Breaking In His Virgin

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Breaking In His Virgin Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  And I plan to take my sweet time breaking in my virgin.

  With a smile against her breast, I swirl my tongue around her swollen, sensitive, puckered flesh. Marie reaches a hand into my hair, pulling me firmer to her, intensifying our contact. Every moan, every movement she makes is exhilarating. Pulling from her breasts, I’m hungry and wanting as I kiss between her cleavage, then lower…lower…lower. She grips my shoulders, her hips already lifting and rolling, ready for me.

  I taste, tease, suck, and nip until my lips brush past her neatly trimmed, fiery red bush, stopping along her blush-pink folds. Parting her legs wide, I gaze down at her glistening pussy. Her innocence, that she saved, just for me. I flatten my tongue and run the tip from the base of her hot, drenched folds all the way up to her swollen, sensitive bud. She tastes so fucking sweet as I lap up her juices, then with the slightest tilt of my head, I begin to devour her.

  Without pausing, my eyes glance up to witness the effect I’m having on her. Her face is flushed, eyes are closed, mouth formed in a sexy ‘o’. Her chest rises and falls as though breathing no longer comes naturally. At the moment, her hands grip the bedsheets, seeming to fight for control, anchoring there while her hips roll, grinding on my face.

  She’s so eager, so beautiful to watch as she comes thoroughly undone.

  I bury my tongue past her folds, tasting her sweet innocence while I reach up to her clit and begin to strum on the sensitive spot with my thumb. Marie’s inner walls clench around my tongue, and she lifts her entire lower body off the bed in reaction. She convulses under me, flying over the edge with my name on her lips.

  “Rowan…please,” she begs in a breathless moan, her thighs still shaking. “Please… I need you inside me.”

  Raw desire rumbles in my groin, engorging my stiff cock, tightening my balls. It urges me to give her what she needs, what I also want. The fact that she’s never been touched is its own irresistible drug. I’m about to be the first man to claim her. The first and the last. The only man to ever fuck her.

  I relish the honor.

  I don’t have any condoms, and I should’ve been prepared for tonight, but didn’t think we’d go this far. I intended to tell Marie my feelings for her tonight, but Lila’s uninvited after-dinner guest triggered me to say those things before I meant to, and the rest of the night has been a whirlwind.

  And now, Marie wants me to claim her innocence.

  “Are you sure?” I ask, lifting my lips just inches away from her pussy. “We don’t need to rush.”

  Her knees drop to the bed, exposing more of her pink center, opening herself for me. “I want this,” she says, and bites down on her bottom lip.

  Marie is watching me intently, her eyes riveted to my cock.

  She’ll feel it soon enough.

  Using my upper body strength, I move over top of her and lower my weight to meet her small frame. I kiss her deeply, parting her lips, and our tongues tangle. Her legs wrap around my hips, and her arms reach over my shoulders, palms pressed against my upper back as she deepens our kiss.

  I feel her inner thighs relax and stiffen at the feel of my cock nudging at her folds. With a slight shift of my hips, I slide into her, filling her tight, taut pussy. Fuck, she’s so fucking wet, and tight like a fist around me, a heated, responsive glove that grips me and won’t let go.

  “Oh God,” she hisses out in a whimper against my mouth, and her palms go from rubbing my back to digging tense fingernails into me, clawing at my flesh. Her eyes snap shut and her hips freeze. All movement below her waist stops dead. I know I’m filling her to capacity, almost to the point of stretching her with my width, but soon, inch by inch, bit by bit, her inner walls will adjust and let me all the way inside. And if I can stop myself from burying into her hard and fast, she might even start to enjoy it more than the initial pain that I caused her sweet, virgin pussy.

  Lowering a bit, I nibble her neck, giving her time to loosen up. Moments later, she moves her hips again. I wait as she takes a little more of my cock, circling her hips slightly. And when she reaches her hands down the side of my body to my ass cheeks, I can’t stop myself. I wrap my arms around her waist to her back, and I thrust into her. Again and again.

