THE WATCHERS: 6 Military Romance Bundle

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THE WATCHERS: 6 Military Romance Bundle Page 44

by Kristina Weaver

  I don’t think I’m thinking clearly at this point, but what I do start thinking about is the fact that my best friend has been behind this all the time and I’ve spent years trusting her and working my ass off for her.


  I need to keep her talking, I think, edging closer any time she checks the window or looks down at Mr. Brain No More. I’m on fumes as far as panic goes. I’m just straight up operating on anger and hurt as I slide closer and try to keep her from seeing the movement.

  “Why! Why? You should know why, you fucking moron. I begged you to take the deal and sell this shit heap to that company, but you refused. I was okay with that after you survived, because it looked like we’d get the boutiques and like the loan I was trying to take against Geek would go through thanks to the new business, but you pulled the plug on that too.”

  “I had to! I can’t do all that work by myself anymore, Kimber, and you refuse to hire more seamstresses.”

  “Because I can’t pay them, you fucking asshole. Geek is drained. I’ve taken everything I could from this heap to cover the debts I have, but it’s just not enough, Evie. They’ll kill me if I don’t pay them.”


  “The people I borrowed money from. I thought I could pay them back, but the interest is so high that I couldn’t, so I borrowed from someone else to try to make it back at the tables, but I lost that too.”

  “Gambling? You’re telling me you’re doing all of this because you have gambling debts? Kimber, I would have helped you.”

  “How? You can’t afford to do that after paying back your brother, and honestly, Evie, that wouldn’t have covered it anyway. I need three hundred grand, and I know just how to get it if you’d just fucking die,” she screams.

  “Geek isn’t worth that amount if you’ve screwed with the books, and you know it.”

  Stall. Talk. Closer.

  Kimber laughs.

  “No, but you are. Remember the insurance we took out last year?”

  Life policies that I insisted on should anything happen to either of us. Oh God!

  “Please, Kimber. I-I’ll borrow the money from Jericho, and we can get you help. Please don’t do this. I love you.”

  She finally notices I’ve been inching closer and tenses, bringing the gun up with a deadly smile.

  “I don’t need help anymore. I need that money so I can run. You see this guy? He worked for the man I borrowed money from. He was here to kill you, get his money once I’d gotten the insurance payout, and then I would have been free of them all. You think they’ll let me live when they find out he’s dead?”

  I need her closer. Just move an inch forward or backward, I beg. Someone helped me and is watching even now as strange as it seems, and I need him to do it again. I just have to make sure he can.

  I rush her instead of wussing out and watch with glee when she starts and pulls the trigger, her surprise making the shot go wide. And then it is on.

  I’m pissed, hurt, and freaking fed up with people hurting me and betraying my trust. I hit Kimber with one good blow, slap the gun out of her hand and punch her hard as rage engulfs me.

  She falls to the floor in a heap and groans, reaching out for the gun with a shaking hand, but I’m already in that place I can’t seem to control. Kicking the gun further away, I look to the windows with a smile and shake my head to tell whoever is watching not to interfere.

  Kimber wanted to hurt me for money?

  She screams when I use her hair to yank her to her feet and swings out wildly, managing to get a shot in that has me stumbling back and seeing stars.

  I’m blinking wildly for seconds when I hear a boom and feel something burn into my side just above my hipbone, but I ignore the pain and lunge at her again, this time hitting her so hard I hear her teeth clack together.

  I don’t remember much after that, just that I kept punching the fuck out of her in blind rage before there was yelling, shouting, and rough hands pulling me away.

  The last thought I had before I passed out was that I’m gonna find that man, the one who was watching, and lay a fat kiss on him for saving my life.



  “She’s okay.”

  I keep telling myself that for the next two hours as I pace Evie’s hospital room and watch the monitors while she sleeps peacefully in her bed.

