Unchained Memories

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Unchained Memories Page 22

by Dena Blake

  “They shouldn’t be.” Julie thought for a minute. “So the money goes into one account, and Maxine moves it to another. That’s why Amelia has to run everything by her before any funds are disbursed.”

  Jillian’s brows pulled together. “Why would she do that?”

  Julie dropped the statements on top of the pile of paperwork in front of her. “Because she’s a vindictive bitch. That’s why.”

  “I’ll take care of it.” Jillian snatched the statements from the desk. “Can you handle the administration for the time being?”

  “Sure, but Maxine will know who you are.”

  “She already knows. I had to tell her in order to get a spot in the house.”

  Julie blew out a breath. This secret had just become more complicated. “She’s a mean little witch, and if she gets wind of who you are to Amelia, she’ll expose you.”

  Jillian nodded. “We’ll just have to keep that between us, then. Right?”

  Jillian seemed sincere about her intentions, but Julie wasn’t sure how much longer she could keep the information from Amelia. “I told you I would, and I meant that.” Julie gathered the rest of the papers into the folder and slapped it shut. “You just get Maxine under control.”

  * * *

  Jillian hopped out of her car and waved her arms wildly when she spotted Marcus coming out the door to the passenger pick-up area at the airport. He pulled his carry-on down the sidewalk and left it teetering on the curb as she rushed into his arms.

  “I’m so glad you’re here.” Jillian wrapped her arms around him and squeezed.

  “Whoa. Let me breathe, will you?” He chuckled.

  “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.”

  “You look so plain, I almost didn’t recognize you.” He gave her the once-over. “You can’t disguise those legs.”

  “They are a curse.” She looked at her khaki-capri-clad legs and winked.

  “A curse any man…” He paused, lifted a brow. “Or woman would gladly endure to have them wrapped around their body.”

  “Shut up and get in the car.” She shook her head and slid into the driver’s seat. She knew he was going to give her a hard time about Amelia. “I made you a reservation at the Skirvin downtown.”

  As they took the thirty-minute drive to the hotel, they talked about anything and everything that didn’t have to do with Amelia. Marcus had told her how he’d broken it off for good with his on-and-off-again guy back in New York and wasn’t waiting it out this time. He was on the hunt for a new man. Jillian pulled up in front and let the valet take her car. She watched Marcus scan the lobby with its massive wood columns as they moved through the rotating doors.

  “Wow. This is fancy.”

  “I want to keep you happy while you’re here.”

  “So I’ll stay longer?”

  “Yes. That’s my goal.” She motioned toward the piano bar. “Why don’t you go order us a drink while I get you checked in?”

  “After that flight, I’m ready for one.”

  After she took care of the details, Jillian met Marcus in the bar. He’d ordered her the usual gin martini and a scotch old-fashioned for himself.

  “The Presidential Suite was taken, so you’ll have to suffer with the Rotunda Suite.” She slipped onto the padded leather bench seat next to him. “Apparently, they don’t know you’re the most important person in town this weekend.”

  Marcus let out a short gasp. “Who could be more important than me?”

  “Some country-western star playing at the Chesapeake Arena this weekend.”

  “I bet that goes over well here.”

  “Yep. We hometown folks love us some country music,” Jillian said, using her best Oklahoma drawl.

  “You do like it here.” His voice was certain.

  “Oddly, I do. But I miss work so much it’s ridiculous.”

  “Well, then get this finished and come home.”

  “It’s not that simple, Marcus. I can’t just drop Abby off on Blake’s doorstep.” She’d become rather attached to her niece and wasn’t sure she wanted to leave her. “Plus, there was a problem with the distribution of funds for Heartstrings House. The money wasn’t getting delivered in a timely fashion, so I had to change administrators this morning.” Maxine had denied holding the funds at first, but when Jillian had threatened to go public with the information, she backed down. “It turned out to be a bitter woman whom Amelia refused to date. What is it with some women and their pride? Can’t they just take no for an answer and move on?”