  Her tits bounce and rub along my chest, driving my need to new heights as my cock feels every contour inside of her. Each stroke takes us closer, every plunge drives me deeper, and every breathless sound she utters strips a little of my self-control.

  “Come for me,” I say, to summon her climax, and my order does as much to my groin as I intended for my woman.

  She pulsates around me, fluttering and tightening her hold, pumping my cock the way I thrust in and out of her. Soon, my mind goes blank and the pressure in my balls can’t be contained. She buries her head into my neck, stifling her cries that have gone from pain to pleasure to bliss as we come together.

  Sated and spent, I lower onto her, pressing her into the mattress. We lay there, panting for breath, bodies still connected and slick with sweat, drifting to what may be the best sleep of my life. And it’s perfect, that she’s in my arms, under me, all around me.

  Chapter 8


  I was on the edge of Rowan’s bed, staring out his window, watching as the sun rose above the horizon. Rowan slept beside me, his deep, even breathing almost hypnotic. I look over my shoulder at him, looking at his face and then lowering my gaze to his bare chest. The sheet is pooled around his waist, his washboard abs clenching in stark relief with every exhalation he makes.

  I still can’t believe what we did last night, but the product of that is a heady reminder. I’m sore between my thighs, and when I look down and spread my legs slightly, I can see pinkness smeared across my flesh, my virgin blood the proof. I can see fingerprint-sized bruises on my hips, and the memory of his hands on me makes me flush in need once more.

  He is mine the same as I am his.

  I can’t believe I’ve given my virginity to Rowan. All this time, that’s all I’ve ever wanted, to be his, for him to love me the way I love him. And he told me as much. It felt a little surreal, but here I am, sitting naked on the edge of the bed, him just an arm’s-length reach away, his words replaying in my head.

  “Once I claim you no other man will have you.”

  “We’ve waited long enough.”

  “I’ll take care of you.”

  He loves me, he really does. He stirs and blinks his eyes open, our gazes holding. He gives me a genuine smile, one filled with so much emotion. He turns on his side so he’s facing me, his abdomen clenching and showing off his six-pack.

  “You weren’t planning on leaving, were you?” His expression is somber, sincere. The corner of his mouth picks up and I can tell he’s just teasing, although underneath it all I truly believe he’s worried that I was about to leave.

  I smile and shake my head, although I would be lying if I didn’t admit that it did cross my mind, just briefly. Not because I want to get away, but because I am so confused right now. We both said some incredible things last night, but was that from the heat of the moment? Do they still ring true for him this morning? I know I mean them … meant them.

  Before I can say anything, he props his upper body up on his elbow, reaches out with his other hand, and wraps it around my waist. He pulls me back on the bed and is on top of me seconds later. I spread my thighs to accommodate his body but there is nothing sexual about this moment. He has his elbows on either side of me, holding his upper body up, his hands by my head. I can feel the steady rhythm of his thumb moving back and forth along the shell of my ear as he looks into my eyes.

  “I hope you weren’t thinking of running from me?” He leans down to brush his lips along mine. “Because even if you ran I’d follow. I’d come after you, because you’re mine now.” He kisses me harder, with more passion. He strokes his tongue along the seam of my lips and I open for him. “I love you,” he whispers against my lips.

  “I wasn’t going to run. I’m just afraid things mig
ht have changed for you. Maybe you just said those things in the heat of the moment, as emotions were running high.”

  He shakes his head, his expression serious.

  “No fucking way. I meant every word I said. You’re mine, always have been, and I was a fucking fool not to say something to you sooner.”

  I wrap my arms around his shoulders, my nails digging into his skin. I can feel how hard he is for me, his erection pressing right against my slit.

  “I love you so much it hurts,” he says. “Too much time has already passed where we could’ve been together. I was stupid, a fucking idiot for never saying anything before now.” He pulls back and the expression he wears is almost wounded. “I want this to be the first of many. I want you to be by my side always. Say you’ll be mine.”