  After I’d cooled down enough not to yell things at her I didn’t mean, I went home, grabbed a shower, and started looking for her. Of course, I was also riding high on victory, dreading telling her that we’d found out that it had been Kimber all along….

  Long story short, Storm and Lex never stopped digging, and Storm finally found a life insurance policy in Evie’s name, paying out to her business in the event of death.

  Once we had that, it was easier to look deeper and what we found sealed the deal. Kimber’s in deep with loan sharks and the woman does not have a lot of time left if she doesn’t pay up soon.

  Yeah, so I looked...excited, nervous, and remorseful…as I planned to tell my Evie everything I felt and just leap into the love I feel with both feet.

  She wasn’t there, and after a search that included utter fear and pure anger at whoever would dare to come into my home and take my woman, I finally found the basement door open and realization hit me.

  She left me.

  Now, as panic goes, that was the worst moment of my life. I went utterly numb before I started working on autopilot and calling the guys, yelling and cursing as I slammed into my truck and lit out.

  I’d have really had a stroke if I’d let myself think about why she left in the first place, and right now, I am kicking my own ass for the shit I said to her, as I watch her sleep.

  She’s okay. She’s a little banged up from a bullet graze and the hit she took from that partner of hers, but she’s okay. She’s only sleeping right now because Jericho insisted they knock her out thoroughly so she doesn’t feel any pain.

  The man almost went nuts when we ran into that studio and found Evie bleeding and attacking her friend like a rabid animal. Sexiest thing I ever seen in my life too, because dang, the woman knows how to throw a punch.

  Kimber’s only just still alive because I dragged Evie off her pathetic ass, and Storm managed to keep Jericho away from her, though, Jesus, I never want to see that man get that mad ever.

  He looked ready to rip Kimber limb from limb, a first since Jericho has never hit a woman, not even the suicide bombers we caught and took down before they could fulfil their missions.

  He wanted to kill her though, and still does, but Cleo’s managed to talk him down some at least.

  When a groan breaks the silence, I feel my heart trip and rush to the bed, my eyes misting when Evie blinks up at me and smiles.

  “I hope I disfigured her face.”

  That’s the last thing I expected to hear, and I can’t hold a chuckle as I lean over her and shake my head, my hands trembling against her cheeks.

  “Evie, baby, what the hell were you thinking?”

  Her smile drops immediately, and I feel my heart stop when she pushes my hands away and pulls herself up, putting space between us.

  “Thinking? I was thinking I’d just had my heart ripped out, stomped on, and handed back to me a bloody mess, Blaze Peters. I was thinking that my whole life is a mess thanks to all the shit that happened as a result of some idiot trying to kill me, and then I thought, well, I should probably just fix it myself because I have nothing more to lose anyway! You fucking dick.”


  “No! I don’t even want you here, Peters. You know what I thought when that asshole was going to shoot me, just before his head exploded? I was so mad that you had pushed me to a place where I wasn’t thinking clearly.”

  She sobs the last words, and I feel myself stumble as the implications hit me. She’s right, I am to blame. She almost died because I was a fucking coward, too yellowbellied to tell her what I was feeling because, once again, it was eas
ier to lie and yell blame her way than to admit to myself that I was already madly in love and not able to let her go, even if I wanted to.

  Which I didn’t. I’d decided halfway through the night after she fell asleep that I couldn’t let her go. I had been trying to find a way to mute what I was feeling so that I could control the outcome in case she left me eventually.

  Instead, I drove her straight into the arms of her killer and that damn woman.

  “I love you, Evie.”

  “Love? How can you love me when you don’t even understand what it is to feel anything? You took what I had to give and you shit on it, constantly. You made me feel so much, and then treated me like a hooker before just tossing me away onto the trash pile like every other woman you’ve ever been with. I’m more than just a vagina or some fucking punching bag, Peters. You want to be miserable, go ahead. Go home and stare at your stupid wedding album, and tell that whore ex of yours how you’ll never forget. Me, I deserve better than what you have to give because I don’t take another woman’s broken leavings.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  I’ve been in pain for three days now, and no, it’s not the graze where Kimber’s bullet hit me or the fact that I’ve been sporting a shiner either—damn, I hope Kimber looks like shit for doing this to me, heh.

