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Darlings Page 11

by Ashley Swisher

  Hop on? Like get on you? Gwen could feel her cheeks burning. She had just asked Andrew if she could get on him.

  He made a snarl like sound that almost mimicked a laugh. Yah mount me, he teased. No really, you’d ride a horse right? This is a tactical maneuver. We can move much faster together which will give us a leg up on the dark ones.

  Gwen looked up at him. He was around the size of a horse. Bowing down he threw his head motioning for her to sit on his back.

  Well how do I do this? she asked silently.

  Grab my mane and swing your leg over.

  Gwen looked behind her, making sure no one was around. She reluctantly reached out a hand to grab his mane, and threw her leg over his thick body. He stood up.

  Gwen hollered, “Woah!” She grabbed his hair more tightly.

  You’re going to have to hold on tighter than that. Wrap your hands in my fur and use it to hold on. Trust me it doesn’t hurt and you’re going to fall off if you don’t.

  She twisted the thick hair in her hands and held on firmly.

  Squeeze with your thighs. In actual battle we wear steel armor with handles and foot holds. It’ll be a lot easier to hang on then. Trust me. I won’t let you fall.

  Gwen pressed her thighs into his thick ribs.

  Ready? He asked.

  “I guess so, but go slow okay?” Hearing what sounded like a laugh from Andrew’s growly throat, they bolted forward. She felt…incredible. They dodged through the forest faster than she ever imagined possible. Her knuckles were white and her legs shaking, but she didn’t want him to stop. He breathed hard as they took sharp turns, and leapt off trees. He moved with such power and might. Finally he slowed to a stop.

  Panting Andrew asked, Doing ok?

  “This is amazing Andrew! It’s like, like we’re flying!” Gwen laid forward, her stomach and chest pressing against his back. She rested her head on his neck and smiled. It was as if she could forget everything when they were together like this, she was free.

  This is nothing. You want to see amazing? Hold on, and I mean tight. Gwen wrapped her hands around his massive neck and clutched with all her might. Andrew clawed his way up the base of a massive ancient tree. Once he reached the first limb, he bound up branch by branch until they were as far up as their weight would let them go. They stopped and Gwen finally opened her eyes. She could see for miles through the opening in the treetop. Nothing but sunset-hued trees spread out before her. She imagined stepping out and walking across them tree by tree, her feet crunching as she walked. To her left, saw the golden fields extending far and wide across the land, farm houses scattered among them.

  “You’re right, this is truly amazing,” she said smiling. “I could stay here forever, just like this.”

  Andrew secretly wished they could.

  Suddenly they heard voices below. Gwen looked down and saw three hunters, hounds barking and jumping at the base of their tree.

  “It went this way!” A man wearing an orange vest with gray hair shouted to the others. “Biggest damn coyote I’ve ever seen! Might even be one of those big foots!”

  He was followed by a middle aged man, presumably the older man’s son and a young blond boy, no more than fourteen heading up the rear.

  The old man excitedly encouraged the dogs. “Come on Bruno, Daisy, whatya’ see pups?”

  Andrew didn’t move and Gwen held her breath. She slowly moved her hand to her chest.

  Can they see us? She asked.

  Yah, I think so. Probably sporadically since the enchantment is wearing off.

  Gwen’s heart raced. What do we do? She asked. They have guns.

  Obviously I could take them in a heartbeat with one swipe of my paw, but their innocent. I…I don’t know what to do. If we run, they’ll see us and we don’t need a bunch of people hovering around the woods right now. They do have guns. Ugh. Duck!

  Gwen ducked down placing her head on Andrew’s neck. She closed her eyes as a bullet whizzed by and just missed her head. Andrew bore his teeth and snarled, preparing to lunge.

  Andrew don’t, they don’t know any better? We’d do the same thing, Gwen pleaded.

  Crack! Another bullet flew past them and hit a nearby tree.

  “I see its fur! It’s huge. Keep shooting!” the old man hollered. The young boy shook as he aimed his rifle in clear shot of the pair. He closed his eye and held his breath preparing for the shot. Andrew snarled turning to face the boy, he blocked Gwen from his view. Suddenly, the boy fell to the ground; soon followed by his companions and their hounds.

