Cheyenne (A Timeless Series Novel)

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Cheyenne (A Timeless Series Novel) Page 16

by Wiedmeier, Lisa

  He replied with a sly smile, “I’m just trying to make sure you’re safe. I wouldn’t want you to try and jump out or something. Think of it as a little extra insurance.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Like I’m going to be able to jump out of a moving car,” I replied sarcastically.

  He chuckled lightly, “You never know. You did escape once—briefly I might add.”

  This time I chuckled. He squeezed my waist, and I glanced down at my hands resting on my lap. I twisted my fingers so I could see the blue stone, the Kvech ring. It was truly stunning.

  Just as stunning was its mystery, and what it represented about me. Why me? Why was I so special? I hadn’t done anything much except live through misery and death. Any joy I had experienced caused others heartache.

  I ran my thumb over the Servak ring.

  I was one year closer to becoming Timeless…

  Chapter 14

  Soft music was playing in the background of the truck as we drove into town. It was soothing, as my emotions were running rampant through my head. I’d done well keeping a distance from both Colt and Callon, but Colt’s nearness was causing me to rethink my decisions.

  I leaned into his shoulder, enjoying the warmth his arm around me brought, and stared out the window. The summer landscape was passing by…faster than normal. I glanced at the speedometer—we were going over a hundred and ten miles per hour!

  I tensed, and Callon looked over at me. He smiled, but all it did was make me more edgy. Daniel began laughing in the back seat, and I turned to Colt.

  Something flickered across his face. What was that thing they kept doing?!

  “What’s so funny?” I huffed.

  “You,” Colt replied.

  “What did I do?”

  A devilish grin spread across his lips.

  “Just you being you, Cheyenne.” He lightly tapped his finger on my nose. I still caught him ever so slyly cast a glance towards Callon. They were up to something, I was sure of it. What it was I didn’t know, but I would figure it out soon.

  I sighed and let it go for now. It was my birthday and three very handsome men were taking me out to dinner. What girl wouldn’t have wanted this? It was in my best interests at the moment not to look at the speedometer as my protest would have fallen on deaf ears, Colt squeezed my hip, and I snuggled into his shoulder.

  Cline’s Bar and Grill was bigger than they told me. It was a Friday night, and the place was packed. We parked on the street across from the restaurant; I wondered if it was deliberate because Callon parked on the corner facing the direction from which we had just come. I assumed it was a precaution for a quick escape if needed. They’d constantly said I needed protecting, but I still hadn’t seen any dangers yet.

  Colt exited the truck and gently lifted me down. Callon seemed to be cautiously examining our surroundings, and Daniel had disappeared. Colt, however, was completely at ease. He swallowed up my hand in his as we strolled to the entrance. Callon’s fingers accidently touched my elbow, and caused me to shiver. It was accidental, right?

  The bar was nestled in the historic district of Helena. There was outside dining, and it was buzzing with music as diners enjoyed themselves. The interior was surprisingly larger than what it appeared. The room was encircled with tall tables and booths, forming a ring around the bar and dance floor.

  We moved right past the hostess to a table. Daniel was already seated in the far corner, away from the dance floor. I gave a quick glance at Colt, whose eyes shot to Callon before he grinned. I narrowed my eyes, trying to understand what they were doing. I would get an answer later tonight; it had gone on long enough. It seemed to be a game with them, to see who could surprise me the most with their strange abilities.

  The atmosphere was pleasant, not too dark, and the music level was perfect. The waitress arrived and took our order. She definitely had eyes for Callon; it made me want to giggle at the way she ogled him, but I had to admit I was no different the first time I saw him. He was looking very good tonight, his shirt snug across his brawny chest.

  I sighed.

  Colt kept his arm resting on the back of the booth, occasionally touching my hair with his fingers. Callon would lean in from time to time to speak to me; it made me feel special and awkward at the same time. The waitress returned, and we ordered. I was amazed at the amount of food they could consume when they did eat. We had appetizers, plus they each had their own monster-sized steak, not to mention the drink consumption.

  Daniel and Colt didn’t let up on their teasing.

