Under a Tuscan Sky

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Under a Tuscan Sky Page 8

by Karen Aldous

  Hugh nodded. ‘Fantastico, Cesare, grazie.’ And he peered in the back of the pickup. ‘Can’t have too many trolleys.’

  Olivia pulled a face at him.

  Hugh pointed. ‘There’s one there behind the cassone and I have one in the back of my car,’ he said. ‘Have you got keys? Can you open and lower the tailgate?’

  Olivia hand him the keys and watched, her mouth gaping as the tailgate slowly descended. ‘Wow. I didn’t know it did that.’

  ‘How did you put it on then?’

  Olivia looked to the ground. ‘I don’t know. I was inside. Clearly not paying attention, although I saw Nico and one of the farm guys lift it from the floor when they carried it out to the car.’

  ‘Oh, so it isn’t so heavy and we can just pick it up and carry it.’

  Olivia glanced at him, her brows lopsided. ‘No, well, it’s heavy. I’ve tried to push it, believe me. That’s why he’s left the trolley on the back.’

  ‘Oh, right, for a moment I thought you’d done all this yourself.’

  Trying to hold back a giggle, Olivia bit her bottom lip unsure if he was being sarcastic or was just naturally funny.

  Hugh released the bungee hooks and hooked them to his pockets. ‘I’m going to tilt the chest. Would you mind bringing the trolley up towards it?’ he asked as he manoeuvred it gently towards him, still in its blanket. ‘OK, hold it steady while I tip and ease it on to the base.’

  Olivia grasped the trolley handles tightly and watched, fascinated as he began carefully levering and lifting the chest upright, the muscles and veins in his arms protruding on the surface of his lightly tanned skin. Then, abruptly interrupting her vision, Cesare took the trolley from her hands and she had no choice but to step back as they slid it gradually and expertly on to the trolley. Hugh grabbed bungee straps one by one from his jeans pockets and fastening the chest securely to the trolley. He then lifted the blanket from the back of the pickup and swept it over the top.

  Trying her best not to appear indignant, Olivia rubbed her hands together. Cesare had made it look so simple.

  ‘Well done. Tricky isn’t it?’

  ‘I think he was expecting you to take some of the weight. Don’t take offence; he’s probably done this hundreds of times.’

  ‘Oh, no, of course,’ she said feeling herself blush.

  Cesare lifted back the blanket and ran a hand across the carving on the front of the chest. Lowering his glasses from his head, he inspected it closely. ‘Bellissimo! Ah, I think I see one before, but its edge gold leaf. Is late eighteenth century. Maybe pair.’ He shrugged at Olivia. ‘Maybe more. Sometime ten! This … it’s interesting.’

  Smiling back at him, she was pleased Cesare approved too.

  ‘It is, I agree, and doesn’t need too much repair.’ Hugh pointed to a few splintered edges and the front corners, which had numerous heavy knocks and scuffs. He then placed a hand on the lock. ‘Do you think you can open it without damaging the original lock?’

  ‘I have tool.’ Cesare nodded.

  Olivia, clueless, waited as Hugh searched around it again. These guys had the expertise and clearly knew what they were doing. It was tremendously exciting to imagine she may discover what was in the chest. Hugh seemed excited about it too.

  Although, something niggled her about him. She wasn’t sure what to make of Hugh’s eagerness. He was generous with his time and expertise, but she wondered what he hoped to gain. Was he interested in the chest, or was she wrong for suspecting he might be hoping his kindness would influence her decision to sell the villa to him?

  Signor Ricci had rung her this morning and informed her Hugh was keen to buy the farmhouse but could not purchase the business in its entirety, which was fine. His offer was sound and she understood that she should consider all potential interest. She certainly now appreciated the villa’s possibilities, in particular, the pure magic of its setting. A quality she had failed to fully recognize before.

  But to separate them could leave her vulnerable. She already had a business in London and couldn’t take on such a huge commitment. And besides, Signor Ricci also told her that the other couple, Signor and Signora Domenici, the second viewers, were likely to come back to him with an offer once they were satisfied they had completed due diligence.

