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Winning Hand (Poker Loser Book 3)

Page 7

by Golden Angel

  Trapped by his arms as she was, Allison couldn't touch him the way she wanted to. She rubbed her hands over the arm beneath her breasts, sliding through the hair on his forearm, wriggling back against him as if she could push herself further into his body. The slick glide of his muscles against her back, lubricated by the water, felt wonderfully sensual.

  Todd's chest rumbled as he broke off the kiss with a small laugh. "I'm trying to wash you, Princess.”

  "I'm not stopping you," she said, giving him a little smile to go along with the wiggle of her hips.

  "You have no idea how distracting you are." He kissed the tip of her nose before nudging her so that she was turned around again, her back resting against his broad chest and her head falling back onto his shoulder. Allison let out a happy little sigh as he began to rub her with the soapy cloth again. "Insatiable aren't you."

  "Only for you." Closing her eyes, Allison turned her head into his neck, luxuriating in the warmth of the bath, the tender care in Todd's hands and the wonderful comfort of giving herself over to be pampered by him.

  "Are you going to open the door to that room without me again?" he asked.

  "Not until you tell me I can," she said, her voice fervent and she felt the rumble of his suppressed laugh through his chest again. As one hand pushed the washcloth down to her shaved mound, the other gently caressed her breast. Despite the softness of his touch, a little zing of sensation went through her nipples, causing her to shudder. It wasn't pain exactly, but a kind of sensation that walked that thin line; her nipples were too sore for it to feel entirely good and yet Todd's touch was too sensually delicate for it to be bad.

  The rough washcloth rubbed over her tender pussy lips, stimulating the nerves there. Allison shuddered and moaned, her hands coming to rest on Todd's strong thighs which were placed on either side of her legs, allowing him full access to her body. This was an entirely different kind of sexual experience in comparison to their session in the sex room, he was making love to her with nothing more than his hands and soft kisses along her hairline.

  Her breath caught as he began a ceaseless, coaxing rubbing between her legs, taking her bruised flesh and filling it with pleasure. Allison's back arched, her hips moving with his clever fingers, the nubby fabric of the cloth giving her entirely new sensations.

  "Cum for me Princess," Todd said as he nuzzled her head to the side before sucking her sensitive earlobe between his lips and nibbling on it. Allison moaned as the gentle waves of her orgasm lapped at her, her toes actually curling as the delicious sensations rippled through her. It was a much softer climax and yet somehow even more intimate. He stroked her through the very end of her pleasure and then resumed his gentle washing as lassitude overtook her.

  By the time he carried her to bed she was practically asleep in his arms, feeling completely sated from their activities. Todd curled around her, tucking her smaller body into his own as he smiled into her hair.

  "I love you Princess," he said into the darkness.

  Chapter 5

  Almost a month later, Allison still hadn't seen the sex room.

  Of course, she'd also been behaving herself and considering how much the caning had hurt, she wasn't sure she wanted to go back into the room anyway. Apparently one blindfolded session in there had been enough to give Todd more ideas about things that he wanted to do in the room before he let her see it. Sometimes she could hear him working on wood and metal in there, constructing who knows what.

  She probably would have been more curious except that it was time for mid-terms and as an English major she didn’t actually have mid-term exams, she had papers that were due. And writing a paper took her a lot more time than studying for an exam. Although she had to study for two exams as well, students were discouraged from taking more than three English classes during any given semester due to the amount of reading and writing that were involved. So she still had to study for her one science class and her history class. Although she had to write a short paper for history too.

  It didn’t give her a lot of time to ponder the sex room. Besides, Todd was more than inventive enough in their own bedroom that she felt completely satisfied. And even after she was done with her midterm papers, her thoughts were mostly turned towards graduation.

  Graduation was constantly on her mind for a myriad of reasons. The biggest one was actually not that she'd soon be done with school, it was a reluctant desire to call her parents and see if they could maybe make up. She hadn't heard from them since that message from her Mother, which meant they knew that she was still with Todd and not back together with Roger. Although she still saw Roger occasionally of course, since he was dating Diana. Ever since Todd had called Roger to let him know that Diana had snooped through things she had no business snooping through, the two men had struck up a cautious friendship and seemed to be becoming more comfortable with each other.

  It helped that Roger was obviously smitten with Diana and that Todd could tell that Allison was happy about that. There had never been a high amount of sexual tension between her and Roger even when they were dating, now it their relationship had settled into a very easy going platonic friendship. They would hug a greeting or a farewell, occasionally touch if they were passing by each other, but there was no way for anyone to misconstrue their actions. They just didn't have that kind of chemistry between them.

  Whereas whenever Allison looked at Todd she would get all tingly and excited. The look in Roger's eyes when he was with Diana was something she'd never seen before. And Diana was happier than Allison had ever seen her. Although she now tended to view Todd with suspicion; apparently he'd started giving Roger a few pointers on keeping Diana in line. For the first time Allison had the treat of seeing Diana be the one a bit on edge in a relationship, the same edge that Allison constantly felt she was walking. It was fun to tease the guys, but go just an inch too far and they risked later finding themselves draped over a masculine thigh with their bare butts in the air.

