Zeus (Frozen Origin)

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Zeus (Frozen Origin) Page 10

by Dawn, Crystal

  She got on her com contacting Doc, Way, and Brandi, to invite them over after work. She went by the cafeteria appropriating what she needed to make some pizzas. Her room didn’t have a kitchen but Brandi’s did so she took it over for the get together instead. Doc was bringing some alcohol and Way had a box of movies so they were set. Sierra got to Brandi’s place setting to work on a good variety of pizzas. Once she started cooking them, they smelled so good she worried that they would be over run with extra guests. The cafeteria wasn’t bad but they never made pizza. She had extra dough so she made a couple big dump cakes using cherry and blueberry pie filling she found in Brandi’s kitchen.

  The girls seemed to know when the pizza was done coming in as she pulled the first one out of the oven. They all sat down to have a piece while Doc handed them each a cold beer. “Got together with Zeus, did you?” Way ask between bites of pizza.

  “How did you know?” Sierra ask surprised but she really shouldn’t be.

  “The heated looks shooting between the two of you just about burned everyone in the room, Hon. Besides, Kyler just about had a stroke when he drew the same conclusion. He’s already reported his suspicions to his superior.”

  “I guess I won’t be here much longer.”

  “Wrong, they’re hoping your relationship will soften him towards the US.”

  “Of course they would look for an advantage in it. I bet that pissed of Kyler.”

  “You’ve no idea. Watch your back and Zeus’ since he’s not used to political plotting.”

  “We’re not getting on well right now.”

  “You don’t say. I would have never guessed.” Way said rolling her eyes.

  “Make up with the man. He’s a fucking sex god and don’t waste your time telling me he isn’t hot stuff in bed too.” Doc tossed into the conversation. It seemed all the girls thought she should forgive and forget so she could get Zeus back in bed. Sierra had to admit the idea had merit, just the thought of him holding her made her heat. The rest of the evening continued along the same vein until half drunk, everyone headed to their own rooms and beds. She was walking along on the way to her room when someone stepped out in her path. She wasn’t impaired, not really but she still managed to run right into a hard male body. One deep breath told her it was Zeus and just his scent made her go half crazy with need. He picked her up carrying her into his rooms, she didn’t protest although she wasn’t sure why not.

  “I missed you.” He whispered into her ear, his breath tickling her skin as he spoke. Just that little contact made goose bumps break out on her skin as heat rushed through her.

  “I missed you, too.” She admitted before she took the time to think. “But I’m still mad at you.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know how to handle things between us. I’ve never had a relationship or known a female like you.”

  “Is that good or bad?”

  “You’re good when you’re bad. Wanna be bad right now?”

  “Hell yeah.” She said as their lips met in a searching kiss before it turned deeper. She couldn’t resist the things he made her feel. If it was from what he had done to her or just the natural attraction she had felt the instant they met, she couldn’t say. All she knew was that she wanted him to the point that it hurt to deny it, so she would take him until the desire was gone. In the back of her mind there was something she needed to remember but the second he touched her all rational thought was gone.

  She woke slowly trying to remember what she had done.

  She felt movement realizing she wasn’t alone but once again she’d given in to her desire for the handsome god. He made her give in when she should run. He was gorgeous but it went beyond that, she felt like they were kindred souls meant to be together. If she fought against it, fought against him, it was a losing battle. She had never believed in fate before but it was like they were destined to be together. It was like the universe had conspired to set in motion a plan where they became addicted to each other. He reached for her even though they had made love until the early morning hours. It seemed that gods were insatiable and she was becoming just like him.

  Zeus pulled her on top of him running his hands down her back until he squeezed her ass cheeks to encourage her. She licked her way down his neck to his chest where she licked his brown nipples until they beaded up hard which made him groan. He reached down to grab her breasts gently massaging them then moving to her nipples to tweak them until they were rock hard.

  “Baby, please, I need to be inside you. I ache to feel your tight wet pussy wrap around my cock.”

  She shivered with desire feeling her core grow wet with need for him. She moved her hips up as one hand guided him to her entrance. She sank slowly feeling immense pleasure as she sank down on him inch by inch. She moaned at the feeling of fullness as he was fully inside, enjoying the feel of him as she wiggled on top of him before she started rocking back and forth. Faster and harder, she moved over him drowning in his beauty, his sensuality. She froze as pleasure overcame her and she screamed his name in a long keening sound. Her pussy gripped him, squeezing so hard she felt every part of him including the jets of hot semen that filled her.

  Shit! They had forgotten to use a condom again. What was wrong with her that the moment he touched her all reason flew from her head. If she wasn’t careful, she was going to get knocked up, could already be knocked up. “Zeus, we need to start using condoms or we’re going to end up with a baby.”

  “What’s wrong with that? We are mates and mates have children.”

  “They have them when they are ready, when the time is right.”

  They dropped the discussion because it was morning with work waiting for both of them to do.

