

  The older man took the chair by his bedside while the younger one remained standing by the door.

  “We know all about you Robbie,” began the older officer. “You were part of a large criminal outfit in Essex, until your family was pushed out by the Slatterys. We know you went to Manchester with your family. Funnily enough, none of them came back, or have ever been seen again. You started working for Alex Maguire then, just as he vanishes, you end up back in Essex, working for Slattery. I’m surprised he offered you a place on his firm, especially after the way your two families warred. Perhaps you gave him information about the Maguires and Laws?”

  Robbie remained quiet when he stared at him, awaiting an answer.

  “Then Slattery attacks the Maguire compound,” he went on. “In retaliation, the Slattery Homestead is burnt to the ground, Jared’s mum and all his men killed. Next thing we know Slattery turns up here, in Berkshire, full of bullet holes. And guess what?”

  “What?” he sighed.

  “You’re there, the link between all these events. Funny that.”


  “Did you kill Slattery?”


  “Then who did? We found evidence of someone else at the scene and lucky for you, the murder weapon wasn’t there either. I think someone else killed Slattery and broke your knee, setting you up as a patsy. One of the men working for Jared reported someone storming the house, chucking gas canisters about. As the intruder wore a gas mask they were unable to identify them. The rest of his men can’t remember anything, probably because of the effects of the gas. Want to know what else I think?”

  “Not really but I suppose you’re going to tell me.”

  “Our colleagues in Essex have told us all about your employer, Katia Brody. According to them she’s seen off a lot of the competition and she’s running most of the drugs and prostitution, even managing to branch out into parts of London, overcoming some pretty organised crews. Impressive.”

  “She’s an impressive woman.” Robbie kicked himself. He should have kept his mouth shut. The copper’s eyes gleamed when he recognised the affection in his voice for Katia.

  “So I’ve heard, but personally I don’t find murderers and drug dealers very attractive.”

  “You should get out more.”

  The copper leaned right over him, gaze intense. “Where is she then, this impressive woman? She’s not been to see you and you know why? Because she doesn’t give a shit about you.”

  “You don’t know anything about her,” he retorted.

  “I know she belongs behind bars. She used you as a fall guy. Are you going to take that lying down?”

  “My knee’s completely shagged so I’ve no choice.”

  “You’re looking at a stretch inside Robbie. You were discovered at the scene of a murder and your prints were all over a gun. It might not have been the murder weapon but it’s still illegal to carry a firearm that’s had its serial number filed off.”

  Inwardly Robbie cursed. He mustn’t have wiped the gun enough.

  “Don’t you want some payback on the woman who put you in this very awkward position?”

  Robbie did want some payback, in fact he fucking burned for it but he would die before he dropped Katia in it. But he had no problem dropping Hayden in it.

  “Katia wasn’t even there,” he said.

  “You expect us to believe that?”

  “Yes because it’s true and if you had anything to prove she was there you wouldn’t be here annoying me.”

  The officer grunted with annoyance. He’d wanted to haul Katia in for questioning but two dozen people had sworn she was with them at a nightclub when Slattery was getting shot, along with her husband and the rest of their crew. The only one they hadn’t vouched for was this little worm wriggling about on the bed.

  “It was Hayden Brody,” said Robbie.

  “Her husband?”

  “Yeah. He shot Slattery and when we heard the sirens we did a runner. On the way out the door he slammed his foot into my knee. He was in the army, he knows how to injure for maximum effect. He left me behind to take the fall for his crime.”

  “Why you, out of all of his crew?”

  “Because me and Katia are close. I was the one who brought her to Essex, who protected her and helped her start a new life when Alex Maguire disappeared.”

  “What was her connection to Alex Maguire?”

  “She was his lover. Her twin boys, Alex and Daniel, are his.”


  “Hayden’s never liked it that we’re so close, he’s always been jealous.”

  “How is it that someone who worked for the Maguire-Law firm was welcomed into the Slattery Homestead? I know Hayden worked for Jared before he and Katia decided to go it alone.”

  “He helped Katia get her sons back from Mikey Maguire when he kidnapped them, almost killing Katia in the process.”

  “That would confirm Alex was the boys’ dad. Why else would Mikey Maguire bother with them?”

  “Exactly.” Robbie was tempted to tell him that Jules Driscoll had been at the farmhouse too, however he only had Hayden’s word for that, he hadn’t actually seen her and he was reluctant to dob that family in. No doubt Hayden was already desperate to have him topped, so he didn’t want the Manchester lot trying to take him out too.

  “Would you be willing to testify that Hayden was the one who shot Jared Slattery?”

  “Happy to,” he said, feeling more cheerful.

  The officer’s eyes gleamed and he straightened up and nodded at his colleague.

  “Where are you going?” said Robbie.

  “Where do you think? To arrest Hayden Brody.”

  As they left the room, Robbie gazed up at the ceiling, grinning, despite the mess he was in. Hayden would soon be out of the way for good and he and Katia could finally be together. With her husband gone she would need someone to lean on and he intended to be her rock all over again.