  “You know, Cheyenne.” Daniel’s eyes sparkled and somehow I knew he was about to zing me good. “Maybe Sam knew you were the Jeep-a-nator and didn’t want to be turned into pulp.” A devilish grin appeared. “That’s why he ran.”

  “Jeep-a-nator?” I cringed. Great, he’d come up with a new nickname. Now they’d lever let me live it down.

  “Jeep-a-nator?” Colt bellowed with laughter. “That’s a good one, Daniel.” He slapped him on the back. My cheeks burned, and I turned away.

  The time flew by, and the crowd was growing, as was the music. I noticed the stares directed to our table. It wasn’t just from the females either. It made me feel just a little uncomfortable. Colt’s fingers came to rest on my neck, his thumb caressing it as we continued to converse. It sent goose bumps down my spine, the good kind.

  After my third iced tea, I needed to use the bathroom. Callon moved to allow me out and was about to follow until I stopped him.

  “No.” I put my hand up. “I’m just going to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

  He hesitated.

  “Really, it won’t be that long. I think I’ll be safe.” I smiled. “I don’t think I’ll get assaulted along the way.”

  He gave a shallow smile and leaned in to reply since the music was louder. “I’ll come look for you if you take too long,” he said in my ear. His warm breath drifted down my neck, and he drew back smiling. I gave a faint, nervous nod and walked off.

  I had to walk around the now crowded dance floor to get to the bathroom. I was only mildly surprised to see the long line for the ladies room. As I waited, I was aware of three men nearby in the dark, narrow hall trying to capture the attention of those standing in line. They were intent on having a good time and didn’t seem likely to give up until they did.

  I kept my gaze averted as I waited patiently, wishing Callon had come with me after all. I stepped forward only to be stopped in my tracks. I looked up. A fairly decently built, dark-haired man stood with his arm leaning against the wall directly in front of me. His two friends stood behind with drunken smiles plastered across their faces. His bicep flexed, and his tight shirt strained.

  “Excuse me,” I asked politely. He didn’t move. His brown eyes were now intently studying me. I didn't like his stare. It was as if he knew me…and I was sure I'd never seen him in my life before. His white teeth crept out from under a crooked smile.

  “Well, hello there, darling.” The way he said it made my skin crawl, and I was becoming annoyed. I quickly glanced at his friends. They were off to the side, and I darted under his arm to make my escape. His response time was faster than I thought; he had looked like he had had one too many drinks. His fingers latched on my arm, and I turned slightly as I yanked it back. I did not want to engage in a conversation with them, let alone anything else. The bathroom door opened, and I slid in.

  “Oh, she’s a feisty one. I like ’em feisty,” I heard him say.

  Once again, my skin crawled. There was still a line inside the bathroom. I was hoping they would be gone by the time I exited. I thought about texting Colt, but realized my phone was in my jacket at the table. This wasn’t a big deal, I told myself. I could handle it.

  Cautiously I stepped out of the bathroom and was relieved to find the three men had gone. I picked up my pace down the dark hallway; once again I had to cross the dance floor. As I rounded the corner to the floor, a rough hand latched onto my wrist. I stiffened
as I realized they had lain in wait around the corner. I wasn’t scared yet, just becoming more irritated.

  I was jerked to the dance floor and thrown into the arms of the dark-haired man who had hit on me in the hall, his friends nearby.

  “Hey, baby. I just wanted a dance is all,” he said with his face a little too close for comfort. I pushed my hands to his chest, trying to break his hold as his arms locked around my waist, but he leaned forward.

  “I would have said no,” I replied firmly as I tried to keep my distance. The smell of alcohol on his breath was making me ill. He wasn’t drunk yet, but I was sure it was impairing his judgment.

  “Just one little dance.” A sly smile was etched on his face as his hand roamed up my back and began pushing me forward.

  “You need to let go of me right now,” I said through my teeth. “Or you’re going to get hurt.”

  He chuckled as he continued to press me closer, his lips dangerously close to mine. “And what are you going to do about it?” a threatening low voice echoed in my ears.