  Chapter 4


  He watched as she walked away to get started with Eres and his team checking out security threats. He trusted Eres to watch out for her knowing the god might be into fun and games but he had a serious side. He also knew Sierra was respected by her team and her colleagues, even the ones like Brenda who didn’t like her, didn’t want to mess with her either. He hoped she could help them because security was a problem. They had been trained to attack not protect so it wasn’t a surprise his gods didn’t adjust well without any training. Hercules was glad to have her and Eres handle that part of security since keeping up with the humans in the facility was keeping him busy. Meanwhile Hades was having his own trouble keeping Cronos hidden from those same humans. Some of the humans, Kyler’s team in particular, really needed to get their own place to live. Sierra had suggested prefab, so he had passed the suggestion on. The government made all kinds of excuses about why that wouldn’t work. Way was going to push until Kyler’s team was out on their own because they couldn’t do anything with Cronos until they were gone.

  He thought about her all day no matter who he was with or what he did. She was his and he intended to keep her forever. It just made it even more important that he got the future secured for his gods and any mates they would have, starting with his own. The alarm went off again and he noted no one moved because it had been a false alarm so many times now. Sierra was right to be alarmed by the complacency everyone showed. If an enemy attacked they would take heavy losses before anyone realized what was happening. Sierra was outside searching for any outbuildings that might exist so he got a group of gods together to help search along the outer walls.

  Brandi was Sierra’s computer expert and she had assured him that the alarms weren’t set off by the computer so they were physically attacking the facility somewhere. He heard a sound like someone was trying to get in a door. One of Eres team fell in the door with blood blossoming around his shoulder. He yelled for two nearby gods to run him to medical where he knew Doc would treat him. He sent a mental message to Ares to round up his team for battle. He ran to the armory, getting handguns for his waistband and a machine gun to carry. He dressed in the insulated gear including boots that was available in the closet next to the armory, heading toward the ma
in door within five minutes. He got outside where there was no noise at all.

  He found an unknown intruder lying near the door with wounds on their chest and thigh. They were barely hanging onto life but he messaged his males to take him to medical. More gods poured out the door to help but Zeus knew the battle had been fought already, win or lose. His mate was out here and he needed to find her. He saw drops of blood scattered on the snow so he followed the path to another wounded intruder. This one was on his feet but wounded enough to be moving slowly. He was still armed but he had no idea Zeus and a group of gods had come up behind him. He disarmed him easily then passed him off to some males to take to medical. So far he had only found intruders, other than the god who had made it to the door wounded.

  The next intruder he found was beyond help so they left him there for now. Sierra, Eres, and his team were nowhere to be seen which was driving him crazy. He saw lights in the distance, a helicopter taking off making him feel a fear he had never felt before. Had the intruders gotten his mate and Eres team? Were they taking them away where they would never be found? His knees felt weak, he struggled to stay standing as his brain processed what was going on working through the possibilities looking for a glimmer of hope. Ares stood beside him trying to send a calming message to him but his whole world was falling apart. He didn’t see it at first since he was concentrating on the ache in his heart and the roaring in his ears.

  Look over there Zeus! Ares sent him the message and he turned to look seeing a hatch had been thrown open. Sierra and Eres came toward him. “Your female kicks ass, Zeus.” Eres said as they approached. He knew she was good at her job, but fear for her safety had overrode every other thought.

  “What did you find?” Zeus asked Sierra but Eres answered.

  “She was right about a security station outside as well as the cameras. You can see several cameras set up around the perimeter of the station. The helicopter that left brought some of these guys but they picked up the ones that were hiding here. Sierra thinks they were switching them out and will probably debrief those they took with them for anything that might help them get us back.”

  “That’s what Sierra thinks, huh?” Ares said smiling at Eres. He must think it cute that Eres liked Zeus’ mate so much.

  “Yes, she also thinks there is a way into the facility from here, maybe into the chamber Cronos is in. We haven’t had time to search this station properly.” Eres continued unaware that Ares has teased him.

  “We will be able to view everything that has happened here since we came to help you. It is all on tape here for a year or more.” Sierra said to the group in general. All Zeus wanted was to take her to his place and coddle her. He felt the overwhelming need to touch her so he could reassure himself that she was truly alright. He fought against himself knowing she would not appreciate being petted in front of his males and her team. He also needed to consider what they had found which was of the highest importance since it showed Origin wasn’t willing to let them go. It was no surprise that Origin wanted them back as they were a valuable commodity, a rare one impossible to replace without Cronos who was only vulnerable to attack if they were unable to protect him. Hades was more than capable of seeing to Cronos’ safety so Zeus concentrated on the matter at hand.

  He entered the underground security observation station pleased that they now had a place where they could watch for outside threats. The place was large enough for a team of six to live in even having a small kitchen and a room for the crew to relax in. When the facility had been liberated, no one had known about the station so the crew living there had simply stayed undetected to observe, passing information to Origin and setting off the alarms to confuse the gods in the hope that a successful raid could eventually be made on an unsuspecting and complacent facility. It was Sierra who had saved them from what might have been disaster. He felt proud of the female he already loved and wanted more than anything.

