SEXT ME - A Steamy SEAL Romance

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SEXT ME - A Steamy SEAL Romance Page 42

by Layla Valentine

  I feared he was going to take me back to the bar, where we would then be surrounded by other people, and I wouldn’t get the chance to speak with him as I wanted to. To my surprise, however, he didn’t stop at the bar, but rather walked me out of the room and up the stairs to the room where we had seen the orgy.

  He continued on beyond that room, though, and before I knew it, he was walking me through a door and out onto a rooftop terrace. It was a beautiful night; the stars were out, and once again, there was no moon. Kyle walked away from me and over to the rail. I waited.

  At last, he formulated his thoughts enough to speak.

  “I’m sorry I pushed you away, Emily. I’ve always kept people at arm’s length. I get what I want out of a night, then I get what I want out of the rest of my life. I know it isn’t the most noble way to live, but it’s always worked for me—until I met you. When I was in New York, I decided the best thing to do would be to move on, but that didn’t work. I’ve tried everything, but I can’t quit you, Emily. I just can’t.”

  He shook his head, and I thought of the tabloid I’d seen. I wanted to ask him about it—to find out the truth behind the story—but there was something inside me that told me to wait and listen.

  “I knew I couldn’t go on living as though that night had never happened, but I had no way to find you—the club has such strict rules about privacy. I searched high and low to find you, but there was just…nothing.”

  He sighed, running a hand through his thick hair. I realized this was my chance to tell him how I felt, and without thinking too much, I went for it.

  “Ever since that night, I’ve only been able to think of you. So many times I’ve wanted to reach out and try to find you, but I was certain you wouldn’t want to hear from me. I mean, who do you meet in a place like this that turns into true romance? I desperately wanted to show you that I had feelings for you, but time and time again, there was something that prevented me from doing it.”

  I knew my voice was shaking, and I hated it. I didn’t know what else to say, but I certainly wasn’t going to stand there and cry.

  To my surprise and relief, Kyle walked over and put his finger to my lips. I looked up at him through the tears in my eyes and forced a smile. The look in his eyes made him appear even more enchanting than ever before.

  “I’ve been pretty much everywhere on this planet, Emily. There was a time when I found all my joy in travel, when I wanted nothing more than to be in the next city and sleep with the next woman. There was a time when I would have told you that those were my most fulfilling moments.”

  He paused, and though confusion and jealousy rose in my chest, I waited for him to continue.

  “Then, I met you,” he said. “And I knew that I had found someone special. I had found a person that I had a real connection with, someone that I never thought could exist. You have touched me on a level that I thought no one ever could, and I have to tell you, you have awakened something in me that no one else ever has. I need you, Emily, and I need you now.”

  Throughout his speech, I could feel the throbbing between my legs grow all the more persistent. I’d never felt such a burning desire to be with someone, nor had I ever felt the need to have someone with such force at that exact moment.

  I wanted to take him into the nearest dark room and show him all the passion I felt, but to my surprise, he took me gently by the hand.

  “Let’s go back to my place, and we’ll show each other how we really feel,” he murmured.

  Though there was nothing in the world I wanted more than having him at that very moment, I took a deep breath and nodded.

  “Let’s go.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  This time, as I hurried down the steps behind Kyle, I was even more turned on that I had been our first night together. I could have taken him right there on the staircase, right in front of everyone—and part of me wished that I had.

  We practically ran across the floor toward the door, not bothering to spend a second longer in the club than we needed to.

  I didn’t think Maddy would mind too much about us leaving without the proper goodbyes; she would be proud to know that what she’d done had worked, and her sister was on her way to having the life and love she’d always wanted.

  I smiled and slid into the backseat of the car after Kyle opened the door for me, and waited as he slipped into the other side. He greeted his private driver, and the two of us did our best to keep our clothes on as we were driven toward Kyle’s mansion.

  I seemed to remember the journey being a lot shorter the first night we’d gone over to Kyle’s house from the club, but then, I thought, it probably felt so long now because of how desperately I needed to make love to him. Throughout the ride, we couldn’t keep our hands off each other, and we both did our best to remain dignified until we had reached his house.

  I didn’t wait. As soon as the car stopped, I got out and headed for the door of the house. Kyle was right on my heels, unlocking the door with practiced ease. We burst through the door, but didn’t make it far.

  Right there in the foyer, I turned and started kissing him, pulling at his clothes and my own. He was right there with me, pressing his lips against mine and letting his tongue explore my mouth. I kissed him back with the same passion, using my hands to explore each and every inch of him. I couldn’t get enough, and I knew that he couldn’t, either.

  I tried to be careful with my dress as I slipped out of it, but in the intensity of our lust, I knew I ripped part of the seam out. I muttered a quiet apology to my sister, then was right back in the heat of the moment.

  We were stripping each other on the way to his bedroom, leaving a trail of shoes, clothes, and undergarments right up to his bedroom door. The door was closed though not latched, and Kyle kicked it open without breaking our embrace.