  “Don’t ask me. Some men are the same way. Speaking of men, have you told Blake anything about Abby?”

  “No. Not yet.”

  “What can I do?

  “Just having you here helps.”

  “I have to say happy looks good on you.” He motioned up and down with his finger. “So, are you in love with Amelia?”

  Jillian didn’t answer, just sucked down the rest of her martini.

  “Hmm.” Marcus studied her for a moment. “Well, you certainly have a glow about you.”

  Marcus left the Amelia subject alone and moved on to Blake. Jillian explained the situation with Blake and his wife. Marcus wasn’t keen on the idea of her being a decoy to make Suzie jealous, saying that was an emotion he didn’t feel people should mess with. She did point out that the ruse had brought some of Amelia’s feelings to light.

  “Come on. Let’s get you settled in upstairs.” She led him to the elevator. “I think you’ll like the Rotunda Suite.” She pressed the button for the fourteenth floor. “After that, we can go back down to the restaurant and have dinner, if you want.”

  “How about we call room service and talk in the suite?”

  “We can do that.” Jillian knew Marcus wanted to get into her head and find out what was going on, and she was okay with that. She needed to let it all out and get his opinion.

  While Marcus cleaned up, Jillian ordered a pot of coffee and an assortment of sweets that were delivered within fifteen minutes. She’d already helped herself to a bite of chocolate cheesecake when he came out of the bedroom and sat opposite her on the couch.

  “Dessert first. One of the things I miss about you,” he said, forking a chunk of cheesecake from the same plate.

  “It’s wonderful.” She set her fork down and pushed it toward him. “Now eat it so I don’t. I’ve gained five pounds since I’ve been here.”

  “Happy weight.” Marcus smiled and shoveled another forkful into his mouth.

  “Coop doesn’t cook anything light.” She let her lips tip up slightly. “It’s all comfort food and always family style.”


  “The cook at Heartstrings House.”

  “They have a cook? I thought you said there was no money for anything.”

  “Blake pays her out of his own pocket. She doesn’t do any housework, but she does do most of the cooking.”

  “Speaking of the house, how are you getting along there with your drab persona and all?”

  Jillian took a sip of her coffee and sat quietly for a moment looking out the window, gathering her thoughts before focusing back on Marcus. “Did you ever lose something and think you were never going to get it back?”

  “All the time. This brain isn’t getting any younger.”

  “I’m serious, Marcus.” She took in a deep breath. “I never thought I’d see Amelia again, let alone still have these feelings for her.”

  “And?” Marcus was great at leading questions.

  “And I don’t know what to do. I have a life in New York, and she has a life here.”

  “But?” He sipped his coffee.

  “But everything I felt is still there, even stronger. I want to be with her.”


  “Stop it, Marcus. I need your advice on this one.”

  Marcus set his cup on the table, scooted back into the corner of the couch, and turned to face her. “Are you happy with your life in New York, Jillian?”

I love my job,” she said immediately, adrenaline pulsing through her at the thought.

  “That’s not what I asked. I know you’re doing what you love, but are you happy with your life?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never thought past my career.”

  “You’ve never thought about what you’re going to do when you’re finished with broadcasting? About whether you want to be alone or share the rest of your life with someone?” Marcus said it so simply, as if everyone planned it out years in advance.

  “Not really.” She drew her brows together. “Every time I’ve tried to share my life with someone, it’s been a huge fucking disaster.”


  “Because I can never go all in.” She blew out a breath. “I’ve never been able to imagine my life with anyone beyond next week.”

  “Can you see it now? With Amelia?”

  She nodded and stared out the window. “I can.”

  “Because you’re in love with her.”

  I’m in love with Amelia. She’d been ignoring the increasingly persistent thought pounding in her head over the past few weeks. She flopped back against the couch and closed her eyes. “What am I gonna do, Marcus?”

  “I think you already know what you need to do. You just have to act on it.”

  “She doesn’t even know who I am.”