  No, the pain is all emotional and centered deep in my chest where my lungs only work because it’s instinctive to breathe. If not, I’d be a corpse by now, and I know why.

  I threw something away that I had no business tossing, because I was hurt, angry, and feeling alone again. Only this time the loneliness was so vast I could hardly think past the anguish.

  What is it about me that has everyone I love scuttling off? First my fosters, then Jericho, and now Blaze and Kimber, the one person I trusted more than my own self.

  Yeah, we were arguing, and yes, I know that Kimber wasn’t happy with me, but I kept telling myself that she’d understand and still love me.

  Obviously not. Snort.

  And then Blaze.

  I almost, almost threw myself at him when I opened my eyes and saw him standing over me. Damn, but the joy was so fierce I heard the damn monitor go crazy for a few beats.

  Till I realized he was only there out of guilt. And then he tells me he loves me? What the ever-loving fuck! I mean, honestly, if he’d just said, “I want you, and I want to try,” I may not have gone all rage and demonic on him.

  But he said those three words too late and with so much sorrow that I felt…betrayed. I knew he must be lying. I mean, the man still gazes longingly at his wedding photos for hell’s sake.

  “Stop fucking sulking already! Jesus, Evie, it’s making my chest hurt, and you know I’m still new to this emotional crap,” Jericho growls, falling into the porch swing beside me.

  “I’m not sulking. I’m just sad, okay?”

  “Is this about Blaze? Because I will kill him with my bare hands if he hurt you,” he snarls, his fists clenching.

  I giggle a little and throw him a look before shaking my head.

  “You know, since you and I had that sappy lovefest of a reunion show, I don’t know if I want to hug you or slap you, Jericho.”

  “Hug me. Because you love me,” he crows, pulling me close for a kiss to the hair. “Seriously, I’m glad we talked, and I am really glad that you and I can build on our relationship, Evie. You’re my sister and I love you, but I just…I’m not all that great at this, so I hope you can give me time to get the hang of this shit.”

  Another giggle and a soft punch to his gut before I pull away and look at him seriously.

  “I love Blaze.”

  “I know.”

  He says it softly and seems to be in a state of resigned acceptance as he walks over to the rail and turns, leaning back with his arms folded across his chest.

  “You do?”

  Okay, wow. I expected yelling, threats, and broken furniture since it turns out that he loves me and only wants what’s best for me. Not perfect, not exactly cuddles and all, but it’s a start, and I am just happy he’s the one who initiated it. I could have done without the crying though, but hell, I’m not complaining.

  “Evie, baby, I sent the man to you because I knew that if anyone could pull his head out of his ass and make him start living again, it was you. King almost skinned me alive for missing out on that opportunity—”

  “Wait! Are you telling me you set me up?” I gasp.

  His grin is devilish, as he shrugs and blinks back at me.

  “You’re so happy and optimistic and just plain good. I knew that ass would fall for you. He’s a good guy, Evie. A little fucked up, and maybe too hardheaded for my liking, but I know him. Once he loves, it’s complete, and that’s all I wanted for you. He loves you. The man just about had a breakdown when you kicked his ass out of that hospital room, so I know he’s broken without you. You gonna just sit here and sulk, or give that asshole a good ass-kicking and go get your man?”

  “He still loves his wife. He looked at his wedding album just minutes after we, er, you know,” I mumble, blushing wildly.

  “He always does that creepy shit. It’s his way of reminding himself of what happened and why love isn’t worth it. We had a good bonfire last night while you were here licking your wounds, girl. He burnt it. And then he got shitfaced, and Storm and I had to put him to bed while he cried in his sleep. Fucking tragic, and I will rag his ass about it forever, but it told me one thing, Evie. He loves you, and I know he’s the one for you if you want him to be.”

