A Pirate's Prisoner

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A Pirate's Prisoner Page 2

by Victoria Davies

  Reece’s hands jerked against his chains once more. “Release me, Natalie.”

  Wishing she’d had longer to savor the afterglow, Natalie pushed off him. She grabbed her shirt and bindings from the floor. Turning her back on him, she quickly wrapped the long material around her breasts with practiced ease. It took little time to slip on the rest of her clothes and Natalie had to admit, despite the intimacy they’d just shared, getting dressed felt like putting on her armor for another battle.

  “You’re my prisoner, Reece. Best get used to idea,” she told him, tucking in her shirt.

  “For how long?” he asked, using the chains as leverage to hoist himself up into a sitting position.

  She turned to face him, acutely aware of his nakedness as he sat before her.

  “I am a privateer for the king. At the very least, when captured we are to be treated as prisoners of war.”

  “When captured by a foreign nation,” she shot back. “I’m a pirate. I owe no one my allegiance and thus, their rules do not apply to me. I can do whatever the hell I damn well please with you.”

  “To what end? You’ve caught me. What do you plan to do now?”

  She looked away, knowing she had no answer for him. Had he been anyone else it would have been an easy question. They’d have eliminated any survivors when they took his ship. The enemy captain would have been executed with swift efficiency, ensuring there were none to come after her crew for vengeance. But Reece was different. He shouldn’t be; she knew it, but he was.

  For years she’d warred against him. She’d plotted and planned for the day she could best him but now that it was here, the thought of hurting him seemed unbearable.

  “You have to let me go eventually,” he told her, his voice low and seductive. “Why not just do so now? You have my word I won’t take revenge for this.”

  Natalie laughed softly. “I sunk your ship and imprisoned your crew. No captain worth his salt would let such an insult go unpunished. No, you will stay here. You are a lord of the realm and you have made quite a large fortune for the crown. I’m sure they will want you back. I shall send word to Governor Modyford. We shall see if he will ransom you.”

  “It is a foolish dream,” Reece snarled. “Privateers are not hard to come by. No one will ransom me.”

  She strode to the side of the bed and bent down until their lips almost touched. “Then you will be mine to keep,” she snapped. “And I am not a lenient mistress.”

  Spinning on her heel, she left him naked in her bed and stormed from her cabin.

  Chapter 2

  NATALIE strode down to the brig, needing to get her mind off Reece.

  “Hello, Captain,” Alyssa called in greeting when she entered.

  Glancing around the gloomy bowels of the ship, Natalie saw only the other woman on guard. “I was looking for James.”

  Alyssa shrugged. “Not here. He put me in charge of the prisoners. Want me to find him?”

  “No, never mind.” As much as she wanted his counsel, she doubted her first mate would have any comforting words for her. “How are we doing down here?”

  “It’s tight,” Alyssa replied, gesturing behind her.

  Natalie moved down the dark passage and saw the enemy crew stuffed into the ship’s cells.

  “Pirate whore,” one man spat at her as she passed.

  Natalie didn’t even bother glancing at him. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t heard such insults before.

  “Large crew,” she murmured to Alyssa.

  “We won’t be able to feed this many mouths for long.”

  “Let me worry about that,” Natalie said, studying the hate-filled faces watching her.

  One man elbowed his way to the front of the cell, reaching out a dirty hand through the bars. “Our captain,” he called. “What has happened to our captain?”

  Natalie moved closer to the man. “Shouldn’t you be a bit more concerned with your own fate, good man?”

  “We’re a loyal crew. We follow our captain.”

  She smiled. “What is your name?”


  “Well then, Rupert, suppose I offered you and your men a choice. Join my crew and sail under my command or stay here to rot.”

  One man spit on the floor. “This ship is cursed sailing under the command of a woman.”

  Alyssa lunged forward with a dagger in hand. She slid the blade against the man’s throat so fast no one had time to stop her.