  It wasn’t that Signor Ricci could suggest what figure they had in mind to offer. He had pointed out to her at the outset that selling a business usually takes much longer than a home. Whilst it was a dream for many, there were far less people with two million euros in their pockets able to afford such a prime location with a reputable vineyard and olive groves. It was, she surmised, to all intents and purposes, early days.

  Senor Ricci did, however, mention further interest from another couple from Scotland. They were keen to view the property in the next week or two and would get back to him. Although inconvenient if it was two weeks, she would have to organize things with Chiara. She had already been in Tuscany a week but she would prefer to stay longer if she could meet them. Buyers might have the money, but compassion for the business and its workers was high up there on her list of potential owners. She owed Gabriella and Nico that much and would wish her nonna to be happy with her choice.

  Hugh took the handles of the trolley. ‘Right, shall we try and get this on the workbench?’

  He turned his head and met her gaze, making her blush. Olivia hadn’t been conscious she’d been staring at him, but she had. She rather liked the contrast his face emanated: the neat features of his face, the straightness of his nose, and the full-lipped shape of his mouth didn’t quite sit with the ruggedness of the whole. He was like the blue-eyed boy-next-door meets Harrison Ford. And, it was a shame he couldn’t buy the business because he seemed to have a considerate and amenable manner, which she was sure Gabriella and Nico would love. He certainly seemed fun and willing.

  ‘Yes,’ she said, lifting an arm and bending an elbow to demonstrate her muscle. ‘Let’s do this.’

  With Cesare guiding the midsection, Hugh taking most of the weight at one end, and Olivia panting and panicking at the other, the chest finally landed safely on a low bench in the workshop. Olivia swiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand as she leant over the bench. She watched as Hugh shook his T-shirt a few inches away from his trim belly whilst Cesare hobbled calmly back inside. As she and Hugh followed him, Cesare slumped into a chair over a wooden desk and wrote something on a pad before tearing off a page.

  ‘Is invoice. You pay on collect. Is err … ten days.’

  Olivia took it in her hand, and read its contents before thanking him, surprised at the reasonable price and that he could work on it so soon. ‘I really appreciate your help.’

  Leaving Cesare to totter back to his bench, Olivia stopped by her car. ‘Thank you too for your trouble,’ she told Hugh. ‘Naturally, I’ll get someone to come with me to collect it.’

  ‘I’m only too happy to help. There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing an antique restored to its former glory. I’m around for a few more weeks, so Cesare will call me when it’s ready,’ Hugh said rubbing his forehead and glancing quickly at her hand. ‘And, bring your toy.’


  ‘The trailer.’

  ‘Oh, the pickup, right. Yes of course.’

  Boris appeared from behind Hugh’s car and bounded towards them, wagging his tail. She bent down to stroke his silky coat as Hugh stood over them. She liked the look of this man, his manner, his personality, his attitude, and his dog. Was it wrong to find two men attractive at the same time?

  Chapter 9

  ‘I’m sorry,’ she said drawing a wisp of hair from the side of her face and threading it through her fingers and placing it between her lips. ‘You’re waiting to go.’

  Raising his palm, he grinned. ‘No, don’t be. I’m in no rush. Just lunch with Boris. Come along if you want.’

  She hunched her shoulders. ‘Best not. I’ve got so much to do.’r />
  ‘Probably wise. I wouldn’t want to have lunch with me either. Boris has more table manners than me. I gobble my food, garble my words, not to mention regurgitate my wine.’

  Her face lit up as she burst into laughter. ‘Oh, so I’ve probably done you a favour. I vex the waiters just choosing my food and vomit words, veering off at high velocity to fill voids of silence. And that’s before I’ve even had any wine. I blame my age.’

  Hugh guffawed, relief sweeping through him as the humour defused any awkwardness. He wouldn’t want to ruin his chances of buying the villa by getting too involved, although he suspected she would want to sell it lock, stock, and barrel to someone who could afford the whole estate. He waved his hand. ‘Great stuff. Well, what can I say? Everyone’s a winner. Anyway, I’ll meet you back here when it’s ready, yeah?’