  Well now. That’s news.



  I’ve been so miserable these last few days that not even the thought of extended leave has made me happy. No, I want to work, maybe lose myself in the necessity of it. Maybe get shot to death in the line of duty so this constant ache will leave me the hell alone, I think morosely as Batshit continues to chase his tail as I nurse a cup of coffee and try not to think of what I’ve lost and what a moron I am.

  Evie was it, and not only did I hurt her and push her away, I almost got her killed by being a fucking loser who can’t see what was right in front of him before it was too late.

  She doesn’t want me.

  She all but told me what a loser I am and ran to Jericho’s to heal.

  I’ve lost her because I sabotage myself all the time; this time so badly that nothing I say or do will ever fix it. I feel everything now, no matter how hard I’ve tried to shut it down, and what it’s doing to me is….unending.

  Pain, regret, remorse, self-loathing.

  And love so strong that breathing most days is a struggle.

  “Jesus, I sure hope you’re not expecting me to have sex with you looking like that, because I have standards.”

  My head whips around at her voice, and I feel all my messed-up pieces realign as she saunters over to me and straddles my lap.


  She giggles at my disbelief, and I feel my heart stutter again when she smiles before scowling so hard her forehead creases with wicked intent.

  “Now, I had all these things planned, all I was going to say, and you know, the speech was so rocking it brought tears to my eyes all the way here in the car. I won’t say them though, because I want to do this quickly so we’re clear on a few things. One, I love you. You’re an ass, a dick, and so many other things that I don’t quite understand how or why I fell for your sorry ass, but I did. I love you. So here’s the deal, Blaze Peters. I want you and love you, and I’ve decided I will have you. I’m consciously deciding to look on the bright side here and find my silver lining because I don’t think I’ll be okay if I don’t have you in my life.”


  “But you have to earn it, Peters.”


  She smiles at that, and I feel my heart trip a beat.


  “You’re really going to do this, Blaze?”

  I look over at my friends who are all decked out
in tuxes, ball gowns, and sporting goofy grins that have my balls shrinking at the thought of what I’m about to do.

  Evie loves me and I love her, and we’re together as we always will be, even into death since I refuse to give her up even then.

  But the woman is a little firecracker, and what with her brother being a madman, I buckled under. And now I’m here, about to humiliate myself in front of everyone because when Evie told me she requires a grand gesture as proof of my undying love, I had no choice but to agree.

  It’s taken two weeks, but I finally hit on how to prove it to her, and this is the perfect way to do it, even if the thought of it is making me break out in hives.

  “Shut up, fucker, she needs this, and I need her to stop holding out on me.”

  No sex.

  We haven’t had sex once since she came back to me because, according to her, she’s done all the work and now it’s up to me.

  So grand gesture it is, since I’m pretty sure I will lose my mind if I don’t get my hands on her soon. Sleeping beside Evie every night without touching her is torture.

  Watching her saunter into the bathroom with a smile, the fucking bear in her palm, is agony and resisting the needs building in me are driving me insane.

  So yeah. Grand gesture.

  And here we are at the freaking Designer of the Year ball or whatever the fuck, and she’s preening as if she’s already won the prize. Damn woman is a trial, but one I love every single second of every day.

  Taking a deep breath, I shake myself and walk toward the stage, my entire body breaking out in a sweat.

  “Folks? Could I please have your attention?” I say loudly into the microphone, swallowing when all eyes turn to me. “Now, I’m sure you all know my Evie since she just kicked all your asses tonight.”

  They chuckle good-naturedly, and I hear her whoop. I smile at that, loving her braggart ways, and refocus, determined to do this no matter how dumb I feel or seeing all the guys laughing their asses off at me in the crowd.

  “She’s my one. The reason I have for breathing, and I love her more than anyone or anything in this world. More than whore bitch.”


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