  They started working their way through the station looking for any signs of a door that might lead to the facility. No surprise that Sierra found it, especially since it was more of a small access tunnel that a god would barely make it through. If the other end of the tunnel was the same, which it was expected to be, no wonder they hadn’t found it.

  “I’ll go through to the other end since I’m smaller than you guys.”

  He curbed his desire to scream no, knowing it wouldn’t be well received. Going through would be the easiest way to find the door on the other side but he didn’t know if it was safe. “We need to be sure the passageway is empty before anyone goes through.”

  She smiled and it told him she was up to something. “No problem.” She said as she opened the door making him think for a moment that she intended to just go anyway. She paused, maybe for effect, then pulled a canister from her side pocket, twisted something on it, and threw it in the doorway. She closed the door then turned to him. “Now we wait. No one is tough enough to stand that stuff.” He didn’t ask what it was assuming it was tear gas or a smoke bomb, but it didn’t really matter. He should have realized she wouldn’t take any unnecessary chances because she was good at this shit. He glanced at Eres who looked at her in adulation. It wouldn’t be long before he was good at it too, then he would train a team that would be unbeatable.

  He went through everything in his mind as he decided what they should concentrate on next. Cronos would have to wait until Kyler’s team and any other untrusted humans were gone. A team would have to be assembled to run this station, but they would have to be trained. Buzz was Sierra’s communications specialist and surveillance was his purvey. He could only hope they would agree to do this for them. Sierra and her team had already proved to be invaluable while all Kyler and his people did was try to snoop and use up resources like water and air. He couldn’t get rid of them fast enough, he was sure no one would be sad to see them go, not even the females. None of his gods had been drawn to them like he was to Sierra, though they didn’t mind using them like whores. He wouldn’t interfere because he figured if they acted like one, let them be one. Brenda was the worst, screwing one after another but still trying to get him, Ares, Apollo, and others who had no interest in her like they were marks on her bedpost. He had to smile when he thought about what his beautiful mate would do if she ever caught Brenda trying to poach on her domain, it would be fun to watch because he had no doubt Sierra would wipe the floor with her.

  He needed to get his mind off his mate so he could get back to planning what they would do now. The sound of a helicopter reminded him of the interview he would do today, should have already done by now. He hurried out of the shelter sending Sierra a message hoping she would receive it, his need to be ready for the interview as fast as possible overriding every other concern for now. Sierra’s face turned to him quickly, the shocked expression told him she had received his message so her transformation must be nearly finished if not complete. His gods started rushing around to follow the mental commands he sent them, Hades going to meet the reporter while the rest prepared themselves and Ares would follow him after meeting the reporter and assigning her an escort.

  Once inside, Zeus quickly took a shower. Ares knocked and entered Zeus’ room then Ares helped him to find the suit that Way insisted he should wear for a formal interview. “Brother, I hope this is the right thing to do. The US will not be pleased that we are going public.”

  “I hope it is right as well, but if we leave things as they are, I have no doubt they will take advantage of us. I’m sure they are already making plans to do so with Kyler at the head of whatever plan they have.” He was dressed so he headed to the meeting room where the interview would take place while Ares went to dress himself. Every god knew what to do including the security that would watch the reporters and those that would watch Kyler to prevent him from interfering. This interview would help decide the god’s place in the outside world securing their position either at the top or the bottom of the dog pile.

  He entered the meeting room
before the reporter and her crew got there. He sat in his usual spot where he breathed deeply calming himself so he would project the right image. Ares joined him five minutes later, the reporter five minutes after that.

  “Welcome to Olympus, our home, my name is Zeus.” He said as he held out his hand to the female interviewer. He took her hand turned it and kissed it flustering her so much she just stared at him. He smiled attempting to set her at ease. “Are you going to be the one to interview me?” One of her coworkers came up and bumped into her.

  “Janice, you need to introduce yourself to the man.” A short female wearing thick glasses with her hair in a tight bun said. Janice turned bright red but it seemed she had lost the ability to speak.

  Way came into the room wearing a skirt and jacket set looking polished and beautiful. Her heels clicked on the floor as she efficiently came in taking everything in hand like the perfect professional. Once she spoke to his interviewer, the girl seemed to pull it together. Her crew had assembled the recorders, cameras, and handed her her notes so they could begin. He wanted nothing more than to get this behind him so he could hunt down his mate for a more pleasant pursuit. Once the lights were on and the camera rolling, the girl seemed to transform into the kind of reporter he expected. He supposed she was pretty with her huge eyes and flushed face, but compared to his mate she was invisible. She had strawberry blonde hair with brown eyes, her lips were pouty, and her nose just a tad large for her face. She looked vulnerable no doubt making the average male want to protect her but Zeus wasn’t fooled. The moment the camera went on her attitude and demeanor changed making him think of a predator circling prey.


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