  The relationships were making everyone happy except Allison's parents. She couldn't believe that they still hadn't come around. Despite everything, she'd thought they'd want to see her graduate. Even if they didn't think she needed a degree. It seemed like the kind of milestone that parents wouldn't miss. At least, caring parents wouldn’t miss it.

  And not hearing from them as the end of the school year loomed closer was only convincing her more and more than they didn't care

  As if he could sense her distraction and depression, Todd was making a major effort to spend a lot of time with her. Not just going out, but also spending time at home watching movies or playing board games, spending time with friends. And, of course, engaging in hotly rough, wild sex whenever he could get his hands on her. She was enjoying her work, she was doing well in school, she loved her friends, and Todd was everything that she could ask for in a live-in boyfriend. Truly, her parents were the only negative spot in her life right now.

  Ruthlessly, she pushed all thoughts of them aside for now. She was getting ready for a date with Todd. A fancy date. They didn't go on those very often because they both preferred being casual, but every once in a while it was fun to get all dolled up like she used to do on a regular basis and go out to dinner. And then come back home and have Todd divest her of all of her high class finery and use her like the wanton slut she was for him.

  Tonight she was wearing a new dress, he'd insisted that she get one and she'd decided to go all out. At first glance it was a rather demure dress, still sexy but very covering. A deep purple color, the dress was made of a very fine, very soft material that clung to her curves, helped by the broad belt covered with dark gems that cinched around her waist. The dress wasn't a true wrap dress, although the top and bottom resembled one, with the fabric overlaying itself to create a v neckline and a small V at the center of her thighs. Easy to slip a hand into. The bra that she'd chosen pressed her breasts upwards, lifting and plumping them to create a nice amount of cleavage, into which the black gems of
her long necklace tumbled. The strand matched the gems on the belt and she'd wrapped it once around her slender throat so that the end of the strand dipped into the valley of her breasts, drawing attention to the assets which were almost entirely covered and yet impossible to ignore.

  The eye shadow she was wearing matched the dark purple of her dress and the color made her hazel eyes stand out even more, heightening the amberish color as it was backed by such a contrast. Long lashes blinked slowly as she examined herself in the mirror, looking for any stray hairs that might have escaped the messy updo she'd put her curls into. Messiness by design was good, actual hair escaping to where she didn't want it was not. No blush was necessary, her cheeks were already flushed with excitement.

  Going out to dinner with Todd was usually accompanied by some bit of naughtiness and he always managed to surprise her. Sometimes it would be something that presaged the date, such as a plug in her ass or a vibrating thong, sometimes it was something as simple as being fingered to orgasm while she at her dessert. But he always did something and it was always extremely enjoyable.

  Since he hadn't indicated that he'd be dressing her in any kind of panties, she was wearing a lacy black thong that matched her bra, knowing that he loved the way her creamy skin looked as it peeked through lace.

  "Are you almost ready to go?" she heard him call from the bedroom.

  "Almost," she called back as she gave herself a sultry look in the mirror. She'd locked him out of the bathroom, not wanting him to see the preparations to the final product. It was more fun to knock him over with the full effect.

  Sitting down on the toilet, she slid her feet into the strappy, glittery black heels that she'd bought to go with the dress. They were 3" high, which would put her close to his height, be easy enough for her to walk in for as long as she wanted, and would show off her calves to their best effect. The kind of shoes that made a woman feel sexy, no matter what else she was wearing. Although, considering how good she looked tonight, Allison didn't actually need the extra boost of confidence. But the shoes went damn well with the dress.

  Giving herself one last look in the mirror, a rather smug little twist to her lips, Allison strutted out of the room. Todd was sitting on the edge of the bed, leaning over to tie one of his own shoes. So he hadn’t been quite ready yet either. He was looking absolutely drool-worthy, wearing a suit that she hadn’t seen before. It was a dark charcoal grey, almost black but not quite, and that little bit of lightness to it made his black hair seem even darker. The crisp white shirt beneath highlighted his dark good looks. He was wearing a lighter grey tie with a silver clip with delicately scrolled engravings, a very antique-y look.

  Allison’s breath caught in her throat as he turned his head, his gaze starting at her strappy footwear and traveling up her legs and over her curves to meet her eyes, hungrily drinking her in. Lust was written in every line of his face, but there was something else too. Something indefinably more. It was the same look that she’d been seeing in his eyes more and more the past few weeks, as if his emotions for her had become so strong that he couldn’t look at her without them spilling over. Was that normal? It was that look which had made her wonder if he was already thinking about moving their relationship to the next level, but so far nothing had happened despite there being plenty of opportune moments and she’d convinced herself to stop looking for something that she wasn’t even sure was coming.

  With a definitive jerking movement, Todd tightened the laces on his shoes and slowly sat up, never taking his eyes from her. A slow smile curved his lips as he stood, the kind of smile that made her shiver and wonder if they were actually going to make it out the door.

  “You look delicious, Princess,” he said. The tone in his voice filled the words with extra meaning.

