Pat: Damn, Eli. You always messing things up.
Elijah: WTH, are you talking about?
AJ: This fool swore up and down your ass drowned in some *cat emoji*. He said it was the only reason why you ain’t hit us back after you went to meet ‘Young Gabby.’
Pat: You just confirmed your lame ass ain’t get none. Now, I owe AJ dinner and drinks at Lovely’s like we dating and shit. Damn, dawg. You sure you wanna keep chasing this woman when she obviously ain’t giving you the time of day?
Shaking his head at his friend’s response, Elijah looked over to where Melissa now paced in front of the bench she vacated, then sent a reply.
Elijah: SMDH. Sex isn’t the only thing on my mind. I don’t screw any woman with a pulse, unlike your dumb ass. I’m not chasing her, and if I was, the fact we had lunch and spent the past 4+ hours together says she’s giving me all her time.
Pat: Time? Yes. Them drawers? When hell freezes over.
AJ: Pat, man, you’re missing the point. Eli likes her.
Pat: Bruuuhhhh … she got your nose wide open. You ain’t even hit it yet.
“Sorry about that. I had to curse out my best friend for the little magic trick she pulled last night.”
“Magic trick?” Elijah asked. He slipped his phone into his pocket without replying to Patrick.
“Umm-hmm. Last night, after she interrupted us, Jayla disappeared,” Melissa replied calmly, despite the annoyance evident in her voice and her pinched expression.
“What do you mean she disappeared? Is she okay?”
“Yeah, she’s fine. She spent the night with Jae. They’re currently sailing around the island.”
Melissa nodded. “Long story short, the night we arrived, Jayla met a guy who knows the family that owns the hotel. We left in such a hurry last night because he had our room upgraded to a suite. She went to meet him after we got settled and didn’t return any of my phone calls or texts. So, I proceeded to tell her how trifling she is for making me worry.”
“Gotcha.” After Winston’s slip about Melissa and her friend being Guests of the Crown, Elijah wondered how the women knew the royal family. Now, he knew. Judging by Melissa’s reference to ‘Jae’ knowing the family that owned the hotel, Elijah was confident her best friend was hanging out with Prince Jaedon Aman, third in line for Chaud’s throne, and part-owner of the Sable Noir Resort and Casino, or to those who knew him well, Jae.
“Friends drive you crazy,” he said instead of mentioning his suspicions. If Jaedon hadn’t revealed his identity to Jayla or Melissa, then it was best Elijah kept the news to himself, especially since he’d signed an NDA, though he couldn’t help but wonder why. “You love them, would do anything for them, but most times they get on your nerves, you ask yourself why you deal with them.”
“I’ve known Jayla since we were in diapers. Our mothers are best friends and raised us together. She’s more of a sister to me than anything, but it doesn’t change the fact that sometimes I want to do nothing more than strangle her. I mean—” Melissa grimaced as the words left her mouth.
“Don’t try to take it back now. I like you unfiltered. Besides,” he leaned in, lowering his voice, “I can’t judge you. If I knew I would get away with it and wouldn’t miss them, I would’ve gotten rid of AJ and Patrick already.”
The smile Melissa graced him with could bring even the world’s strongest man to his knees with ease. Damn, if Elijah didn’t find himself wanting to be the man to keep it on her face for as long as he could. The thought bothered him, along with his heart speeding up and the images of him and Melissa getting further acquainted playing in his head like an old black and white movie. Finally, just when Elijah thought he’d lost his mind, that the man he used to be—the one who never made time for relationships because his career was more important—ceased to exist, a voice reminded him this thing with Melissa would be over in a couple of days.
Elijah should’ve taken it as a sign to cut his time with Melissa short, come up with an excuse about being busy for the rest of the week, and lead her back to where the chauffeur parked the SUV, head back to the resort, and go their separate ways. Only, the notion of not seeing Melissa’s smile, the twinkle in her eyes, hearing her infectious laughter, or being in her presence didn’t sit well with Elijah because not experiencing those things with Melissa was downright ridiculous.
“Before I forget,” Melissa started, “I need to apologize for last night. You said I ran off like Cinderella, and I did.”
