Shiloh and the Western Campaign of 1862

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Shiloh and the Western Campaign of 1862 Page 51

by Edward Cunningham

  Ingalls, Gen. Rufus

  Inge, Mrs.

  Ingersoll, Col. Robert G.

  Iowa Military Units, 2nd Cavalry, 2nd Infantry, 3rd Infantry, 6th Artillery, 6th Infantry, 7th Infantry, 8th Infantry, 11th Infantry, 12th Infantry, 13th Infantry, 14th Infantry, 15th Infantry, 16th Infantry, 50th Infantry

  Irwin, Surgeon B. J. D.

  Iseminger, Capt. Daniel

  Island No.

  Iuka, Mississippi

  J. B. Adams (steamer)

  Jack, Lt. Thomas

  Jackson Gen. John K., and his brigade

  Jackson, Tennessee

  Jacobus, Lt. J. J.

  Jenkins, Capt. Thomas F.

  Jetton, Pvt. Anderson

  John H. Done (steamer)

  John J. Roe (steamer)

  Johnson, Col. Amory K.

  Johnson, Senator Andrew

  Johnson, Gen. Bushrod R., commands Ft. Donelson, position on night of April 5, action around Shiloh Church, and wounding of, the crossroads addresses 1st Tennessee, Union counterattack

  Johnson, Governor George W.

  Johnson, Maj. James F.

  Johnston, Gen. Albert S., supply base at Bowling Green, assumes command of Dept. #2, pre-war, central Tennessee plan, loss of East Tennessee, Tennessee defensive line, Fort Henry construction, fall of Fort Henry, orders Fort Donelson evacuated, troops at Fort Donelson, orders evacuation of Columbus, orders Pillow to Donelson, chose not to command at Donelson, loss of Fort Donelson, withdraws from Nashville, reorganizes his army, violates principle of concentration, orders Van Dorn to Corinth, Van Dorn declines to join, chooses Corinth to concentrate forces, army concentrates at Corinth, first meeting with Johnston and Bragg, offers command to Beauregard, wants to attack Grant before Buell arrives, army evenly matched Grant, orders army to move on Grant, consolidates at Corinth, concerned about slowness of movement, Monterey conference, loses patients with Bragg, firefight on April 4, Union rumors of pending attack on April 5, night of April 5, message to troops, position on night of April 5, first contact reports, first contact, action around Shiloh Church, collapse of Prentiss’s line, orders Chalmers’ brigade to withdraw, Peach Orchard, wounding of, death of, body in Corinth

  Johnston, Maj. George D.

  Johnston, Col. William P.

  Jones Field

  Jones, Lt. Col. Charles

  Jones, Lt. Col. Frederick C.

  Jones, Lt. Col. John J.

  Jones, Sgt. Theodore D.

  Jones, Lt. Col. Timothy P.

  Jones, Capt. W. S.

  Jones, Capt. Warren C.

  Jordan, Col. Thomas

  Keeley, Pvt. C. W.

  Kelley, Capt. Louis D.

  Kelly, Rev. Maj. D. C.

  Kelly, Maj. John H.

  Kendrick, Capt. J. Mills

  Kentucky Military Units (Confederate), 3rd Infantry, 4th Infantry, 5th Infantry, 6th Infantry, 7th Infantry, 8th Infantry, Byrne’s Battery, Cobb’s Battery, Kentucky-Mississippi Battery, Kentucky Cavalry Squadron, Kentucky State Guard, Lyon’s Battery, Morgan’s Cavalry, Thompson’s Company Cavalry

  Kentucky Military Units (Union), 1st Cavalry, 1st Infantry, 2nd Infantry, 3rd Infantry, 4th Infantry, 5th Infantry, 6th Infantry, 9th Infantry, 11th Infantry, 13th Infantry, 17th Infantry, 20th Infantry, 24th Infantry, 25th Infantry, 26th Infantry

  Kentucky-Tennessee Region

  Ketchum, Capt. William H., and his battery

  King, Lt. Ezra

  King, Maj. John H.