  Still, she liked to play the game as much as he did. It was more fun if she fought against the way he affected her, if she made him work for it. Arching an eyebrow she shifted her weight so that one hip gently thrust out, making the material around her curves tighten. His eyes immediately dropped to the contours of her body, drinking in the seductive invitation in her torso.

  “You don’t look half bad yourself,” she purred, sliding one hand over her hip and up to her waist, her fingers delicately curving around the narrowest part of her body. Her blood thrummed and she wondered giddily if she could keep him from their reservation. Todd was always so controlled, it might be fun to try.

  But he dashed that notion. She could almost see him reigning in his passion, making the conscious choice to wait for later. To make her wait for it. Truth be told, he was much better at drawing out the tension and extending the wait than she was. He smiled and held out his hand to her, she stepped forward to slip her fingers into his palm, loving the warmth of his hand around hers, the strength of him. Smiling up at him brilliantly, she could completely understand the expression "swept away by love."


  During the drive she began to get suspicious.

  Five minutes before they arrived at their destination she was silently arguing with herself over whether or not he actually would.

  He had.

  When he pulled into the parking lot Allison burst out laughing and Todd slanted her a look, although he was grinning. "That's not exactly the reaction I was going for."

  "We're a little over dressed, don't you think?" she asked between fits of giggles. She'd had all sorts of visions in her head for what kind of fancy restaurant he might be taking her to. Not that this restaurant wasn't nice, but they would definitely be dressed at a much higher level than anyone else.

  Todd batted his eyes at her, feigning innocence as he pulled into a parking space, but the glitter of amusement was unmistakable. "Are we?"

  "You know we are," she said, unsnapping her seat belt and leaning forward to grab him by the collar and pull him into a passionate kiss. Really he was too cute for words. Getting her all dressed up so that he could surprise her and take her back to the restaurant that they'd had their first real 'date' at. Granted, she hadn't entirely appreciated the gesture at the time, since he had been blackmailing her, but she'd found it wonderfully exciting. And she appreciated it a lot more later.

  This gesture she appreciated completely. It heightened her anticipation, making her hope for... things....

  Don't get ahead of yourself.

  A romantic evening did not automatically indicate a proposal. And she wouldn't want it to. Just taking her back to this restaurant was incredibly lovely in and of itself and she felt incredibly special and giddy that he'd gone to the effort of making it a surprise. She pulled away from the kiss, trying to put all of her appreciation for him, her love, into her eyes as they gazed at each other. Todd leaned forward and brushed another kiss across her lips before he unclipped his own seat belt and they got out of the car.

  "I don't mind being overdressed," he murmured as he took her hand in his, walking towards the front entrance. "Do you?"

  "Not at all," she said, beaming up at him and wrapping her free hand around his elbow. When she felt all floaty and happy like this it was all she could do to keep herself from wrapping all sorts of body parts around him, she just wanted to touch him as much as possible. And he definitely didn't seem to mind. They were both walking with a little extra spring in their steps.

  As soon as they arrived the maître’s took note of them and welcomed them, grabbing two menus and leading them to the same secluded booth that they had been in before. The restaurant had quite a few people in it, but there was no one in their little corner and no way to see what was going on in the booth until you were standing almost directly in front of it.

  Sliding into the booth, Allison gave Todd a flirtatious look, leaning into his shoulder as the maître’s gave them the day's specials and then disappeared. The conversations around them sounded more like a muted hum than anything else and Allison was thrilled with the privacy. It was possibly the best thing about this restaurant.

  "Does this count as romantic?" ask
ed Allison playfully, bumping her shoulder against his. Todd laughed and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close to him so that she could feel the heat of his body. "Considering our history here?"

  "I definitely think so." He leaned over and gave her a kiss on the nose. "Now figure out what you want to order."

  The waiter came by to bring them water and bread and Todd picked out a bottle of wine for them to share. Allison's favorite Pinot Noir from Willamette Valley in Oregon. She was delighted. Usually they picked something different because Todd preferred heavy cabernets, so they would compromise by ordering something in the middle of their preferences or getting their own glasses. Resting her hand on his thigh, she gently rubbed her way up his leg to his crotch, grinning to herself as she found him hard while she continued to pretend to peruse the menu.

  "And do you know what you'd like?" His mouth was right next to her ear, so close that she could feel his lips moving against the sensitive curve. Giving up the teasing she placed her hand directly on his crotch as she turned slightly towards him.

  "I'd like the steak. Medium."

  As she stroked his cock through his pants, his arm tightened around her, sliding down her upper arm to brush against her breast.

  "Anything for an appetizer?" he asked.

  "You choose whatever you'd like, I know what I want."

  Before he could reply, Allison slid downwards, ignoring his startled exclamation as she swiftly positioned herself beneath the table.

  "Princess," she heard him say, although his voice was slightly muffled. Allison ignored the tone of warning as she swiftly unzipped him, releasing his dick from the confines of his pants. His fingers gripped the table on either side of her head, but she knew that the tablecloth shielded her from being seen by anyone. Tugging at his hips she pulled him closer to her, making him slump in the seat a little as she flicked out her tongue, licking the drop of pre-cum from its tip. There was a small moan above her head.


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