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by Angela Blythe

  ’I do see him a couple of times a week, yes,’ Maurice said. ‘But he’s been going out a lot more I think, now he hasn’t got to do his blood peddling in this Village. He goes over to Moorston quite a bit and stays over there. You know, hanging with his own kind. I suppose it’s natural for him to do that, isn’t it? Of course, that’s where he does all his business now. I’ll see if I can get hold of him though,’ Maurice said.

  ’Thanks,’ Wee Renee said. I’m sure if you’re worried about going off in the dark, that Ernie or someone will drive you there.’

  ‘I’ll sort it,’ Maurice said.

  Time was getting on now, as Wee Renee also had chores to do around the house. She was doing them in between phone calls but wasn’t getting very far.

  The next place she called was the Pub. Wee Renee didn’t know if Rick would remember to mention it to Lauren in time so that she could get cover and come up and join the meeting. That was if she wanted to.

  When she called, Lauren said that Rick had mentioned it, but she hadn’t got cover yet. She would try and ring around a few more people and was confident that she could find someone. Lauren was determined to come, a few of the other barmaid’s owed her a couple of favours. Tonight, she was calling them in.

  The last person to call was Pat. She wanted to say a couple of things to her before tonight. The phone rang three times and then was picked up.

  ’Friarmere Vampire Killers. How can I help you?’ Pat said through stifled giggles.

  ’I hope you knew that was me,’ Wee Renee said.

  ’Of course, I knew it was you. There is only you that rings me or people telling me that I’ve got PPI, so either way that greeting would suit, wouldn’t it?’ Pat said laughing.

  ‘Have the dirty phone calls stopped now?’ Wee Renee asked.

  ‘Alas yes. I think I put them off their stride a few times. But if they start up again, that greeting would work too. Saves me trundling out my usual material,’ Pat said.

  Wee Renee knew what she meant and began to speak.

  ’Listen, I’ve been calling people and asking them about the meeting tonight,’ Wee Renee started.

  ’I was there last night. Did you think I wouldn’t be coming?’ Pat said. Wee Renee heard a voice in the distance shout ‘and me’ so realised that Pat must have the phone on loudspeaker.

  ‘What I was thinking was can you make sure you bring the key with you tonight? I know most of those lot have seen it before, but it just might trigger something in someone’s mind, you know,’ Wee Renee said.

  ’Of course,’ Pat said.

  ’And the other thing is, I wanted to ask your opinion on something,’ Wee Renee said cautiously.

  ’This sounds fishy,’ Pat said. There was not a word from Jackie in the background.

  ’Well, I want a major serious brainstorming session. I’ve already tasked Maurice to speak to Mark about what he might know. But I’m not going to ask Mark to attend,’ Wee Renee said.

  ’Oh no, I don’t think you should at all,’ Pat said.

  ’What I was thinking of, was asking if any of the Moorston vampires wanted to come. They might see something that none of us can,’ Wee Renee asked. ‘They might know something too.’

  ’Did you hear that Jackie?’ Pat asked.

  ‘Someone coming from Moorston?’ Jackie shouted.

  ‘Yes, vampires. Vampire Mistresses,’ Pat informed her.

  ‘Arrrghhh, no. Count me out then,’ Jackie said.

  ‘I think that’s your answer,’ Pat said. ‘There are a few that don’t know them. Alan, Ann, Jackie and Hazel. I don’t think they are ready for them. Let them get this one under their belts first Rene, before we unleash Angela on them,’ Pat said.

  ‘Argghh!’ Jackie shouted again.

  ‘Oh, Pat you are a one. Stop making out she’s scary. They would have a shock if they met her – and a nice one too,’ Wee Renee said. Pat laughed.

  ‘Yes, I’m just pulling your chain, Jackie. They are a decent lot. But honestly Rene, I think unless we really need them, we shouldn’t involve them. We can’t go running to Mummy every time there’s a monster under our beds, can we?’ Pat said.

  ‘Aye, you’re right love. We’ll keep that one in our back pockets until we need it. I’ll see you later,’ Wee Renee said.

  Wee Renee started to make her preparations. She didn’t want to do everything when Our Doris got here and not be sociable.