  “She doesn’t need to do anything, because I will,” Colt’s deep rumbling raised the hair on the back of my neck. Suddenly the expression on my assaulter’s face changed, and his two friends stepped up. His hands released their grasp, and I smirked.

  “Told you you’d get hurt.” Callon pulled me back and twisted me quickly as he moved us away from the impending fight to the dance floor. I glanced back and saw Colt and Daniel towering over my assaulters. They blended into the crowd, not wanting to cause a scene in front of everyone, and Callon was obviously trying to act like nothing was wrong.

  “Are you alright?” Callon’s voice was anxious as we began to dance. His hand rubbed my back, trying to comfort me. “I knew I shouldn’t have let you go alone. I saw him yank you onto the floor.” I stared into the warmth of his eyes.

  His eyes were warm…they held warmth for me?

  “I’m so sorry. This is twice in one day I’ve let you down.” His brow was creased as his strong arms drew me in closer. The music changed and panic set in as a new problem presented itself. “Cheyenne? What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know how to two-step,” I quickly replied, forgetting that his touch made me quiver.

  He released a low chuckle as his head lifted slightly. “You ride a runaway horse, get assaulted on the dance floor, and then tell me in a panic you can’t two-step? You truly are one of a kind.” He tenderly kissed my forehead as his arms tightened. “Don’t worry, I’ll lead. I won’t let you fall.”

  The heat from his kiss burned my forehead as crazy thoughts came to the forefront. Thoughts of him and me. He danced us around the floor, and I managed to make it through a couple of songs without falling or looking too awkward. He was a graceful dancer; I shouldn’t have been surprised, for as old as he was. He would have had plenty of time to learn. Colt tapped him on the shoulder. “May I have this dance?” His eyes locked on mine. I smiled and sighed; he was so stinking gorgeous, it just wasn’t fair. He couldn’t have had more perfect timing either; I needed to focus on him, not Callon.

  His thick fingers intertwined with mine while his other hand curled behind me and landed firmly on my waist. I tightened my fingers on his bicep. I couldn’t help but stare up into the icy blue oceans of his eyes. He didn’t hide his love. He showed me, and I absorbed it like a sponge.

  “Are you okay?” he asked tenderly.

  “I’m with you, dancing on my birthday. It’s perfect. Thank you.” The song slowed, and he drew me even closer. I rested my head into his chest and closed my eyes. I loved being in his arms, the strength and raw power. It almost made me giddy at times, childish. I could have stayed here forever, with my attention solely on him, but the song ended.

  “How bout we take you home now?” Colt suggested. I looked up into his soft, caring face and nodded. We headed for the door where Daniel and Callon were waiting with my coat. Daniel helped me into the jacket, which I was grateful for because it had cooled off. As we exited the bar, the trio scanned the surrounding streets. Colt placed his arm around me, and we stopped briefly at the corner. As Daniel led the way, our pace quickened. I hadn’t seen anything, but was guessing they had from the pace they were setting. The truck was within view, and Daniel positioned himself so he was strategically in front of me.

  As we neared, I now saw what they did. Leaning just in front of the truck, against the brick wall, were the three men from inside the bar. Apparently they didn’t agree with the outcome in the restaurant and wanted to discuss it further. They were each holding what appeared to be long, thick crowbars. How did they know which car we drove? Was it just a lucky guess?

  We slowed and came to a stop just to the side of the truck; Callon, Colt and Daniel didn’t waver in their positions. Callon’s hand shifted slightly as he moved it to his pocket, and the truck doors unlocked. Daniel stepped back as Callon stepped forward along with Colt. Daniel’s fingers touched my arm, and the next thing I knew we were in the front seat together.

  I blinked.

  I never felt my feet move, but suddenly we were sitting in the truck. I turned to question Daniel, but he was gone. I twisted my head to Colt only to see Daniel next to him once more. Once again I blinked.

