Free from Guilt

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Free from Guilt Page 26

by Pat Simmons

  Later that evening, Gabrielle barely made it back to her suite. There she collapsed, designer suit and all, into the bed. At three in the morning Manila time, starvation gripped her, and she was wide awake. After ordering room service, Gabrielle checked her email. She thought about Cameron and her refusal to accept his Skype and fired off a quick email to him.

  Hi Cameron, I’m in the Philippines on business, she wrote and then hesitated. She didn’t want to play a round of tit-for-tat with him. Cameron didn’t let her know he was going out of town and that’s why he didn’t know she was in Manila. Actually, Gabrielle wanted to say, I miss you, I love you. But what was the use? Staring at the words already typed, she left it at that and pushed Send.

  Five minutes later, he emailed her back. Hey babe, I’m in a meeting. Be safe. I am so much in love with you. C.

  That’s right. St. Louis was thirteen hours behind her. Gabrielle’s eyes teared at his declaration. Unfortunately, their love couldn’t keep them together. Clearing her head, Gabrielle turned her attention toward work and reviewed her game plan to boost employee morale. She didn’t have to be featured on the popular CBS show Undercover Boss to listen to her staff’s concerns and recommendations.

  A computer tone alerted her to an email. It was from Cameron. She opened it and read aloud. I’m sorry, sweetheart, that I couldn’t give you the attention you deserved earlier. I wanted to share some great news with you. Then I learned you’re a big ocean away from me. But don’t think I won’t cross it. When are you coming back home? Anyway, I went to church on Sunday and fulfilled my Nicodemus walk. Jesus completely saved me.

  Her mind raced. Ace said Cameron was out of town. Cameron went to church? Gabrielle had so many questions that she forgot to praise God for what He had done.

  “My angels rejoice over one sinner who repents,” God spoke from Luke 15:10.

  Ashamed, Gabrielle repented immediately. “Lord, forgive me for judging him. I know You chasten those you love. Thank You for loving Cameron enough to save him.”

  She then emailed Cameron back. Hallelujah! I’m excited with you, honey. I miss you too. Gabrielle wanted to question his whereabouts but held her tongue and fingers.

  His response came quickly. You know this is not going to work for me. We’re going to have to Skype, but I’ll have to wait until after I get home from work. I have too much activity going on in the department today. I want to see you. Will you still be awake? C

  She could feel his excitement and typed: There is a thirteen-hour time difference between us. St. Louis is behind Manila. Four P.M. your time is already the next day for me. Okay, but I can’t guarantee how I’ll look without my beauty sleep when you see me.

  Gabrielle logged off and set her alarm. There was no way she was going to miss his Skype, but she also needed to get a power nap for the next day at the headquarters.

  The next thing she knew, her phone alarm frightened her awake. Gabrielle didn’t even realize she had fallen into a deep sleep. Getting up, she hurried into the bathroom and washed her face, brushed her teeth, and put on light makeup, hoping to hide the bags under her eyes.

  Signing on to her computer, she waited for the connection. At exactly 3:59, Cameron signed in. She laughed. Some things never change, she thought, remembering he had never been late for one of their dates.

  When his face came into clear view on her monitor, she sighed. Lord, he is so sweet and handsome. I praise You for giving him a testimony of Your goodness.

  Reaching out, Cameron touched the screen as if his hand could penetrate it and touch her. “You are so beautiful. I love you.”

  “I love you too.” Her eyes blurred and it wasn’t because she was half awake.

  Linking his fingers, he sat straighter, as if he had prepared a speech. “Where do I begin?” He paused and squinted closer to her monitor. “Did I tell you how pretty you are?”

  When she nodded, Cameron continued, “I’ve been in contact with Philip.”

  Gabrielle’s mouth dropped open. “What? Philip? When …”

  “This past weekend in Miami, I attended one of his revivals. Philip opened my eyes to things that I’ve been missing for years in the Bible.”