  “What in the hell are you two doing!” Ashton hollered, holding what looked like some sort of dart gun. “Get down here! Hurry up!” she yelled as quietly as she could muster. Andrew climbed down the tree like a cat on one of those scratch houses. Once safely on the ground, Gwen slid off and ran to Ashton. She embraced her dear friend, holding back sobs.

  “Thank you, Ash.” Ashton genuinely wrapped her arms around her terrified childhood playmate.

  “Of course,” she pushed Gwen out at arm’s length and scolded. “Don’t you ever do that again, do you understand me? The enchantment is pretty much gone out here. And you!” Ashton pointed to Andrew who stood, head looking at the ground. “Hurry up and turn back. I am sure Pete will want to talk to you.” With that, Andrew disappeared back into the woods.

  “Help me.” Ashton said walking over to her victims. Gwen examined the still figures lying haphazardly on the dirt floor. She looked closer at their necks and found tiny darts sticking out of their soft flesh. Ashton hurried over to the boy and plucked the dart from his neck, tucking it safely inside a brown sack tied around her waist. “Come on get the ones from the dogs,” she instructed. “They won’t be out long.”

  Gwen followed her instructions and removed the small needles from the hounds’ furry necks. “They’re not dead?” Gwen asked.

  “No, they’re not dead! Gosh I’m not a murderer Gwendolyn, well…hardly ever!” she said completely offended. “Hurry up.”

  Ashton removed the last dart and grabbed Gwen by the arm, pulling her in the direction of the cabin. They ran until the hunters were clearly out of sight. Out of breath Gwen slowed to a walk. “Ash, wait,” she hollered. Ashton slowed and turned around, picking her long blond hair off her neck and holding it on top her head with two hands.

  “Whew, that was intense,” Ashton said.

  “Won’t they tell other people? Will they come looking for us?” Gwen asked worriedly.

  “No, they won’t remember a thing,” Ashton said. “The darts were dipped in a solution that will block out that part of their memory.” Gwen breathed a sigh of relief.

  “What were you thinking Gwen?” Ashton asked. Shaking her head she added, “No, what was Andrew thinking. He knew better than this. That was so unlike him. So irresponsible. Pete’s going to be furious,” she growled, shaking her head again in disapproval.

  They reached the cabin and sat at the granite island in the kitchen. “So it’s past lunch. Turkey and Swiss on rye?” Ashton asked, knowing it was Gwen’s favorite stand by. Gwen nodded. Ashton talked nonstop, clearly attempting to avoid the elephant in the room. “So, I have sooo much to show you. I’ve made all kinds of goodies for your trip. My newest concoction will re-grow a limb!” she said proudly. “Though, I haven’t perfected it yet…might want to wait on that one. Andrew’s in so much trouble. He shouldn’t have jeopardized you like that. You- ”

  “Why didn’t you tell me Ash?” Gwen said quietly. The short blond stopped spreading mayonnaise onto the brown bread and cringed.

  “Yah, I knew this was coming. Girl, you truly are my best friend. You always have been. It doesn’t change anything. I wanted to tell you. Do you think it was easy to keep this from you?”

  “You’ve been my best friend because you wanted to…or you had to?”

  “Was it coincidence my parents moved next door? No. Obviously it wasn’t. Your mom knew the day would come when you discovered who you really were. She wante
d your alchemist close. My father was hers. It was never a choice for me to take up the family business and become yours.”

  “So I control you too. Great. Is there anyone who I don’t own? I’m so sick of this. Everyone has to listen to me, I would never in a million years listen to me.”

  “Oh no diva, you don’t own all of this hotness,” she teased, running her hands down her hip giving her sexiest model look. A small chuckle escaped Gwen’s pursed lips. “Hold up. Is that my bestie in there I see coming back out? My serious, sweet, wholesome counterpart?” Ashton held her hands together as if she were praying. “Sister Gwendolyn awesome you could join us.”

  “Okay, okay. Obviously this hasn’t changed you in the least. Besides these new brains.” Gwen said rolling her eyes. “Seducing boys to do your math homework. Like you couldn’t figure it out for yourself miss mad chemist.”

  Ashton shot Gwen a mischievous look, “Well, yah but that was much more fun.”

  “So this whole fashonista thing you have going on, is it an act?” Gwen asked skeptically.