  Kinney, Col. Peter

  Kirk, Col. Edward N., and his brigade

  Kirkwood, Governor S. J.

  Knefler, Frederick

  Knoxville Whig

  Knoxville, Tennessee

  Kyle, Lt. Col. Barton S.

  Laing, Lt. Cuthbert and his battery

  Lamb, Pvt. Charles

  Lambert, Capt. R. B.

  Lannom, Lt. Col. William D.

  Larison, Capt. Thomas J.

  Latta, Capt. Samuel

  Lauman, Gen. Jacob G., and his brigade

  Lea, Col. Benjamin J.

  Lee, Col. R. B.

  Lee, Gen. Robert E.

  Leggett, Col. Mortimer D.

  Leonard, Sgt. John

  Levant, USS

  Levanway, Maj. Charles N.

  Lewis, Col. Joseph H.

  Lexington, Kentucky

  Lexington, Missouri, capture of


  Liberty, Missouri, engagement at

  Lick Creek

  Liddell, Col. St. John

  Lincoln, Abraham, Ft. Sumter, central Tennessee plan, East Tennessee, urges Buell and Halleck into action, promotes McClernand, promotes Halleck

  Lindsay, Col. Andrew J.

  Littler, Capt. Bob

  Locust Grove Branch

  Locust Grove Run

  Logan, Gen. John

  Logan’s Crossroads, Kentucky, Battle of

  London, Kentucky

  Long, Lt. J. C.

  Loomis, Col. John Q.

  Loomis, Lt. Charles

  Looney, Col. Robert F.

  Louisiana Military Units, 1st Infantry, 4th Infantry, 8th Infantry, 11th Infantry, 13th Infantry Battalion, 16th Infantry, 17th Infantry, 18th Infantry, 19th Infantry, 20th Infantry, 24th Infantry, Confederate Guards Response Battalion, Crescent Regiment, Orleans Guard Battalion, Washington Artillery, 5th Company, Watson’s Battery

  Louisiana State University

  Louisville and Nashville Railroad

  Louisville, Kentucky

  Louisville, USS (gunboat)

  Love, Maj. Samuel T.

  Lovell, Gen. Mansfield

  Lowery, Maj. Robert

  Ludlow, Lt. Israel

  Lynch, Col. William F.

  Lyon, Gen. Nathaniel

  Lytle, Lt. Col. Ephraim F.

  Lytle, Pvt. Samuel

  Maddox, Capt. W. A.

  Madison, Capt. Reilly

  Malmborg, Lt. Col. Oscar

  Mandeville, Pvt. Theodore

  Maney, Col. George E., and her brigade

  Mangrum, Maj. Thomas H.

  Markgraf, Capt. Louis

  Marks, Col. Samuel F.

  Marmaduke, Col. John S.

  Marrast, Lt. Col. John C.

  Marsh, Col. C. Carroll, and his brigade

  Martin, Capt. A. S.

  Martin, Maj. James T.

  Martin, Col. John D.

  Martin, Col. Mathias

  Mason, Lt. Col. Hamilton

  Mason, Col. Rodney

  Mason, Capt W. B.

  Maury, Pvt. James W.

  Maxwell, Lt. Col. Cicero

  Mayfield, Maj. Manning

  Maynard, Horace

  Mayson, Lt. Col. Hamilton

  McAlister, Capt. Edward, and his battery

  McArthur, Gen. John, assault on the Union left flank, supports Stuart, collapse of the Purdy Road line, Peach Orchard, “Hornet’s Nest,” wounded

  McArthy, Lt. Daniel

  McClellan, Gen. George B.