“It’s cool. I’m just glad to know you weren’t in any danger. Your girl did leave Ambrosia with not one but two bottles of Ace of Spades.”
“Yeah, Jayla’s a mess. She didn’t even leave a bottle for me to sulk with after she cockblocked—” Melissa clapped a hand over her mouth, embarrassed by the admission. “I mean…”
“Nah.” Elijah shook his head, an amused grin on his face. He gently pulled Melissa’s hand away from her mouth and laced their fingers together. “You meant what you said.”
Melissa stopped walking to think about his statement. Her abrupt stop caused a couple behind them to bump into her. “Sorry,” she called to their retreating backs, with a sheepish expression on her beautiful face.
Elijah chuckled. “You can’t slam on the brakes in the middle of a crowded sidewalk, woman. You’ll cause a traffic jam. Luckily, this isn’t NYC. New Yorkers can be brutal when it comes to walking speed.” He retook her hand and continued up the street.
“I’ve never been,” she quietly admitted. A faraway look filled her stare. “But I heard a lot about it.”
“Really?” Elijah immediately regretted bringing up the city.
“I’m not much of a traveler.” She gave a nonchalant shrug. “Unless you count visiting family in Texas and Florida, living in Alabama during college, or going to other parts of Louisiana.”
He didn’t but refused to further upset Melissa. So, instead of voicing his opinion, he asked, “On the ride here, you mentioned this being your first time in Chaud. Is this also the first time you’ve left the States?”
“Yep. While most college students partied in the Caribbean or Mexico during Spring Break, I spent the time on campus working and studying.”
His heart constricted in his chest at the sadness in her voice. He stepped closer to Melissa, and watched as she worried her bottom lip with her teeth. “Then, we need to make the most out of this trip.”
“How?” Her expression was a mixture of curiosity, confusion, and a hint of…excitement.
“By making all of your hopes and dreams come true.” Elijah smiled at her silence. “You’re going to write an Island Bucket List. Whatever you want to do, we’ll do it.”
“What about the conference?”
“We’ll still go. There are a couple of seminars I have to attend, and my lecture on Saturday. But for the most part, I’ve done all this before. Just let me know which ones you plan to attend, and I’ll be sure not to schedule anything during those times. Plus, I know you’ll want to hang with your friend.”
At the mention of Jayla, Melissa sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes, like she’d done earlier. “The same friend who left me to—and I quote—go get her back blown out by a sexy, French Caribbean dude? She might’ve mentioned him looking like Simba and some other nasty stuff that ultimately ended with her calling him the king of her adult version of a kitten. You mean her?”
“Yes, her.” Elijah laughed out loud. Melissa’s description confirmed his earlier suspicions. “Given your response, maybe you need a little break from her. And I think I have the perfect prescription for you, but we have to set some ground rules.” He turned to face her, using his thumb and index finger to bring her eyes to his. “For this, you need to think outside of the box. Now’s not the time to play it safe. Choose ten things you never thought you’d ever do—skinny dipping, parasailing, cliff jumping, whatever. All you have to do is trust me.” He extended his hand. “So, do we have a deal?” Melissa twisted
her lips from side to side, seemingly contemplating his statement for a second. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she smiled, and Elijah released the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.
Taking his hand in hers, Melissa nodded her head. “We have a deal.”
So much for going our separate ways, Elijah thought, shaking Melissa’s hand.
Chapter Five
“Where did you say we were going again?”
“I didn’t,” Elijah replied with a laugh. He hopped out of the rental and rushed around the car’s front to the passenger side, opening Melissa’s door. “But I like how slick you’re trying to be.”
“Did I ever tell you I hate surprises?”
She glanced around the scarcely lit parking lot. The hairs on her neck stood on end as a wave of unease prickled her skin. Where was he leading her? Despite her best efforts to just go with the flow, Melissa couldn’t relax. She hated spontaneity, despised not being in control of her life. Melissa was a meticulous planner. Every minute of every hour of the day had a purpose, and when life threw monkey wrenches into her plans, Melissa became off-kilter, unbearable, and often grouchy. From the moment she’d met Elijah in the lobby of the resort earlier this evening, he’d been annoyingly tight-lipped on where they were going. It was driving Melissa absolutely crazy. She wasn’t used to this treatment, this somewhat spontaneous adventurous spirit from a man. As persnickety as Melissa was, her ex was a hundred times worse. That’s why I never thought he would cheat.