  He kisses me again before I can say anything, and I give myself over. All that worry and doubt, all the wondering that I had over the years, fades away. I love this moment, where we are both bared mentally, physically, but most importantly emotionally.

  My heart is thundering, my pulse beating rapidly right beneath my ear. “I’ve always been yours, Rowan, and I always will be.”

  He reaches between us and places his cock at my entrance, slowly thrusting forward until he’s seated fully inside of me. He makes love to me, slowly, gently, kissing me like he doesn’t want to stop, like he’s afraid to let me go.

  “I love you. I love you so much, Marie.”

  And I let myself go, just close my eyes and fully give myself to Rowan. It’s all I’ve ever wanted.

  Chapter 9


  One week later

  I watch as Rowan tends to a horse—Nervous Nelly, as we call her at the office. I can’t help but smile, my thoughts consumed by how much things have changed in the last week. We’ve been inseparable for the most part, learning about each other in ways that I never knew was possible, not after all these years. But that was a friendship, where we hadn’t been intimate, not just in the physical sense.

  This is something more, something deeper and meaningful.

  I rest my shoulder against the side of the window and cross my arms under my breasts, watching Rowan work his magic. With Nervous Nelly he’s the only one she doesn’t get spooked by, doesn’t try and get away from. He has the special touch, one that I longed for myself, and I am enthralled while watching him do his thing. I am pretty sure the horse loves Rowan. How can she not?

  “Marie, can you help me with Rocco?”

  I turn and look at Dr. Morris Trent, the man who gave me a shot at a job I’d only dreamed about. This is what I’ve always wanted to do, work with animals and help heal them.

  “Of course.” I follow Dr. Trent into one of the exam rooms, where I see Rocco, the old but loveable Boston Terrier. He’s shivering in his crate, and I crouch down, cooing to the little boy as I get him out and hold him for a moment. Rocco is old, with brittle bones from age, and failing eyesight. But he is happy, and his owner makes sure he is checked out regularly.

  I know when Rocco’s owner, Patricia passed away, her husband, Harold, took over the small animal’s care. Over the years I watched as Harold and Rocco became the best of friends, relying on each other for companionship when someone special in their lives was gone. It is a bond I love seeing between owners and their animals. It is true love, the sweetest, most pure kind.

  I place Rocco on the exam table and let the doctor do his thing, giving him vaccines. The sound of his nails scraping on the stainless steel table echoes off the exam room walls. Dr. Trent is an excellent veterinarian, but I also know he’s a womanizer. Then again, what he does on his own time isn’t my business, even if it is shady and disgusting as fuck. I focus on keeping Rocco calm, trying to ease his fears. I know because his eyesight is failing it makes his anxiety even that much more intense.

  “I think that about covers it,” Dr. Trent says. “Harold will be coming by later today to pick him up. Just have Susan give Rocco a good wash. Maybe that’ll help calm him down a bit.”

  Once I hand Rocco off to Susan, our in-house groomer, I am about to get my things and call it a night. I bend over and grab my purse from under the counter, and when I stand and turn I run right into Dr. Trent’s chest. The air leaves me and I drop my bag.

  “Sorry. I didn’t know you were right behind me.” I reach down for my bag, but he’s already doing that and handing it to me, this suggestive smile on his face. He places his arm on the counter. Blocking me in the receptionist area.

  “How are you doing tonight?” he asks, that creepy smile still on his face. Maybe it’s just creepy and awkward because I know his reputation, and also because I have absolutely no attraction to him. His good looks can’t sway the internal feeling I get when I’m around him, which is he’s my employer and that’s how it’ll stay.

  For a second I just stand there, not sure what to say, confused as to what the hell is going on here. I get gross, weird vibes coming from him, ones I am sure he throws at other women, but which are sure as hell are not going to work with me.

  “Excuse me?” I finally say, because I know by the way he’s looking at me, and by the fact he’s blocking me in, that he isn’t genuine in wanting to know how I’m doing. But he doesn’t respond after a long pause. “I’m fine, but I should be going.” I try to sidestep him and he blocks me again. I’m starting to get pissed, and clench my jaw, not hiding my irritation. “You’re in my way,” I say through gritted teeth.

