Winning Hand (Poker Loser Book 3)

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Winning Hand (Poker Loser Book 3) Page 1

by Golden Angel

  Winning Hand

  Book 3 of the Poker Loser Trilogy

  By G. Angel

  Published by G. Angel

  Copyright 2012 G. Angel

  Thank you to all of my fans on Literotica who keep me writing and who enjoy my work enough to follow me to the Kindle.

  As usual, thank you to my wonderful and understanding husband who thinks it’s great that I engage my dirty mind.

  And a special thank you to my friend Jimmy who wouldn’t leave me the f*ck alone about how Allison and Todd met / ended up at that fateful poker game.

  Chapter 1

  The sun slanting across Allison's face woke her much earlier than she was used to and reminded her that today she wanted to hang curtains. Although Todd had hired movers, Allison insisted that she wanted to set up the house just the two of them, she wanted the full experience of moving in with him, the discussions (and occasional arguments) about where everything was supposed to go. Just yesterday they'd argued over the placement of the couch, until he'd bent her over the arm of it and spanked her until she agreed with him about its location. Of course, that had turned both of them on, so he'd also ended up fucking her as she was draped over the arm of the couch, his hands squeezing her reddened buttocks and igniting that wonderful mix of pleasure and pain that she enjoyed so much, until she came screaming as he rutted into her from behind. Then he'd made her finish the rest of their discussions without putting her pants back on as cum dripped down the insides of legs.

  Which is why they'd never gotten around to hanging the curtains.

  Turning away from the window, Allison came face to face with her boyfriend. Except that boyfriend was such a tame word compared to the feelings that she had for Todd. Love, adoration, occasional extreme frustration, and a deeply intense craving to touch and be touched by him. Sometimes she thought she'd never get enough of it, and it didn't seem to matter whether he was holding her in his arms or beating her ass, she wanted it.

  This wasn't the relationship that she'd ever pictured herself in. Two years ago she had been willing to live the life that her parents chose for her, marrying a man just like her father and living in a big rich house, throwing big rich parties and being the perfect little housewife whose life was dedicated to her husband and furthering themselves in 'society.' In all honesty, it had been like something out of a Victorian romance novel. Except that she hadn't been truly happy and it hadn't been at all romantic. She'd hated the constrictions on her life, hated feeling like she was only valued as an asset to the family rather than for herself, hated that other people her age were able to have crazy wild adventures and she was stuck going to parties and schmoozing clients for her father at his parties.

  Then she'd met Todd. A man who had immediately both intrigued and repulsed her. Staring at his face, with its strong features, firm jawline, and brushing of dark stubble, she remembered how she'd initially thought that she was too good for him, that he was beneath her. But even then she'd been intrigued. And then she'd drunkenly admitted some of her deepest, darkest fantasies to him. Fantasies about losing control, being blackmailed into doing the crazy things she'd always wanted to do - and for some reason most of them seemed to be sexual. Only later had she realized that freeing that part of her allowed her to free herself in other ways too.

  Todd had left her, to go work overseas, and she had been unable to continue life as it had been before. Instead she'd gotten a job, moved out of her parent's and in with her friend Diana - who was of the same social set, but whose parents were much less pressed over social standing and 'moving up in the world' and eventually broken up with the boyfriend that her parents had chosen for her. Poor Roger. He'd become a good friend by the end of their time together, but he had never lit her up from the inside the way Todd did. By the time Todd had come back home, Allison had been ready for him. Ready to try having a real relationship, with a man that she'd chosen, and she could only thank her lucky stars that he had felt the same way.

  Unfortunately, telling her parents about her new relationship had caused a scene. More than a scene. Her parents had basically kicked her out of their lives until she 'came to her senses' and did what they wanted. Which meant breaking up with Todd. Sometimes she wondered if they would have stopped paying for her schooling if she already hadn’t been in her last semester of college and it hadn’t already been paid. Thankfully she’d already started working over the past summer and now she was doing both work and classes; if she had still been under her parents’ roof and beholden to their money defying them would have been a lot more difficult.

  Allison didn't regret her decision at all, although every time she thought about her parents she still hurt. She'd thought that she meant more to them than that. Sometimes she wasn't sure if it was her uncharacteristic defiance that had enraged her father, or if it truly was that he cared more for his job and business contacts than he did for her. But with both sides holding out for an apology from the other, it didn't seem like there was going to be peace any time soon. Strangely, the closest member of her family to her was now her step-cousin Chad, whom she'd disliked for most of her life up until the past year. And she had Todd to thank for that too, although his methods were perhaps not what she would have chosen. But they'd become friends and she appreciated that now.

  But these were maudlin thoughts for a morning that she wanted to spend with her boyfriend. Especially since they had a lot to get done today. They'd both taken a couple of days off of work to help with the move-in process, but tomorrow was their last day of that and she had been hoping that they'd finish early, so that they could spend tomorrow evening relaxing together in their new home. Although Todd had paid for the house, he'd made it clear that he considered it theirs, and she'd ended up contributing to the furnishings, etc. and she'd insisted on paying for the entire first grocery bill - which had been substantial. While Todd was making a lot more money than her, she wanted to be a financial part of putting their home together, because otherwise it just felt like everything was his and she was a guest. Being able to pay for some of it really made it theirs.