  Hayden and Katia were in the office at the jewellery store, mulling over what they should do about Robbie. Hayden was all for having him killed but Katia found she was reluctant.

  “He’ll grass to the police the first chance he gets,” said Hayden.

  “He won’t grass on me,” she said, “I know it. Neither does he know anything about our businesses, he was a personal bodyguard to our boys, that is all.”

  Hayden had a horrible feeling deep in his gut that something was wrong. No doubt Robbie couldn’t wait to grass him up for a whole host of crimes.

  They shot to their feet when they heard the rumble of voices below and the tramp of feet up the stairs.

  “Who is that?” said Katia.

  “The police,” he said resignedly. In fact he was astonished they hadn’t come sooner.

  “What do we do?”

  “There’s nothing we can do. Don’t worry, they won’t find anything here and Robbie doesn’t know the address of our real business headquarters.” He’d been careful to keep him out of the loop when they’d moved premises to a more secure location.

  A bunch of police officers, both uniformed and plain-clothed, burst into the room, one of them thrusting a search warrant at Katia while another began reading Hayden his rights and snapping on the handcuffs.

  “No, please don’t take him,” cried Katia, attempting to cling onto her husband. “We’ve only just got married.”

  Gently one of the officers took her by the shoulders and steered her away from him.

den kept his gaze on his wife as he was marched out of the room. Perhaps leaving Robbie behind hadn’t been the smartest idea he’d ever had.

  Katia remained oblivious to the destruction around her as her beloved shop was torn apart, holes punched into the walls and floorboards ripped up, her rich clientele scared off. They wouldn’t find anything, everything here was legal. All she could think of was that her husband had been taken away from her and a tidal wave of rage washed over her. Robbie could not be allowed to take her husband from her.

  Friend or not, he had to go.

  Mikey was in heaven. He was at home with his boys and Amber had gone. Plus Jules had decided to stay, although she was spending some time with Ryan and Rachel. He was desperate to see her but knew she needed some space to get her head straight. On top of that Jared Slattery was finally dead, Katia had been given a spanking and was being investigated by the police and Declan was in intensive care with two broken legs, a broken arm and being fed through a tube, unable to cause any more havoc. Finally he felt like he could relax.

  His boys were cuddled up with him on the couch and they were watching a film together. They’d noticed their mother’s absence but so far hadn’t commented on it. However they were so much more relaxed, Josh already becoming the chirpy boy he’d once been.

  Mikey sighed when the doorbell rang. Couldn’t he get five minutes peace?

  “Back in a minute boys,” he told them, getting to his feet. “You carry on watching the film.”

  He opened the front door to find Amber on his doorstep, dressed in a tight clingy dress, wearing full make-up, diamond necklace glittering in the moonlight.

  “What do you want?” he sighed.

  “To come home. It’s so depressing at my mum and dad’s and I miss my husband.”

  When she attempted to slide her arms around his neck, he removed them and took a step back. “Well I don’t miss you and you don’t need to stay with your parents, I gave you the house in Carrwood.”

  “I don’t like being on my own. I jump at every noise, especially after what Declan did to me.”

  Mikey shook his head. “You really are a piece of work.”

  “I know you don’t believe me but he forced me into all those things.”

  “Oh fuck off Amber. Me and the boys are watching a film and spending some quality time together and you’re spoiling it.”

  “I want to see them too.”

  “You couldn’t give a shit about them,” he whispered so they wouldn’t overhear.

  “How dare you? I love my children. Hello boys, it’s Mummy,” she called, attempting to step into the house but he wouldn’t let her. “You can’t keep me from them,” she screeched.

  “Then why didn’t they come running when you called? Because they don’t want to know. You neglected and ignored them for too long. Well they’re finally becoming the happy boys they used to be and I’m not going to let you ruin that.”

  “You can’t keep my children from me.”

  “I won’t. We’ll arrange regular visits during the divorce proceedings but for now you will give them some peace.”

  “This is my home,” she said, turning on the waterworks. “You can’t do this to me.”

  “That might have worked on Declan but it doesn’t wash with me. I doubt you feel any genuine emotion apart from greed and hate. Have some dignity Amber and go away. We don’t want you.”

  “You’ll regret this,” she snarled. “I swear to God I’ll make you fucking pay for what you’ve done to me you pig.”

  He thrust his face into hers, lips drawing back into a snarl, silencing her. “Fuck off before I make you,” he said before slamming the door shut in her face.

  Amber turned from the door when she heard the bolts being driven home, constantly looking back over her shoulder as she tottered back to her car, hoping to see the door open again and Mikey welcome her in but that never happened. The curtains had been drawn so she couldn’t even see inside.

  “My beautiful house,” she whispered, gazing up at it with tears in her eyes. “My beautiful big house.” That house was hers, she’d picked the décor and chosen every piece of furniture and she refused to let it go without a fight.