  McClernand, Gen. John A., moves on Fort Donelson, orders assault on Fort Donelson, Fort Donelson, Battle of, pre-war, appointed general, dispute over rank, commands army while Grant is away, troop training, Union rumors of pending attack on April 5, moves to shore up the left flank, action around Shiloh Church, assault on the Union left flank, has more combat experience than Sherman, the crossroads, collapse of the Purdy Road line, Union counterattack, right flank turned, “Hornet’s Nest,” Union retreat, Pittsburg Landing Line, Sunday night, meeting to plan assault on Fort Donelson

  McClung, Capt. L. D., and his battery

  McCook, Gen. Alexander McD., and his division

  McCord, Lt. Col. William D.

  McCormick, Capt. A. W.

  McCullough, Gen. Ben

  McCullough, Lt. Col. William

  McCulty, Lt. William M.

  McDaniel, Col. Coleman A.

  McDonell, Maj. Thaddeus A.

  McDowell, Col. John A.

  McDowell, Maj. T. A., and hi
s brigade

  McGinnis, Col. George F.

  McHenry, Col. John H. Jr.

  McInerney, Pvt. John

  McKee, Col. Robert

  McKoin, Col. James L.

  McLean, Lt. John

  McNeely, Maj. James A.

  McPherson, Lt. Col. James B.

  McVey, Pvt. Hugh

  Memphis and Charleston Railroad

  Memphis, Tennessee

  Mendenhall, Capt. John

  Menn, Lt. Henry

  Merrick, Col. Thomas H.

  Mersy, Col. August

  Meteor (steamer)

  Michigan Military Units, 2nd Artillery, 12th Infantry, 13th Infantry, 18th Infantry, Ross’s Battery

  Mill Springs, Kentucky, Battle of

  Miller, Lt. Col. John

  Miller, Col. Madison, and his brigade

  Miller, Capt. William


  Minnesota Military Units, 1st Artillery

  Munch’s Battery

  Mississippi Central Railroad

  Mississippi Military Units, 1st Cavalry, 3rd Cavalry Battalion, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 5th Infantry, 6th Infantry, 7th Infantry, 9th Infantry, 10th Infantry, 15th Infantry, 22nd Infantry, 44th Infantry Battalion, Adam’s Cavalry, Bain’s Battery, Byrne’s Battery, Harper’s Battery, Hudson’s Battery, Mississippi and Alabama Battalion, Mississippi Cavalry Battalion, Pettus Mississippi Flying Artillery, Pike County Dahlgren Rifles, Smith’s Battery, Stanford’s Mississippi Battery, Swett’s Battery, Vaiden’s Battery, Warren Light Artillery

  Mississippi River

  Missouri Military Units Confederate, 1st Cavalry, Missouri State Guard

  Missouri Military Units Union, 1st Artillery, Battery C, 1st Artillery, Battery D, 1st Artillery, Battery H, 1st Artillery, Battery I, 1st Artillery, Battery K, 8th Infantry, 13th Infantry, 14th Infantry, 18th Infantry, 21st Infantry, 23rd Infantry, 25th Infantry, 26th Infantry, Buel’s Battery, Independent Battery, Mann’s Battery, Missouri Light Artillery, Richardson’s Battery, Stone’s Battery, Welker’s Battery

  Mitchel, Gen. Ormsby M.

  Mobile and Ohio Railroad

  Monroe, Mayor John T.

  Monroe, Maj. Thomas Jr.

  Moody, Col. Gideon C.

  Moon, Lt. William

  Moore, Pvt. Bert

  Moore, Col. David

  Moore, Maj. James

  Moore, Col. John C.

  Moore, Pvt. Samuel A.

  Moore, Governor T. O.

  Morgan, Gen. James D.

  Morgan, Col. John H.

  Morgan, Lt. Col. William H.

  Morris, Senator Thomas

  Morrison, Col. William

  Morton, Pvt. Charles

  Morton, Governor Oliver

  Morton, Lt. Col. Quin

  Morton, Col. Thomas

  Mosier, Pvt. William F.

  Mosley, Sgt. Bob

  Mouton, Col. Alfred

  Mouton, Col. Jean J. A. A.

  Muggar, Pvt. James G.

