Jasih: Paranormal Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Àlien Mates Book 2)

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Jasih: Paranormal Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Àlien Mates Book 2) Page 36

by Ashley L. Hunt

  “Oh my God,” I said wheezily, putting a hand on my chest to steady my galloping heart. “Where did you come from?”

  “We can move much faster than humans,” Rex said calmly. “What are you doing out here?”

  “Just thinking,” I replied.

  Through the darkness, I could make out his eyes staring at me intently. “Are you frightened?”

  “Well, yeah,” I said. “I didn’t know it was you out there until you just popped up next to me.”

  “No. Are you frightened of your fate?”

  The question caught me off-guard, and I had to think for a moment. I knew the answer. I was definitely afraid of my fate, but I wasn’t sure I wanted him to know that.

  “Yes,” I finally answered honestly. “I don’t know what you want with me. And I don’t know what you’ll do when you get whatever it is you want.”

  He continued to stare at me, and I desperately hoped he would reassure me somehow. I wanted him to tell me he wasn’t going to kill me, that I would be okay, and he would help me get back to Earth.

  He didn’t, though. Silence spread between us for several long beats, and then he said, “Come inside. My mother has made dinner. That is what you call night-meal, yes?”

  “Yes,” I murmured. Then, tentatively, I asked, “Those people in there are your parents?”

  “They are not people. They are A’li-uud,” he said sternly. “And, yes, they are my parents.”

  He extended a hand to me, and I took it. He guided me gently off the fencepost to my feet and led me back inside the house. It was strange to me to enter this way since the first and only time I had walked into this house had been under the threat of death.

  Both his mother and father looked up when we walked in, and their eyes landed on me immediately with the same kind of wariness they had had before. Rex clacked something to them before showing me to the table. It was made of wood, but a different kind of wood than the fence and the door. It seemed almost rubber-like in texture. I sat on the bench, which was also made of the rubber-wood, and waited in complete stillness for whatever was happening next.

  Rex’s mother was bustling around the cooking pot, and she handed him a misshapen bowl of something, which he then brought to me with a spoon. I looked at the dinnerware as he placed it in front of me.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “Hicorn stew,” he said.

  I had been asking about the bowl and the spoon, as they were both cream-colored and had numerous imperfections, but this information distracted me from the original purpose of my inquiry. “What is hicorn?”

  “A wild plains goat. They are a staple in our tribe’s diet.” He motioned to the bowl. “You eat from a hollowed hicorn horn, and you eat with a hicorn rib.”

  I swallowed hard. I didn’t want to admit it, but I was horrified at the thought of eating off of bones. To refuse seemed like treason, however, so I carefully picked up the spoon, dipped it into the stew, and lifted it to my mouth.

  It was odd but strikingly delicious. The meat was tender and gamey in flavor, and the broth had a hearty, earthen taste to it. There were bits of other things in the stew as well, what I presumed to be A’li-uud vegetables, and they added every kind of flavor imaginable: seductive sweetness, tangy tartness, pungent bitterness, savory saltiness. If I were to dream up the most perfect, satisfying dish in the universe, this would have been it.

  I ladled another spoonful into my mouth, and Rex watched me eat it before he walked back to the cooking pot. He returned to the table with two more bowls, which he set down opposite me. He made another trip, and, when he placed a bowl beside me, he sat down before it. I could feel his elbow brush against mine as he began to eat, and the touch made me shiver. His parents sat down on the other side of the table, his father across from me, and they kept their eyes averted as they dined.

  Rex exchanged brief conversation with them throughout the short meal in his clacking language, but his mother seemed unwilling to speak, and his father was looking at him with sternness on his face. I tried to eat as quickly as I could so that I could escape back to the bedroom and let them talk properly. Of course, I was also extraordinarily hungry. Just as I finished my food, however, Rex stood and extended a hand to me.

  “Let us retire,” he said. He clacked something to his parents, and they both nodded.