  I had never before been so engrossed with a man that I was unable to tear myself away long enough to take off my own clothes, and I found it amazing that he was doing the same.

  We couldn’t get enough of each other. Skin on skin wasn’t enough. When he removed my bra and picked me up, I felt like I was going to explode from the need to have him.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso, and he carried me over to the bed. I had my hands around his face, kissing him with each and every step that he made. I looked forward to being placed down on the bed—and was going to happen next.

  At the same time, there was something in me that almost wished he wasn’t going to put me down. Something that wanted to stay like this for the rest of our lives. I felt so safe in his arms, and when he carried me, I felt as though the entire world had stopped.

  There was nothing that could touch me. Nothing that could touch us in our happiness. We were a team, working together as two individuals, but coming together as a single person.

  He laid me down on the bed, falling on top of me but catching himself at the last second. I yearned for him so badly it hurt, and I could hardly stand the anticipation. He reached down between my legs and stroked me, only furthering the need that I felt for him.

  I moaned and writhed on the bed before reaching and taking him in my hands. I could feel the shudder run through his body as I did so, and the feeling only served to make me feel more powerful.

  I let my hands do everything they wanted. I let go of all my insecurities, and just let myself get caught up in the moment. For the first time in my life, nothing at all mattered but the moment that I was in. It was just me and Kyle, Kyle and me.

  My grueling job no longer mattered. My shyness no longer mattered. All that mattered was that we were together, and we were enjoying each other the way we were meant to. There was nothing I wanted to keep secret from him, and nothing about me I didn’t want him to find out.

  Yes, we had made love in the past, but this was different. This was the kind of passion that only came when there was a genuine connection. This was the kind of love-making that was only possible
between two individuals who had gone through the pain of not knowing whether they were going to be forever alone with only themselves to blame. There was an intensity and a heat to our passion that I had never before experienced, and that I never wanted to end.

  He pushed me back on the bed, and within seconds, was deep inside me. He was so fierce and strong, all I could do was inhale and take him. It wasn’t long before I adjusted to his size, and I took him with the same kind of passion. Putting my hands on either side of his shoulders, I pushed him as far into me as he could go.

  He flipped over on the bed and I crawled on top of him, using my lips and my tongue to graze his jawline and down his neck. I nibbled at his ears, then I moved to his torso. I could feel him shudder beneath the touch of my soft tongue, and I felt satisfaction rush through me.

  This was the most intense encounter I had ever had, and all I wanted to do was make him want me more.

  Then I realized something—he was doing the same to me. Every move he made wasn’t for his own pleasure; rather, it was for mine. He was working toward my happiness and satisfaction rather than his own, and I couldn’t believe how much it bettered the experience.

  We continued to explore and indulge in each other, each passing moment bringing us closer and closer together. I couldn’t get enough of him, and he couldn’t get enough of me. Our bodies moved with greater friction, and I felt like I was crying out from both exhaustion and pleasure. There was nothing I wanted more in the world than to be one with Kyle, and to have him feel the same about me.

  I was beneath him again, lying on his soft sheets with his strong, muscular body on top of me. He was deliberately and assertively thrusting inside me, and with each movement, I gasped out in pure ecstasy.

  It was then that our movement took a more deliberate turn, and our eyes locked. He continued to move on me with the same passion as before, but now there was a near-frenzy to his movement.

  Faster and faster he went, and all the while I kept time with him. We were both on the brink together, and in a sudden moment, I felt completely engulfed in the deepest happiness possible as we came together.

  I looked up at Kyle, who was shuddering on top of me, clearly wrapped in the same happiness I was. After a moment, he opened his eyes and smiled, looking down at me.

  He rolled off of me, falling onto the sheets beside me.

  “Oh, Emily, what did you do to me? What did you do?” he breathed as he buried his face in his hands.

  I smiled and put my hand on his heart.

  “Gave you what you’ve always been waiting for, I guess,” I giggled.

  “I think it’s time I stop running,” Kyle said.

  The two of us were lying in his bed, still recovering. I was playing with the hairs on his chest and he had his arms around me.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, though I was sure I knew what he was getting at. I was moving my hand gently along his muscular body, feeling desire grow inside me once more.

  “You. That’s what I mean. Ever since I met you, my life has been completely different, and I like it. I’m tired of all the pointless games. I’m tired of the lies, and I’m tired of always moving on to the next girl. I want to be with someone who is always going to be there for me.”

  He smiled down at me, and I pushed myself up on the bed.

  “Are you sure you can handle someone like that?” I asked as I straddled him. He looked up at me, and I could feel his arousal between my legs.

  “I know I could. Do you think you could?” he asked with a grin.

  I laughed as I settled down on top of him, ready to take him once more. I looked deep into his eyes—no longer intimidated when he held my gaze. I gave him a sexy smile, moving his arms to pin them above his head.

  “I know I could,” I whispered.

  I didn’t give him a chance to respond. Instead, I pressed my lips to his, and we lost ourselves to passion once more.