  Muller, Capt. Herman

  Munch, Capt. Emil, and his battery

  Munford, Edward W.

  Murfreesboro, Tennessee

  Murphy, Capt. H. W.

  Murray, Col. John P.

  Murrell, Pvt. Perry

  Mussel Shoals, Alabama

  Musser, Capt. John

  Mussman, Lt. William

  Myers, Capt. John B.

  Mygatt, Lt. Col. George S.

  Nale, Capt. John H.

  Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad

  Nashville, Tennessee

  Nashville-Decatur Railway

  Natchez, USS (gunboat)

  Nebraska Military Unit, 1st Infantry

  Neely, Col. Rufus P.

  Neill, Lt. Col. James F.

  Nelms, Lt. Col. Charles S.

  Nelson, Gen. William, arrives at Savannah, arrives in Columbia, estimated arrival at Pittsburg Landing, dispatch from Grant, Grant’s request to march to Pittsburg Landing, awakened by sounds of battle, Grants orders to cross river, awaits transports, crosses Tennessee River, arrives at the river, arrives at Pittsburg Landing, arrives on the field, Sunday night, Monday morning, Sunday night, Monday morning, Union counterattack

  Nevins, Maj. Garrett

  New Madrid, Missouri

  New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern Railroad

  New York Herald

  New York Tribune

  Nispel, Lt. George L., and his battery

  Norton, Pvt. Charles

  O’Hara, Col. Theodore

  Ohio Military Units, 1st Artillery, Battery G, 1st Infantry, 2nd Infantry, 5th Artillery, 5th Cavalry, 5th Infantry, 6th Infantry, 8th Artillery, 13th Artillery, 13th Infantry, 14th Infantry, 15th Infantry, 19th Infantry, 20th Infantry, 23rd Infantry, 24th Infantry, 26th Infantry, 40th Infantry, 41st Infantry, 46th Infantry, 48th Infantry, 49th Infantry, 53rd Infantry, 54th Infantry, 56th Infantry, 57th Infantry, 58th Infantry, 59th Infantry, 64th Infantry, 65th Infantry, 68th Infantry, 70th Infantry, 71st Infantry, 72nd Infantry, 73rd Infantry, 75th Infantry, 76th Infantry, 77th Infantry, 78th Infantry, 81st Infantry, Bartlett’s Battery, Burrow’s Battery, Hickenlooper’s Battery

  O’Leary, Capt. Stephen

  Oliver, Col. H. S.

  Oliver, Col. John M.

  O’Neil, Cpl. John

  Osborn, Lt. Col. John

  Otley, Lt. John M.

  Owl Creek

  Owl Creek Bridge

  Owl Creek-Purdy Road Bridge

  Paris, Tennessee

  Parker, Pvt. Henry

  Parker, Lt. Col. Job R.

  Parrott, Lt. Col. James C.

  Patrick, Robert

  Patterson, Col. William K.

  Patton, Lt. Col. Archibald K.

  Pea Ridge, Arkansas, Battle of

  Peabody, Col. Everett, discovers Confederate presence on April 5, orders a Sunday morning patrol, first contact reports, first contact, collapse of Prentiss’ line, death of, the crossroads, what-if?, death of

  Peach Orchard Field

  Pease, Lt. Col. Phineas

  Peck, Gen John J.

  Peckham, Lt. Col. James

  Peebles, Lt. Col. Thomas H.

  Pemberton, Gen. John C.

  Pennington, Capt William F.

  Pennsylvania Military Units, 77th Infantry

  Percy, Capt. James

  Perry, USS (gunboat)

  Person, Capt. G. G.

  Peters, Herman

  Peyton, Maj. H. E.