  I took his hand, and he guided me back up the stairs to the same bedroom he had brought me before. Once inside, he closed the door and turned to me.

  “You are to sleep here,” he said. “Undress.”

  “W-What?” I stammered.

  He stepped toward me, closing the gap between us, and moved a hand to my waist. I realized he was sliding my top up my torso, and I leaped back. He looked at me with surprise.

  “What is wrong?” He asked. He sounded genuinely confused.

  “You can’t just undress me!” I cried, tugging my shirt back down.

  His head tilted to the side, and he stepped up to me again. “You are to sleep now.”

  “Yes, but—” My voice died off as his hand skimmed the hem of my shirt again, his knuckles brushing along my waistline.

  “You cannot sleep in these clothes. They are dirty and torn. We will get you new clothes tomorrow.”

  I nodded, and, this time, I didn’t stop him as he slid the shirt up and over my head. His hands dropped back to my waist, and he eased my pants down the length of my legs. I stepped out of them gingerly, my heart beating faster than it had when he’d surprised me outside. My stomach was fluttering wildly, and my mouth was uncomfortably dry. Once I was reduced to my bra and panties, he looked me up and down. His eyes were narrow and hooded, and I imagined I had the same expression on my face as I looked back at him.

  “Do you wish to remove those as well?” He asked, motioning to my undergarments.

  For a moment, I imagined him unhooking my bra and sliding it from my breasts with the same gentleness he’d used to remove my other articles of clothing. I imagined the feeling of his strange skin against mine as he slipped my panties down my thighs, his mouth level with my most intimate place as he did. Then, I shook myself from the thoughts and responded.

  “No. This is fine,” I said softly.

  He nodded once and motioned to the bed. I climbed onto it and lifted back the blankets. They weren’t sheets and quilts as I was used to; they seemed to be made up of animal skins which had been beaten into buttery softness and furs exquisite to feel against my bare skin. I shimmied beneath them and pulled them up to my chin, rather self-conscious about being so naked in front of him.

  “Where will you sleep?” I asked.

  His eyes moved to the empty space in the bed beside me. Very seriously, he said, “There.”

  Again, my stomach fluttered, and I mummified myself even more with the blankets. It wasn’t that I didn’t want him to touch me. It was the exact opposite, and that made me nervous. I wasn’t a promiscuous woman by any means, but something about this man—this alien—was making me quiver.

  “Well, are you coming to bed, then?” I asked timidly.

  He leaned against the wall across from the bed and crossed his arms over his unclothed chest. I couldn’t help but admire the way his muscles seemed to stand out, even through the darkness.

  “When you sleep, I will sleep,” he said.

  I wanted to ask him more questions, to get some of the answers I so desperately needed to know, but I was more tired than I thought. Between the crash, the new planet, Rex, and my rollercoaster of emotions, the day was more than I could take. I hadn’t even opened my mouth to ask my first question before I fell into a deep sleep.


  The Finding

  A full moon cycle had passed since Tabitha had crashed into my kingdom and I’d brought her to my parents’ house.

  My warriors had found thirty-three survivors inside the Paragon wreckage—which, counting Tabitha, made thirty-four captives. The humans had been brought to confinement within my village for holding u
ntil the Council decided what to do about them. Tabitha, however, had remained with my parents, to the knowledge of no one but them and myself.

  The Forum on the captives had been, perhaps, the most turbulent yet in my Elderhood. The vote had been very divided on what to do with the humans, but it had been ruled they would be kept alive and tended to for questioning. In the meantime, it had been agreed we would halt our attacks on the ships inside Andromeda’s borders. Vi’den had insisted that we learn what we could from the humans before continuing action, something I had agreed with wholeheartedly. It was unknown as of yet what would become of the humans after we had received all the information we could from them, but that was a subject for another Forum.

  I had chosen to forego telling the Elders of Tabitha and her whereabouts. I wasn’t sure why I kept her a secret; it went against everything I believed to be my duty as Tribe Elder. For whatever reason, I couldn’t bring myself to confess, and I wasn’t entirely sure it was because I was concerned about the consequences the action would have to myself.

