The Billionaire's Payment (BBW Erotic Romance)

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The Billionaire's Payment (BBW Erotic Romance) Page 3

by Alexis Moore

  He closed the door and pressed a button on the shower control panel. Twin jet streams came out of the walls and within a minute I was soaked from head to toe.

  When he turned off the water, I reached for the shampoo.

  “I’ll do it.”

  I closed my eyes and tilted my head slightly backwards as he lathered my hair. His touch was firm, but gentle and the shampoo smelled of roses. I wondered how many women had been lucky enough to have had the privilege.

  “I used to shampoo my girlfriend’s hair when we were at college together.”

  “Your girlfriend?”

  “Ex-girlfriend,” he corrected.

  “Are you seeing anyone at the moment?” I knew better than to ask the silly question, but I couldn’t help myself.

  “No. Not for several months.”

  I almost slumped to the floor in relief. It shouldn’t matter since we won’t see each other after the end of the week, but I didn’t want to share him. For this week I wanted him to be mine and mine alone.

  After he’d rinsed my hair, Jared surprised me once again by squirting a generous dollop of the gel on the polisher and beginning to gently buff my body, starting at my breasts.

  “I’m a breast man and you have the most perfect pair I’ve ever seen.”

  “They’re too big,” I protested and brought my hands up to cover them.

  “They’re perfect.” He encircled my left wrist and moved my hand out of the way as he rubbed the polisher against just the tip of my breast making the nipple harden. “Just perfect.”

  I couldn’t help the moan of pleasure that escaped my lips.

  “Let me get you out of here.” Jared suddenly became very businesslike, giving me a quick but thorough going over with the polisher and leaving me under a single stream of water, while he used a washrag and a citrus-flavoured gel to wash himself on the opposite side of the shower.

  The bathrobe he bundled me into was so soft I felt like purring as he seated me at his dressing table and quickly towel dried my hair.

  He swiped the towel carelessly across the top of his head before dropping it to the floor. Then he slipped the robe off my shoulders to reveal my breasts to his gaze in the mirror.

  “Never let me hear you say that your breasts are anything but perfect,” he ordered, moulding them firmly in both hands. His erection pressed into me, feeling much longer than it had looked before we entered the shower. “Go sit on the bed.”

  He turned and walked away before I could get a look at it. When he returned it bobbed up and down in front of him, its head broader than even the thick shaft. A shiver ran through me at the thought of having it inside me. I wasn’t frightened…well, not exactly. I spent most of yesterday reading up on first times on the Internet. I just hoped there was no blood. My legs go weak at the sight of other people’s—I’d faint at the sight of my own! But once Jared was gentle there should be…

  “What are those for?” I scrambled over the bed to the other side.

  “They’re for me, not you.” Jared put a ring holder which held four small keys on the table beside the bed and then lay down on the bed with the four pair of handcuffs grasped in one hand.

  I watched as he attached his left foot to the bed and lay back to attach the corresponding hand. He turned to me with a smile on his face. “You’ll have to do the other two for me.”

  “Is this some kind of kinky sex game?” I asked in horror. If it was I was out of here!

  After hearing my mother and her friends giggle and talk incessantly about Fifty Shades of Grey I had stolen her copy when she and my father were out at the theatre one evening. Gross!

  “This is about me giving you full control,” Jared explained, jingling the handcuffs impatiently. “I have to know that what we do is completely of your own free will.”

  “It is!” I protested. If he was handcuffed, who was going to do the lovemaking?

  “Handcuff me, Shakira!” At his command, I moved to take them from his hands almost without realizing what I was doing. “After you handcuff me, you’re in full control. You can do whatever you want, including walk out of the door. Ambrose will find me eventually.”

  “What about the money that—?”

  “I can work something out with your father. He doesn’t retire for a few years yet and is due a substantial payout when he does.” Jared’s voice hardened as he continued, “He plans on buying a vineyard in the south of France. That won’t happen now.”

  I suddenly felt so light headed I had to sit down or fall. I clutched the handcuffs to my breasts, grateful for their reviving coolness. “So I don’t have to sleep with you?”