  The End

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  V-Card For Sale

  Ana Sparks & Layla Valentine

  Can you do one more?

  Mine and Ana’s sweet and sexy story, V-Card For Sale, is up next.

  I hope you enjoy!

  Copyright 2017 by Ana Sparks & Layla Valentine

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part by any means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the explicit written permission of the author.

  All characters depicted in this fictional work are consenting adults, of at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to persons living or deceased, particular businesses, events, or exact locations are entirely coincidental.

  Prologue: June 22, 2007

  Tonight is the night.

  I whispered the words to myself, smiling at the gorgeously made-up reflection that stared back at me. I could hardly believe any of this was happening to me, of all people.

  I, Kristin Blair, was going to senior prom; not just with my makeup and hair perfectly done, my dress perfectly tailored and my high heels perfectly fit, but with the perfect date—Clark Denton—on my arm. Popular, handsome and oh so sweet, he would have his shaggy blonde hair slicked back, he would kiss me in front of everyone, and we would see where the night took us.

  I twirled again in front of the mirror, watching my curls bob as I did so. They had taken the hairdresser almost two hours to do.

  “You have a lot of hair!” her gravelly voice had accused, as if I had specifically sprouted an extra few hundred hairs just to spite her.

  Nearing the mirror, I fluttered my lashes. Thankfully, my makeup application had been more painless. The makeup artist, Ricardo, had been speedy and cheery, delighting in my every feature.

  “But your eyes!” he had exclaimed as he’d blended some ten or so different shadows together to make the sweeping sparkling perfection that now made my eyes look like two giant beacons taking over my face.

  “And these lips!” he had cried, as he’d lined and glossed my pout, until it looked fuller than I’d seen it in all my 18 years.

  And then there was my dress, which had taken weeks to find. Weeks of harried shuffling through rack after rack of dresses, surveying not-quite-right gowns in store mirrors, of pestering my mom to try yet another store, while Veronica scoffed at “picky people who were never happy.” But it had all been worth it when I had finally found the dress.

  I smiled at my reflection, at the shining embellished fabric draped around me, the mint color perfect against my hair color, my skin tone, and my eyes. Yes, it was just perfect. And now, here I was, all ready for prom.


  It was my mom. Standing in the doorway, she had tears in her eyes.

  I turned to her with a nervous smile.

  “What do you think?”

  “I think…” Her smile trembled. “Oh Kristin, you look gorgeous. I’m so proud of you!”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  As her arms wrapped around me in a hug, I continued, “Tina says Clark and I are on the ballot for prom king and queen, too.”

  My mom clasped me to her tighter.

  “Oh honey, you deserve it; you’ve really worked hard this year.”

  “Speaking of Clark, where is he anyway?”

  Hearing my sister’s snide voice, I looked to the doorway to see her standing there with her too-shiny, too-short, amethyst-colored dress.

  I checked my phone: Sorry, running late, will meet you there.

  “He’s going to meet us there,” I said and my sister’s sneer deepened.

  “You’re sure he was 100% on taking you?”

  “Yes, Veronica,” I said, glaring at her reflection in my mirror. Veronica was just jealous that no one had asked her this year or last year. She shouldn’t have b
een even going to my prom, really, as she was a year older than me. But since she had had to repeat the year, she and her snobby friends were apparently going, too.

  Picking up my glistening clutch, I sauntered by her, tossing her a superior smile.

  “He’ll be there, you’ll see.”

  Downstairs, my dad was watching TV with Billy and Diana. Seeing me, he stood up, his jaw dropping.

  “Wow, Kristin, honey. I mean, wow…” His bushy brows rose so high they almost hit his hairline. Then, suddenly they fell. “This friend of yours—Clark. He’s an honorable young man, right?”

  Laughing, I waved my hand. “Yes, Dad.”

  But his face was serious.

  “I mean it, Kristin. Just be careful, okay?”

  “Okay, okay, I will! Actually, Dad, can you give me a ride?”


  “Clark’s going to meet me there.”

  My dad’s frown deepened.

  “Huh, that’s not the way my prom went.”

  I patted his beefy arm. “Times have changed, Dad.”

  We had something of a staring contest for a minute, his scrutinizing gaze against my innocuous one, until finally, he wiggled his eyebrows in surrender.

  “Okay, okay, let’s get you and your sister to prom.”

  The car ride was mostly silent. My dad made a few attempts at conversation before giving up entirely. Veronica’s words kept echoing in my head: You’re sure he was 100% on taking you?

  Because honestly, I wasn’t sure. I had been downright surprised that he had even asked me to go with him. Clark and I had always joked around in computer science class, but still. He had always seemed remote—too popular and cool for me, with his impossible-to-read eyes and easy smile. And yet, in that very class, he’d poked me to show me his screen. On it was the colorful flashing message: Come to prom with me? I’d laughed and laughed, and nodded excitedly. But as soon as I had agreed, I’d felt a strange sort of foreboding. The same foreboding I felt now as we made the long drive to the school.


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