  Pfaender, Lt. William

  Phelps, Lt. Ledyard

  Philadelphia Inquirer

  Philips, Col. Henry

  Pillow Flying Artillery

  Pillow, Gen. Gideon

  Pittsburg Landing line

  Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee

  Pittsburg Road

  Pittsburg, USS (gunboat)

  Polk, Eugenia

  Polk, Gen. Leonidas, Columbus, Kentucky, replaced by Johnston, Fort Henry, evacuation of Columbus, departs Columbus for Corinth, appointed commander of the 1st Corps, notice of Union advance on Bethel, orders from Johnston to move on Grant, night of April 5, collapse of Prentiss’ line, Union counter-attack, “Hornet’s Nest,”

  Polk, Capt. Marshall T., and his battery

  Pond, Col. Preston Jr., position on night of April 5, action around Shiloh Church, “Hornet’s Nest,”300; Union retreat, Sunday night, Confederate last stand

  Poole, Capt. W. G.

  Pope, Gen. John

  Porta, Pvt. Cesar

  Porter, Commodore David D.

  Porter, Gen. Fitz-John

  Porter, Cdr. William D.

  Portsmouth, USS (gunboat)

  Powell, Maj. James, first contact reports, predawn patrol, first contact, predawn patrol, action around Shiloh Church

  Powell, Capt. John W.

  Pratt, Lt. Col. Isaac V.

  Prentiss, Gen. Benjamin M., assumes command of Sixth Division, pre-war, notified of Confederate presence on April 5, first contact reports, first contact, action around Shiloh C
hurch, division in retreat, collapse of Prentiss’ line, calls for help, could not stop the retreat of his men, assault on the Union left flank, the crossroads, “Hornet’s Nest,” Union retreat, division surrenders, capture of, censored by Grant, surrender of Prentiss’ division, prisoner movement, as prisoner, losses

  Prestidge, Maj. James S.

  Preston, Col. William

  Price, Gen. Sterling

  Pride, G. G.

  Pritle, Sgt. J. J.

  Pugh, Col. Isaac C., and his brigade

  Pugh, Pvt. Richard

  Purdy Road

  Querouze, Maj. Leon

  Quinn, Col. Francis

  Raith, Col. Julius, troop training, action around Shiloh Church the crossroads, death of, wounding of, mortally wounded

  Randolph, Lt. Richard K.

  Rankin, Lt. Col. William A.

  Ransom, Lt. Col. Thomas E. G.

  Rawlins, Col. John

  Rearden, Col. J. S.

  Reed, Col. Hugh B.

  Reed, Lt. Col. Wiley M.

  Reichard, Col. August

  Reid, Col. Hugh T.

  Reid, Col. James T.

  Reid, Whitelaw

  Review Field

  Reynolds, Gen. John J.

  Rhea field

  Rice, Lt. Col. Americus V.

  Rich, Col. Lucius L.

  Richards, Lt. Col. Evan

  Richardson, Albert

  Richardson, Capt. Henry

  Richmond Inquirer

  Ricker, Maj. E. G.

  Ripley, Gen. Roswell S.

  Roberts, Capt. Franklin, and his battery

  Roberts, Pvt. John

  Robertson, Capt. Felix H., and his battery

  Robertson, Pvt. Thomas C.

  Roesel, Pvt. August

  Rogers, Commodore C. R. P.

  Rogers, Lt. Col. William P.

  Roman, Lt. Col. Alfred

  Ross, Capt. William H., and his battery

  Ross, Col. L. F. Rousseau, Gen. Lovell H., and his brigade

  Rowett, Maj. Richard

  Rowley, Capt. William

  Ruckman, Pvt. John

  Rudledge, Capt. Arthrur M.

  Ruggles, Gen. Daniel, action around Shiloh Church, position on night of April 5, the crossroads, “Hornet’s Nest,” Union retreat, Confederate last stand, Farmington

  Rundle, Maj. Thomas G.

  Runnels, Maj. Hal G.

  Russell, Pvt. Ed

  Russell, Capt. J. A.

  Russell, Col. Robert M., Hornet’s Nest,” position on night of April 5, action around Shiloh Church, the crossroads, Union counterattack, Union retreat, Sunday night

  Rutledge, Capt. Arthur

  Ryan, Lt. Abram H.


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