  The light in his eyes seem to dim. He reached out and stroked the side of my face. “Only if you want to.”

  “Oh Jared, I do!” For a moment I feared that he’d make me leave without finishing what he’d started.

  “Then handcuff me and prove it to me.” His eyes seemed to shine again as I moved to comply. “Do what you want to do with me because when these handcuffs come off, I will take full control.”

  “What do I do now?”

  “Anything you want.”

  “You tell me,” I begged him. I didn’t know a thing.

  “Did you like me sucking on your nipples earlier?”

  “Yes,” I whispered. God, yes!

  “Then take your pleasure,” he invited, leaning his head back onto the pillow and opening his lips slightly.

  I had to put my nipple into his mouth? Like I was feeding a baby? Oh, I couldn’t!

  “Jared, please?” I begged him. “Let me undo the handcuffs. I want you to make love to me!”

  “If you take off these handcuffs, you will get dressed and I’ll have my driver take you back home!”

  “I can’t do it.” Foolishly, tears welled up in my eyes.

  “Yes, you can, sweetheart.” Forgetting that he was handcuffed, Jared tried to reach out to me. He smiled ruefully as he was stopped halfway. “Come here and kiss me.”

  I cupped his face and kissed him tentatively. His tongue surged into my mouth and he took command of the kiss. We kissed until we were breathless.

  “Would you prefer the room to be in darkness?”

  “Yes, but how—?”

  “Press and hold the white button on that remote control until it’s right for you.”

  I did as instructed and the room started to get dim although it was still bright sunshine outside.

  “I hate drapes,” Jared explained. “That’s enough. I want to see a little bit of you, sweetheart.”

  I would have preferred it to be pitch black, but I stopped as he requested.

  “Now do whatever you want to do to me,” he invited again.

  I stood up and leaned over to kiss him. When his lips left mine to cover the nipple I’d placed within easy reach of them, I cupped his head and held him to me.

  This time he didn’t tease my nipple. He used his tongue and his teeth, hard. Soon I had to pull away and give him my other nipple. In moments I was gasping like I’d run a marathon.

  “Now sit on my face and let me tongue you, baby.” I hesitated and he reminded me, “I can’t see you, my sweet.”

  I tried to position myself without squashing him, placing my knees on the bed and my calves along his arms. I eased myself down gingerly, but immediately sprang up when his tongue laved me.

  “Mmm, so wet. Stretch your legs out further.” I did it without thinking and found my feet clasped in his hands on either side. “Now, hold still while I eat your pussy!”

  Trapped I could only close my eyes tight and bite my lips to stop myself screaming as he ate me. Then I jumped and opened my eyes in surprise as I felt the tip of his tongue inside me. The room which had seemed pitch black minutes ago was much lighter now that my eyes had accustomed themselves to the darkness. Standing at full attention right in front of my face was Jared’s penis.

  Unable to help myself, I reached out and grasped it as I bounced myself about an inch or so, off and on his
tongue. Jared’s exhaled breath tickled me as I curled my hand around his thickness and moved it up and down.

  “Ye…rrgg…ggrr....” Jared gave a series of grunts as he tried to keep his tongue still and groan at the same time.

  Feeling suddenly wicked I leaned forward and licked the head of his erection.

  Jared stilled in surprise for a moment and then he moved his hands up my shin and pulled my legs further apart. Then his tongue touch a part of me that would have catapulted me up in the air if he wasn’t holding me still. For a moment I couldn’t pinpoint the source and then I realized that he was tonguing my…my bottomhole!

  Oh God, he probably can’t see what he is doing in the dark!

  “No, Jared!” I tried to wriggle away or tilt myself upwards so that his tongue was back in the right place.

  “Yes, Shakira,” he jeered. And then stabbed at it several times more before warning, “I’m going to fuck this little hole, too!”

  My mouth opened, but instead of the righteous indignation I planned to utter at his lewd suggestion, a loud moan filled the air around us as the tip of his tongue penetrated the tight ring of muscles at my rear.