  ‘Thanks. I’d really appreciate that. Bye for now,’ she said ruffling the soft hair on Boris’s head and getting to her feet. ‘Bye, Boris.’ She blew the dog a kiss and climbed in the car.

  Hugh watched as she reversed the large vehicle back and forth a few times. She wasn’t exactly in the prime of youth, but she was a determined, confident woman who obviously looked after herself. You didn’t get a body like that sitting around. He guessed she was in her early thirties.

  ‘Come on, Boris. A bevvy before lunch.’


  Driving back to the villa, Olivia couldn’t help wondering why she was finding every man attractive lately. That was two guys in a week. Not at all offended by her lunch refusal, Hugh had dressed it up with humour very nicely and he seemed such a genuinely nice person. She would have certainly said yes to him if she didn’t have her schedule, and had she not met Alberto a few days ago.

  Later, getting ready to go out with Alberto, she dried her hair and grinned at herself in the old speckled mirror fixed in Nonna’s wardrobe door. Who would have thought, two fabulously gorgeous guys? Had her nonna been organizing this? But why now? Nonna was such a romantic, a proper contender for Emma Woodhouse of Jane Austen fame.

  Olivia remembered how her nonna used to torment her and try to matchmake her with Giuseppe, one of the farmhands, but had been totally blind to how infatuated she was with Manelo, one of the other boys. Nonna had repeatedly sent Giuseppe to help her. It was funny now but she’d been furious with her nonna then.

  Growing up in this house, probably looking in this mirror, no doubt Nonna would have seen her own reflection each morning, and maybe like her, she would speak to it and ask it questions. Olivia pouted at it and then scowled. So, number one. How was it possible that she had spent her life constantly believing she could never attract love and suddenly within a week, two gorgeous men had approached her? And, to boot, she fancied them both. She sneered, daring the mirror to answer. Was it possible Nonna was waving a magic wand over her head like a fairy godmother?

  Nonna had never been the typical image of a fairy godmother, appearing like neither the cloaked, white-haired plump one in Cinderella, nor pretty, like Glinda in the Wizard of Oz film. No, Nonna had been tall, elegantly slim with dark hair, her countenance no-nonsense stern, particularly when being mischievous herself. A trait her staff said she was renowned for, which made Olivia quite proud. Elena, her nonna, had been quite something to spread herself so far with this place. She handled herself as well as the employees; she had been an active woman for her age and physically more akin to the wicked stepmother, Olivia thought.

  Placing the hairdryer on the bed, she walked over to the dressing table and picked up a large framed photograph. It was the larger version of the one she had at home of Nonna and Nonno. The one that had transfixed her that night. It must have been taken a few years before Nonno died, when they were both in their early seventies – possibly a major anniversary, a fiftieth wedding perhaps, but still, she saw the magic in their eyes. They appeared so in love and devoted. Even after fifty years or so, it showed. If only she and Alberto could have such happiness together.

  And, imagining herself with Alberto, she could see herself holding his hand and leaning in to his solid chest muscles as he paraded her through the streets filled with beautiful Florentine buildings and leading her to a waiting boat where he would gaze lovingly into her eyes as they rowed along the river Arno. Tingling inside, she rushed back to the mirror to get ready.

  Her evening with Alberto proved to be as exciting as she’d envisaged. The late afternoon sun showered them in amber light as they glided along the Arno in a vintage barchetto, sipping cool sparkling Prosecco whilst embracing the sights. Alberto clutched her in his arms, and she listened and observed as the tour guide commentated on the historical details and architecture of famous landmarks such as the Uffizi Gallery, the famous art gallery with its numerous renaissance artists and sculptures.

  A brief silence fell as the guide paddled and Alberto took her hand, before he asked the guide to take their photo as they kissed under the Ponte Vecchio.

  Alberto cupped her chin and their lips melded together whilst twinkling rays of golden sunlight shone around them. Olivia swore she heard her heart singing. It was a magical experience that would always remain stamped on her memory, photo or no photo. She couldn’t wait to tell her friend Chiara all about it.

  Then, as they snuggled up, they listened to the mystery of the Vasari Corridor, which Alberto insisted they should have a private tour of. He filled her in with snippets about the Medici dynasty and how the family had ruled Florence and created the arts and science hub it was today.