  She had become a strangely well-integrated part of the household. I hadn’t been to my home since the crash, opting instead to stay at my parents’ whenever I wasn’t away on Elder work. For several days after bringing Tabitha there, my mother had been afraid of her and had stayed no greater than five strides away from my father. To my surprise, however, mother had been the first to warm to her—not counting my little siblings, of course, who knew nothing of threat and danger.

  It had happened one day when I was out hunting. I returned with a hicorn ram and found mother and Tabitha around the cooking pot together. Tabitha was leaning over the pot, staring into it hard as though trying to memorize its contents, and mother was explaining the recipe to her in English as she dropped the ingredients in. When I’d walked in, they’d both looked up at me and smiled brightly. I had been so stunned to see them together that I’d just stared at them.

  “What is wrong, my son?” Mother asked, reverting to our native tongue. Tabitha glanced at her momentarily before swinging her gaze back to me.

  “You are not afraid of her?” I asked surprised.

  Mother flicked her eyes to Tabitha for a split second and then smiled warmly at me. “She has been no danger to us thus far. And I take great stock in your feelings for her, my boy.”

  “What feelings?” I said sharply.

  She didn’t answer. She just turned back to the cooking pot and resumed instructing Tabitha in English. I wanted to push the question, but I knew better. Despite being Tribe Elder, my mother was still an authority figure for me, and I wouldn’t rudely demand anything of her, so I resumed bringing the hicorn to the back to be cleaned and harvested. Her words remained in my mind, though.

  My father hadn’t had an epiphany towards Tabitha, but he seemed to gradually take to her as he watched her play with my little brother and sister and help out my mother around the house. He no longer watched her with suspicion; on the contrary, he treated her as though she’d always been part of the family. He told her jokes and showed her various things about hunting tools. He also insisted that she come outside and learn about the animal anytime he brought home something she hadn’t seen from a hunt. It reminded me greatly of how he’d taught me everything I knew about living off our land and respecting the gifts of the Grand Circle.

  At the end of the day, Tabitha and I continued to share the bed upstairs. Mother had lent her some new, undamaged clothes to wear for the first week of her stay, and father had gone on several extra hunts just to get new skins so that mother could show Tabitha how she could make them into clothing. When it was time to sleep, however, Tabitha still wore her own underthings to bed, rather than the traditional night-skins the A’li-uud of our tribe wore. I had awoken during several nights to find my arm or my leg pressed up against her, and it had stirred something inside of me which had made me salivate.

  She was so cool to the touch. I knew humans to be warm-blooded beings, but they weren’t nearly as warm as A’li-uud, and it was almost refreshing to touch her. Sometimes, in the night, when I’d realize I was touching her, she would shift in her sleep and cuddle herself against me. It was soothing and comforting, but it was also arousing, and I would spend the remainder of the night awake and alert.

  During one of those nights, I gave into my whims a bit. I looked over at her and admired the way she slept. Her back was to me, her dark, curly hair spilling out over the pillow, and she breathed slowly and deeply. I lifted my hand and gently brought my fingers to the blade of her shoulder. As I made contact, she mewed a bit in her sleep, and I gritted my teeth to keep down the desires roaring within me. Slowly, I trailed my fingers down her side, feeling each ridge of her ribs and each curve of her femininity. It felt as though my skin buzzed against hers.

  That was when I realized my mother had been right. I had feelings for this human.

  The next day, I studiously avoided both Tabitha and mother, occupying myself instead teaching Igno how to whittle vigibrach wood into pegs for building. I could tell, each time I passed on her, Tabitha was confused and a bit hurt by my behavior, but I didn’t want to address the matter. It frightened me that I cared for her. I didn’t know what was to come of her or what the consequences would be for either of us if we were to pursue something deeper, and I wasn’t prepared to be hurt.


  I looked up at the call and saw my father knee-deep in the grasses a short distance away.