  Suddenly I found the strength to jerk my legs free and ride his face, rubbing myself against him from the nub of my clitoris to the sensitive little nerve endings around my bottom.

  “You’re ready to ride your stallion, sweetheart.” Jared turned his head to the side as my movement became uncoordinated and uncontrollable. Undeterred I tried to create some friction with the side of his head, but the neat ears I had admired while cradling his head at my breast didn’t generate much. Why couldn’t he have ears like Spock! It took another second for his words to register, “Sit on my cock, sweetheart, and let me scratch that itch for you.”

  Frustrated to the point of madness, I turned and scooted down his body until I felt his erection bump me. I grasped it, placed it at my slippery entrance and tried to sit on it.

  “I can’t” It felt like I was trying to fit the tip of a baseball bat into a pen holder.

  “Of course you can,” Jared gritted, his teeth gleaming in the soft light. “Sit up straighter and then come down on it.”

  “Jared, I don’t think I can do this—” I sat up and tried once and then again. Jared twisted his hips on my second attempt and what felt like the entire head of his erection lodged itself within me. “Ow! Ow!”

  “Finish the job, sweetheart.”

  “I can’t” It was like being stuck on top of a. wild horse—I was scared to ride it and equally scared to dismount.

  “Hold still.” Before I could take a breath, Jared slammed his hips upwards once, twice, three times and surged right up inside me.

  “Stop, Jared!” I pleaded, worried if he went any further he would damage something.

  “It’s all in, sweetheart.” He tried to reach out to me and cursed when the handcuffs prevented him. “Damn these bloody handcuffs! Sit still for a minute, sweets, and let yourself stretch around me.”

  The sharp pain had already disappeared leaving a dull ache and the feeling that we were fused together. I wiggled my hips trying to ease the feeling of tightness and a bolt of sensation shot through me. I did it again…and again.

  “That’s it, sweetheart. Ride your stallion. Ride him hard”

  As I started to move up and down on him, Jared raised his hips off the bed, surprising me with his strength, and thrust his full length inside me on each of my downward stroke. Though I was on top and he was handcuffed to the bed, he seemed to be the one in control.

  He groaned as I started to move faster and I realized that I did have some control. I squeezed my inner muscles around him on my next downward stroke and he groaned again in response. I liked having him at my mercy I realized and though it caused me pain to keep my muscles clenched around him, I kept it up as he tossed his head from side to side on the pillow.

  Then I remembered his warning me that this would be the only time I was in control.

  Can I let this opportunity pass me by?

  I never imagined that I would be this naughty. Maybe I have more in common with my mother than I thought. She led my father by the nose…or by his penis, to put it bluntly. I came across them in the laundry room once, he was kneeling in front of her with his head under the flared skirt of her dress. Often I can sense that she’s doing something to him at the dining table while the three of us are having dinner together when my brothers are at boarding school. Something with her dainty feet because her hands are always placed properly on the table—she’s a stickler for etiquette. Whatever she does to him, it makes him breathe harder and sometimes ask to be excused from the table. Sometimes he returns, the sightless, intense look gone from his blue eyes. At other times, she excuses herself too and I’m left to clear up the dishes and load the dishwasher. Another time I saw her bare her small, high breasts in the kitchen and order my father to suck on them.

  She always got anything she wanted from my father.

  So why can’t I try the same tactics?

  I leaned forward and pressed my right nipple against Jared’s mouth. “Suck it!”

  Astonishment filled his eyes for a moment and then he moved to comply—not before I saw a brief look crossed his face that told me there would be hell to pay later.

  I shivered at the thought of him punishing me, but then his tongue was lashing at my nipple, then nibbling it and then pulling it deep into his mouth and sucking on it. It felt so good. I braced my hands on his shoulder and rode him for all I was worth.

  “Yes, my sweet, fuck me now because I will fuck your brains out later.”

  His words gave me a mental image of him making love to me constantly—filling me as I ate, had a shower, as I cooked and even in my sleep—giving me no time to rest. The thought was so unexpected, so bizarre…so arousing, my body went into a spasm. An unfamiliar ache started at my centre and quickly intensified. I screamed out and the world went black as my first ever orgasm hit me like a ton of bricks.