  “Apologize to my captain,” she snarled. “The Sea’s Bane is blessed with Captain Nate’s command. If you value your life you’d best watch your tongue.”

  “Choose your words more wisely,” Rupert reproved the sailor.

  The sailor swallowed carefully before whispering, “Pardon.”

  “Alyssa,” Natalie said mildly.

  With a last glare, the girl pulled her blade back.

  “Everyone is welcome in my crew,” Natalie announced. “Men or women, as long as they can sail. Your captain is too narrow-minded if he cannot see the value of such ideas.”

  “He can see it,” another of the men piped up. “That’s why we—”

  “Enough,” Rupert cut him off. “There is much about my captain you do not know,” he said to Natalie.

  Natalie glanced at the man who’d tried to speak. Her eyes narrowed. “What was your captain up to, coming after us as he did?”

  “The captain doesn’t explain his reasoning to the likes of us,” Rupert replied.

  “I’m sure,” she murmured. Natalie couldn’t shake the feeling she was missing something. There was a piece of the puzzle here she couldn’t see. Today she hadn’t set out to capture Reece’s ship but the privateer had come after her. She’d merely retaliated in a battle he’d started and won. But her victory didn’t answer any of the questions plaguing her. What had he wanted with the Sea’s Bane?

  “So I take it none of you will accept my kind offer?” Natalie asked.

  Rupert glanced at the men behind him before shaking his head. “Captain Reece is the only one we’ll sail under. Leastwise while he’s still got breath in his body.”

  “Then we shall see how long that will be.”

  Grumbles filled the brig and several men thrust their arms through the bars as if they could hold her here and keep her from hurting their beloved captain.

  “You do not want to be harming him,” Rupert said, his eyes less friendly.

  “Want to tell me why not? It is his own fault he’s in this predicament. After all, ‘tis you who attacked us.”

  “He has his reasons. Why not ask him about them?”

  Because they both knew Reece would tell her nothing.

  Natalie stepped back to the bars, meeting Rupert’s gaze with her own icy glare. “If I were you,” she cautioned the sailor, “I’d have a care with your words. I’m under no obligation to keep this many prisoners breathing. Indeed, it is a burden to my crew. Best ensure your men don’t do anything to make me regret my decision. Or worse,” she murmured, “reverse it.”

  Rupert’s hands tightened on the bars but he bit back his retort. Natalie smiled at the response. At least he was learning.

  Turning from the angry crew, she stalked away from the cells. Alyssa fell into step with her as she approached the stairs that led back to the upper levels.

  “If they make any trouble, tell me at once,” Natalie ordered. “And get more men down here.”

  “Aye, Captain. At once.”

  Natalie paused at the stairs. “Alyssa, if you happen to overhear anything…”

  “I’ll send word at once,” the woman promised. “I know how you like your ship run, Captain.”

  Natalie inclined her head in thanks before starting her climb upward.

  * * * *

  There was less to do post battle than she’d anticipated. Her crew was well trained and repairs were already underway on the damage they’d sustained. She’d supervised for several hours to ensur
e everything was done perfectly but she trusted her men to finish the job to her specifications. After checking on their wounded, she’d headed up to the deck for a breath of air. Natalie leaned heavily on the deck rail and stared out over the dark water. When she’d woken this morning, she never could have anticipated the events of this day.

  “Didn’t think I’d see you out here tonight, Captain.”

  Natalie glanced over her shoulder to see James walking up behind her.

  “No rest for the wicked,” she replied.

  “The crew’s celebrating our victory, at least those not on watch,” he said, resting his arms against the rail beside her. “I have to say, I didn’t think we’d truly pull it off.” He glanced at her silent form. “Not what you expected?”

  She sighed. The man may be the closest thing she had to a father but she was still captain of the ship. And the captain never showed weakness. Never admitted to a mistake.

  “Shall we string them up by the yardarm tomorrow? Might as well start with Captain Reece.”