“You may have mentioned it a couple of times, but what did I tell you?”
Elijah took Melissa’s hand in his and led them down a dimly lit, sand-covered path. She shivered at the contact. They’d held hands for most of the day, and Melissa still wasn’t used to the electricity that flowed through her body when near him. She pulled in a shaky breath to calm her nerves. The air smelled of the sweet aroma of flowers, and the mouth-watering scent of barbeque, reminding Melissa she hadn’t eaten since brunch.
She sighed. “You asked me to trust you. Which, considering we haven’t known each other for very long, is an understandably difficult feat to ask anyone.”
Elijah raised an eyebrow, his lips lifting into a side smirk. “See, I would’ve agreed with your statement had you not said it so casually like we didn’t spend the entire day together.”
They’d spent the day aimlessly roaming the streets, ducking in and out of the different shops, while basking in the rich history of the town. As they walked hand-in-hand down the cobblestone streets, it felt like they were transported to an old French village where everybody knew each other’s names and didn’t hesitate to speak or offer assistance.
Then, there was the man himself.
Being with Elijah this afternoon, holding his hand, laughing, and talking about themselves and everything under the warmth of the sun felt as natural as the cool breeze off the Caribbean Sea. It flowed organically, and Melissa found herself wanting to open up more. She’d begun to relax and hadn’t allowed herself to overthink things. What made it even better? Elijah embraced—what others would refer to as—her quirkiness.
He didn’t laugh at the reason why she chose to become a nurse. Most people believed Melissa settled, choosing the easy way out instead of applying herself and becoming a doctor. And when she admitted to not being a seasoned traveler, instead of ridiculing her, Elijah suggested she make the most of her vacation in Chaud by creating a bucket list. While Melissa did have some doubts about how this list would factor into the rest of her trip, she believed completing even the first five activities she’d written down once she made it back to her room to shower and dress for dinner would have a lasting impact on her life. Just as she knew spending time with Elijah would.
“Wooowww,” Elijah said slowly. “You’re taking way too long to answer the question.” He covered his heart with his free hand. “If I wasn’t a successful cardiothoracic surgeon, smart, and a damn good catch, I’d be a little offended you didn’t trust me.”
She bumped her shoulder against his and scrunched her nose. “You forgot a terrible comedian and somewhat arrogant with an ego so damn big if it inflates any more, it’ll have its own gravitational pull.” The deep rumble of Elijah’s laughter pierced the air. Melissa enjoyed the sound, found herself enveloped in its warmth, mesmerized by its texture, and utterly spell-bound by its richness. And when coupled with a smile like the one on his face right now—the type that showcased his dimples, caused his eyes to crinkle at their corners, and held a sort of mischievous glint in them—it took all the strength Melissa didn’t know she possessed not to leap in his arms and kiss him like a starved woman.
“And sexy as hell,” he added with a wink.
“Definitely,” she mumbled. Her eyes lowered to his lips, and once again, Melissa questioned her sanity for not being bold enough to kiss him while they stood in the tobacco shop earlier. When Elijah confessed to wanting to kiss her, Melissa had damn near broken out in a happy dance. But when he hadn’t kissed her,, she’d suddenly felt like the inexperienced high school girl. But the slight sting of embarrassment Melissa experienced only lasted a couple of seconds. His words hadn’t forced her to revert back to the woman who’d gotten so upset she’d told him off in the lobby, the same irrational woman who quit her job when she learned her ex-boyfriend married another woman. Instead, his words left her anticipating what was to come.
“You think I’m sexy, Nurse Gaines?”