  She took the silver and gold pins out of the map and put them back in the box, then she rolled up the map. Wee Renee tied one of her tartan hair ribbons around it gently.

  She thought she would spread it across the large table in the Dark Pennine Tale room. So, she wasn’t going to be able to stick pins in it. She wondered what she should use and then thought about something that Wee Renee had boxes of that would be of use sometime, but she wasn’t using currently. This was something that she had taken from the chemist when they were in dire need during the vampire war. A jumbo box of condoms.

  She could put them out in their different coloured wrappers and then just put them back in the box to be used another time. They would be great markers for sites. She imagined there might be a few comments and especially from Pat. But everyone knew what Wee Renee was like, and she used the first thing that came to hand, without agenda.

  When Our Doris arrived, Wee Renee had got everything ready in a couple of carrier bags on her kitchen table. They walked from Wee Renee’s house down to the Village, Haggis stopping and marking several places. Generally enjoying being around his old haunt again.

  When they got to the Café, they immediately ordered their hot drinks and took a menu to read while sitting.

  Wee Renee chose carrot and coriander soup with home-made bread. Our Doris couldn’t decide and then picked the same as Wee Renee, along with a scone with clotted cream and jam for after.

  Wee Renee said she would impart all information tonight, and that they should use this time just to catch up.

  Our Doris said she really missed being with everyone. Even though she had been alone for a while after a husband had died, the company that she had had for several weeks meant that she hated to now be in the house on her own.

  ’You’ve got Jennifer and Beverly close by,’ Wee Renee said. ‘Why don’t you go over and see them a lot.’

  ’I don’t like to impose,’ Our Doris said. ‘After all, I’m not their problem, and they have their own lives and problems. I’m just Auntie Doris to them. It’s just a good job I’ve got him here. I don’t know what I’d do without him.’ She stroked Haggis as she spoke about him.

  ’Well, I promise to involve you in every weird problem that we have. What about that?’ Wee Renee said.

  ’Great,’ Our Doris said. ‘I’m up for that.’ The food arrived, and they carried on talking.

  ‘You know you ought to go to the pictures or something like that,’ Wee Renee said. ‘There’s lots on that you’d probably like. It would be a break from sitting in the house. I go to the pictures on my own sometimes, and we could go together sometimes when all this is over. Or the Bingo.’ Our Doris considered this.

  ’Do you know what Wee Renee, I bloody well will. I’ll go to the pictures this week,’ Our Doris said, and they carried on eating.

  Soon after they had finished their meal, Our Doris said she wanted to call at the shop. She brought some chocolate biscuits, some individual cakes in boxes and several pork pies. She said that this would be sustenance for the meeting tonight.

  The two ladies carried them back. Haggis seemed to know where he was going and pulled all the way back. A couple of times he began to veer off, thinking he might still be on his mission of discovering stinky monster places.

  After a swift no Haggy, from Our Doris at the Chip Shop, and Ian’s Butcher Shop, he did not go anywhere else. All the way after that, he just pulled towards Wee Renee’s house. This was a comfort to Wee Renee. A new site not being revealed up here, made her think that they were safe in Wellmeadow. At least on her sid
e of the street.

  After dark, all the cars descended on The Grange. Our Doris drove up with Wee Renee in the Jaguar, she also had Haggis with her. When they got to their destination, there was a lot of excitement, with people making drinks, setting chairs out, lighting the fire and generally getting ready to do a little bit of investigating.

  They all seemed to be waiting for Wee Renee, and her drink was ready. Our Doris, Brenda and Ann laid out the biscuits, cakes and pork pies. Ernie had brought a fruitcake too, so there was enough for all of them.

  Bob and Adam sat on the floor in the corner playing with Haggis. Bob had missed him, and Haggis was pleased to have the attention again. They could hear everything that was going on and join in if required. Plus, if everyone crowded around the table, there would be no room for them to see anyway.

  Wee Renee unrolled her map over the table, everyone could see the little holes that were in four places currently, as the firelight shone through them when Wee Renee wafted it out. She laid it down, and Sue put four side plates on the corners to keep it flat.

  ’As you can see, this is the map of Friarmere.’ Wee Renee said. Everyone else was all ears at what she was about to say.