  “Shouldn’t she? I mean, she is the love of your life.”

  “What if she freaks out?”

  “Then she freaks out. At least you’ll know how she feels. What could be worse than what you’re going through right now? Talk to her, Jillian.” He leaned forward and patted her on the thigh before he got up. “More coffee?”

  She shook her head. She was already on edge. More coffee would just throw her over. “I have to get back.” She gathered up her purse and moved toward the door. “Order whatever you want from room service, and if you need anything else, call me. Otherwise, I’ll talk to you in the morning.”

  On the drive home, Jillian contemplated what Marcus had said. He knew her better than anyone did. Maybe he was right. Maybe she shouldn’t try so hard to deny her feelings for Amelia. Playing these games with her was only making it harder, but she didn’t know if she was ready to expose herself fully. Especially to Amelia, the one person who could shatter her very existence if she didn’t feel the same way. Leaving herself raw and unprotected terrified her.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Amelia blew through the front door of Heartstrings House, expecting to see everyone in the living room watching TV as usual, but Blake was sitting all alone on the couch. She was happy not to find JJ cozied up next to him, but another week had gone by, and she couldn’t fight the pull to see her.

  “Where is everyone?” She meant JJ but didn’t want Blake to call her on it.

  “There’s no school tomorrow. The kids are at the movies, and I think JJ went to bed.”

  “What’s with that?” She plopped down on the couch next to him. “It’s only nine o’clock.”

  “She missed dinner. I guess she had a busy day.”

  Amelia sat quietly for a minute, then turned to face him and pulled her leg up under her on the couch. “What’s going on between you and her?”


  Amelia tilted her head toward the stairs.

  “JJ?” Blake’s eyebrows rose.

  “Yes, JJ.” Amelia motioned to his hair and face with her finger. “What’s with all this new stuff? Are you trying to impress her?”

  Blake gave Amelia a wide smile and chuckled.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “We’ve even got you fooled.”

  Fooled? Amelia cocked her head. “Okay, give.”

  “JJ’s just been helping me out. She fixed my hair and gave some style tips to make Suzie jealous.”

  “But I saw you two at the Mexican restaurant.” Amelia was confused. She’d seen how close they were that night, and it sure looked like they were dating.

  “Yeah. That was for Suzie’s benefit.” He sat back and smiled.

  The permanent knot in Amelia’s stomach loosened. “So you and JJ have no interest in each other?”

  “Nope. None whatsoever.”

  “You did fool me. I had no idea.” This was game-changing information. Now no obstacles were standing between them, which excited and terrified her all at once.

  “I know. Isn’t it great? It’s driving Suzie crazy. She’s calling me all the time now.” He looked over at his phone as it buzzed on the coffee table. “See?”

  “Why aren’t you picking up?”

  “JJ said I should wait until she calls at least three times before I do.”

  Amelia shook her head. “The girl certainly knows how to work it, doesn’t she?”

  “Yeah, and it’s working.” He looked at the phone as it buzzed again.

  “Okay, Romeo. That’s call number three. Pick up.” She swiped the remote and muted the TV.

  He grabbed the phone and hit the red button. “Hey, what’s up?” Blake grinned, pushed up from the couch, and went into the office.

  Amelia leaned back on the couch, put her feet up on the coffee table, and flipped through the channels. Then she heard a sound she didn’t quite recognize coming from upstairs. She got up and went to the foot of the stairs, stopped for a minute, but didn’t hear it again. As she started back to the couch, she heard a blood-curdling scream. She took the stairs two at a time as she raced up to the second floor. The sound was coming from JJ’s room. Amelia rushed through the door to find JJ in a fitful sleep, legs thrashing and her face in a tortured grimace.

  “JJ.” Amelia shook her, but she didn’t wake. “JJ,” she said louder, and JJ’s eyes flew open.

  “Ames?” Her eyes began to focus as she gripped Amelia’s arms.