  She reached out and put her hand on his chest, sliding the covers down to bare his skin. Todd was a very heavy sleeper, she had found. The alarm clock he used was incredibly loud and she still ended up waking him up more often than not, because the alarm woke her immediately and then she kicked him until he woke up and turned it off. While it might be a little creepy, she did like to watch him sleep. His face was so serene in slumber and with the sun shining into the room he looked like some kind of dark angel, or maybe a fallen one, with his dark hair, tanned skin and handsome features. Just looking at him sent a surge of lust through her. And she was going to be living with him, waking up to this every morning.

  Smiling, she pushed the covers down to his thighs, unsurprised to find that he had some serious morning wood already available to her. Carefully she got to her hands and knees, sliding down the bed until her head was hovering above his groin. Glancing up at his prone body, she smiled as she saw that he was still asleep. This was going to be fun.

  Starting at the very base, she gave his cock one long slow lick all the way to the tip as it jumped and jerked beneath her. Todd made a mumbling sound as she sucked the tip into her mouth and then began to take him into her mouth. She managed three good bobs of her head up and down his long shaft before she felt his body tensing beneath her palms and a hand came down on the back of her head, grabbing her hair and wrapping it around his fist several times until he had her on a short leash of it, her every movement now controlled by him.

  The established dominance had an immediate effect on her libido, her nipples hardened and her pussy creamed even wetter than she already h
ad been. Mouth full of cock, she raised her eyes to meet Todd's, enjoying the lust in his expression and the threatening glitter in his eyes.

  "Naughty, naughty," he said. "Trying to get yourself an early morning treat without permission." Because his hand was holding her steady she couldn't lift her mouth off of him to reply. Instead she just batted her eyes at him and he laughed, because she probably looked ridiculous doing that, and then she giggled, which had the effect of vibrating his cock in her mouth and he groaned before he began to lift her head up and down again, forcing her to take more and more of his meat into her throat. Her own body throbbed for attention, but both of Todd's hands were on her head. Allison whimpered a little, shuffling on the bed to turn her lower body towards him, wiggling her hips to try and entice him.

  Todd released one hand from her head and slapped her ass. Allison moaned and wiggled her hips again, asking for more.

  "Little slut," he chuckled, which just turned her on more. From Todd it always sounded like a compliment, not an insult. He pulled her up by her hair, yanking her towards him with enough brute force that it hurt just enough to feel good, before he took her mouth in a punishing kiss. His free hand went unerringly to her breast, pinching her nipple hard so that she yelped and writhed, her open mouth allowing his tongue to plunge in deeply. The sharp pinch on her nipple was like a tight clamp and her breast ached as his unrelenting grip tugged and pulled at the tender bud.

  Then he pushed her and Allison found herself on her back with Todd hovering over her. He had the best throw down. It always happened so fast and she never knew when it was coming, but it always took her breath away. Gripping her wrists, Todd held them above her head and attached them to the cuffs that he had dangling. They'd been installed yesterday, bolted to the wall just above the bed, easily hidden by pillows when company came over and easily accessible at any time Todd felt like chaining her up.

  She moaned as he secured her, the helpless vulnerability of her situation causing her pussy to flood even more. Todd was now stretched out over her, his lower body pinning hers to the bed and she could feel the velvety head of his cock pressing against her pussy lips. But he didn't thrust forward. Instead he cupped her breasts and massaged them gently, her one abused nipple feeling much more swollen and sensitive than the other.

  "Is this what you were hoping for, you bad girl?" he asked, his breath hot on her neck as he kissed and nipped at the sensitive skin there.

  "Close enough," Allison said, panting. "Fuck me... please Todd, fuck me." She lifted her hips as much as she could, as if she could take him into her wetness without his cooperation.

  "It would serve you right if I just took your mouth and left you wanting all day," he murmured, half under his breath, and Allison moaned, hoping that he wouldn't do that. She'd go insane.

  "Please, please, please," she begged, her back arching as he moved down her body and sucked her unabused nipple into his mouth, biting down on it hard enough to make her gasp. The attention to her breasts only made her even more aware of her empty, needy pussy. "I'll never wake you up with a blow job again."

  Todd laughed. "I didn't say that, Princess." He bit down on her nipple again as he tweaked the other one between his fingers and Allison's body jerked. "In fact I may insist on it every so often. But the point is, you were trying to be sneaky and you forgot that I like to be in charge."

  "Or I was counting on it," she retorted. Both of them knew that he wasn't actually mad and both of them knew that she had been trying to get into something just like this position, but half the fun of the game was pretending otherwise.

  "Brat," he said fondly as his fingertips slid down her sides and Allison writhed, trying not to giggle.

  "No tickling!"