  She got into her car and slammed the door shut, screaming with rage and banging her small fists off the steering wheel.

  “You’re going to fucking regret this Mikey,” she cried, staring back at her wild reflection in the rear-view mirror.

  Tom watched the small crazy woman with the long red hair attack her own car. He knew she was Mikey’s missus but it seemed all was far from harmonious. Good. He hoped she gave him hell. It would serve him right for murdering his friends.

  He’d been tempted to attack Mikey in his own home but, before the curtains had been drawn he’d noticed two small boys inside the house. No way was he going to risk kids getting caught in the line of fire, so he’d decided to postpone his assault, for now. Plus he wanted a more dramatic setting for their showdown. After the compound had been blown up, word was Mikey had moved his new headquarters somewhere secret, somewhere no one knew about and he was determined to find it. He’d face him there. Tom caressed the gun in his jacket pocket. And he would kill him.

  “So,” said Rachel, handing Jules a glass of wine and sinking onto the couch beside her. “Are you okay about you and Jackson?”

  They were alone in the lounge. Jez and Ryan were in the latter’s office making some strategic phone calls and Brodie and Cass had gone out to interrogate Delmar again. Roger, during the course of his investigation, had discovered that Reid had already moved on from the flat above the pub, not wanting to stay in one place for long, so it was back to the drawing board.

  She nodded. “Yeah, it’s the right thing to do. He’s seen the other side of me, the one he’s heard about but I’ve always protected him from. Until now.”

  “And he didn’t take it very well?”

  “No, not really, although he did stick it out, bless him, which means a lot to me. But we realised it wouldn’t have worked in the long run. Something would always have come along to show him that other side of me and he wouldn’t have liked it, it would have ate away at our marriage. At least this way it’s over cleanly.”

  “He’s not so snow white. He got another woman pregnant.”

  “He did but he’s finally going to have the child he’s always wanted. He might even have more with Cindy. They’ll settle down to a good, clean, if slightly dull life together and that’s how it should be. Jackson is good and he deserves someone good.”

  “You’re good too Jules.”

  “Are you serious? I’m an unstable assassin with a penchant for S&M. Hardly what every mother wants for her son.”

  “You’re all those things but you’re also kind, generous and loving. Many so-called respectable people are none of those things.”

  “Thanks for the pep talk,” she smiled. “But it’s for the best.”

  “And Cara?”

  “Is staying with Jax and Cindy. It’s the right thing to do,” she added when Rachel frowned. “It’s where she wants to be and they can give her a stable environment. God knows I’ve never done that for her.”

  “Yes you did, for two years until the Slatterys attacked. That little girl adored you.”

  “But she doesn’t anymore,” she said with a forced smile.

  “It’s not right, she should be with you. You’re her biological mother.”

  “I know you don’t agree with what I’ve done but if you saw the look in that little girl’s eyes when she looks at me then you’d have done exactly the same. You’ve no idea what it feels like to have your own child look at you as though you’re a monster out of a horror movie.”

  “I’m so sorry Jules.”

  “It’s alright. I was half-expecting it. People like me don’t get happy endings. I’ve done too many bad things.”

  “That’s a load of bollocks Jules. You deserve to be happy, everyone does.”


; “And what about Mikey?”

  “What about him?”

  “Don’t give me that crap, I know you’re in love with each other. Everyone does.”

  “They do?”

  “We’re not thick. Even Ethan and Aaron know.”

  “And there’s me thinking we were being really subtle.”

  “Nope. So?”

  “So what?”

  “Now you’re both single are you going to get together?”

  “He’s asked me but I really don’t know. Why do you look disappointed?”

  “Because I think you’d be really great together.”

  “Even though we’re first cousins?”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  “Because now I don’t have a womb we can’t have any seven-toed kids?”

  “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

  “I really can’t think about that now. That’s why I wanted to come here, because it helped me see things clearly last time. Or maybe it didn’t, because I chose Jackson.”

  “I knew it, you do want to be with Mikey.”

  “Yes alright, maybe, but I’m in a serious state of head fuck right now and I am not making a huge decision like that until I can see straight again.”

  “That’s probably a good idea after everything you’ve been through.”

  “Besides, now I’m single again I feel like spreading some more wild oats and I would love to spread them with Brodie and Cass. At the same time.”

  “Urgh,” said Jez, walking into the room. “You have really shit taste Jules. Well, maybe not with Cass because she is really fit.” He looked panicked. “Don’t tell Cathy I said that.”

  Ryan rolled his eyes. “Cass and Brodie just called. After some encouragement Delmar told them Reid might be staying at a flat in Burnthouse Lane. They’ve managed to confirm that Reid is in there.”

  “Where’s Burnthouse Lane?” said Jules.

  “Exeter,” replied Rachel. “Chav central.”

  “Then what are we waiting for?” said Jules, jumping to her feet. “Let’s go get the nobhead.”


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