  ‘I am going to mark the first four places that everyone knows about,’ Wee Renee said. She reached in her carrier bag and pulled out the contents of one of the boxes. Hazel’s eyes went very wide. She always thought that Wee Renee was a strange person but now … well … who’d use condoms as markers for murders? What was she up to in private, if she had that many to spare? Hazel immediately pegged Wee Renee as a dark horse.

  ’Thank you for not commenting,’ Wee Renee said. ‘Now firstly we have the Moors.’ She put a marker on there. ‘The second place was the School, the third was The Grange or to be more precise from information I know now, the graveyard at the back of The Grange and finally the canal. These are the places that we know.’ Everyone nodded. Even Hazel had been informed about these from Carl.

  ’Now yesterday I went on a walk, taking three dogs. Bella, Haggis and Bambi. We started off on these sites that you are all familiar with. We let them pick up the scent fully from these before we let them do their own thing. Firstly, there was this,’ she said, putting a marker on Ian’s Butcher’s Shop.

  ’Ah then that was just meat, I think,’ Alan said. ‘I have to drag Tilly away from there.’

  ’That’s what I think too,’ Wee Renee said. ‘However, it was singled out so there we are. Here is the next one, the Chip Shop.’

  ’Food again?’ Freddie asked.

  ’I don’t know about that, Freddie. It’s not raw meat. I would say an animal like this does not cook its meat. And certainly not queue up for greasy chips, but there was a marker on the Chip Shop,’ Wee Renee said.

  ’When did you last go to the Chip Shop?’ Tony asked Bob.

  ’Weeks ago, with you Dad,’ Bob said.

  ’Good. I was just checking,’ Tony said.

  ’The next is the Coffee Shop,’ Wee Renee said.

  ’These are all places people eat at. It’s just hungry,’ Ann said.

  ‘For a flat white?’ Liz asked.

  ‘Listen there’s more,’ Wee Renee said. She picked up three condoms and put them halfway down the street the other side of Friarmere, across the valley, called Mount View. Sally squinted at where she had put them.

  ’Is that the quarry where Father Philip was camping out?’ Sally asked.

  ’No love, it’s the street on the way up to it. There’s a row of terraced houses there too,’ Wee Renee said.

  ’Why did you put three condoms on there and only one on the others?’ Liz asked.

  ’Because there were three markers there, on a red car. A lot of evidence. But I didn’t know who the red car belonged to.’ She took a big breath. ‘The next one is here,’ Wee Renee said. She put five condoms in a pile on top of this place, stacked like roulette chips, and then looked at the others. ‘The Pub.’

  ’Oh no,’ Lauren said, covering her hand mouth in shock. Rick put his arm around her shoulders. Sally ran her fingers through her hair. She didn’t realise the beast had been to so many places. This was like a plague.

  ‘Wee Renee?’ Lauren asked. ‘When you say markers, do you mean wee?’

  ’Yes mainly. That’s what they were outside the pub. Sometimes though, it leaves a doodoo,’ Wee Renee informed her.

  ’Do you know, people have been saying it stunk outside, and I’ve been going around thinking it’s something coming up from the cellar bleaching all down there. Is it at the front of the pub?’ Lauren asked. Wee Renee nodded at her.

  ‘The monster has mugged you off there Lauren,’ Pat said and sniffed in punctuation.

  ‘There are lots of signs outside the pub Lauren, I have to be honest about that,’ Wee Renee said. ‘Just think about how many people have been in there in one week. It could be after any of them.’

  ‘Why so many though?’ Rick asked. There was no answer to that yet.

  ‘Just a couple more now,’ she said to everyone collectively. Ernie was enjoying this. He took a drink of his tea while still looked at the map, waiting for Wee Renee’s next reveal.

  ’Of course, this was the next one on our way back from Band the other night, it was confirmed.’ She put a condom on top of Sue and Tony’s house. ‘The dogs could smell it at the rear of your house,’ Wee Renee said.

  Nothing was said about this they knew what had gone on. Those that were there had filled everyone else in before Wee Renee had got there.

  ‘And the last one was quite unexpected, wasn’t it Our Doris?’ She asked.