  She had hoped to hear those words from his mouth, and they finally came while she was thousands of miles away.

  “Baby, don’t cry,” Cameron said, reaching out to the monitor again.

  Shaking her head, she whispered, “I won’t,” as the tears fell.

  “It’s okay because one night after talking to Philip, God started speaking to me. I cried for the first time since … since … I don’t know, maybe grade school. But I truly repented.”

  So her brother had reached him. Thank You, Jesus. She dabbed her eyes with her fingers. Needing a tissue, she didn’t want to leave the computer to get some from the bathroom.

  “Anyway I flew to Miami where Philip was conducting another outdoor revival. That place on the beach was nothing like the tent meeting in Forest Park. He had been counseling me, and last Friday, I made up my mind. I went all the way with Jesus. My family, especially my brothers and cousins couldn’t believe it. Once the shock wore off, let me just say we had a Holy Ghost party.”

  Bawling by now, Gabrielle got up and retrieved the entire box of tissue from the bathroom. Momentarily forgetting about Cameron, she wiped her face and then lifted her hands in praise. Then she mingled talking to God with singing a victory song.

  Hearing Cameron praying in the background caused her to compose herself. When he finished, she smiled. “Come here.” Gabrielle urged him closer to the monitor. When he did, she smacked a kiss on the screen. He returned the favor and they laughed.

  “You know that’s not going to do it for me either,” he said with a smirk.

  Her heart was filled with so much joy, she giggled. “It better not.”

  “So am I forgiven for everything that I did wrong in our relationship?”

  “I don’t remember a thing.” Gabrielle smiled before they signed off.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Cameron’s life would never be the same, and he thanked Jesus for that. But, at that moment, the love of his life was missing, and he couldn’t bear it. With thousands of miles separating them, it left him no choice but to go and get his woman.

  Gabrielle told him that she was counting the days until she left the country on Sunday night. After assuring her that he would pick her up at the airport, Cameron came to his senses. That was too long for him to wait. He would have to work on mastering patience at another time.

  Without balking at the cost, he booked an afternoon flight the next day to Manila. Next, he picked up the phone and called Philip. When he answered, Cameron greeted him with a resounding, “Praise the Name of Jesus!”

  “Well, Brother Cameron, I’m rejoicing with you.”

  “I would like to speak with your parents. Do you mind giving me their phone number?”

  “I was wondering when you would need that. Sure, and congratulations.” Philip recited the number and then listened patiently as Cameron shared the awesomeness of God in his life.

  Before calling the Duprees, Cameron prayed. Gabrielle’s mother answered the phone.

  “Good evening, Mrs. Dupree. This is Cameron Jamieson, and I would like to speak with your husband.”

  There was a slight hesitation before she responded, “It’s about time you called, Cameron, and congratulations. My son gave us your salvation report. Praise the Lord! Hold on, I’ll get my husband.” Muffling the phone, she called for Bernard. “Pick up the phone, dear.”

  When he came on the line, Cameron invited Gabrielle’s mother to stay on. “Mr. and Mrs. Dupree, I want to thank you for having such an incredible daughter. I have been blessed to be a man whom Jesus saved and filled with fire and a desire to walk with Him until the day I die. I need Gabrielle to walk with me, and so I’m requesting your blessings for me to ask for her hand in marriage.”

  Although Cameron held his breath, he had Jesus on his side. He nev
er had a problem with her parents, just the judge. That would soon change too.

  Mr. Dupree cleared his throat but didn’t respond right away. “I appreciate you coming to me in a respectful manner concerning my baby girl. I praise God that you surrendered and my daughter remained steadfast.”

  Patience turned into impatience as Cameron waited for the man to say yea or nay. He held in his sigh and continued to listen to Gabrielle’s father’s stipulations on how to treat her. That’s where he needed no guidance. He truly loved her.

  “So I consent to you asking my daughter. Her answer is up to her,” Mr. Dupree said, granting permission.