  Whilst Olivia had heard of the Medici family, after hearing the history, she was looking forward to seeing inside the buildings and witnessing the art herself. Gliding on with just the soft note of the paddle sliding through the river, Alberto pointed to the reconstructed Ponte Santa Trinita, before the guide introduced its story. Olivia was fascinated. There was so much more to this city than she could imagine. Reaching the Palazzo Corsini and listening to its story as the sun set, the romance heightened as illuminations reflected upon the water and the palace lights danced on the tips of the waves.

  Alberto shifted and Olivia’s skin tingled as he ran his fingers through her hair. ‘I’m afraid it must finish here,’ he told her. ‘But, we go to eat.’

  With her stomach fluttering, it was the last thing on her mind but Alberto had put much thought into the evening and she couldn’t hinder his plans. ‘Great, I’m ravenous.’

  Chapter 10

  The following morning, Olivia arrived back at Nonna’s, her whole body tingling from a magical night with Alberto and rapturous sex. He had taken her to an undiscovered level and she couldn’t get enough of him. How different it was from her previous relationships. At last she had found something real and had to keep pinching herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming.

  Sadly, Alberto was in Milan today otherwise she would have abandoned her plans to sort through Nonna’s things and return Senor Ricci’s phone message, and instead would have easily succumbed to spending time with Alberto. She would take comfort in knowing he would pick her up at eight.

  After throwing her bag of shopping into the kitchen, she returned Senor Ricci’s call. She’d missed his call on her mobile as Alberto drove her home to Nonna’s – no, her villa. After a brief conversation with Senor Ricci, she then rang Chiara to catch her before she began her clinic. After apologizing and telling Chiara about the Scottish couple coming to view the farm the week after next, they agreed it was best to get everything sorted whilst she was in Italy and would hire cover for the third week, so clients wouldn’t lose faith and look elsewhere for treatments.

  ‘Again, thank you for understanding. I just hope they turn up,’ she told Chiara.

  ‘Well look on the bright side, we may get someone who can cover for my maternity leave too.’

  ‘That’s true.’

  ‘Anyway, how’s it all going? Have you got much done?’

  ‘Oh, there’s so much crap, occasional good stuff. I’m inching through Nonna�
�s things. I’ve been meaning to ring you. This week has just vanished into thin air, but listen, what do you think? You won’t believe this, but I think I have found the love of my life.’

  ‘Oh, Liv, no. I thought you might have given yourself time to recover from Will.’

  ‘I didn’t need any recovery. This man has literally been sent from heaven. In fact, I can’t help feeling Nonna sent him. I’ve already been on two dates with him.’

  ‘Liv, I can’t believe I’m hearing this. What happened to being independent, to thinking things through for yourself? And poor Will. He’s really upset.’

  ‘Chiara, there is no comparison. I did think for myself. This man is amazing: tall, Italian, sophisticated. A bit geeky, but he’s just gorgeous and sex is great with a capital G.’ The line was quiet for several seconds. Then she heard Chiara sigh.

  ‘I don’t really know what to say. OK, it sounds to me as though you’ve been won over already. To be honest, you’re acting like a teenager now.’

  ‘Oh, it probably sounds it, but really, you’ll love him. Sorry, I know you’re probably tired.’

  ‘That too. I don’t really have the energy for this. Please, please be careful; that’s all I’m going to say. If you’re happy, I’m happy.

  ‘Yes, be happy for me. I will be careful, I promise. I can also come home if the work is too much. The agent will have to deal with the couple. You sound tired and you need to concentrate on bump.’

  ‘I’m fine. You get things sorted there.’


  Feeling a little strained that her friend seemed tired, Olivia ran to her bedroom to shower and change, selecting a pair of jeans and a T-shirt before remembering she hadn’t put her milk into the fridge. Still wrapped in her towel, she had just slotted the milk into the fridge door when she heard tyres crunching on the gravel outside. Peeping out she recognized the 4x4 car immediately.

  ‘Hugh?’ Surely Cesare hadn’t finished the chest already. She watched as Boris raced across to the grass whilst Hugh opened a rear car door and leaned in.


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