THE WATCHERS: 6 Military Romance Bundle

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THE WATCHERS: 6 Military Romance Bundle Page 67

by Kristina Weaver

  Opening my eyes, I blink up at her and do my best to frown around the smile tugging at my lips.


  She jerks, her hand tightening dangerously and glances up at me, those blue eyes strained though she’s trying to smile seductively. Innocent baby, I’ll take care of you, I vow doing my best to appear confused.

  “Don’t look at me like that, Lex! This isn’t my fault, it’s yours,” she huffs, pouting prettily.

  My dick is already revolting, pulling at the reins as she hisses and starts stroking slowly, distractedly, almost as if she’s not aware that her hand has started moving.

  That makes me want to smile, but I fight the urge and look up at her, blanking my expression of all emotion.

  “Are you…you tied me to the bed? Did you drug me?”

  “Er, uh, no?”

  “Ro, what the hell are you doing? Untie me and stop. Jesus, stop playing with my dick,” I demand, my eyes almost rolling when she realizes her movements and looks down to stare at my dick.

  That mulish expression I’ve gotten so familiar with caresses her face, and she shakes her head, tightening her fist enough that I want to howl at the moon.

  “No! Look, you want me, I so know it, so don’t even bother trying to lie about it. What’s wrong with me that you don’t want to at least try this?”

  Nothing. Absolutely nothing, baby. You’re perfect, I think, groaning loudly when she starts jacking me with more force and uses my streaming pre-cum to guide her fist.

  The pleasure is hard, intense, and so freaking welcome I don’t bother to try keeping still. My hips thrust up of their own accord, and I grab at the headboard to stop from breaking the pantyhose and grabbing at her.

  I want inside her so badly I’ve bitten a hole in my cheek to keep from yelling, begging her to stop messing around and ride me.

  “I don’t want you to get the wrong idea, baby. That’s all. I like you, Ro. I really do, but I don’t do anything beyond sex, and I’d rather not do this at all than risk hurting you.”

  That stills her, and I want to scream when her hand leaves me and she plants them on my chest, pushing up over me to peer down into my eyes.

  “Really? But…but that won’t happen, Lex. I told you. Sex. That’s all. You have your life back in that little town with your family and friends, and I have mine. When you catch the stalker, you’ll go back to yours and I’ll go back to mine.”

  The thought angers me, but I ignore the emotion and instead focus on the fact that I have a beautiful, naked Rosetta Mayhew plastered to my body, willing and eager to do and take whatever I have in mind for her.

  But I won’t make this easy, not after all that effort she went to in the first place, I think cockily, ignoring my dick to play a little. Other women are usually satisfied to let me lead, but I find myself aroused and curious about letting her hold the reins for a while.

  “You won’t expect anything later?”

  “Nada. Just call me Candy, your personal girl on call,” she says quietly, her nervousness an endearing quality to the brazen need I see blazing in her eyes.

  “Untie me.”

  The demand re-sparks all the fire and courage I saw earlier, and I withhold a grin when she scowls and pushes herself up, pushing her wet, naked slit into my stomach.


  “Feel that?” she purrs, grinding down onto me. “I’ve been this way for days, since I opened the door and looked up at you.”

  Oh, sweet Lord, yes. She’s letting go, going into a place where she wants only pleasure, and I see that when she palms her breasts and starts grinding her clit into me, working all that heat over my skin.

  “So ready and needy, Lex, and all because you’ve been teasing me for days.”

  “Baby, just untie me and we can—”

  But she ignores me and smiles wickedly, abandoning her pleasure to slide down my body, her nipples grazing my shaft before her mouth settles right over me, sucking and licking at just the head.

  “Mmm, you’re hard.”


  I have so much to say, but it all disappears when she opens her mouth and takes me in, swallowing me down in one swoop of her mouth. Moisture. Heat. Suction. She uses her mouth on me to own me, making a meal of me, as she bobs her head and moans, the vibrations humming over my shaft, drawing my balls up.