  “Oh honey, I may mix tonics and powders with the best of em, but I won’t do it in ugly shoes.”

  “Good. I was hoping you’d say that.” Gwen sighed in relief. “You forgot the-”

  “Two pickles coming up my dear.” Ashton finished. She tucked two pickles neatly inside the sandwich and slid one white plate to Gwen.

  “Thanks,” she said. Starving, Gwen chomped into the sandwich like it was the last morsel of food on earth.

  “Sooo, I heard you have a date?” Ashton leaned forward on the island eyes sparkling, waiting for her friend to explain.

  Gwen could feel her cheeks begin to warm. “I guess. I’m not sure why. Feels like this is the complete wrong time for swooning and such.” She stopped. Maybe it was the right time for Pete to take her out. Maybe it was the last time.

  Sensing her friend’s dark thoughts Ashton added excitedly, “No, you need some fun, you’re going through a lot.”

  “I guess.” Gwen was looking forward to spending some alone time with Pete, the future father to her children, the man she was expected to spend her life with in a new foreign world.

  “Well what are you ever going to wear?” Ashton sarcastically asked.

  “I should have known. You picked out the dress, huh?” Gwen commented.

  “Guilty,” Ashton said eagerly. “Like it?”

  “Love it of course.” Gwen stated. She took the final bite of her sandwich and ran her ring finger along the smooth glass plate.

  “Cheer up lovely.” Ashton took the plate and set it in the sink. “We’ll let miss thing deal with those.”

  “So you know Tina I imagine,” Gwen said sharply.

  “Oh yes, Tina and I have a sort of love-hate relationship. She’s truly brutal most of the time. Such a pain in my ass, but she’s helped me a lot. We work together often and complement each other’s skills, well, when she’s not being a total bi-”

  “Pete back yet?” Andrew stood in the doorway of the kitchen, shirtless. His bare massive chest flexed as he stuck his hands in the pocket of his black sweatpants and looked down, clearly avoiding eye contact with Gwen.

  “Nope,” Ashton said, crossing her arms across her voluptuous chest and pursing her puffy red lips.

  “Okay. Gwen could I talk to you?” he asked quietly.

  Gwen was about to answer when Ashton took it upon herself. “You can talk to her after I get her ready. She has a date.” Gwen knew Ashton wasn’t happy about Andrew’s irresponsible behavior but she felt sorry for him. She felt as much at fault as he was. Ashton took Gwen by the shoulders and ushered her into Pete’s bathroom. Gwen touched her mark.

  We’ll talk later? She mutedly asked him.

  Sure. That’ll be ok. His voice appeared in her mind, full of sorrow.

  I’m not mad at you Andrew. In fact, thanks. I really needed that. She waited, but no response came.

  Puffing Ashton grunted. “Stop it already. He’s fine. He’s the last thing you should be worrying about right now.” Ashton sat Gwen on the toilet lid. “Sit,” she said. “Time to get you glamorized. Hold on a second.”

  Ashton scuttled out of the bathroom and returned holding a big box. She sat it onto the counter and unfolded it like a magician pulling scarves out of his sleeve. Compartment after seemingly hidden compartment unfolded to reveal rows and rows of brightly colored make up.

  “You brought the big guns I see,” Gwen said.

  “Well of course. A date with Pete is no mundane event.” Taking Gwen’s chin in her hand she added. “You need to look perfect.”

  “Do a lot of people want dates with Pete? I mean of course he’s hot and sweet and pretty much perfect, but does he or did he…” Gwen stammered, “Does he date a lot of women?” she managed to get out.

  Ashton brushed on a thick layer of ivory foundation onto Gwen’s creamy skin. “Do you mean does he sleep around?”

  Gwen blushed. “Yah. I guess.”

  “Pete’s had his share of women, from what I hear.” Ash saw her friend’s face drop. “But, not in a long time.” That made Gwen feel a little more at ease considering she had never made it past making out with a guy. Gwen was too busy for men. Her life was much more…mature.

  Ashton began brushing on smooth bronze power onto Gwen’s delicate eyelids. Squinting, Gwen asked, “Why are you so hard on Andrew?”

  “Things are different in Everland. I’ve only been there a few times but I did spend a week there last summer-”

  “Your Cancun trip,” Gwen finished.