  I could do nothing except watch the fight before me from the safety of the truck. All three men had seen what happened with Daniel and me, because one shook his head. He didn’t seem all that surprised, just irritated, as he changed his position to cover his friend. I could see they were talking, but it was so low, I couldn’t hear the words. Suddenly one of them took a swing at Colt with the crowbar. In the next moment, the man was flying against the brick wall and slumped to the ground.

  That was all it took, the other two glanced at each other and decided to help their fallen friend instead of continuing the fight. Daniel turned and got in the back seat, and Callon slid in next to me in the driver’s seat. Colt remained outside with his arms crossed, waiting for them to depart. As he got in the truck, Colt’s eyes searched mine; a mixture of worry and apprehension filled them. “Sorry, Cheyenne. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  I didn’t know how to respond. All I could do was stare at him blankly. He leaned over, once again buckling me in, sliding his hand behind me on the seat back, his fingers rubbing my shoulder as he looked down. I folded my hands in my lap as I stared down at them.

  It was enlightening and frustrating at the same time. I just wasn’t sure what to make of it. The way the three of them would seemingly be able to carry on conversations in their heads without me hearing a sound, the nods of understanding without words being spoken. My sudden appearance in the truck with Daniel and then he was gone—all within the blink of an eye…

  It remained silent on the drive home. I got the impression they thought what happened outside on the street really upset me. That it somehow scared me. It hadn’t; I didn’t feel fear at all. I was more amazed at their abilities. I replayed the entire evening in my mind, honing in on specific details.

  We arrived home late. Colt assisted me down from the truck and drew me into his arms in a hug.

  “Happy Birthday, Cheyenne,” he whispered and kissed my head. I faintly smiled up at him as he took my hand and we entered the cabin, Daniel and Callon trailing behind. I took the lead and headed for the couch but I didn’t sit.

  “Sit please,” I said quietly and the trio complied. Unease rolled over them like a wave. Daniel fiddled with his shirt, Colt ran his fingers through his hair, and Callon folded his arms tight across his chest. I moved the coffee table back slightly and took a seat.

  Colt was in the middle with Daniel and Callon flanking his sides. I sized up my nemesis, Mr. Evasive. He knew how to play this game; both he and Colt did too well. I was only a student. I went from somewhat serious to grateful in a flash.

  “I want to tell each of you thank you so much for a wonderful birthday. It was filled with pleasant surprises all the way around. I can honestly say I’ve never had anything like it before. I espe
cially enjoyed our dinner and dancing tonight.” I let my gaze rake all of them. My eyes narrowed and focused. In the next moment, I saw the affects of the whiplash at my instant mood change.

  “I have come to the conclusion that these, let’s call them ‘incidents,’ tend to come in groups of three. First, there was the runaway horse episode that took place this morning, no harm done. Second, the incident at the restaurant involving the unwelcomed dance partner. And third, the situation on the sidewalk outside, when the gentlemen didn’t take to being told ‘no’ too kindly.” All three shifted in their seats.

  I continued. “In going along with my theory that incidents come in threes, there are the three of you.” I locked eyes with Daniel. “One of whom can make an appearance out of thin air and then suddenly reappear across the room. A location he hadn’t been in seconds before.” He looked away.

  I met Callon’s unwavering gaze. “Another seems to arrive where he’s needed sooner than he should be able to get there and see things that only an eagle would. Like an incident on the dance floor around the corner from where we were sitting.”

  I crossed my legs and arms as I turned to stare at Colt. “The third is somehow able to lift two or more bails of hay and toss them around with little or no effort. He also can thrust another human up into the air a good ten feet without much exertion.” My gaze drifted to each of them again. “Then there are the telepathic powers the three of you seem to have. Always knowing what the other is about to say, the glances, and the silent nods.” I waited impatiently for an explanation. “Some enlightenment would be helpful.” I added.

  Colt shifted in his seat, leaning forward and suddenly yanked the table towards him. I caught my breath, and my hands automatically went to the edge to steady myself, causing me to lean forward and uncross my legs. He quickly took hold of my hands and placed them on my knees. His voice was low and sultry, “You know, sweetheart, I really can’t blame those men for hitting on you tonight. You really are beautiful, and the way you look, well…”


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