  Natalie reared back. Almost without thought her arm shot out and gripped James by the throat. She bent him over the rail, her fingers digging into his flesh. “What did you say?”

  The first mate held up his hands in peace.

  Shaken, Natalie released him and stepped back.

  “Lord, help us, girl, you’ve got a grip,” he coughed, massaging his throat.

  “You taught me everything I know.”

  “Aye, well, perhaps I didn’t think that through.”

  Natalie shifted from foot to foot. Had it been anyone else she would have walked away but she owed James more than that. “Forgive me,” she said through clenched teeth. “I overreacted.”

  “Och, pirate captain or no, everyone acts a little foolhardily when they’re in love,” James replied, careful to move back a step as he spoke.

  Natalie laughed at his words. “Trust me, James, my heart is not engaged in this matter. Reece is merely an adversary.”

  “One you ran off to bed with as soon as you could?”

  “Lust,” she replied. “Not love. Not ever.”

  The old man shook his head. “Be that as it may, you still have a problem. We’re not equipped to handle so many prisoners. If you’re not going to execute them, we need a plan.”

  “We’ll sail into Tortuga tomorrow,” she said. “I’ll send a man to Port Royal to treat with Modyford.”

  “And in the meanwhile?”

  “We’ll release the crew,” she decided.

  “That’ll make you enemies.”

  Natalie glanced at him. “What would you have me do?”

  “They won’t take kindly to you making off with their captain, is all. I heard Reece’s crew is a loyal lot.”

  “Yes,” she agreed, thinking back to the men she’d seen. “It appears they are.”

  James rubbed a hand over his chin. “You can’t let him go.”

  Natalie turned her back on him. “I know that.”

  “Captain Reece’s retribution is legendary. He’d make it his life’s mission to destroy you.”

  “I said I know.”

  “And you can’t keep him forever.”

  She closed her eyes. Everything he said was true. So where did that leave her? With a man in her bed she might eventually have to kill.

  “We might steal more coins than we can carry,” James told her gently, “but love is something no pirate can afford. Especially not with a privateer and a lord to boot.” He laid a hand on her shoulder, ignoring the way she stiffened at the touch. “Take your pleasure with him, Captain. But don’t forget your responsibility to keep this crew safe.”

  Natalie shrugged off his touch. “Never tell me my duty to this ship again,” she told him with a chilling calm. “I am captain here, not you.”

  “Aye, ‘tis true enough. My apologies, Captain Nate. Forgive an old man’s wandering tongue.” Without another word, James turned and shuffled away.

  Natalie refused to watch him go. Instead she looked back out over the waves. Her right hand curled around the hilt of the cutlass at her waist.

  Sooner or later, would Reece find himself on the wrong end of her blade?

  Chapter 3

  HE was asleep when she entered her cabin.

  Natalie eased the door closed, not wanting to disturb him. Reece’s arms were angled awkwardly over his head and she frowned at the sight. It couldn’t be very comfortable.

  She shook herself at the thought, knowing she shouldn’t worry about such things.

  On silent feet, she drifted to the edge of her bed and stared down at her prisoner.

  His black hair was tangled around his face and she had to fight the urge to brush it back from his forehead. In sleep, his face looked almost gentle. So often his jaw was clenched with anger when he looked at her and his gaze filled with dark promises of retribution.

  This was probably the only time she’d ever see him so unguarded. A wistful smile tugged at her lips as she briefly allowed herself the privilege of wishing for what could have been.

  As she stood there, her face soft in thought, his blue eyes opened.

  “Natalie,” he murmured.

  Startled, she twirled away from him, not wanting him to see her vulnerability.

  For a moment neither of them spoke but eventually he sighed. “Can you not release me?” he asked her, his voice low. “My arms ache something fierce.”

  She glanced back, knowing he wouldn’t have admitted to any discomfort unless it was dire.

  “No,” she told him softly. “But perhaps I can help. Just a moment.”