  “Yeah. Manticans are still thought of kind of like servants. I mean not that I feel that way about Andrew, I think he’s a cool guy and all but it’s just how things are there. They’re kind of looked at like lower class in a way. Kind of like property. I mean the Royals do own them, it’s not like they can really leave once they’re bonded. Some people treat them like friends. Like Pete. His family has always advocated for the Mantican population, but before his ancestors came into power, a lot of guardians were beat and kept in poor conditions and all.”

  Gwen thought about Andrew. He was lower class? No wonder he wanted to stay here. “That’s sad.”

  “Yah, but it’s just the way it is. Look up,” Ashton said. Gwen looked up as Ash lined her bottom eyelid with slick black eyeliner. “Look down.” She did the same to the top. After applying mascara for what seemed like an eternity Ashton was finished. “Now for this hair.” She examined Gwen’s long undulating auburn hair, running it through her fingers, contemplating what she wanted to do with it. Quickly she took a hand full of bobby pins out of her make-up box and began pinning Gwen’s hair into a low, effortless yet elegant style. “Perfect; if I do say so myself.” Ashton smiled. Gwen examined herself in the mirror. She was shocked. She looked so…pretty. So seductive.

  “Wow,” Gwen said getting a closer look at her eyes.

  “You don’t like it?” Ashton said worriedly.

  “No, I love it. I just look so…sexy.” She turned to the side examining the back of her hair. “I don’t know how you do it. You make doing hair look so easy.”

  “Well, it is easy,” Ashton said, cleaning up her things.

  “Maybe for you. Kind of like dating.” Gwen was secretly terrified of her date. She hadn’t been on many dates, especially with someone so mature like Pete.

  “Pete’s easy to talk to and how could you not be excited to stare at that face.” Ashton pretended to fan herself. “He’s gorgeous.”

  “Yah, he really is hot, but I mean like just conversation. What am I going to say? Oh, hey well I have nothing to talk about because you’ve been watching me my entire life you so know everything about me. Let’s talk about you. He doesn’t seem very open to talking about himself.”

  “Yah, he’s always been pretty mysterious about himself. I don’t know girl you’ll figure it out. Here get dressed. I can’t wait to see you in this dress.” Ashton helped her friend shimmy into the silky thigh length cocktail
dress. Gwen asked, “Zip me?”

  Ashton turned and squealed. “Ahh! You’re gorgeous! I love it. Here turn around.” Ashton pulled up the zipper, tightening the dress snug around Gwen’s body. Gwen walked to the full length mirror mounted on the back of the bathroom door. Her legs looked miles long, and waist tiny accentuating her small chest. The deep emerald of the dress complemented her auburn hair and ivory skin perfectly.

  “It does do me some justice, huh?” Gwen said examining the soft silky fabric of the strapless dress.

  “Uh, yah it does.” Ashton smiled. She looked at the clock. “Pete should be here soon. I have to go do a few things in the lab. Just hang out and don’t ruin my masterpiece.”

  “I have to sit around in this?” Gwen asked.

  “For a while you’ll live,” Ashton said as she walked out of the bathroom.

  Gwen examined herself in the mirror again. She rummaged through the red bag of clothes and found the strappy heels. She was thankful she wasn’t forced into walking in those until Pete came. Taking a deep breath, she decided to go watch some television in the family room.

  She made her way to the cozy area and saw Andrew sitting in the white oversized chair watching the fireplace flicker. He was dressed up as well in a pair of designer jeans and a black button down shirt, sleeves rolled up to accentuate his muscular forearms. His hair was styled and she could smell the sweet aroma of his cologne. He didn’t notice her come in. She cleared her throat.

  “Uh, hmm.” Gwen stood in the corner of the room, self-consciously fiddling with the bottom hem of her dress.

  He turned quickly and stammered, “Gwen…oh…uh…you…look, you look nice.” Real smooth he thought to himself. He was sure he’d never seen a more beautiful woman in all his life and “you look nice” was the best he could come up with?

  “Well thanks. You don’t look so bad yourself. Are you coming with us?” She walked over to the couch and sat on the edge of the seat, attempting to keep her legs lady like and together.

  “Yah. Tok and I are coming along. Not to intrude on your date of course. We’ll be sitting at the bar on the other side of the restaurant keeping an eye on things.”


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