  "Oh I'm sorry, did I forget who's in charge here?" he purred as he walked his fingertips back up her sensitive sides, making Allison breathless with laughter. At the same time, she couldn't have been more aware of the solid man holding down her lower body or the fact that her legs were spread around his torso, or the way he was moving himself back up her body until his cock was nudging at her pussy again. His fingers found a particularly sensitive spot and she gasped with laughter as her body contorted and she kicked, unable to control her reactions, trying to buck him off. Allison hated being tickled. "Hmm, I think we've found an effective punishment."


  To her relief, Todd sat back, leaving her panting for breath, her body feeling even more sensitive from his devilish fingers. Allison glared at him, and then tried to kick him again as he grabbed one of her ankles and spread it wide before attaching it to a cuff at the bottom of the bed. They'd chosen a four poster bed for exactly that reason and Todd had set up the cuffs on all four posters last night.

  "You're going to regret that," he said, grabbing her other kicking leg. Allison just growled at him and he laughed, admiring the sight she made so early in the morning, with her arms restrained high above her head, her legs splayed wide open so that he could see her glistening pussy lips, and her breasts thrust upwards towards the ceiling. It was a sight that he'd seen before, but now that they were in their own home, their bed, it seemed to have gained new significance. Now that both of her legs were restrained, he tickled the bottom of her foot and she gasped and writhed, but she couldn't get her foot away.


  "Mmmm, I love to hear my name on your lips."

  Her face contorted and he could tell that she was trying not to say something to him that would get her into real trouble. Truthfully he didn't want to either, he'd much rather have a playful, enjoyable session of morning sex with her, but he had also really been enjoying the way she'd writhed under him while he tickled her right up until she'd started kicking. So he got back in position over his glaring girlfriend, admiring her pretty hazel eyes which were shooting daggers at him and her parted lips which were just begging for a kiss. Or a cock.

  Kneeling between her thighs, he pressed his dick to her pussy lips just as he ran his fingers up her sides again, enjoying her soft skin and the way she convulsed at his touch. Her pussy rubbed against the sensitive head of his dick as her breasts bobbled and she tried to glare at him through her panting giggles. Once he reached her armpits he quickly moved his hands away and pinched her nipples hard, knowing exactly how much she enjoyed having forceful stimulation applied to those sensitive buds.

  Allison cried out, her body arching as her breasts thrust further upwards in an attempt to relieve the pressure, and he could practically feel her pussy gushing fluid to coat the head of his dick. With a low groan he pushed part way into her, enjoying the snug, hot fit of her body as he released her nipples and let his fingers tease her sides again. Gasping and giggling, Allison writhed and struggled as he began to slowly sink his cock into her while continuing to torment her with tickling. It was both extremely erotic and amusing, although she certainly wasn't the least bit amused even if she was obviously aroused. Her pussy clamped and convulsed along with her body as he titillated her sides.

  "Todd... please... stop!"

  He could tell that she was starting to truly gasp for breath and so he relented, wanting her to find the experience mostly enjoyable. Having a naked, helpless girlfriend writhing on his cock was exactly how he wanted to start his day and he didn't want to ruin that for himself by pushing her too far - although he was definitely serious about using tickling as a punishment in the future if she required it.

  Leaning over to capture one erect nipple in his mouth, he began fucking her in earnest now that he wasn't paying attention to tickling her. Allison wasn't sure if she loved or hated the tickling torture that he'd just put her through . She definitely hadn't expected it to be as erotic as it had been. There had been something hot about writhing uncontrollably while bound, unable to stop him from literally doing anything he wanted with her body, even having him ignore her pleas had aroused her. And when he'd started fucking her while tickling it had taken her breath away, feeling him moving inside of her, so controlled and deter
mined while she'd been completely out of control and at his mercy...

  Now she was writhing beneath him for an entirely different reason, still helpless and bound, spread wide open for his pleasure and hers.

  Todd rode her hard, his groin slamming against her clit with every thrust, the little bud swelling larger as he rubbed against it. Arching beneath him as much as she could, Allison reveled in her bondage, moving with him as much as possible as he slammed into her. As she gasped and began to undulate beneath him, her inner muscles clamping down on him as her legs pulled and twisted, Todd moved harder, faster, feeling her cumming beneath him driving him wild. Allison cried out with ecstasy as his thick cock forced its way into her spasming body, her pussy trying to clamp down on him and her rapture only increasing as the rough friction continued.

  He called out her name as he hunched his shoulders forward, using the leverage to split her open, moving relentlessly throughout his own orgasm to spur them both higher. With every thrust he sent another spurt of cream deep into her body, both of them moaning with satisfaction as he filled her cunt.

  Finally he fell on top of her, his heavy body covering hers. Although it made it harder for her to breath, she loved the feeling of his weight pressing down on her. His large body was warm, comforting, and having him pressed against her after an incredible morning orgasm seemed the perfect way to start the day.

  "I think I'm going to like living with you," he said into her ear.

  Allison laughed. "You think? Considering that I'm all moved in, I think you'd better!"

  Chuckling, Todd undid her restraints, which unfortunately meant removing his warmth from on top of her body. They wouldn't be able to wake up every morning like this, once they were back to real life with work and school, but Allison comforted herself with the thought that some days they'd be able to do this, or something like it.


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