  Amelia zoned in on the crystalline blue eyes looking up at her, and her heart raced, pounding loudly in her ears. “It can’t be.” Adrenaline pushed her pulse to the limit as she pulled back the sheet and lifted the bottom of Jillian’s shirt. She saw the crescent-moon-shaped birthmark on her stomach. “It is you.”

  “Oh, my God, Ames.” JJ grabbed at her hands as she came out of the dream.

  Jillian. Amelia pulled out of her grasp and stared at her for a moment before she stumbled across the room to the window. So many things were crowding her head at that moment, so many unanswered questions. Why had she come back after all these years? Why was she hiding who she really was? Why had she never heard from her before now? It wasn’t long before she felt Jillian come up behind her and put her arms on her shoulders.

  “You’re…” She couldn’t speak.

  “Jillian McIntyre, cold, heartless journalist.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Amelia’s voice wavered as she choked back her emotions.

  “I’m sorry. I couldn’t.”

  “Why not?” Amelia swiped a tear from her face.

  “It’s complicated.”

  Amelia spun around. “Uncomplicate it for me.” The air was stifling. All she could smell was the cucumber and melon scent that seemed to always accompany JJ…Jillian. “Why are you here?”

  “My last relationship ended badly.” Jillian’s gaze flickered to the window and back. “It’s been difficult. She wasn’t ready to let go.”

  “You came back here pretending to be an abused woman on the run?”

  “I’m not pretending, and I didn’t know where else to go. I didn’t plan to stay this long, and I didn’t know you would still be here.”

  Jillian’s eyes were pleading, and Amelia wanted to gather her into her arms, hold her, and tell her everything would be all right. But she couldn’t, not until she knew more. “Unlike you, I never left.”

  “Amelia, please. You don’t know how many times I’ve thought of you over the years.”

  “You broke my heart.” Soon enough it would be split in half again.

  “When my parents were killed…” Jillian’s voice cracked.

  Amelia stared into her eyes. They wer
en’t cold and emotionless, as she’d imagined over the years. With the soft amber gone now, they were blue. A pale blue so stunning it could hypnotize any woman and had done so to her many years ago. “Now what are you planning to do?”

  “I don’t know.” Jillian shook her head. “I have all these things pulling at me. Memories of my parents, Abby, you.”

  “Me?” Moonlight danced around the room, and the space between them became dangerously intimate.

  “Yes, you.” Jillian looked into her eyes, and the air crackled between them. Then she closed the space between them and captured Amelia’s mouth with hers. Amelia tumbled into the kiss, her head spinning, her body hot, ready to burst into flames any minute. She felt it as though it were their first kiss, only so incredibly better. It was wonderfully warm, intoxicating even. It awoke all kinds of yearnings Amelia had buried long ago.

  Amelia’s heart pounded as she pulled back and held Jillian’s gaze, gauging her response. She forged forward, hooking a hand behind Jillian’s neck, pulling her in for another searing kiss. Their tongues mingled as the kiss deepened. Warmth ran throughout her and settled low in her belly. She pushed Jillian to the wall, and the full length of their bodies pressed together, kick-starting a whole new array of sensations. Her mind went hazy. Jillian could do things to her no one else ever could.

  “I’m sorry. I’ve waited a long time to do that,” Amelia whispered.

  Jillian traced Amelia’s lip with her thumb. “I never thought it would happen again. Then when I got here and saw you, I knew what we had is still there.”

  Amelia pulled away, stared into Jillian’s eyes. The moment of excitement was laced with anguish, hurt, and anger. “I haven’t seen or heard from you in fifteen years, and you think what we had is still the same?” She was thoroughly excited and totally pissed off in the same moment.

  “Ames, after my parents were killed, I—”

  “They were my parents too. The only real mom and dad I ever had.” Jillian reached for her, and Amelia batted her hand away. “You left without even a good-bye.”

  “You think I wanted to leave? I was sixteen years old.” Her voice rose as she drew the words out slowly. “I had no choice, Ames. My grandparents took me.”


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