  When they disconnected, Cameron had a pounding headache. As he went into the kitchen, he prepared a light snack. He had to go ring shopping before he boarded that plane. There was no way the university would see him the next day. When Tiffany & Co. opened the next morning, he would be their first customer, and he wouldn’t leave until he had an engagement ring wrapped inside Tiffany’s trademark little blue box.

  When Cameron landed in Manila, feeling drugged and seeing double, he was certain his eyes were bloodshot. That was the longest flight of his life! He needed rest, a hot shower, and Gabrielle. At the moment, she had precedence over everything else. First, he thanked Jesus for safe travels over the airways and waterways.

  It took him this long in life, but he could now say with confidence that God had written his name in the Book of Life. He didn’t need Gabrielle to point out that Scripture in Revelation.

  Mrs. Dupree gave him the name of the hotel where Gabrielle was staying. Her father advised him it wouldn’t look right for him to stay at the same hotel, urging him to strongly consider making his accommodations somewhere else. Not to give the appearance of wrongdoing, he cited 1 Thessalonians 5:22.

  With his carry-on roller in one hand, Cameron patted the Lucida one-carat diamond ring in his pocket before popping a breath mint into his mouth. He would have to do something about his bloodshot eyes later because he wasn’t making another stop. He was on a mission.

  Grabbing a taxi, he headed straight to Gabrielle’s hotel. He couldn’t believe the traffic on a Saturday afternoon. “And people call New York the City That Never Sleeps,” he mumbled under his breath, as the driver sped in the direction of towering skyscrapers.

  After paying the cabbie, he strolled into the Best Western. The lobby was impressive without an overkill of luxury. He went to the desk for a house phone to call her room.

  After three rings, she answered drowsily, like he felt.

  “Hi, babe.”

  “Cameron, hi.” She suddenly came alive. “Why are you calling me on the hotel line instead of my cell phone? You’re spending way too much money on calls when I’ll be home soon.”

  “Not soon enough.” He snickered. “It’s already cost me.” The last-minute trip was thousands of dollars—let alone the cost of her ring—but he couldn’t put a price on love. “What are you doing?”

  “Lying here with my eyes closed, dreaming about seeing you soon. I really miss you.”

  “Good. How much?”

  “I see your arrogance hasn’t left you. What do you mean how much?”

  Cameron had enough of this teasing. “Baby, I missed you more. Come down to the lobby and find out. You have ten minutes.” Click. If he didn’t give her a time limit, she would be all night. Anything longer than that, he might be snoring in the lobby. Going to the bank of elevators, he leaned against the wall, crossed his arms, and waited.

  When the doors to one elevator opened, Gabrielle rushed out, looking around frantically. She screamed when she saw him before almost barreling him over with hugs. Laughing, he enjoyed the feel of just holding her. He didn’t release her until she squirmed.

  Stepping out of his embrace, Gabrielle blinked rapidly as if she still didn’t believe it. “You came all this way for me?” She was delirious. “I told you I would be home the day after tomorrow …”

  “Patience is a virtue. I don’t have it yet.” He kissed her nose then tugged her toward the lobby in a secluded corner for privacy. When she sat, Cameron joined her and clasped her hands in his. Then he brought both up to his lips and kissed them.

  “First of all, haven’t you ever heard Diana Ross sing, ‘Ain’t No Mountain High Enough’? In this case, I couldn’t swim across the ocean, so I flew.”

  Again, she almost barreled him over in a gripping hug. He laughed until he had to detangle her arm from around his neck so he could breathe. Then she smacked tiny kisses on his lips.

  “I guess you’re happy to see me.”

  “Do I have to cry to prove it?” She scrunched her nose then hugged him again and again. Again, he had to loosen her hold to get air.

  He stared at the love of his life as he slid to one knee. Gabrielle gasped, watching his every movement.

  “Before God sent His angel—you—to me, I thought I was all that. My parents drilled into my head to be self-assured, which I translated into being self-sufficient, but you proved me wrong. I am nothing without God, and I’m lifeless without you in my life.”