  “Yes, come, sweetheart.” Jared’s amused voice seemed to come from miles apart. I may have imagined his next words, “Incredible!”

  Chapter Five

  Jared groaned, stiffened and squirted a thick, plentiful stream of cum deep inside Shakira as she came and then collapsed onto him.

  The sex had been mind blowing and the resulting orgasm off the Richter scale! It wasn’t just because she was the first woman he’d slept with since he’d gone into enforced celibacy six months ago, or that it was his first orgasm in almost six weeks. No, Shakira was something special. She responded to every touch, every caress. She was a joy to fuck. And the way her little asshole had given away sweetly to his probing tongue!

  He needed to explore that further.

  As soon as she recovered and freed him.

  Jared chuckled and relaxed his arms in the restraints. He had never given a woman this kind of control before, and doubted that he ever would, but it was important for Shakira to have felt in control, to have initiated the taking of her virginity.

  Or for her to have had that illusion, anyway. It had been almost impossible, with his arms shackled, to orchestrate the deflowering, but planting his feet solidly on the bed, he had thrust and lodged the bulbous head of his cock within her on his first stroke and then forcefully buried the thick shaft quickly without allowing for her tightness.

  Seven and a half inches were by no means extraordinary, but even some experienced women had whimpered and begged for mercy when Jared’s thickness had penetrated them, spreading their pussy walls too wide apart for comfort. Though she had remained snug and tight around him during the onslaught, as she did even now as he twitched to life insider her, his little Shakira had taken it all.

  His little Shakira seemed to have a high tolerance for pain and was putty in his hands.

  His little Shakira had been sweetly submissive.


  “That was the beginning—a taste of what’s to come in the next seven days while I totally
turn you out,” Jared warned as I opened my eyes and looked up at him. I shivered at his words, but in anticipation, not fear. “Unlock these handcuffs and let me make you mine completely. Brand you so you’ll always remember me and the week you spent in my bed. So, that any man who comes after me will only be second best.”

  My hands trembled as I fumbled to open the handcuffs on his right hand. Once it was free he cupped my right breast and pulled the nipple into his mouth. He held my gaze as he sucked on it for several moments, bobbing his head back and forth, stretching and elongating my nipple until I was moaning and rubbing myself against his still handcuffed leg. When he let my nipple finally slide through his lips it was longer than I’d ever seen it…at least half an inch…or more.

  I undid the handcuff on his left hand, and prayed that he would get to my other nipple soon. It ached for the same treatment and the sight of the aroused nipple standing out so stiffly aroused me. I wanted him to keep them erect. Maybe even be a little rougher on them. They both felt sore and yet I wanted him to nip them, bite them, twist them, pinch them…

  “Tell me, sweetheart,” Jared held my left breast and let his warm breath tickle the nipple. “Tell me that you want me to take you in every hole and every position. Tell me that you will give up yourself entirely to my will.”

  “Yes, Jared.” My voice trembled as I agreed to let him do with me what he willed. Now that I had been awakened, I wanted to experience everything, and wanted to experience it with him. His words, “…any man who comes after me…”, had given me a momentary pang. I quickly stifled the feeling of hurt. I had to be mature about this. I had hoped to go to India and find a husband. Virginity is prized there and now I’d lost mine, I’d lost the chance of choosing just about any husband. But I was in line to inherit my grandfather’s wealth equally with my brothers and could still find someone decent.. I couldn’t realistically expect a proposal of marriage from, or a long-term relationship with, a man like Jared. But I wouldn’t have missed this chance for all the tea in China!

  “Good.” He bent his head and finally took the whole top of my left breast into his mouth as he stroked his hand downwards to my curling pubic hair. He slipped not one, but two of his long fingers inside me, pressing them deeper as I gasped from the ache…dear God, the sweet ache. I shook my head as I felt a third finger probing at my entrance and yet I wiggled my hips and pressed against his hand as he forced it inside me. All too soon he pulled his lips off my nipple. “Let me take these handcuffs off and plug your sweet behind while I have another taste of your tight pussy.”


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