  “How come you and I never went out, got some food, just had some alone time together?” His grin widens.

  I shake my head, not even believing that this is happening right now. I glance to my side, out the window, but don’t see Rowan.

  “I think we could—”

  “Nope,” I say and hold my hand up in his face. “Just no. You’re my employer. I work for you, and that’s all it is.”

  He takes a step closer, that grin still on his face. It’s clear Morris doesn’t hear no that often. He reaches up, as if to touch my arm, but Rowan walks in. He stops, looks around for a second, then his gaze lands on me. He looks between the doctor and myself, and I see his anger rise. Dr. Trent hasn’t realized that Rowan has walked in, and proceeds to touch my hair.

  “We could have a really good time, Marie.”

  Rowan is behind him a second later, his hand on Dr. Trent’s shoulder, pulling him back. He turns the doctor around, his eyes narrowed, his rage clear. He shakes his head at Morris.

  “I know you’re not trying to get with Marie.” His voice is seething with anger. “I know you’re not trying to make my woman another notch on your fucking bedpost.” He states it like a question. “Because if you are I might have to beat your ass and mess up that pretty face of yours, then Marie would have to file a sexual harassment suit against your sorry ass.” Rowan takes a step closer, and I can see Morris is scared. Good, he should be.

  Finally Morris shakes his head. “No, I was just leaving for the day.”

  Rowan takes his hand off Morris’s shoulder. “Not before you apologize to her for being a creepy motherfucker.”

  Morris turns to me, swallowing hard, his throat working from the act. “I apologize—”

  “And tell her it won’t ever happen again, that you’ll keep your fucking hands to yourself, that she doesn’t have to come to work and worry about some bastard making her uncomfortable.” Rowan’s voice is deep, deadly.

  Morris swallows again, his face slightly red. “You don’t have to worry about anything, Marie. I will keep it strictly professional.”

  Morris turns and heads to his office in the back, and I exhale, not realizing I’ve been all but holding my breath.

  “You okay, baby?” Rowan is by me a second later, holding me, stroking my hair.

  “I’m fine.” And I am. It is weird as hell, but I know if worst came to worst I’ll knee Dr. Trent in the balls and be done with it. That thought has me chuckling.

  He pulls back and cups my cheek before leaning in and kissing me s
oftly. “I saw him touch you and could’ve ripped his arm from the socket right then.” I hear the truth in his words.

  “I would have done that if he’d kept pushing me.”

  He grins and kisses me once more. “That’s my girl. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “How about I take you out to dinner, wine and dine you, then we can watch one of those sappy romance movies you’ve been trying to get me to see with you for years?”

  I laugh and feel my heart race. “I think that sounds pretty damn perfect.” And it does. God, it really does.



  Two Months Later

  It feels strange, rolling up onto Marie’s parents’ driveway like this, on a day I know she’s not here. But in a way, it’s crazy that it took me this long to finally do what needed to be done. The fact that she still lives at home and is so close to her parents, well, to me it means I need to have at least one conversation before I take the next step.

  I loosen my nervous death grip on my truck’s steering wheel and shut off the engine. My palms never sweat. Not like this. But they’re damp as fuck today. I shouldn’t expect anything different, knowing what I’m about to do.

  Rubbing my hands on the sides of my work pants, I take a breath. I pull out the box in the glove compartment and look in it again. I’ve looked at it a hundred times and was stoked about the engagement ring I picked out each and every time. It’s a small diamond solitaire set in a simple white gold band. The style is perfect. The detail and cut are exactly what I feel Marie will love.

  But that was all before I made it to her parents’ front door. I’m so fucking nervous I’m not sure about anything anymore. Maybe I should’ve bought something bigger. Shinier. Prettier somehow. I’m so off my game, the only thing I’m sure of now is that I’ll go the distance to make Marie happy. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep a smile on her face, to show her how much love I have for her, to be the best friend she’s always had, the lover she’s always wanted, and so much more.


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