  I’m just about ready to say screw it and come when she pulls off and looks down at me in a daze, her eyes unfocused. Oh hell, she’s already sex drunk, I think in awe, taking in her glazed eyes, slack mouth, and the way she keeps thrusting her sex against the sheets.

  If I let her continue, she’ll come by herself and that I cannot have, not when I have a load boiling in my nuts and the wild desperate desire to be inside her when I let go.

  “Sorry, baby, but I’m about to lose it,” I say just before ripping my limbs free and tackling her to the bed.

  One thrust, one hard, uncontrolled thrust and I’m all the way in, buried in the tightest heaven I’ve ever experienced. She doesn’t even struggle, just screams and rakes her nails down my back, her head tilted, hips slamming up at me wildly as she starts using me to get where she needs to go.

  “Yes, oh yes.”

  I’m gone, for once in my life completely uncontrolled with a woman as I let myself go and ram her hard, chasing release with a need that borders on insane.

  Shit, hell, if this ends the way I think it will, I am in so much trouble with this woman.



  Pleasure. It screams along my nerve endings and zaps at every part of my body when Lex starts slamming into me, his movements wild and unrestrained.

  I’ve never been this filled, this taken, this owned, and it feels so good I’m not sure I can survive when the orgasm finally hits me. Everything just seizes, going tense and liquid at the same time, as I explode, my orgasm radiating from within with enough force to make me scream and thrash from the violence of it.

  I feel every part of myself in that moment—my breasts bouncing with every thrust of his hips; my nipples scraping his chest, adding an almost painfully pleasurable element to my release.

  My sex and clit are contracting, hard, pulsing, sending liquid heat gushing from deep within as it grips me and shakes me to the core. I’m ready to scream and shove him away, to escape the almost aching pleasure when he stills above me suddenly and looks down, his face contorting as he yells and starts coming in long, hot slashes inside me.

  Lex groans and shakes, his body spasming into mine, as I feel that last hard pulse, giving way to soft quivers deep inside. I’m spent, struggling to breathe, and take it all in as he pulls away and falls to the bed beside me, his labored breathing letting me know that he’s as affected by this as I am.

  Seriously, what the hell was that! I’ve had orgasms before. Of course, I have. I’ve slept with other men, and I refuse to be that chick who doesn’t own up to wringing pleasure from her sexual encounters, that’s just pathetic in my book.

  Whoa! Hold your horses. I am not insulting you if that’s your issue. I know that some poor women get the short end of the barrel from guys most of the time, so chill, I’m not insulting you.

  All I’m saying is that I’ve orgasmed before, both with guys and by my own hand and sometimes even with my MIA BOB. What just happened here was…is…I don’t know what the hell that was, but my womb is singing a song of angels and my vagina is cooing her satisfaction, as I lie completely still and try to gather myself.

  “Holy shit nuts,” I gasp, staring up at the darkened ceiling with an open mouth.

  “Christ, are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

  Hurt me? Only if hurt means he just exploded my snatch and ruined me for any other man for, like, ever!

  “I…that was…I can’t even…are you licensed?” I mutter, blinking back the urge to look at him.

  Honestly, I just don’t even know what to do right now. I’m in shock. That’s the only way I can describe it. And okay, I may also
want to cry a little, but give me a break people, the man just…

  “Baby? Did I hurt you? I lost control and—”

  “And blew my brains,” I cut in, forcing myself to meet his eyes. “That was…”

  Lex smiles then, though I note that he seems as stunned as I feel when he twists to his side and pulls me closer, his eyes never leaving my face.

  “Extraordinarily scary. Shit, baby, what the hell was that?”

  “Dunno, but it was hella good, Jacobs. I’m talking Richter-scale good, and I’m not even going to be mad if you preen or something because you completely earned it. Wow.”

  One thing bothers me. He never kissed me.

  “Because I was afraid I’d bite you or hurt you. It felt too good, baby. I was too lost to risk putting my mouth anywhere near you, or you can bet your sexy ass I’d have sucked half your face off before sucking your nipples.”

  That answer brings me back from the brink of terror, and I giggle, pushing my face closer, stopping just short of having to squint to look at him.

  “Kiss me now.”