  “You have to go! A Forum has been called!” He shouted at me.

  I got to my feet, handing Igno the piece of vigibrach and the small knife, calling back to father, “Thanks!”

  He nodded and turned around, presumably to resume doing whatever he had been doing when he’d received word of the Forum. I went into the house and found Tabitha sitting with mother at the table. Furs were scattered about between them, and both of them seemed deeply focused.

  “I have to go,” I announced, making them both look up. “There is a Forum.”

  Mother nodded, but Tabitha got to her feet. “Wait. I’ll walk you out.”

  We exited the house together, and she smiled brightly at Igno as he showed her the peg he was working on. When we got to the edge of the front path, she put a hand on my arm to stop me.

  “Is there something wrong?” She asked. Her eyes probed mine with obvious concern.

  “No,” I said. “Why do you ask?”

  She shrugged. “It feels like you don’t want to be around me.”

  I intended to reassure her while keeping as much distance—emotionally and physically—as possible, but I couldn’t fight the feelings taking over. I reached forward and cupped her cheek in my hand. She looked back at me with a contradictory mixture of hope and fear in her expression.

  “Tabitha,” I said quietly, “I always want to be around you.”

  Her eyes seemed to melt, and she smiled. I could see in her eyes my own feelings mirrored back at me, and I realized I probably wasn’t the only one feeling things I would never have expected.

  “I need to go,” I told her, just as quietly.

  She nodded against my hand. I kept it there for another second, and then I jumped on the winds to P’otes-tat Ulti.

  When I arrived, all of the other Elders were already present. I took my seat, and Vi’den took presence as usual. I tried to stay focused on where I was and why I was there, but I couldn’t keep my mind from continuously reverting back to Tabitha and the look she had in her eyes. I was wrenched from the thoughts, however, when I heard Vi’den speak.

  “It is time to revisit our action plan,” he said grandly, arms extended to the side. “The humans have been our captives for a full moon cycle. We have received a substantial amount of information from those who have been interrogated, and there is likely to be much more to come, but we can no longer forego addressing the other ships in Andromeda that continue to travel nearer to Albaterra.”

  I sat frozen in my chair. The information we’d gathered from the humans
, in my opinion, had been negligible; according to all of them, they had known nothing of us prior to their crash on our planet, and most didn’t know the specific reason they’d been sent on their space mission in the first place. It occurred to me there may have been things learned I had not been told of, and, with a sickening swoop, I wondered if any of the other Elders had found out about Tabitha.

  “We have enough humans to get what we need,” the vicious cave Elder spat. “Blast the others.”

  “It is possible those on the other ships know things these humans do not,” Ma’ris chimed in. “We would be unwise to destroy them without first questioning them.”

  “Enough questions!” The cave Elder barked back.

  I could feel Duke’s eyes on me from my right, and I knew he was waiting for me to say something. The humans had, after all, crashed in my kingdom, and it was expected from me to have particularly strong feelings one way or the other about our course of action. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything, though, for fear of blurting out something that would give Tabitha away.

  “We must come to a decision about the ships,” Vi’den said sagely. “The humans here are confined and pose no immediate threat to us. It is to the Council to measure the risk the ships pose.”

  “Blast’em!” The cave Elder shouted.

  “You are a foolish, narrow-sighted brute,” Ma’ris hissed to him. “Your thinking is the kind that decimates races and worlds.”

  “And your thinking is what will have us all in shackles, doing the humans’ bidding,” the cave Elder roared back.


  I didn’t mean to say it, and I certainly didn’t mean to yell it at the volume I did, but silence fell in the chamber at once as my command echoed throughout. All eyes turned to me, and I sat up a little straighter in my chair.

  “Bickering amongst ourselves solves nothing,” I said. “And, if I recall, the Paragon landed in my kingdom. It was my warriors who found and brought back the surviving humans. It is my tribesmen keeping them confined and performing the interrogations. If anyone should have an opinion on the matter, it should be me, not either one of you in your ignorance.”


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