  ‘Oh yes,’ Our Doris said.

  ‘This one,’ Wee Renee said. She put a condom on the back fields of the School.

  ’Not the School again? What is it about that place? Why is it that evil creatures keep gravitating to that bloody place?’ Joe asked.

  ’Are you aware that there is a little amphitheatre at the back? It’s not very large, it’s grassy and charming really,’ Wee Renee said. Most of the people didn’t know that it was there. A couple of them shrugged.

  ’Well, we went there, directed by the dogs. Bella started to dig in the very centre.’ At this point, Wee Renee reached into her carrier bag and took out its contents. An object wrapped in kitchen paper. As she laid it out in the centre of the map, she unwrapped the kitchen paper from around it. A curved flint knife was revealed, large and fearsome.

  Jackie shook her head. All this was getting worse.

  ‘What does a beast, a monster, want with a knife. I thought it was wild, a creature? What animal uses a knife?’ Brenda asked. ‘I thought that was what separated us from beasts. The fact that we use tools!’

  ‘Monkeys use tools, they’re beasts,’ Terry said.

  ‘Yes, and they eat their own muck too!’ Andy said.

  ‘You know what monkeys do all the time …‘Freddie started.

  ‘Yes Freddie, everyone knows, and that conversation will lead to you talking about the snap in your celery again. We all know every bloody detail about your celery,’ Brenda said exasperatedly.

  ‘Well! My own wife, trying to hide my light under a bushel!’ Freddie said.

  ‘We do all know,’ Our Doris said.

  ‘Even I know,’ Jackie added.

  ‘Back to reality. What animal uses a knife?’ Sue asked.

  ‘Something we don’t understand. From the looks of it, I don’t think it uses it to cut corned beef,’ Wee Renee said. ’What I want to say next is - Maurice did you find out anything?’

  ’I contacted my informant who says that apart from finding a few dead animals, which can be normal, there has been nothing unusual. He has heard the howls also,’ Maurice informed her.

  ‘Who’s this?’ Tony asked.

  ‘Mark,’ Maurice replied.

  ‘Anything else?’ Wee Renee asked.

  ‘He seems to be in a relationship with Penelope now. He’s cock-a-hoop about it,’ Maurice informed them.

  ‘I bet he is. He’s fancied h
er for ages,’ Adam said.

  ‘They make a good match,’ Ernie said.

  ‘Aw, how romantic,’ Sally said, with a soppy smile on her face.

  ‘That is good news, and I am chuffed for the lad. Thank you, Maurice,’ Wee Renee said. ‘Before I tell you this last big piece of information, are there any more questions?’

  ‘No, although I want to show you something,’ Terry said. At the side of where Wee Renee’s map was, he dropped another map onto the table. An ordnance survey map, which was folded up.

  ’I thought if we wanted to see where it might be on the Moors we should look at this. This will give us a better idea of the terrain up there,’ Terry said, smiling. Joe picked it up and read the title of the map.

  ‘The Dark Peak. That’s just so bloody typical that this is what our area is called,’ Joe said.

  ‘I thought that when I went to buy it,’ Terry said.

  ‘It’s par for the course,’ Our Doris said.

  ’That’s good Terry. Good idea. We’ll have a look at that later,’ Wee Renee said quite excited. She hadn’t thought about that.

  ’I have something to say to you later, but let’s sort out this evidence here first before we get distracted,’ Wee Renee said.

  ’The plot thickens,’ Ernie said under his breath.

  ’Doesn’t it just,’ Gary said.

  ‘Okay, a crucial thing that I want to know is … … let’s face it, that thing has been after the key, so it’s been after Bob,’ Wee Renee said.

  ’Get up lad,’ Tony said. ‘Stop stroking that dog in the corner. His belly has been tickled enough. This is what we’ve come here for.’

  Bob in reluctant teenager mode, got up and walked over to the map.

  ‘Well now Bob,’ Wee Renee began, ‘we can see from this map that there are a lot of places where this beast has been. Some of them are places where you have been. We know about some of them, but there are other places that we aren’t sure of. I want to see if it’s just you that it’s after. I hope that we can rule you out. Please answer as honestly as you can.’


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