  “With pleasure,” he growls, sealing our lips as he rolls onto me and knees my thighs apart.

  Hell. Can you fall in love at first pounding? If so…

  Chapter Eight


  “Yes. It was that good, Frankie. No, I don’t mean, ‘Oh my God! Yes!’ kind of good. Yes. Roof-lifting,” I whisper into the phone, glancing around guiltily even though Lex isn’t here and isn’t due back for the next hour.

  After last night, all night since the man has some dangerously great stamina, I really needed someone to talk to before I start freaking out and do or say something to scare him away.

  I don’t know what to do or how to feel, but I do know that I have never felt anything like what he makes me feel, and shoot, I’m scared to the point of rigor mortis of these emotions.

  I want to snort at myself saying this, but I woke this morning to the birds chirping and the freaking sun shining and I wanted to break into song like a freaking musical or something.

  And darn it, he’s just as sweet waking up in the morning as I was afraid he’d be. No awkward morning-after looks, no avoiding eye contact or mumbling indecipherable stuff. No, Lex had to go and be the only man alive who wakes up with a smile.

  He freaking kissed me as soon as his eyes opened and spent another hour making love to me again, solidifying the fact that I may have just gone and screwed the puppy drastically by sleeping with a man that could be, and likely is, my one true prince.

  Don’t laugh! I’m being freaking Snow-White- or Cinderella-serious here, girls. I think I’m in the L-word right now and after just days of knowing the man.

  Know how I know? He sniffed in the bathroom while peeing, door open, and I didn’t get grossed out. At all. No, what did I have to go and feel when I heard him hock back?

  Enchanted. Freaking enchanted, I tell you.

  “You slept with him…wait, of course you did! He’s your boyfriend, doofus,” she mutters, her morning tone leaving a lot to be desired.

  “Er, about that…Lex isn’t, well, we didn’t…darn it. He’s my bodyguard. I’m sorry I lied to you before, but I was really surprised when he showed up, and then he kissed me, and my brain stopped beeping commands at my common sense.”

  Frankie is silent for a minute before screeching beneath her breath.

  “Really? Dammit, you get all the hot guys. Except that Charlie guy you dated last year. He was gross.”

  “Was not.”

  “He had psoriasis and his freaking dandruff flaked all over you.”


  “It was alopecia and he couldn’t help it. He was really nice. Don’t be mean.”

  “Huh. That why you never slept with him and broke things off after the third date?” she muses, making me scowl.

  “It had nothing to do with that, you meanie. He moved in with his mom to look after her, and she introduced him to her nurse. They hit it off, and that’s a good thing. She understands his condition better than I do,” I mumble, defending myself even though, honestly, his flaking skin was a hurdle for me.

  And this white girl can’t jump. Not over having his skin in my car and his freaking lotion stains on my seats.

  “Whatever, like I even care about that ugly duckling. So, you slept with the man working for you, huh? Should I start calling you Julia and go buy you some hooker boots?”


  “Great. Thanks. That was nice.”

  Frankie chortles and huffs a little, the rustling of her sheets alerting me to the fact that she’s still in bed.

  “You not working today?”

  “Got fired. And no, I do not want to dissect it or my emotional wellbeing thanks, Dr. Phil. I lost my temper at work, and they fired me. End of story. Now tell me all about Mr. Bodyguard and what exactly you offered to get him in bed. No offense, Rosie, but you’re so tame I’m just surprised he went for it.”

  Okay, so maybe I should have risked calling Seri and braving her friendship rejections, because—obviously—someone is grumpy and not at all open to some girl talk this morning.

  “Meanness is just an excuse to be a lazy lover, Francis. Never mind, I’ll call you when you’re not in head-ripping mode.”


  “It’s cool, Frankie. I get it, so don’t worry. Call me when you’re not hungover and wanting to mutilate someone.”

  “I didn’t mean it, babe. I’m just tripping off this whole thing. Sorry. Talk to me. Was his dick big? Is he into spanking? Did you go top?” she asks, her curiosity making me laugh.