  Cameron waited while she wiped at her tears.

  “Your father and your mother have given me their blessings. So has Philip. I haven’t spoken with Dashan or checked in with Drexel, but the judge will have to deal with me if you consent to be my wife. I love you, Gabrielle. You’ve fit into my puzzle and become my better half. Will you marry me?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, but Cameron shook his head.

  “I need a resounding yes, like folks shout Amen in church.”

  She flew off the sofa into his arms again, cutting off his airway. Very loudly, she screamed “Yes!” in his ear, causing a ringing sensation. Now he was hearing echoes.

  When he pulled out the ring box, Gabrielle sucked in her breath. “You went to Tiffany’s?”

  He nodded and opened the box. After Cameron steadied Gabrielle’s hand, he slipped the platinum ring on her finger. It was a perfect fit—just like she was in his life.


  Six months later

  Gabrielle Jamieson had no complaints after exchanging vows with Cameron at the Jemison-Van de Graaff Mansion in Tuscaloosa. Her wedding day was better than she could have ever imagined. In the morning, she and her husband would fly off for their weeklong honeymoon in Brazil.

  As the moonlight stirred Gabrielle from her peaceful slumber, she smiled and fluttered her lids. Once she opened her eyes, she stared at her sleeping husband and admired his handsomeness. Carefully, she slipped out of bed. She didn’t want to leave her husband’s protective arms. But she was filled with so much joy that she couldn’t sleep. She had to write down her emotions.

  God had blessed her—really—more abundantly than she could have ever hoped for. She walked through the rooms of their luxury hotel suite in search of her carry-on and fumbled inside for her tattered handbook of romance.

  Staring at the notebook decorated with flowers, this would probably be her last entry in it. After all, she had met and married the man of her dreams. Fairy tales do come true, and she didn’t need a fairy godmother when Jesus was her Godfather. Cradling the notebook, she sat at the desk and turned on the lamp. After a moment of deep concentration, finally, she scribbled, “The end. Happily Ever After!”

  Suddenly her husband snuck up behind her. Wrapping his arms around her neck, Cameron leaned over and coaxed her for a kiss. While he distracted her, he plucked the pen from her fingers. Turning to the last page of her handbook of romance, he put a line through her note and wrote, “The Beginning of Our Bliss, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

  “Come back to bed, babe,” he whispered.

  At the sound of his words, the Lord brought her verse 22 of Ephesians 5, “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.”

  Smiling, she thought, Jesus, I can do that.

  Then she recalled the twenty-fifth verse in chapter five: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up f
or her.”

  She was sure Cameron wouldn’t have a problem fulfilling that command either.

  Giggling, Gabrielle stood and took her husband’s hand. Following his lead, she replied, “Yes, dear.”


  1. When Cameron asked Gabrielle about her interest in her family roots, she responded that she was satisfied with what she already knew. What is your interest in your roots?

  2. Are you content with your spiritual level? What is your interest in knowing more about Jesus, or are you satisfied with what you know already about the Bible?

  3. Did Gabrielle have a real reason to keep Cameron at arm’s length because he didn’t measure up to her level of faith?

  4. Discuss Gabrielle’s constant prayer to Jesus not to fall when she took the leap of faith to date Cameron.

  5. Was Cameron justified in missing Sunday services by volunteering his time to help others?

  6. How did you view Sandra’s talk with Gabrielle? What about the advice from Gabrielle’s mother and friends, Denise and Talise?

  7. Cameron based his salvation on one Scripture. Discuss if that is enough.

  8. Who was your favorite character and why?

  9. When was the last time you attended a tent revival? What was your impression?

  10. What did you think about Gabrielle’s handbook of romance? Have you ever physically or mentally kept record of what you want in a man, and did you get exactly what you wanted?

  Look for more stories in the Jamieson Legacy.

  Please visit


  For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight. As it is written: “He catches the wise in their craftiness.”

  —1 Corinthians 3:19:


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