  She strode from the cabin and when she returned she had a longer strand of chain with her.

  “What’s that?” he asked, pushing himself up.

  Natalie secured one end to the unbreakable bed leg and gestured to his ankle. “‘Tis better than having your arms all stretched out, is it not?”

  He glared at the shackle for a long moment before sighing. “Aye,” he agreed with ill grace. With a grimace, he moved his foot close enough for her to fit the ankle chain around his leg. After the cuff was locked into place, Natalie pulled a silver key from the necklace around her neck.

  “Don’t try anything to make me regret this,” she warned him as she sat on the mattress by his side.

  “Just release my hands.”

  Fitting the key into the lock of his first cuff, she swiftly pulled his hand free. He lowered his arm with a groan as she undid the second cuff.

  “Christ,” he swore when the feeling started to return.

  Natalie took the hand cuffs away, trying not to feel guilty for not having thought of his comfort earlier.

  Reece bit his lip, holding his arms painfully still. She watched in silence, knowing there was nothing she could do to aid him.

  “I’ll say this for you, Captain; you can hold a grudge with the best of them,” he said, gritting his teeth.

  “Do you want something to drink?” she asked.


  She pushed up from the bed before striding to her desk. She poured him a cup of water but was careful not to turn her back on him. With the ankle chain he’d have more freedom of movement. Natalie could no longer count on his helplessness.

  When he took the cup from her he inclined his head sharply. She knew very well it was the only thanks she’d get.

  He tried to lift it but his numb fingers fumbled. Natalie quickly caught the cup and set it to his lips. He hesitated for a moment before opening his lips to drink.

  “Better?” she asked, setting the cup down.

  “Give me the key to the cuff and set me ashore with my crew and I will be.”

  “Would you do it?” she asked him, tilting her head. “If our positions were reversed, what would you do, Reece?”

  His jaw clenched. “You never want to find out.”

  For a moment she studied his face, searching for answers. Finally she nodded, smil
ing slightly. “That is probably the truest thing you’ve ever said to me,” she murmured. “And there you have your answer. I will not risk my life by freeing you.”

  He turned his head away and Natalie thought it was the end of their conversation. But he surprised her by saying, “I’ve told you the truth before.”

  She grinned. “Indeed? Was it when you yelled you’d see me damned to the deepest reaches of the sea before you’d ever surrender? I remember I nearly bested you in that fight.”

  “No,” he replied, his blue eyes meeting hers. “It was when I told you I’d never seen a more beautiful creature in all my life.”

  She hissed in a swift breath of surprise as memory rushed back to her. He’d trailed his lips across her naked stomach, sending shivers of pleasure streaking through her. Natalie had laughed when he ran his fingers lightly over her smooth skin, tracing invisible designs along her abdomen. He’d leaned down to press his lips to her bare shoulder and whispered the words in her ear. Silly girl that she’d been, she’d actually melted a little to hear his perfect pillow talk.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” she told him.

  Reece caught her wrist as she turned away. She stiffened at the touch. “Whatever becomes of us, Natalie, you need to know I didn’t try to trick you that night.”

  She glanced back at him, unable to read anything on his blank face.

  “I saw you,” he growled in explanation. “And I wanted you.”

  At least that made two of them. When she’d seen him that night, looking like sin even in the bowels of one of the roughest pubs in Tortuga, she would have wagered anything to have him.

  “Tell me you didn’t want me just a badly,” he demanded, as if reading her thoughts. “Tell me you could have been thinking of strategy when my mouth was on your body.”

  The man had a point. Perhaps he hadn’t plotted to fool her. Hadn’t intended to leave a seed of desire burning within her, making her hesitate at all the wrong moments.

  “The past is the past,” she declared. “Let it lie there. It has no bearing on our present.”

  “Nor our future?”

  “What future?” she scoffed.

  “A question I’d love to find the answer to,” he told her. “What is to become of us, do you think?”


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