His smooth tenor voice lowered into a sexier baritone, sending waves of heat rushing through her body. Melissa swallowed hard, her gaze connecting with Elijah’s piercing brown eyes that darkened until they appeared black like polished onyx. Melissa groaned, cursing her slip up and the way ‘Nurse Gaines’ rolled off his tongue. What was this man doing to her? He’d short-circuited her brain and had her hormones going haywire. It was like she’d lost control of every one of her body’s functions. “You already know you are. You said it yourself.”
Elijah chuckled. “You’re right, I know I am, but that’s not what I asked you.” He pulled her into his arms, lightly brushing a kiss on her forehead. “Do you think I’m sexy, Nurse Gaines?”
On their own accord, her eyes fluttered closed. Melissa leaned her head against the hard wall of his chest, inhaling the sensual, sophisticated notes of his expensive cologne. She nodded, her body melting into his. Being held by Elijah made her feel safe, secure, and his quiet strength was reassuring. Melissa could’ve stayed locked in his embrace for as long as time would’ve allowed.
As if he’d been privy to her thoughts, Elijah said, “This may freak you out a little, but I’ve been thinking of ways to hold you again since you bumped into me in the lobby.”
“Is that why you pretended not to hear me say my name at Ambrosia?” To her own ears, her voice appeared breathless, husky, faint. Melissa barely recognized this wannabe seductress she was slowly morphing into while around Elijah, and for the first time ever, it didn’t bother her one bit. When he pulled her into his arms, Melissa hadn’t given it a second thought. The music had made it hard for her to hear him, and the club was crowded.
“Umm-hmm,” he confirmed with a chuckle. He cupped her chin. “I barely heard you the first time. So, I asked again, but then you lost your balance, and I caught you. I half expected you to push me away. If you can’t tell, I really enjoy having you in my arms.”
Their faces were inches apart. The air around them shifted, suddenly charged with enough sexual energy to fuel all of Chaud and the neighboring islands. It wouldn’t take much to close the gap, to slip her arms around his broad shoulders and press her body into his until they melded into one being. Nor would she break a sweat standing on her toes and touching her mouth to his, giving in to the desire to taste Elijah.
Nervously, Melissa licked her lips, tilting her head to the side to meet his gaze. “Funny, I enjoy being here.”
If the sudden boldness of Melissa’s words shocked Elijah, he didn’t let it show. “You fit perfectly. I wo
uld hold you here all night if we didn’t have reservations for dinner.”
Trying her best to hide the disappointment she felt, Melissa nodded. “I don’t want us to be late.” She sensed his reluctance as he let go of her and retook her hand.
“Exactly. Besides, I don’t want to keep your stomach waiting any longer. It’s been growling since we left the hotel. You said you were going to order room service when we got back earlier, but I’m guessing you didn’t.”
She hadn’t. The moment Melissa made it back to her room, she’d gotten an e-mail from the recruiter at the hospital where Jayla would be working, requesting a phone interview. Melissa pursed her lips together, feigning a pout. “If I wasn’t so hungry and didn’t sorta enjoy your company, I would cancel this date and demand you take me back to the hotel.”
“No, you wouldn’t. You know why?”
The unyielding confidence in his tone reached down to the deepest, darkest crevices of her soul and caressed her with the gentleness of a parent holding their newborn. Yet, it stroked the fading embers of a fire she’d long since allowed to die out, dousing them with his words, breathing new life into the fun, flirty, feminine, sensual side of Melissa she never knew existed. “Why?”
“Because you want me as much as I want you.” Elijah brushed an errant curl from her face and slipped his hand to the nape of her neck, drawing her closer to him.
Stunned, Melissa’s mouth dropped open. She snapped it shut, unsure of how to formulate a response in her head, let alone send the signals from her brain to her mouth to speak because everything he’d said was correct. Instead, she walked in silence, lost in her own thoughts.
“Remember when I said I need you to trust me?” Elijah asked as they came to a stop at the end of the path.
“Umm, yeah,” Melissa mumbled, grateful for his change of subject. “I told you I would.”
“I know, and now is when I remind you of your promise, so to speak.” He took a deep breath. “Melissa, there are two options for how dinner can be served tonight, and I want you to choose.”
Her Forever Fling Page 7