  “I’m not talking sex with you, porn star Pammy. I just need some advice is all. I think…I think I got pussified,” I whisper, watching the door like a hawk as Frankie groans and mutters something not so nice.

  “What did I tell you about screwing with your heart?”

  “Never do the fucking till you’ve sent your feelings trucking,” I mumble, rolling my eyes.

  Frankie is great as a friend, but I would so have a sex change and move to another country if I were a guy she was eyeing. She’s a hard one, my Frankie, and not exactly cuddly.

  She believes that love is for fools and never gets emotionally entangled with others. The fact that we’re friends is a minor miracle since she confessed once that she very often has the overwhelming urge to tit punch me. A lot. Over and over. Until the only emotional sound I can make is sobbing for mercy.

  I keep her because she needs love, and I guess she tolerates me because I stick around no matter what she throws at me. See now why I’m stalking Seri? I need a friend with a heart that isn’t made of iceberg. Just every once in a while, after Frankie’s been on a roll.

  “You’re rolling your eyes, but you know I’m right, Rosie. Sex is a biological function that we can’t ignore. That doesn’t mean we have to go into every sexual encounter, tripping on the true love germ and hoping for pearls and lace veils.”

  I know that. Pshaw, I freaking lived that life for four years now with nary a blip on the radar. This was unexpected and not exactly my fault. How was I to know he’d come with addictive dick?

  “Tell me what to do before I make a complete ass of myself and start Photoshopping a family album!”

  Laughter, low and nasty reaches my ears, and I wince before she starts talking, regretting the call all the more now that she seems as into it as I once was. Way back when, when I didn’t think she’d get all horrid on me. Just once, I want to ask for advice without Frankie telling me what a moron I am at love and sex.

  “Stop the sex.”

  “Are you crazy? Did you just hear me say it was vagina-bustingly good? No way, no how is that happening, Frank. My vagina would probably tug me off the bed in a dead sleep and pull me onto his dick. Like that hand thing in the Addams family.”

  I picture it and feel a giggle bubble up before she starts cackling and yelling out quotes I don’t get.

  “You are so screwed.”

many times, I concede with a grin, leaning into the sofa cushions with ease now that I don’t feel so harried anymore.

  “That’s what I just said. All night.”

  “No, boob, I mean if you’re already protesting my advice, you’re lost already. Go ahead and have hot sex with the guy if you want, but do not come crying to me when he dumps you and moves on. By the way, how goes the stalker thing?”

  “It isn’t…going, that is. I’m stumped, and so are the cops and other investigators. Whoever this is, is really good.”

  Frankie snorts and I hear her sigh.

  “Listen, just do what you’re told for once in your life and don’t be stubborn, Rosie. This person could really hurt you badly. Please, don’t make yourself an easy target, okay? I’m not sure that cat of yours is coming home,” she says softly, making my heart skip a beat.

  She’s gone from grumpy to soft fast, and just hearing her this way makes me feel as if I really do have a reason to cry. Darn it, poor Hussy.

  “I will be okay, you’ll see, Frankie. Anyway, Nana would have kicked my ass if she were here right now. Honestly, I miss that old woman and her harpy tongue. She’d be less than impressed that nothing is being done about this, and you know—”

  “I gotta go, Rosie.”

  The line goes dead, and I smile as I stare at the phone. Freaking Frank, the woman has the manners of a stray dog and doesn’t care one whit what the heck anyone thinks.

  And she also never gave me any darn usable advice. As things stand now, I’ll probably have a nervous breakdown the minute Lex walks through that door again. That’s just me. I don’t deal well with unresolved issues of the heart.

  I spend the next few minutes thinking, going over and over it all in my head as I grab a roll of cookie dough from the fridge and start keeping busy.

  Fine, so the sex was great, it’s not like that means I have to feel anything for the man, does it?

  “Sure, whatever you say, Mama. And tomorrow monkeys will take over the world and humanity will be enslaved and have to rely on that Mark Wahlberg guy to save them all. What a crock! You’re so screwed.”

  I am. About the third go around last night, one of the times Lex took things slow and easy on me, I think I just went right over the edge and into the abyss.


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